module Actions module Foreman module Host class ImportFacts < Actions::EntryAction def resource_locks :import_facts end def plan(_host_type, host_name, facts, certname, proxy_id) facts['domain'].try(:downcase!) host = if SETTINGS[:version].short > '1.16' ::Host::Base.import_host(host_name, certname) else # backwards compatibility ::Host::Managed.import_host(host_name, facts['_type'], certname, proxy_id) end => false) if host.new_record? action_subject(host, :facts => facts.to_unsafe_h, :proxy_id => proxy_id) if ::Foreman::Logging.logger('foreman-tasks').info "Skipping importing of facts for #{} because it's in build mode" else plan_self end end def run :admin do host = ::Host.find(input[:host][:id]) state = host.import_facts(input[:facts], proxy) output[:state] = state end rescue ::Foreman::Exception => e # This error is what is thrown by Host#ImportHostAndFacts when # the Host is in the build state. This can be refactored once # issue #3959 is fixed. raise e unless e.code == 'ERF51-9911' end def proxy SmartProxy.find_by(id: input[:proxy_id]) if input[:proxy_id].present? end def rescue_strategy ::Dynflow::Action::Rescue::Skip end def humanized_name _('Import facts') end def humanized_input input[:host] && input[:host][:name] end # default value for cleaning up the tasks, it can be overriden by settings def self.cleanup_after '30d' end end end end end