[Adblock Plus 2.0] ! ! ___ __ _ __ _ __ ! / | ____/ / | | / /____ (_)____/ / ! / /| | / __ / | | / // __ \ / // __ / ! / ___ |/ /_/ / | |/ // /_/ // // /_/ / ! /_/ |_|\__,_/ |___/ \____//_/ \__,_/ ! ! ! {@!} ! Title: AdVoid.Scriptlets.AntiAntiAdBlock ! Description: Infiltrates and then destroys common anti-adblock techniques. 💥 ! Version: 1.0.27 ! Last modified: 2024-07-07T15:21:34.313+02:00 ! Expires: 96 hours (update frequency) ! Homepage: https://github.com/the-advoid/ad-void ! Entries: 43 ! Author: Igor Dimitrijević (@igorskyflyer) ! GitHub issues: https://github.com/the-advoid/ad-void/issues ! GitHub pull requests: https://github.com/the-advoid/ad-void/pulls ! License: https://github.com/the-advoid/ad-void/blob/main/LICENSE ! Maintained by: Aria, igorskyflyer and all of the contributors ! See the CONTRIBUTORS.md (https://github.com/the-advoid/ad-void/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.md) file for more information ! Source: World Wide Web ! {@0} Hijack these primitives ##+js(set, hasAdBlocker, false) ##+js(set, abp, false) ##+js(set-constant, adBlockerReady, false) ##+js(set-constant, isBlocked, false) ##+js(set-constant, adblockcheck, false) ##+js(set-constant, sadbl, false) ##+js(set, isLoadAds, true) ##+js(set, generatorAds, true) ##+js(set, googleAd, true) ##+js(set, zfgloadedpopup, true) ##+js(set, canRunAds, true) ##+js(set, canRunAdvertise, true) ##+js(set, isAdEnabled, true) ##+js(set-constant, _ads, true) ##+js(set-constant, pubappended, true) ##+js(set, google_ad_status, 1) ##+js(set-constant, pop_cdn, 1) ##+js(set-constant, popns, '') ! {@1} Hijack these objects ##+js(set, dotcom, { flags: { adverts: 1, analytics: 1 }, userinfo: { ads: 1 }, initAnalytics: function() {} }) ##+js(set, zarazData, {}) ##+js(set, zaraz, { track: function() {} }) ##+js(set, demandSupply, { pfAds: true, setPfAds: function() {} }) ##+js(set, AdTrack, { init: function() {} }) ##+js(set, _carbonads, { init: function() {} }) ##+js(set, MDCore, { adblock: 0 }) ##+js(set, adsconfig, {}) ##+js(set, ez_ad_units, { push: function() {} }) ##+js(set, __ez, {}) ##+js(set, adnitroInpageOptions, {}) ##+js(set, _pb, { libLoaded: true }) ##+js(set, __cfRLUnblockHandlers, {}) ##+js(set, Matomo, { initialized: true }) ##+js(set, Piwik, { initialized: true }) ! {@2} Hijack these functions ##+js(set, GeneratorAds, function() {}) ##+js(set, Ads_PushPage, function() {}) ##+js(set, Ads_Popunder, function() {}) ##+js(set, Ads_Vignette, function() {}) ##+js(set, AdsPlugin, function() {}) ##+js(set, AdscoreInit, function() {}) ##+js(set, GalaBanner, function() {}) ##+js(set-constant, admiral, noopFunc) ! {@3} Hijack using advanced functions ##+js(acs, eval, ignielAdBlock) ##+js(abort-current-script, adver)