// ==UserScript== // @name MPP Hats // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 1.4 // @description Hats for MPP // @author Hri7566 // @match https://www.multiplayerpiano.org/* // @match https://mppclone.com/* // @match https://multiplayerpiano.net/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=multiplayerpiano.org // @grant none // @require https://unpkg.com/mppclone-cmapi@latest/dist/cmapi.dist.js // ==/UserScript== let gModal; let currentHat; let hatsURL = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/the-dev-channel/mpp-hats/main/export`; let hatsHistory = {}; // Modal functions taken from script.js function modalHandleEsc(evt) { if (evt.key == "Escape") { closeModal(); } } function openModal(selector, focus) { if (MPP.chat) MPP.chat.blur(); // releaseKeyboard(); $(document).on("keydown", modalHandleEsc); $("#modal #modals > *").hide(); $("#modal").fadeIn(250); $(selector).show(); setTimeout(function () { $(selector).find(focus).focus(); }, 100); gModal = selector; } function closeModal() { $(document).off("keydown", modalHandleEsc); $("#modal").fadeOut(100); $("#modal #modals > *").hide(); // captureKeyboard(); gModal = null; } $(document.body).prepend(` `); let HatEvents = new EventEmitter(); MPP.client.on("hi", () => { MPP.cmapi = new cmapi(MPP.client); MPP.cmapi.on("hat", (msg) => { let p = MPP.client.ppl[msg._original_sender]; // Object.values(MPP.client.ppl).find(pp => {pp._id == msg._original_sender}); // console.log(p); let hat = msg.hat; if (!p) return; HatEvents.emit("update hat", p, hat); }); MPP.cmapi.on("update hat", (msg) => { let p = MPP.client.ppl[msg._original_sender]; // Object.values(MPP.client.ppl).find(pp => {pp._id == msg._original_sender}); let url = msg.url; if (!p) return; HatEvents.emit("update hat", p, url); }); MPP.cmapi.on("?hat", (msg) => { // console.log('i was asked for a hat'); MPP.cmapi.sendArray( [ { m: "hat", hat: currentHat, }, ], { mode: "id", id: msg._original_sender, global: false } ); }); }); MPP.client.on("participant added", (p) => { HatEvents.emit("update hat", p, hatsHistory[p._id]); }); MPP.client.on("participant update", (p) => { HatEvents.emit("update hat", p, hatsHistory[p._id]); }); MPP.client.on("ch", (msg) => { /* for (let p of Object.values(MPP.client.ppl)) { HatE.emit('update hat', p); } */ MPP.cmapi.sendArray([{ m: "?hat" }], { mode: "subscribed", global: false }); }); function load() { HatEvents.emit("load"); MPP.client.off("ch", load); } MPP.client.on("ch", load); class Hat { constructor(id, name) { this.id = id; this.name = name; // what the user sees } } function registerHats() { fetch( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/the-dev-channel/mpp-hats/main/hats.json" ) .then((d) => { return d.json(); }) .then((hatList) => { for (let hat_id of Object.keys(hatList)) { let hat = new Hat(hat_id, hatList[hat_id]); let opt = ``; $("#hat-selector").append(opt); } }); } HatEvents.on("update hat", (p, url) => { // setTimeout(() => { // timeout to fix race condition, apparently // name hat if (typeof url == "undefined") return; if (url == "") return; $(p.nameDiv).children(".hat").remove(); hatsHistory[p._id] = url; let top = "-8px"; let left = "4px"; // url = url || `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/the-dev-channel/mpp-hats/main/export/santa.png`; url = `${hatsURL}/${url}.png`; if (typeof MPP.client.channel.crown !== "undefined") { if (MPP.client.channel.crown.participantId == p.id) { left = "20px"; } } let hat = `
