/* * Notify Tile Device * * Licensed Virtual the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Change History: * * Date Who What * ---- --- ---- * 2021-01-06 thebearmay Original version 0.1.0 * 2021-01-07 thebearmay Fix condition causing a loss notifications if they come in rapidly * 2021-01-07 thebearmay Add alternative date format * 2021-01-07 thebearmay Add last5H for horizontal display * 2021-01-07 thebearmay Add leading date option * 2021-03-10 thebearmay Lost span tag with class=last5 * 2021-11-14 ArnB 2.0.0 Add capability Momentary an routine Push allowing a Dashboard switch to clear all messages. * 2021-11-15 ArnB 2.0.0 Revise logic minimizing attributes and sendevents. Allow for 5 to 20 messages in tile. Insure tile is less than 1024 * 2021-11-16 ArnB 2.0.1 Fix: storing one less message than requested. * correct
* Restore: attribute last5H as an optional preference. * 2021-11-17 ArnB 2.0.2 Add conversion logic from original version in Update routine * 2021-11-17 ArnB 2.0.3 Add logic when message count shinks rather than reconfigure * 2021-11-18 ArnB 2.0.4 Add singleThreaded true * 2021-11-18 thebearmay 2.0.5 Remove unused attributes from v1.x.x * 2021-11-20 thebearmay Add option to only display time * 2021-11-22 thebearmay make date time format a selectable option * 2021-12-07 thebearmay add "none" as a date time format * 2022-04-06 thebearmay fix max message state coming back as string * 2022-09-15 thebearmay issue with clean install * 2022-12-06 thebearmay additional date/time format */ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import groovy.transform.Field static String version() { return '2.0.11' } @Field sdfList = ["ddMMMyyyy HH:mm","ddMMMyyyy HH:mm:ss","ddMMMyyyy hh:mma", "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mma", "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mma", "MM/dd HH:mm", "MM/dd h:mma", "HH:mm", "H:mm","h:mma", "None"] metadata { definition ( name: "Notification Tile", namespace: "thebearmay", description: "Simple driver to act as a destination for notifications, and provide an attribute to display the last 5 on a tile.", author: "Jean P. May, Jr.", importUrl:"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thebearmay/hubitat/main/notifyTile.groovy", singleThreaded: true ) { capability "Notification" capability "Momentary" capability "Configuration" attribute "last5", "STRING" attribute "last5H", "STRING" } } preferences { input("debugEnable", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging?") input("sdfPref", "enum", title: "Date/Time Format", options:sdfList, defaultValue:"ddMMMyyyy HH:mm") input("leadingDate", "bool", title:"Use leading date instead of trailing") input("msgLimit", "number", title:"Number of messages from 5 to 20",defaultValue:5, range:5..20) input("create5H", "bool", title: "Create horizontal message tile?") } void installed() { if (debugEnable) log.trace "installed()" state.lastLimit=0 configure() } void updated(){ if (debugEnable) log.trace "updated()" if(debugEnable) runIn(1800,logsOff) // V2.0.2 When converting from original version set state variables, adjust html in last5 to make it work with V2.0.0+ if (state?.msgCount == null) { state.lastLimit=5 wkTile=device.currentValue("last5") int x = wkTile.lastIndexOf(''); if (x>0) //if there is anything in tile, adjust for v2.0.0 { msgFilled=5 int i = wkTile.lastIndexOf('
'); if (debugEnable) log.debug "at While i: ${i} ${msgFilled}" while (i>0 && msgFilled>0) { if (debugEnable) log.debug "in loop i: ${i} ${msgFilled}" msgFilled-- wkTile = wkTile.substring(0, i) + '' i = wkTile.lastIndexOf('
'); if (debugEnable) log.debug "out loop i: ${i} ${msgFilled}" } if (debugEnable) log.debug "done While i: ${i} ${msgFilled}" sendEvent(name:"last5", value:wkTile) state.msgCount=msgFilled } else { //process empty tile if (debugEnable) log.debug "Initialize an empty tile" state.msgCount=0 configure() } } if(msgLimit == null) device.updateSetting("msgLimit",[value:5,type:"number"]) // V2.0.3 When new msgLimit less than prior(state) msgLimit adjust message and state values if (state?.lastLimit.toInteger()>settings.msgLimit.toInteger()) { wkTile=device.currentValue("last5") msgFilled=state.msgCount.toInteger() if (debugEnable) log.debug "Shinking tile count lastLimit ${state.lastLimit} newLimit ${settings.msgLimit} msgCount ${msgFilled}" int i = wkTile.lastIndexOf('
'); while (i != -1 && msgFilled > settings.msgLimit.toInteger()) { wkTile = wkTile.substring(0, i) + ''; msgFilled-- i = wkTile.lastIndexOf('
'); if (debugEnable) log.debug "looping on shrink msgCount ${msgFilled}" } state.msgCount=msgFilled sendEvent(name:"last5", value:wkTile) } if (!settings.create5H) sendEvent(name:"last5H", value:'') state.lastLimit=settings.msgLimit } void configure() { log.trace "configure()" if(msgLimit == null) device.updateSetting("msgLimit",[value:5,type:"number"]) sendEvent(name:"last5", value:'') sendEvent(name:"last5H", value:'') state.msgCount=0 if(location.hub.firmwareVersionString >= "") { if(notify1){ device.deleteCurrentState("notify1") device.deleteCurrentState("notify2") device.deleteCurrentState("notify3") device.deleteCurrentState("notify4") device.deleteCurrentState("notify5") } } } void deviceNotification(notification){ if (debugEnable) log.debug "deviceNotification entered: ${notification}" dateNow = new Date() if(sdfPref == null) device.updateSetting("sdfPref",[value:"ddMMMyyyy HH:mm",type:"enum"]) if(sdfPref != "None") { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(sdfPref) if (leadingDate) notification = sdf.format(dateNow) + " " + notification else notification += " " + sdf.format(dateNow) } // insert new message at beginning of last5 string msgFilled = state.msgCount.toInteger() if (msgFilled>0) wkTile=device.currentValue("last5").replace('','' + notification + '
') else wkTile=device.currentValue("last5").replace('','' + notification) // when msg count exceeds limit, purge last message if (debugEnable) log.debug "deviceNotification2 msgFilled: ${msgFilled} msgLimit: ${settings.msgLimit}" if (msgFilled < settings.msgLimit.toInteger()) msgFilled++ else { int i = wkTile.lastIndexOf('
'); if (i != -1) wkTile = wkTile.substring(0, i) + '
'; } // Ensure tile length is less than 1024 and hopefully stop loops int wkLen=wkTile.length() while (wkLen > 1024 && msgFilled > 0) { if (debugEnable) log.debug "wkTile length ${wkLen}> 1024 truncating msgCount: ${msgFilled}" int i = wkTile.lastIndexOf('
'); if (i != -1) { wkTile = wkTile.substring(0, i) + '
'; msgFilled-- } else { wkTile='' msgFilled=0 } wkLen=wkTile.length() if (debugEnable) log.debug "Truncated wkTile length ${wkLen}, msgCount: ${msgFilled}" } // Update attributes and state sendEvent(name:"last5", value: wkTile) state.msgCount = msgFilled if (settings.create5H) sendEvent(name:"last5H", value: " ** "+wkTile.replaceAll("
"," ** ")+" ** ") } void logsOff(){ device.updateSetting("debugEnable",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) } void push() { configure() }