``` Call: lm(formula = log(PPM) ~ Store + Item, data = dat, subset = timepoint == 1) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.60410 -0.09710 0.01953 0.10360 0.62894 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.002963 0.109848 9.130 2.94e-14 StoreCostco 0.172697 0.083107 2.078 0.040725 StoreTarget 0.183050 0.064255 2.849 0.005503 StoreWalmart 0.251382 0.062697 4.009 0.000130 StoreHy-Vee 0.257061 0.063495 4.049 0.000113 ItemApplesauce -0.496774 0.153300 -3.241 0.001704 ItemBananas -1.144639 0.143860 -7.957 6.92e-12 ItemBeef (80%) 2.166522 0.153300 14.133 < 2e-16 ItemBread -0.004942 0.143860 -0.034 0.972676 ItemButter 0.559865 0.143860 3.892 0.000197 ItemCheese 1.194249 0.143860 8.301 1.40e-12 ItemChicken 1.233295 0.152957 8.063 4.23e-12 ItemChicken Strips 1.652516 0.152957 10.804 < 2e-16 ItemCrackers 0.280218 0.143860 1.948 0.054734 ItemCucumber 0.127476 0.153300 0.832 0.407993 ItemDeli Turkey 0.947363 0.153300 6.180 2.14e-08 ItemEggs 0.238114 0.143860 1.655 0.101576 ItemFlour -1.771168 0.153300 -11.554 < 2e-16 ItemIce Cream 0.525258 0.153300 3.426 0.000945 ItemLettuce 0.092881 0.153300 0.606 0.546209 ItemM&C (Annie's) 0.676576 0.167285 4.044 0.000115 ItemMilk (2%) 0.811629 0.143860 5.642 2.16e-07 ItemOJ -1.029953 0.143860 -7.159 2.69e-10 ItemOlive Oil -1.481907 0.167285 -8.859 1.04e-13 ItemPotato Chips -0.034707 0.153300 -0.226 0.821436 ItemRed Sauce 0.001114 0.153300 0.007 0.994221 ItemSpaghetti -0.181775 0.153300 -1.186 0.239025 ItemSpinach 0.062134 0.153300 0.405 0.686267 ItemStrawberries 0.264035 0.143860 1.835 0.069951 ItemSugar -1.945327 0.153300 -12.690 < 2e-16 ItemTator Tots 0.095825 0.153300 0.625 0.533590 Residual standard error: 0.2275 on 85 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.9588, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9442 F-statistic: 65.89 on 30 and 85 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 ```