audio all A music streaming Collection. MP3 Streams Kodi 19+ 2022.0.2 - Fix errors loading pages. 2022.0.1 - Small fix, Kodi 20 ready. 2021.0.6 - Fixed issue with hanging when skipping tracks. 2021.0.4 - Fixed Settings, 2021.0.3 - Bugfixes. Enjoy! icon.png fanart.jpg executable BREEZZ 19 WIZARD breezz new kodi 19 wizard This Addon contains no content en all GPL-2.0-or-later 1.1.0 - Fixed Resolveurl path in save data. 1.0.9 - Added settings to main menu. 1.0.8 - Fixed percentage during build download, 1.0.7 - Added option to link to another xml or json file. This is good for teams or community wizards as each builder can have their own xml. Also changed format of the builds xml. Please refer to builds_newformat.xml located in the resources folder. The old format will still work but if the user is running an older version of the wizard, they'll only see the version number as the name. They'll want to update to fix that. 1.0.6 - Added Notifications Dialog. Special thanks to Blue for art and helping with the design. 1.0.5 - Bugfixes. 1.0.3 - Added download progress to build install. 1.0.2 - Added option to encode the buildfile variable to a base64 string. 1.0.1 - Added the option to use json for build file. 1.0.0 - Basic clean up. Ready for official release. 0.0.9 - Added Save Menu, 0.0.8 - Bug fixes, 0.0.7 - Added Advanced Settings presets to Maintenance. 0.0.6 - Added Clear Packages, the first of the Maintenance section. 0.0.5 - Bug fixes 0.0.4 - Added enabling of disabled addons on build first run. Added update repos on build first run. 0.0.3 - Added prompt notifying when new version of installed build is available. 0.0.2 - Initial Release resources/icon.png resources/fanart.jpg executable The Crew is a team of individuals that does what it can to provide others, you the best in entertainment. Many come, Many go. The true and dedicated are here. all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 3, 29 June 2007 The author of this addon do not host any of the content which is found and have no affiliation with any of the content providers. This addon simply searches websites for content. Use at your own risk! icon.png fanart.jpg resources/art/ss/1.png resources/art/ss/2.png resources/art/ss/3.png video Base Base Addon all icon.png fanart.jpg video 1.2 test Live TV and Sports Live TV and Sports test pl all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991 icon.png fanart.jpg video [COLOR red]An IPTV addon written to work with XC and XCUI for Kodi 19 only[/COLOR] en [COLOR red]This addon does not supply nor provide any illegal content[/COLOR] all icon.png fanart.jpg video false Moria Multi-source add-on all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 3, 29 June 2007 The author of this add-on does not host any of the content which is found and has no affiliation with any of the content providers. This add-on simply searches websites for content. Use at your own risk![CR]This project uses the TMDb, Trakt, APIs, but is not affiliated nor endorsed by any of their respective ogranisations.[CR]Please support these ogranisations however you can. icon.png fanart.jpg - See Changelog on Tools menu video Purely Wrestling Purely Wrestling icon.png fanart.jpg all video SSTV Kodi Addon en Come visit our site: and Follow us on Twitter: @SSTVUK. all icon.png fanart.jpg video The Crew is a team of individuals that does what it can to provide others, you the best in entertainment. Many come, Many go. The true and dedicated are here. all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 3, 29 June 2007 The author of this addon do not host any of the content which is found and have no affiliation with any of the content providers. This addon simply searches websites for content. Use at your own risk! icon.png fanart.jpg resources/art/ss/1.png resources/art/ss/2.png resources/art/ss/3.png The Crew is a team of individuals that does what it can to provide others, you the best in entertainment. Many come, Many go. The true and dedicated are here. We here all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 3, 29 June 2007 The author of this addon do not host any of the content which is found and have no affiliation with any of the content providers. This addon simply searches websites for content. Use at your own risk! icon.png fanart.jpg resources/art/ss/1.png resources/art/ss/2.png resources/art/ss/3.png The Crew Sounds The Crew Sounds all Wrappers around Kodi Python API for seamless Python 2/3 compatibility Wrappers around Kodi Python API that normalize handling of textual and byte strings in Python 2 and 3. all GPL v.3 icon.png 0.1.3: - Fix non-UTF-8 byte string decoding in Python 2. executable all MoriaScrapers Module Scrape common video host for URL's to be playable in Kodi, simplifying addon development of video plugins requiring multi video hosts. The author is not responsible for the use of this addon. The author is not responsible for the content found using this addon. The author does not host or own any content found within this addon.[CR]The author is in no way affiliated with Kodi, Team Kodi, or the XBMC Foundation.[CR]This is a Non-profit resource, organized solely for educational purposes which is protected under the Fair-Use doctrine of the Copyright Act, Specifically section 107, which does promote freedom of expression, by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works. all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 3, 29 June 2007 icon.png Resolve adult video host URL's to be playable in XBMC/Kodi. Resolve adult video host URL's to be playable in XBMC/Kodi. all The Crew is a team of individuals that does what it can to provide others, you the best in entertainment. Many come, Many go. The true and dedicated are here. all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 3, 29 June 2007 The author of this addon do not host any of the content which is found and have no affiliation with any of the content providers. This addon simply searches websites for content. Use at your own risk! icon.png fanart.jpg Themes for the Moria Addon all The Crew is a team of individuals that does what it can to provide others, you the best in entertainment. Many come, Many go. The true and dedicated are here. all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 3, 29 June 2007 The author of this addon do not host any of the content which is found and have no affiliation with any of the content providers. This addon simply searches websites for content. Use at your own risk! icon.png fanart.jpg