/* Echo Speaks Tile * * * Licensed Virtual the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Change History: * * Date Who What * ---- --- ---- * 28Aug2023 thebearmay HE 2.3.6.x changes * 11Sep2023 thebearmay Add server attribute option * 18Sep2023 thebearmay Add Debug Logging option * 23Oct2023 thebearmay Add serverIp as an atttribute */ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.transform.Field @Field static final String okSymFLD = "\u2713" @Field static final String notOkSymFLD = "\u2715" @Field static final String sBLANK = '' @Field static String minFwVersion = "" @SuppressWarnings('unused') static String version() {return "0.0.5"} metadata { definition ( name: "ES Tile", namespace: "thebearmay", author: "Jean P. May, Jr.", importUrl:"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thebearmay/hubitat/main/esTile.groovy" ) { capability "Actuator" capability "Refresh" attribute "cookieRefreshDays", "number" attribute "serverData","string" attribute "cookieData","string" attribute "csrf","string" attribute "amazonDomain","string" attribute "tm2NewAtRfrsh", "string" attribute "tmFromAtRrsh", "string" attribute "serverLocation", "string" attribute "anError","string" attribute "serverIp","string" attribute "html","string" attribute "htmlAlt", "string" //command "processPage" command "refreshHTML" } } preferences { input("vDisp", "hidden", title:"Driver Version",description:"v${version()}") if(location.hub.firmwareVersionString < minFwVersion){ input("errMsg", "hidden", title:"Minimum Version Error",description:"Hub does not meet the minimum of HEv$minFwVersion", width:8) } input("security", "bool", title: "Hub Security Enabled", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width:4) if (security) { input("username", "string", title: "Hub Security Username", required: false, width:4) input("password", "password", title: "Hub Security Password", required: false, width:4) } input("pollRate","number", title:"Poll rate (in minutes) Disable:0):", defaultValue:720, submitOnChange:true, width:4) input("debugEnabled","bool", title:"Enable Debug Logging", defaultValue:false, submitOnChange:true, width:4) } @SuppressWarnings('unused') def installed() { if(location.hub.firmwareVersionString < minFwVersion){ updateAttr("anError","Hub does not meet the minimum of HEv$minFwVersion") } else device.deleteCurrentState("anError") } void updateAttr(String aKey, aValue, String aUnit = ""){ sendEvent(name:aKey, value:aValue, unit:aUnit) } void refresh(){ if(location.hub.firmwareVersionString < minFwVersion){ updateAttr("anError","Hub does not meet the minimum of HEv$minFwVersion") return } else device.deleteCurrentState("anError") processPage() refreshHTML() if(pollRate == null) device.updateSetting("pollRate",[value:720,type:"number"]) if(pollRate > 0) { runIn(pollRate*60,"refresh") } } def updated(){ if(pollRate == null) device.updateSetting("pollRate",[value:720,type:"number"]) if(pollRate > 0) { runIn(pollRate*60,"refresh") } if(debugEnabled) runIn(1800,"logsOff") } void processPage(){ app = findPage() if(app==-1) { log.error "Echo Speaks not Installed" } pData=readPage("$app") dWork = pData.substring(pData.indexOf('refreshCookieDays'),pData.indexOf('refreshCookieDays')+500) if(debuEnabled) "Refresh Days Work:
