################################ ## Cluster Configuration File ## ################################ [cluster Slurm] FormLayout = selectionpanel Category = Schedulers Autoscale = $Autoscale [[node defaults]] UsePublicNetwork = $UsePublicNetwork Credentials = $Credentials KeyPairLocation = ~/.ssh/cyclecloud.pem # Slurm autoscaling supports both Terminate and Deallocate shutdown policies ShutdownPolicy = $configuration_slurm_shutdown_policy CloudInit = '''#!/bin/bash set -x if ! grep -q private.ccmr.net /etc/resolv.conf; then nmcli con mod "System eth0" ipv4.dns-search "private.ccmr.net" systemctl restart NetworkManager fi chmod 777 /mnt/resource ''' [[[configuration]]] slurm.version = $configuration_slurm_version slurm.accounting.enabled = $configuration_slurm_accounting_enabled slurm.accounting.url = $configuration_slurm_accounting_url slurm.accounting.user = $configuration_slurm_accounting_user slurm.accounting.password = $configuration_slurm_accounting_password slurm.additional.config = $additional_slurm_config # slurm.install = false # Disable ip-XXXXXXXX hostname generation cyclecloud.hosts.standalone_dns.enabled = ${NodeNameIsHostname==false} cyclecloud.hosts.simple_vpc_dns.enabled = ${NodeNameIsHostname==false} # For fast spin-up after Deallocate, force an immediate re-converge on boot cyclecloud.converge_on_boot = true # Disable normal NFS exports and mounts cyclecloud.mounts.sched.disabled = true cyclecloud.mounts.shared.disabled = true cyclecloud.exports.sched.disabled = true cyclecloud.exports.shared.disabled = true cyclecloud.exports.sched.samba.enabled = false cyclecloud.exports.shared.samba.enabled = false cyclecloud.exports.defaults.samba.enabled = false cshared.server.legacy_links_disabled = true [[[cluster-init cyclecloud/slurm:default]]] Optional = true [[[configuration cyclecloud.mounts.nfs_shared]]] type = nfs mountpoint = /shared export_path = $NFSSharedExportPath address = $NFSAddress options = $NFSSharedMountOptions [[[configuration cyclecloud.mounts.nfs_sched]]] type = nfs mountpoint = /sched [[[configuration cyclecloud.mounts.additional_nfs]]] disabled = ${AdditionalNAS isnt true} type = nfs address = ${ifThenElse(AdditionalNAS, AdditonalNFSAddress, undefined)} mountpoint = ${ifThenElse(AdditionalNAS, AdditionalNFSMountPoint, undefined)} export_path = ${ifThenElse(AdditionalNAS, AdditionalNFSExportPath, undefined)} options = ${ifThenElse(AdditionalNAS, AdditionalNFSMountOptions, undefined)} [[node scheduler]] MachineType = $SchedulerMachineType ImageName = $SchedulerImageName IsReturnProxy = $ReturnProxy AdditionalClusterInitSpecs = $SchedulerClusterInitSpecs SubnetId = $PrimarySubnet Region = $PrimaryRegion ComputerName = ${regexps("([^a-zA-Z0-9-])", ifThenElse(SchedulerHostName=="Cluster Prefix", StrJoin("-", ClusterName, "scheduler"), ifThenElse(Size(Trim(SchedulerHostName)) == 0 || SchedulerHostName == "Generated", undefined, SchedulerHostName)), "-")} # indented version, for clarity. # ${regexps("([^a-zA-Z0-9-])", # ifThenElse(SchedulerHostName=="Cluster Prefix", # StrJoin("-", ClusterName, "scheduler"), # ifThenElse(Size(Trim(SchedulerHostName)) == 0 || SchedulerHostName == "Generated", # undefined, # SchedulerHostName)), # "-")} [[[configuration]]] cyclecloud.mounts.nfs_sched.disabled = true cyclecloud.mounts.nfs_shared.disabled = ${NFSType != "External"} [[[cluster-init cyclecloud/slurm:scheduler]]] [[[network-interface eth0]]] AssociatePublicIpAddress = $UsePublicNetwork [[[volume sched]]] Size = 30 SSD = True Mount = builtinsched Persistent = False [[[volume shared]]] Size = ${ifThenElse(NFSType == "Builtin", FilesystemSize, 2)} SSD = True Mount = builtinshared Persistent = ${NFSType == "Builtin"} [[[configuration cyclecloud.mounts.builtinsched]]] mountpoint = /sched fs_type = xfs [[[configuration cyclecloud.mounts.builtinshared]]] disabled = ${NFSType != "Builtin"} mountpoint = /shared fs_type = xfs [[[configuration cyclecloud.exports.builtinsched]]] export_path = /sched options = no_root_squash samba.enabled = false type = nfs [[[configuration cyclecloud.exports.builtinshared]]] disabled = ${NFSType != "Builtin"} export_path = /shared samba.enabled = false type = nfs [[node nodearraybase]] Abstract = true [[[configuration]]] slurm.autoscale = true slurm.node_prefix = ${ifThenElse(NodeNamePrefix=="Cluster Prefix", StrJoin("-", ClusterName, ""), NodeNamePrefix)} slurm.use_nodename_as_hostname = $NodeNameIsHostname [[[cluster-init cyclecloud/slurm:execute]]] [[[network-interface eth0]]] AssociatePublicIpAddress = $ExecuteNodesPublic [[nodearray hpc]] Extends = nodearraybase MachineType = $HPCMachineType ImageName = $HPCImageName MaxCoreCount = $MaxHPCExecuteCoreCount Azure.MaxScalesetSize = $HPCMaxScalesetSize AdditionalClusterInitSpecs = $HPCClusterInitSpecs SubnetId = $SecondarySubnet Region = $SecondaryRegion [[[configuration]]] slurm.default_partition = true slurm.hpc = true slurm.partition = hpc [[nodearray htc]] Extends = nodearraybase MachineType = $HTCMachineType ImageName = $HTCImageName MaxCoreCount = $MaxHTCExecuteCoreCount Interruptible = $HTCUseLowPrio MaxPrice = $HTCSpotMaxPrice AdditionalClusterInitSpecs = $HTCClusterInitSpecs SubnetId = $PrimarySubnet Region = $PrimaryRegion [[[configuration]]] slurm.hpc = false slurm.partition = htc [parameters About] Order = 1 [[parameters About Slurm]] [[[parameter slurm]]] HideLabel = true Config.Plugin = pico.widget.HtmlTemplateWidget Config.Template := "

