smart less build ================ sublime text 3 on save less builder # Instalation this instruction applies only to windows other operating systems are not supported in smart less build 1. install dependencis 2. download and install nodejs go to 3. open command prompt and enter `node -v` if it returns ``'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.`` restart computer and go back to step 3. if it returns v0.10.24 or something similar go to step 4. 4. enter `npm install less -g` in command prompt 5. install "LESS" package from package control 6. install "smart less build" package from package control 7. enjoy and read Documentation which does not exists :D Note: if you don't know how to install package from package control [click here][1] # Documentation Not Yet Available as a workaround you can read comments in default settings file by [clicking here][2] [1]: [2]: