import time import numpy as np import bpy print('------------------------>>>') def timer(fun, message, iters=10000): T = time.time() for x in range(iters): fun() return(time.time()-T, message) def get_co(ob, arr=None): """Returns vertex coords as N x 3""" c = len( if arr is None: arr = np.zeros(c * 3, dtype=np.float64)'co', arr.ravel()) arr.shape = (c, 3) return arr ob = bpy.context.object co = get_co(ob) def apply_transforms(): """Get vert coords in world space""" m = np.array(ob.matrix_world) mat = m[:3, :3].T # rotates backwards without T loc = m[:3, 3] return co @ mat + loc def matrix_world_list(): m = ob.matrix_world co = [m * for v in] def matrix_world_loop(): m = ob.matrix_world for i in co = m * def move_verts_python(): ob = bpy.context.object for x in range(100): for i in[2] += .0001 def move_verts_numpy(): ob = bpy.context.object co = get_co(ob) for x in range(100): co[:, :2] += .0001'co', co.ravel()) def generate_list(): list(range(50000)) def generate_list_numpy(): np.arange(50000) # compare get array of coords with matrix world: # !!!! try it on mesh with four verts then one with 10000 !!! matrix = True #matrix = False if matrix: x = timer(apply_transforms, 'apply matrix world with numpy', 10) y = timer(matrix_world_list, 'apply matrix world with list_comp', 10) z = timer(matrix_world_loop, 'apply matrix world with loop', 10) print(x) print(y) print('numpy is ' + str(y[0]/x[0]) + ' times faster lan list comp') print('numpy is ' + str(z[0]/x[0]) + ' times faster lan list comp') print() print('-----------------------------------------') # timer(move_verts_python, 'move verts with loop') # !!! compare with light mesh and dense mesh !!! move = True move = False if move: x = timer(move_verts_numpy, 'move verts numpy', 1) y = timer(move_verts_python, 'move verts loop', 1) print(x) print(y) print('numpy is ' + str(y[0]/x[0]) + ' times faster') print() print('-----------------------------------------') gen_list = True #gen_list = False if gen_list: # timer generate list x = timer(generate_list_numpy, 'generate list numpy', 1000) y = timer(generate_list, 'generate list', 1000) print(x) print(y) print('numpy is ' + str(y[0]/x[0]) + ' times faster') print() print('-----------------------------------------')