[Adblock Plus 2.0] ! Title: Anti TLD Abuser Filterlist ! Author: TheDoggyBrad Software Lab ! Expires: 1 day (update frequency) ! Version: 2.1 ! Description: A filterlist for AdBlock Plus compatible filterlists that will warn you from visiting websites that are using those mostly and probably abused TLDs. ! Raw: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thedoggybrad/AntiTLDAbuserFilterlist/main/list.txt ! Homepage: https://github.com/thedoggybrad/AntiTLDAbuserFilterlist/ ! License: https://github.com/thedoggybrad/AntiTLDAbuserFilterlist/blob/main/LICENSE ! License Type: MIT License ||zip^$domain=~url.zip ||rest^ ||boston^ ||wiki^ ||hair^ ||degree^ ||live^ ||name^ ||wtf^ ||beauty^ ||ru^ ||moe^ ||xyz^ ||ch^ ||it^ ||stream^ ||cc^ ||top^ ||pw^ ||mobi^ ||me^ ||de^ ||au^ ||cn^ ||eu^ ||co^ ||life^ ||site^ ||racing^ ||in^ ||pro^ ||bg^ ||bank^ ||bingo^ ||career^ ||careers^ ||cash^ ||claims^ ||club^ ||company^ ||credit^ ||creditcard^ ||creditunion^ ||download^ ||exchange^ ||finance^ ||financial^ ||forex^ ||forsale^ ||foundation^ ||help^ ||health^ ||healthcare^ ||cloud^ ||contact^ ||digital^ ||discount^ ||gmail^ ||institute^ ||insure^ ||insurance^ ||jewelry^ ||jobs^ ||legal^ ||limited^ ||loan^ ||loans^ ||love^ ||market^ ||marketing^ ||markets^ ||media^ ||money^ ||mortgage^ ||office^ ||property^ ||properties^ ||protection^ ||realestate^ ||rentals^ ||repair^ ||report^ ||rich^ ||sale^ ||security^ ||shop^ ||shopping^ ||software^ ||solutions^ ||store^ ||supply^ ||tax^ ||trade^ ||trading^ ||university^ ||vacations^ ||voting^ ||work^ ||works^ ||luxury^ ||poker^ ||safe^ ||ly^ ||link^ ||io^$domain=~github.io ||info^ ||text^ ||gs^ ||gy^ ||ga^ ||ml^ ||gq^ ||cf^ ||tk^ ||uz^ ||ae^ ||monster^ ||mx^ ||app^ ||ms^ ||br^ ||id^ ||ke^ ||icu^ ||gd^ ||zm^ ||ng^ ||sa^ ||sh^ ||sn^ ||ug^ ||sbs^ ||np^