/* * Room Information * * * Licensed Virtual the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Change History: * * Date Who What * ---- --- ---- * 09Dec2022 thebearmay Original Code * 11Dec2022 thebearmay add room lookup * 05Sep2023 thebearmay 2.3.6.x changes (Note: full JSON for rooms is at /hub2/roomsList) * 20Sep2023 thebearmay check to see if hub is still rebooting */ import groovy.json.JsonOutput import groovy.json.JsonSlurper static String version() {return "1.0.3"} metadata { definition ( name: "Room Information", namespace: "thebearmay", author: "Jean P. May, Jr.", importUrl:"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thebearmay/hubitat/main/roomInfo.groovy", description: "Consolidates the room information into a number of lists and a summary JSON" ) { capability "Actuator" capability "Refresh" capability "Initialize" attribute "roomJson", "string" attribute "cmdReturn", "string" command "getRoomImage", [[name:"roomNum", type:"NUMBER", description:"Room Number"]] command "getRoomName", [[name:"roomNum", type:"NUMBER", description:"Room Number"]] command "getRoomDevices", [[name:"roomNum", type:"NUMBER", description:"Room Number"]] command "roomLookup",[[name:"roomName", type:"STRING", description:"Partial or Full Name"]] } } preferences { input("debugEnabled", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging?", width:4) input("pollRate","number", title:"Poll rate (in minutes) (Default:1440, Disable:0):", defaultValue:1440, submitOnChange:true, width:4) input("security", "bool", title: "Hub Security Enabled", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width:4) if (security) { input("username", "string", title: "Hub Security Username", required: false, width:4) input("password", "password", title: "Hub Security Password", required: false, width:4) } } void initialize() { if(pollRate == null) { device.updateSetting("pollRate",[value:1440,type:"number"]) } if(pollRate == 0) unschedule("refresh") else runIn(pollRate.toInteger()*60,"refresh") getRoomList() } void refresh() { getRoomList() if(pollRate == 0) unschedule("refresh") else runIn(pollRate.toInteger()*60,"refresh") } def updated(){ if(debugEnabled) { log.debug "updated()" runIn(1800,logsOff) } if(pollRate == null) { device.updateSetting("pollRate",[value:1440,type:"number"]) } if(pollRate == 0) unschedule("refresh") else runIn(pollRate*60,"refresh") } void updateAttr(String aKey, aValue, String aUnit = ""){ aValue = aValue.toString() sendEvent(name:aKey, value:aValue, unit:aUnit) } void getRoomList(){ respData = readPage("") if (debugEnabled) log.debug "${respData}" if(respData.substring(0,1) == '<') runIn(10,"getRoomList") else { def jSlurp = new JsonSlurper() Map recs = (Map)jSlurp.parseText((String)respData) roomList = [:] devRoomList = [:] devNameList = [:] roomImageList = [:] recs.devices.each { if(it.data.roomId == 0 || it.data.roomName == null){ it.data.roomName = "No Room Assigned" } roomList["${it.data.roomName}"]="${it.data.roomId}" currRoom = it.data.roomId devRoomList["${it.data.id}"]="$currRoom" devNameList["${it.data.id}"]="${it.data.name}" imageTest = readPage("${it.data.roomId}") if(imageTest.size() != 1207) roomImageList["${it.data.roomId}"]="true" } buildRoomJSON(roomList,devRoomList,devNameList,roomImageList) } } void buildRoomJSON(rList,dToR,dToN,rToI){ roomMap = [:] tempMap = [:] rList.each{ r -> dToR.each { if (debugEnabled) log.debug "$it.value $it.key $r.value" if("${it.value}" == "${r.value}"){ if (debugEnabled) log.debug "${dToN["${it.key}"]} ${it.key}" tempMap["${dToN["${it.key}"]}"]="$it.key" if (debugEnabled) log.debug "$tempMap" } } if (debugEnabled) log.debug "tMap $tempMap" roomMap["${r.value}"]=[:] roomMap["${r.value}"].name = "${r.key}" if(tempMap != null){ roomMap["${r.value}"].deviceList = tempMap if (debugEnabled) log.debug "${r.key} Devices: ${roomMap["${r.value}"].deviceList} / $tempMap" } if (debugEnabled) log.debug "${r.key} ${r.value} $rToI ${rToI["${r.value}"]}" if(rToI["${r.value}"] != null) roomMap["${r.value}"].hasImage = "true" else roomMap["${r.value}"].hasImage = "false" tempMap = [:] } roomJson = JsonOutput.toJson(roomMap) updateAttr("roomJson", roomJson) } void getRoomImage(rNum) { JsonSlurper jSlurp = new JsonSlurper() Map rInfo = (Map) jSlurp.parseText(device.currentValue("roomJson")) if(rInfo["$rNum"]?.hasImage == "true") updateAttr("cmdReturn", "") else updateAttr("cmdReturn","No Image Available") } void getRoomName(rNum) { JsonSlurper jSlurp = new JsonSlurper() Map rInfo = (Map) jSlurp.parseText(device.currentValue("roomJson")) if(rInfo["$rNum"]?.name) updateAttr("cmdReturn", "${rInfo["$rNum"]?.name}") else updateAttr("cmdReturn","Invalid Room") } void getRoomDevices(rNum) { JsonSlurper jSlurp = new JsonSlurper() Map rInfo = (Map) jSlurp.parseText(device.currentValue("roomJson")) if(rInfo["$rNum"]?.deviceList) updateAttr("cmdReturn", "${JsonOutput.toJson(rInfo["$rNum"]?.deviceList)}") else updateAttr("cmdReturn","Invalid Room") } void roomLookup(rName){ JsonSlurper jSlurp = new JsonSlurper() Map rInfo = (Map) jSlurp.parseText(device.currentValue("roomJson")) rName=rName.toLowerCase() rList=[:] rInfo.each{ if(it.value.name.toLowerCase().contains("$rName")){ rList["${it.value.name}"]="${it.key}" } } if(rList.size()>0) updateAttr("cmdReturn","${JsonOutput.toJson(rList)}") else updateAttr("cmdReturn","Room not Found") } String readPage(fName){ if(security) cookie = securityLogin().cookie def params = [ uri: fName, contentType: "text/html", textParser: true, headers: [ "Cookie": cookie ] ] try { httpGet(params) { resp -> if(resp!= null) { int i = 0 String delim = "" i = resp.data.read() while (i != -1){ char c = (char) i delim+=c i = resp.data.read() } return delim } else { log.error "Null Response" } } } catch (exception) { log.error "Read Ext Error: ${exception.message}" return null; } } HashMap securityLogin(){ def result = false try{ httpPost( [ uri: "", path: "/login", query: [ loginRedirect: "/" ], body: [ username: username, password: password, submit: "Login" ], textParser: true, ignoreSSLIssues: true ] ) { resp -> if (resp.data?.text?.contains("The login information you supplied was incorrect.")) result = false else { cookie = resp?.headers?.'Set-Cookie'?.split(';')?.getAt(0) result = true } } }catch (e){ log.error "Error logging in: ${e}" result = false cookie = null } return [result: result, cookie: cookie] } @SuppressWarnings('unused') void logsOff(){ device.updateSetting("debugEnabled",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) }