# App port to run on PORT=3000 # The name of the site where Kutt is hosted SITE_NAME=Kutt # The domain that this website is on DEFAULT_DOMAIN=localhost:3000 # Generated link length LINK_LENGTH=6 # Postgres database credential details DB_HOST=postgres DB_PORT=5432 DB_NAME=postgres DB_USER= DB_PASSWORD= DB_SSL=false # Redis host and port REDIS_HOST=redis REDIS_PORT=6379 REDIS_PASSWORD= REDIS_DB= # Disable registration DISALLOW_REGISTRATION=false # Disable anonymous link creation DISALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LINKS=false # The daily limit for each user USER_LIMIT_PER_DAY=50 # Create a cooldown for non-logged in users in minutes # Set 0 to disable NON_USER_COOLDOWN=0 # Max number of visits for each link to have detailed stats DEFAULT_MAX_STATS_PER_LINK=5000 # Use HTTPS for links with custom domain CUSTOM_DOMAIN_USE_HTTPS=false # A passphrase to encrypt JWT. Use a long and secure key. JWT_SECRET=securekey # Admin emails so they can access admin actions on settings page # Comma seperated ADMIN_EMAILS= # Invisible reCaptcha secret key # Create one in https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/ RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY= RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY= # Google Cloud API to prevent from users from submitting malware URLs. # Get it from https://developers.google.com/safe-browsing/v4/get-started GOOGLE_SAFE_BROWSING_KEY= # Your email host details to use to send verification emails. # More info on http://nodemailer.com/ # Mail from example "Kutt ". Leave empty to use MAIL_USER MAIL_HOST= MAIL_PORT= MAIL_SECURE=true MAIL_USER= MAIL_FROM= MAIL_PASSWORD= # The email address that will receive submitted reports. REPORT_EMAIL= # Support email to show on the app CONTACT_EMAIL=