$dWork" dWork.replace('<','') dWork=dWork.split(' ') dWork.each{ if(debugEnable) "Refresh Split Each: $it" if(it.isNumber()) updateAttr("cookieRefreshDays",it.toInteger()) } dWork = pData.substring(pData.indexOf('serverDataMap'),pData.indexOf('serverDataMap')+800) dWork = dWork.substring(dWork.indexOf('{'),dWork.indexOf('}')+1) createServerMap(dWork) if(pData.indexOf("cookieData") >-1){ if(debugEnabled) log.debug "Found Cookie Data" updateAttr("cookieData",true) if(pData.indexOf("csrf") > -1){ updateAttr("csrf", true) if(debugEnabled) log.debug "Found csrf" } } dWork = pData.substring(pData.indexOf('amazonDomain'),pData.indexOf('amazonDomain')+300) if(debugEnabled) log.debug "Amazon Domain Raw: $dWork" dWork.replace('<','') dWork=dWork.split(' ') dWork.each{ if(it.contains(".")){ updateAttr("amazonDomain",it.trim()) if(debugEnabled) log.debug "Amazon Domain: ${it.trim()}" } } } Integer findPage(){ def params = [ uri: "", contentType: "application/json", followRedirects: false, textParser: false ] appId = -1 try { httpGet(params) { resp -> appId = -1 if(debugEnabled) log.debug "GET: ${resp.data.apps}" resp.data.apps.each {a -> if(debugEnabled) log.debug "${a.data.type}" if("${a.data.type}" == "Echo Speaks") { appId = a.data.id if(debugEnabled) log.debug "Found it ${a.data.id}" } } } } catch (e) { log.error "Error retrieving installed apps: ${e}" log.error(getExceptionMessageWithLine(e)) } return appId } void createServerMap(sData){ if(debugEnabled) "Server Data Raw: $sData" sWork = sData.replace("=",'\":\"') sWork = sWork.replace(', ','","') sWork = sWork.replace('{','{\"') sWork = sWork.replace('}','\"}') if(debugEnabled) log.debug "Server Information: $sWork" updateAttr("serverData", sWork) } void refreshHTML(){ if(debugEnabled) log.debug "Refreshing HTML" Long tNow = new Date().getTime() def jSlurp = new JsonSlurper() serverData = jSlurp.parseText(device.currentValue("serverData",true)) nextCookieRefreshDur() wkStr = "" wkStr2 = wkStr wkStr+="" startDate = Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", serverData.lastCookieRrshDt).getTime() nextDate = startDate + (86400000 * device.currentValue("cookieRefreshDays").toInteger()) //log.debug "$tNow $nextDate" SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy") if(nextDate > tNow){ wkStr+="" } else { wkStr+="" } wkStr+="" wkStr+="" updateAttr("serverIp","${serverData.serverHost}".substring(7)) wkStr+="" wkStr+="
Auth Status: " if(device.currentValue("csrf",true) == "true" && device.currentValue("cookieData",true) == "true") wkStr+=okSymFLD else wkStr+=notOkSymFLD wkStr+="
  Cookie: " if(device.currentValue("cookieData",true) == "true") wkStr+=okSymFLD else wkStr+=notOkSymFLD wkStr+="
  CSRF: " if(device.currentValue("csrf",true) == "true") wkStr+=okSymFLD else wkStr+=notOkSymFLD wkStr+="
Cookie Data
Last Refresh: ${serverData.lastCookieRrshDt}
Next Refresh: ${sdf.format(nextDate)}
Missed Refresh: ${sdf.format(nextDate)}
Server Data
Heroku: " if(serverData.onHeroku == "true"){ wkStr+=okSymFLD updateAttr("serverLocation","Heroku") } else { wkStr+=notOkSymFLD updateAttr("serverLocation","Local") } wkStr+="
Local Server: " if(serverData.isLocal == "true") wkStr+=okSymFLD else wkStr+=notOkSymFLD wkStr+="
Server IP: ${serverData.serverHost}
Domain: ${device.currentValue("amazonDomain",true)}
" updateAttr("html",wkStr) wkStr2+="Last Refresh: ${device.currentValue("tmFromAtRrsh",true)} ago" if(nextDate > tNow){ wkStr2+="Next Refresh: ${device.currentValue("tm2NewAtRfrsh",true)}" } else { wkStr2+="Missed Refresh: ${sdf.format(nextDate)}" } wkStr2+="Server Data" wkStr2+="Heroku: " if(serverData.onHeroku == "true") wkStr2+=okSymFLD else wkStr2+=notOkSymFLD wkStr2+="Local Server: " if(serverData.isLocal == "true") wkStr2+=okSymFLD else wkStr2+=notOkSymFLD wkStr2+="Server IP: ${serverData.serverHost}" wkStr2+="Domain: ${device.currentValue("amazonDomain",true)}" wkStr2+="" updateAttr("htmlAlt",wkStr2) if(debugEnabled) log.debug "HTML Refresh complete" } String nextCookieRefreshDur() { Long tNow = new Date().getTime() def jSlurp = new JsonSlurper() serverData = jSlurp.parseText(device.currentValue("serverData",true)) Integer days = device.currentValue("cookieRefreshDays").toInteger() String lastCookieRfsh = serverData.lastCookieRrshDt if(!lastCookieRfsh) { return "Not Sure"} Date lastDt = Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", formatDt(Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", lastCookieRfsh))) String dMinus = seconds2Duration(((tNow-lastDt.getTime())/1000).toInteger(),false,3) updateAttr("tmFromAtRrsh", dMinus) Date nextDt = Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", formatDt(lastDt + days)) Integer diff = ( (nextDt.getTime() - wnow()) / 1000) as Integer String dur = seconds2Duration(diff, false, 3) // log.debug "now: ${now} | lastDt: ${lastDt} | nextDt: ${nextDt} | Days: $days | Wait: $diff | Dur: ${dur}" updateAttr("tm2NewAtRfrsh", dur) } String formatDt(Date dt, Boolean tzChg=true) { def tf = new SimpleDateFormat("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy") if(tzChg) { if(location.timeZone) { tf.setTimeZone((TimeZone)location?.timeZone) } } return (String)tf.format(dt) } private Long wnow(){ return (Long)now() } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyAssignabilityCheck') static String seconds2Duration(Integer itimeSec, Boolean postfix=true, Integer tk=2) { Integer timeSec=itimeSec Integer years = Math.floor(timeSec / 31536000); timeSec -= years * 31536000 Integer months = Math.floor(timeSec / 31536000); timeSec -= months * 2592000 Integer days = Math.floor(timeSec / 86400); timeSec -= days * 86400 Integer hours = Math.floor(timeSec / 3600); timeSec -= hours * 3600 Integer minutes = Math.floor(timeSec / 60); timeSec -= minutes * 60 Integer seconds = Integer.parseInt((timeSec % 60) as String, 10) Map d = [y: years, mn: months, d: days, h: hours, m: minutes, s: seconds] List l = [] if(d.d > 0) { l.push("${d.d} ${pluralize(d.d, "day")}") } if(d.h > 0) { l.push("${d.h} ${pluralize(d.h, "hour")}") } if(d.m > 0) { l.push("${d.m} ${pluralize(d.m, "min")}") } if(d.s > 0) { l.push("${d.s} ${pluralize(d.s, "sec")}") } return l.size() ? "${l.take(tk ?: 2)?.join(", ")}${postfix ? " ago" : sBLANK}".toString() : "Not Sure" } static String pluralize(Integer itemVal, String str) { return (itemVal > 1) ? str+"s" : str } String readPage(fName){ if(security) cookie = securityLogin().cookie def params = [ uri: fName, contentType: "text/html", textParser: true, headers: [ "Cookie": cookie ] ] try { httpGet(params) { resp -> if(resp!= null) { int i = 0 String delim = "" i = resp.data.read() while (i != -1){ char c = (char) i delim+=c i = resp.data.read() } return delim } else { log.error "Null Response" } } } catch (exception) { log.error "Read Page Error: ${exception.message}" return null; } } HashMap securityLogin(){ def result = false try{ httpPost( [ uri: "", path: "/login", query: [ loginRedirect: "/" ], body: [ username: username, password: password, submit: "Login" ], textParser: true, ignoreSSLIssues: true ] ) { resp -> if (resp.data?.text?.contains("The login information you supplied was incorrect.")) result = false else { cookie = resp?.headers?.'Set-Cookie'?.split(';')?.getAt(0) result = true } } }catch (e){ log.error "Error logging in: ${e}" result = false cookie = null } return [result: result, cookie: cookie] } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void logsOff(){ device.updateSetting("debugEnabled",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) }