# iBooks HTML Widget examples Easy to adapt examples and demos of HTML Widgets. The widgets enclosed were created with Tumult Hype. For more info on Tumult Hype and iBooks, please see: * [Easy HTML5 Animations in iBooks Author using Tumult Hype](http://blog.tumult.com/2012/01/20/easy-html5-animations-in-ibooks-using-tumult-hype-and-ibooks-author/) * [An assortment of articles in the Tumult Hype forums](http://forums.tumult.com/c/exporting-previewing/ibooks-widget) Explore the /widgets folder for examples of adding audio to iBooks author, removing the white flash that occurs when loading widgets, and for various data-storage techniques created by widged. The following examples were forked from /widged/iBook-widgets/: * firebugEmbed.wdgt - Shows how to embed a JS debugger within your widget * googleStorage.wdgt - Store data with Google's Spreadsheet api. * initializeGoogleStorage.wdgt * jsxgraph.wdgt * khanExercises.wdgt * localStorage.wdgt - Retain data when closing a widget (and closing iBooks!) * sharingDataAcrossWidgets.wdgt - Uses localStorage Also includes: * Autoplaying audio (when opening widget) * Streaming and self-contained video *