#+title: Playing with ONVIF surveillance cameras
#+date: <2023-01-21 Sat 10:36>
#+author: thebesttv

* Acquire RTSP streaming URL

For my camera, the Tenda CP7, the ONVIF admin account is:
- name: =admin=
- password: =admin123456=

** Simple approach

Download the Windows-only [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/onvifdm/][ONVIF Device Manager]] and login using the
camera's admin account.  On the /live video/ section, you can see the
RTSP URL in the form of:
#+begin_src text

Prepend account information to the link:
#+begin_src text

** Other possible approaches

There is a [[https://github.com/caspermeijn/onvifviewer][onvifviewer]], able to both view the camera stream and control
its motion.  It does not show URL, however.  But digging into the code
may help.

* Play RTSP stream

Use either =vlc= or =mpv= to play the RTSP stream:
#+begin_src bash
  vlc rtsp://xxx
  mpv rtsp://xxx
But there is a delay of ~3s.
In order to reduce the delay to around 1s:[fn:1]
#+begin_src bash
  mpv --profile=low-latency --untimed rtsp://xxx

If VLC fails to connect to RTSP stream, install =live-media=:[fn:2]
#+begin_src bash
  sudo pacman -S live-media

* Footnotes

[fn:2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/VLC_media_player#Failed_to_connect_to_RTSP_stream

[fn:1] https://stackoverflow.com/a/67461844