# RottenTomatoes Box Office Demo (Sample of your weekly project submission README) This is an Android demo application for displaying the latest box office movies using the [RottenTomatoes API](http://www.rottentomatoes.com/). See the [RottenTomatoes Networking Tutorial](https://github.com/codepath/android_guides/wiki/Rotten-Tomatoes-Networking-Tutorial) on our cliffnotes for a step-by-step tutorial. **Time spent:** 5 hours spent in total Completed user stories: * [x] Required: User can view a list of latest box office movies including title, cast and tomatoes rating * [x] Required: User can click on a movie in the list to bring up a details page with additional information such as synopsis * [x] Optional: Placeholder image is used for movie posters loaded in from the network **Notes:** Spent some time making the UI work across multiple phone resolutions by playing around with the RelativeLayout. **Walkthrough of all user stories:** ![Video Walkthrough](anim_rotten_tomatoes.gif) GIF created with [LiceCap](http://www.cockos.com/licecap/). ## Libraries This app leverages two third-party libraries: * [Android AsyncHTTPClient](http://loopj.com/android-async-http/) - For asynchronous network requests * [Picasso](http://square.github.io/picasso/) - For remote image loading