Slurm is a highly configurable open source workload manager. See the Slurm project site for an overview.

Follow the instructions in the README for details on instructions on extending and configuring the Project for your environment.

" [parameters Required Settings] Order = 10 [[parameters Virtual Machines ]] Description = "The cluster, in this case, has two roles: the scheduler node with shared filer and the execute hosts. Configure which VM types to use based on the requirements of your application." Order = 20 [[[parameter SchedulerMachineType]]] Label = Scheduler VM Type Description = The VM type for scheduler node ParameterType = Cloud.MachineType DefaultValue = Standard_F2s_v2 [[[parameter HPCMachineType]]] Label = HPC VM Type Description = The VM type for HPC execute nodes ParameterType = Cloud.MachineType DefaultValue = Standard_HB120rs_v2 [[[parameter HTCMachineType]]] Label = HTC VM Type Description = The VM type for HTC execute nodes ParameterType = Cloud.MachineType DefaultValue = Standard_F2s_v2 [[parameters Auto-Scaling]] Description = "The cluster can autoscale to the workload, adding execute hosts as jobs are queued. To enable this check the box below and choose the initial and maximum core counts for the cluster" Order = 30 [[[parameter Autoscale]]] Label = Autoscale DefaultValue = true Widget.Plugin = pico.form.BooleanCheckBox Widget.Label = Start and stop execute instances automatically [[[parameter MaxHPCExecuteCoreCount]]] Label = Max HPC Cores Description = The total number of HPC execute cores to start DefaultValue = 240 Config.Plugin = pico.form.NumberTextBox Config.MinValue = 1 Config.IntegerOnly = true [[[parameter MaxHTCExecuteCoreCount]]] Label = Max HTC Cores Description = The total number of HTC execute cores to start DefaultValue = 10 Config.Plugin = pico.form.NumberTextBox Config.MinValue = 1 Config.IntegerOnly = true [[[parameter HPCMaxScalesetSize]]] Label = Max VMs per Scaleset Description = The maximum number of VMs created per VM Scaleset e.g. switch in Slurm. DefaultValue = 100 Config.Plugin = pico.form.NumberTextBox Config.MinValue = 1 Config.IntegerOnly = true [[[parameter HTCUseLowPrio]]] Label = Spot DefaultValue = false Widget.Plugin = pico.form.BooleanCheckBox Widget.Label = Use Spot VMs for HTC execute hosts [[[parameter HTCSpotMaxPrice]]] Label = Max Price DefaultValue = -1 Description = Max price for Spot VMs in USD (value of -1 will not evict based on price) Config.Plugin = pico.form.NumberTextBox Conditions.Excluded := HTCUseLowPrio isnt true Config.MinValue = -1 [[parameters MultiRegion]] Order = 40 [[[parameter PrimaryRegion]]] Label = Pri Region Description = Primary Deployment Location ParameterType = Cloud.Region [[[parameter PrimarySubnet]]] Label = Pri Subnet ID Description = Primary Region Subnet Resource Path (ResourceGroup/VirtualNetwork/Subnet) ParameterType = Azure.Subnet Required = True [[[parameter SecondaryRegion]]] Label = Sec Region Description = Secondary Deployment Location ParameterType = Cloud.Region [[[parameter SecondarySubnet]]] Label = Sec Subnet ID Description = Secondary Region Subnet Resource Path (ResourceGroup/VirtualNetwork/Subnet) ParameterType = Azure.Subnet Required = True [parameters Network Attached Storage] Order = 15 [[parameters Default NFS Share]] Order = 10 [[[parameter About shared]]] HideLabel = true Config.Plugin = pico.widget.HtmlTemplateWidget Config.Template := "

