import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt visited_mark = 0.8 # Cells visited by the rat will be painted by gray 0.8 rat_mark = 0.5 # The current rat cell will be painteg by gray 0.5 LEFT = 0 UP = 1 RIGHT = 2 DOWN = 3 # maze is a 2d Numpy array of floats between 0.0 to 1.0 # 1.0 corresponds to a free cell, and 0.0 an occupied cell # rat = (row, col) initial rat position (defaults to (0,0)) class Qmaze(object): def __init__(self, maze, rat=(0,0)): self._maze = np.array(maze) nrows, ncols = self._maze.shape = (nrows-1, ncols-1) # target cell where the "cheese" is self.free_cells = [(r,c) for r in range(nrows) for c in range(ncols) if self._maze[r,c] == 1.0] self.free_cells.remove( if self._maze[] == 0.0: raise Exception("Invalid maze: target cell cannot be blocked!") if not rat in self.free_cells: raise Exception("Invalid Rat Location: must sit on a free cell") self.reset(rat) def reset(self, rat): self.rat = rat self.maze = np.copy(self._maze) nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape row, col = rat self.maze[row, col] = rat_mark self.state = (row, col, 'start') self.min_reward = -1 * self.maze.size self.total_reward = 0 self.visited = set() def update_state(self, action): nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape nrow, ncol, nmode = rat_row, rat_col, mode = self.state if self.maze[rat_row, rat_col] > 0.0: self.visited.add((rat_row, rat_col)) # mark visited cell valid_actions = self.valid_actions() if not valid_actions: nmode = 'blocked' elif action in valid_actions: nmode = 'valid' if action == LEFT: ncol -= 1 elif action == UP: nrow -= 1 if action == RIGHT: ncol += 1 elif action == DOWN: nrow += 1 else: # invalid action, no change in rat position nmode = 'invalid' # new state self.state = (nrow, ncol, nmode) def get_reward(self): rat_row, rat_col, mode = self.state nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape if rat_row == nrows-1 and rat_col == ncols-1: return 1.0 if mode == 'blocked': return self.min_reward - 1 if (rat_row, rat_col) in self.visited: return -0.25 if mode == 'invalid': return -0.75 if mode == 'valid': return -0.04 def act(self, action): self.update_state(action) reward = self.get_reward() self.total_reward += reward status = self.game_status() envstate = self.observe() return envstate, reward, status def observe(self): canvas = self.draw_env() envstate = canvas.reshape((1, -1)) return envstate def draw_env(self): canvas = np.copy(self.maze) nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape # clear all visual marks for r in range(nrows): for c in range(ncols): if canvas[r,c] > 0.0: canvas[r,c] = 1.0 # draw the rat row, col, valid = self.state canvas[row, col] = rat_mark return canvas def game_status(self): if self.total_reward < self.min_reward: return 'lose' rat_row, rat_col, mode = self.state nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape if rat_row == nrows-1 and rat_col == ncols-1: return 'win' return 'not_over' def valid_actions(self, cell=None): if cell is None: row, col, mode = self.state else: row, col = cell actions = [0, 1, 2, 3] nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape if row == 0: actions.remove(1) elif row == nrows-1: actions.remove(3) if col == 0: actions.remove(0) elif col == ncols-1: actions.remove(2) if row>0 and self.maze[row-1,col] == 0.0: actions.remove(1) if row0 and self.maze[row,col-1] == 0.0: actions.remove(0) if col