`; $(p.nameDiv).append(hat); $(p.nameDiv) .children(".hat") .css({ position: "absolute", top, left, content: `url(${url})`, "z-index": 350, }); if (!p.cursorDiv) return; // cursor hat $(p.cursorDiv).children(".name").children(".cursorhat").remove(); if ( $(p.cursorDiv).children(".name").text() == $(p.cursorDiv).children(".name").html() ) { $(p.cursorDiv) .children(".name") .html(`


`); } top = "-10px"; let right = "4px"; let cursorHat = `
`; $($(p.cursorDiv).children(".name")).addClass("no-after"); $(p.cursorDiv).children(".name").append(cursorHat); $(p.cursorDiv) .children(".name") .children(".cursorhat") .css({ position: "absolute", top, right, content: `url(${url})`, "z-index": 350, }); if (typeof MPP.client.channel.crown !== "undefined") { if (MPP.client.channel.crown.participantId == p.id) { // top = '-10px'; if (url) { right = "20px"; } else { right = "4px"; } let cursorCrown = `
`; // $($(p.cursorDiv).children('.name')).addClass('no-after'); $(p.cursorDiv).children(".name").append(cursorCrown); $(p.cursorDiv).children(".name").children(".cursorcrown").css({ position: "absolute", top, right, content: `url(/crown.png)`, "z-index": 350, }); } } // }, 50); }); function updateOwnHat(hat_id) { MPP.cmapi.sendArray( [ { m: "update hat", url: hat_id, }, ], { mode: "subscribed", global: false } ); HatEvents.emit("update hat", MPP.client.getOwnParticipant(), hat_id); HatEvents.emit("save hat", hat_id); currentHat = hat_id; } HatEvents.on("load", () => { // console.log("Loading hats..."); // load own hat currentHat = localStorage.currentHat; // console.log('currentHat:', currentHat); MPP.cmapi.sendArray( [ { m: "update hat", url: currentHat, }, ], { mode: "subscribed", global: false } ); HatEvents.emit("update hat", MPP.client.getOwnParticipant(), currentHat); // add gui let btnOpenMenu = ``; $(btnOpenMenu).insertAfter('a[title="Multiplayer Piano Rules"]'); $("#hats-btn").css({ position: "fixed", right: "6px", top: "58px", "z-index": 200, display: "flex", width: "50px", }); $("#hats-btn p,img").css({ "margin-top": "auto", "margin-bottom": "auto", "margin-left": "auto", "margin-right": "auto", }); let hatsModal = ` `; $("#modals").append(hatsModal); $("#hats-btn").on("click", (evt) => { openModal("#modal #modals #hats"); $(`#modal #modals #hats #hat-selector option[value=${currentHat}]`).attr( "selected", true ); }); $("#modal #modals #hats button.submit").on("click", () => { let selectedHat = $("#modal #modals #hats #hat-selector").val(); updateOwnHat(selectedHat); closeModal(); }); registerHats(); }); HatEvents.on("save hat", (hat_id) => { localStorage.currentHat = hat_id; }); MPP.client.on("a", (msg) => { let p = MPP.client.findParticipantById(msg.p.id); if (!p) return; let hatURL = $(p.nameDiv).children(".hat").css("content"); if (!hatURL) return; let span = ``; let chatMessage = $("#chat ul li").last(); $(chatMessage).children(".name").before(span); $(chatMessage).children(".hat").css("content", hatURL); }); MPP.client.on("c", (msg) => { if (!msg.c) return; if (!Array.isArray(msg.c)) return; for (let i = 0; i < msg.c.length; i++) { // DMs break my code :( if (msg.c[i].m == "dm") continue; // console.log(msg.c[i]) let p = MPP.client.findParticipantById(msg.c[i].p.id); if (!p) continue; let hatURL = $(p.nameDiv).children(".hat").css("content"); // console.log(hatURL) if (!hatURL) continue; let span = ``; let chatMessage = $(`#chat ul li`)[i]; $(chatMessage).children(".name").before(span); $(chatMessage).children(".hat").css("content", hatURL); } });