The directory /shared is a network attached mount and exists in all nodes of the cluster. Users' home directories reside within this mountpoint with the base homedir /shared/home.

There are two options for providing this mount:
[Builtin]: The scheduler node is an NFS server that provides the mountpoint to the other nodes of the cluster.
[External NFS]: A network attached storage such as Azure Netapp Files, HPC Cache, or another VM running an NFS server, provides the mountpoint.

" Order = 20 [[[parameter NFSType]]] Label = NFS Type ParameterType = StringList Config.Label = Type of NFS to use for this cluster Config.Plugin = pico.form.Dropdown Config.Entries := {[Label="External NFS"; Value="External"], [Label="Builtin"; Value="Builtin"]} DefaultValue = Builtin [[[parameter NFSAddress]]] Label = NFS IP Address Description = The IP address or hostname of the NFS server. Also accepts a list comma-separated addresses, for example, to mount a frontend load-balanced Azure HPC Cache. Config.ParameterType = String Conditions.Hidden := NFSType != "External" [[[parameter NFSSharedExportPath]]] Label = Shared Export Path Description = The path exported by the file system DefaultValue = /shared Conditions.Hidden := NFSType != "External" [[[parameter NFSSharedMountOptions]]] Label = NFS Mount Options Description = NFS Client Mount Options Conditions.Hidden := NFSType != "External" [[[parameter FilesystemSize]]] Label = Size (GB) Description = The filesystem size DefaultValue = 100 Config.Plugin = pico.form.NumberTextBox Config.MinValue = 10 Config.MaxValue = 10240 Config.IntegerOnly = true Conditions.Excluded := NFSType != "Builtin" [[parameters Additional NFS Mount]] Order = 20 [[[parameter Additional NFS Mount Readme]]] HideLabel = true Config.Plugin = pico.widget.HtmlTemplateWidget Config.Template := "

Mount another NFS endpoint on the cluster nodes

" Order = 20 [[[parameter AdditionalNAS]]] HideLabel = true DefaultValue = false Widget.Plugin = pico.form.BooleanCheckBox Widget.Label = Add NFS mount [[[parameter AdditonalNFSAddress]]] Label = NFS IP Address Description = The IP address or hostname of the NFS server. Also accepts a list comma-separated addresses, for example, to mount a frontend load-balanced Azure HPC Cache. Config.ParameterType = String Conditions.Excluded := AdditionalNAS isnt true [[[parameter AdditionalNFSMountPoint]]] Label = NFS Mount Point Description = The path at which to mount the Filesystem DefaultValue = /data Conditions.Excluded := AdditionalNAS isnt true [[[parameter AdditionalNFSExportPath]]] Label = NFS Export Path Description = The path exported by the file system DefaultValue = /data Conditions.Excluded := AdditionalNAS isnt true [[[parameter AdditionalNFSMountOptions]]] Label = NFS Mount Options Description = NFS Client Mount Options Conditions.Excluded := AdditionalNAS isnt true [parameters Advanced Settings] Order = 20 [[parameters Azure Settings]] Order = 10 [[[parameter Credentials]]] Description = The credentials for the cloud provider ParameterType = Cloud.Credentials [[parameters Slurm Settings ]] Description = "Section for configuring Slurm" Order = 5 [[[parameter configuration_slurm_version]]] Required = True Label = Slurm Version Description = Version of Slurm to install on the cluster ParameterType = StringList Config.Plugin = pico.form.Dropdown Config.FreeForm = true Config.Entries := {[Value="20.11.7-1"]} DefaultValue = 20.11.7-1 [[[parameter configuration_slurm_accounting_enabled]]] Label = Job Accounting DefaultValue = false Widget.Plugin = pico.form.BooleanCheckBox Widget.Label = Configure Slurm job accounting [[[parameter configuration_slurm_accounting_url]]] Label = Slurm DBD URL Description = URL of the database to use for Slurm job accounting Conditions.Excluded := configuration_slurm_accounting_enabled isnt true [[[parameter configuration_slurm_accounting_user]]] Label = Slurm DBD User Description = User for Slurm DBD admin Conditions.Excluded := configuration_slurm_accounting_enabled isnt true [[[parameter configuration_slurm_accounting_password]]] Label = Slurm DBD Password Description = Password for Slurm DBD admin ParameterType = Password Conditions.Excluded := configuration_slurm_accounting_enabled isnt true [[[parameter configuration_slurm_shutdown_policy]]] Label = ShutdownPolicy description = By default, autostop will Delete stopped VMS for lowest cost. Optionally, Stop/Deallocate the VMs for faster restart instead. DefaultValue = Terminate config.plugin = pico.control.AutoCompleteDropdown [[[[list Config.Entries]]]] Name = Terminate Label = Terminate [[[[list Config.Entries]]]] Name = Deallocate Label = Deallocate [[[parameter additional_slurm_config]]] Label = Additional Slurm configuration Description = Any additional lines to add to slurm.conf ParameterType = Text [[parameters Software]] Description = "Specify the scheduling software, and base OS installed on all nodes, and optionally the cluster-init and chef versions from your Locker." Order = 10 [[[parameter NodeNameIsHostname]]] Label = Name As Hostname Description = Should the hostname match the nodename for execute nodes? ParameterType = Boolean DefaultValue = true [[[parameter NodeNamePrefix]]] Label = Node Prefix Description = Prefix for generated node names, i.e. "prefix-" generates prefix-nodearray-1. Use 'Cluster Prefix' to get $ClusterName-nodearray-1 ParameterType = StringList Config.Plugin = pico.form.Dropdown Config.FreeForm = true DefaultValue = "" Config.Entries := {[Value=""], [Value="Cluster Prefix"]} Conditions.Hidden := NodeNameIsHostname != true [[[parameter SchedulerHostName]]] Label = Scheduler Hostname Description = Hostname of scheduler. 'Generated' uses the default generated hostname. 'Cluster Prefix' will generate $ClusterName-scheduler. ParameterType = StringList Config.Plugin = pico.form.Dropdown Config.FreeForm = true DefaultValue = "scheduler" Config.Entries := {[Value="Generated"], [Value="Cluster Prefix"]} Conditions.Hidden := NodeNameIsHostname != true [[[parameter SchedulerImageName]]] Label = Scheduler OS ParameterType = Cloud.Image Config.OS = linux DefaultValue = OpenLogic:CentOS-HPC:7_9:latest Config.Filter := Package in {"cycle.image.centos7", "cycle.image.centos8", "cycle.image.ubuntu18"} [[[parameter HPCImageName]]] Label = HPC OS ParameterType = Cloud.Image Config.OS = linux DefaultValue = OpenLogic:CentOS-HPC:7_9-gen2:latest Config.Filter := Package in {"cycle.image.centos7", "cycle.image.centos8", "cycle.image.ubuntu18"} [[[parameter HTCImageName]]] Label = HTC OS ParameterType = Cloud.Image Config.OS = linux DefaultValue = OpenLogic:CentOS:7_9:latest Config.Filter := Package in {"cycle.image.centos7", "cycle.image.centos8", "cycle.image.ubuntu18"} [[[parameter SchedulerClusterInitSpecs]]] Label = Scheduler Cluster-Init DefaultValue = =undefined Description = Cluster init specs to apply to the scheduler node ParameterType = Cloud.ClusterInitSpecs [[[parameter HTCClusterInitSpecs]]] Label = HTC Cluster-Init DefaultValue = =undefined Description = Cluster init specs to apply to HTC execute nodes ParameterType = Cloud.ClusterInitSpecs [[[parameter HPCClusterInitSpecs]]] Label = HPC Cluster-Init DefaultValue = =undefined Description = Cluster init specs to apply to HPC execute nodes ParameterType = Cloud.ClusterInitSpecs [[parameters Advanced Networking]] Description = Advanced networking settings [[[parameter ReturnProxy]]] Label = Return Proxy DefaultValue = false ParameterType = Boolean Config.Label = Use SSH tunnel to connect to CycleCloud (required if direct access is blocked) [[[parameter UsePublicNetwork]]] Label = Public Head Node DefaultValue = false ParameterType = Boolean Config.Label = Access scheduler node from the Internet [[[parameter ExecuteNodesPublic]]] Label = Public Execute DefaultValue = false ParameterType = Boolean Config.Label = Access execute nodes from the Internet Conditions.Excluded := UsePublicNetwork isnt true