The Ultimate NeoVim Config for [Colemak](https://colemak.com/) Users
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[中文版](./README_cn.md) Please **DO NOT** just copy this configuration folder without really looking at it! Please, at least, read this README file! * [Requirements](#requirements) * [After Installation, You Need To](#after-installation-you-need-to) * [After Installation, You Might Want To](#after-installation-you-might-want-to) - [First of all](#first-of-all) - [For Python Debugger (via `vimspector`)](#for-python-debugger-via-vimspector) - [Config `Python` path](#config-python-path) - [For Taglist:](#for-taglist) - [For FZF](#for-fzf) - [And also...](#and-also) * [Keyboard Shortcuts](#keyboard-shortcuts) - [1 Basic Editor Features](#1-basic-editor-features) + [1.1 The Most Basics](#11-the-most-basics) + [1.2 Remapped Cursor Movement](#12-remapped-cursor-movement) + [1.3 Remapped Insert Mode Keys](#13-remapped-insert-mode-keys) + [1.4 Remapped Text Manipulating Commands in Normal Mode](#14-remapped-text-manipulating-commands-in-normal-mode) + [1.5 Other Useful Normal Mode Remappings](#15-other-useful-normal-mode-remappings) + [1.6 Remapped Commands in Visual Mode](#16-remapped-commands-in-visual-mode) - [2 Window Management](#2-window-management) + [2.1 Creating Window Through Split Screen](#21-creating-window-through-split-screen) + [2.2 Moving the Cursor Between Different Windows](#22-moving-the-cursor-between-different-windows) + [2.3 Resizing Different Windows](#23-resizing-different-windows) + [2.4 Closing Windows](#24-closing-windows) - [3 Tab Management](#3-tab-management) - [4 Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts](#4-terminal-keyboard-shortcuts) * [Plugins Keybindings (Screenshots/GIF provided!)](#plugins-keybindings-screenshotsgif-provided) - [AutoCompletion](#autocompletion) + [COC (AutoCompletion)](#coc-autocompletion) + [coc-snippets](#coc-snippets) - [File Navigation](#file-navigation) + [coc-explorer (file browser)](#coc-explorer-file-browser) + [rnvimr - file browser](#rnvimr---file-browser) + [FZF - the fuzzy file finder](#fzf---the-fuzzy-file-finder) + [xtabline (the fancy tab line)](#xtabline-the-fancy-tab-line) - [Text Editing Plugins](#text-editing-plugins) + [vim-table-mode](#vim-table-mode) + [Undotree](#undotree) + [vim-visual-multi](#vim-visual-multi) + [vim-surround](#vim-surround) + [vim-subversive](#vim-subversive) + [vim-easy-align](#vim-easy-align) + [AutoFormat](#autoformat) + [vim-markdown-toc (generate table of contents for markdown files)](#vim-markdown-toc-generate-table-of-contents-for-markdown-files) - [Navigation Within Buffer](#navigation-within-buffer) + [Vista.vim](#vistavim) - [Find and Replace](#find-and-replace) + [Far.vim - find and replace](#farvim---find-and-replace) - [Git Related](#git-related) + [vim-gitgutter](#vim-gitgutter) + [fzf-gitignore](#fzf-gitignore) - [Others](#others) + [vim-calendar](#vim-calendar) + [Goyo - Work without distraction](#goyo---work-without-distraction) + [suda.vim](#sudavim) + [coc-translator](#coc-translator) * [Custom Snippets](#custom-snippets) - [Markdown](#markdown) * [Some Weird Stuff](#some-weird-stuff) - [Press `tx` and enter your text](#press-tx-and-enter-your-text) - [Customized Vertical Cursor Movement](#customized-vertical-cursor-movement) ## Requirements - This nvim configuration **REQUIRES** NeoVim 0.6.0+ ## After Installation, You Need To - Install `pip3`, and do `pip3 install --user pynvim` - Install `node`, and do `npm install -g neovim` - Install nerd-fonts (actually it's optional but it looks real good) ## After Installation, You Might Want To ### First of all - Do `:checkhealth` ### For Python Debugger (via `vimspector`) - Install `debugpy` (`pip`) ### Config `Python` path - Well, make sure you have python - See `_machine_specific.vim` ### For Taglist: - Install `ctags` for function/class/variable list ### For FZF - Install `fzf` - Install `ag` (`the_silver_searcher`) ### And also... - Install `figlet` for inputing text ASCII art - Install `xclip` for system clipboard access (`Linux` and `xorg` only) ## Keyboard Shortcuts ### 1 Basic Editor Features #### 1.1 The Most Basics **`k`** : switchs to **`INSERT`** : mode (same as key `i` in vanilla vim) **`Q`** : quits current vim window (same as command `:q` in vanilla vim) **`S`** : saves the current file (same as command `:w` in vanilla vim) **_IMPORTANT_** Since the `i` key has been mapped to `k`, every command (combination) that involves `i` should use `k` instead (for example, `ciw` should be `ckw`). #### 1.2 Remapped Cursor Movement | Shortcut | Action | Equivalent | |------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|------------| | `u` | Cursor up a terminal line | `k` | | `e` | Cursor down a terminal line | `j` | | `n` | Cursor left | `h` | | `i` | Cursor right | `l` | | `U` | Cursor up 5 terminal lines | `5k` | | `E` | Cursor down 5 terminal lines | `5j` | | `N` | Cursor to the start of the line | `0` | | `I` | Cursor to the end of the line | `$` | | `Ctrl` `u` | Move the view port up 5 lines without moving the cursor | `Ctrl` `y` | | `Ctrl` `e` | Move the view port down 5 lines without moving the cursor | `Ctrl` `e` | | `h` | Move to the end of this word | `e` | | `W` | Move cursor five words forward | `5w` | | `B` | Move cursor five words forward | `5b` | #### 1.3 Remapped Insert Mode Keys | Shortcut | Action | |------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------| | `Ctrl` `a` | Move cursor to the end of the line | | `Ctrl` `u` | Move the character on the right of the cursor to the end of the line | #### 1.4 Remapped Text Manipulating Commands in Normal Mode | Shortcut | Action | |-----------------|---------------------------------------| | `l` | **undo** | | `<` | Un-indent | | `>` | Indent | | `SPACE` `SPACE` | Goto the next placeholder (`<++>`) | #### 1.5 Other Useful Normal Mode Remappings | Shortcut | Action | |-----------------|------------------------------------------------| | `r` | **Compile/Run the current file** | | `SPACE` `s` `c` | Toggle spell suggestion a | | `SPACE` `d` `w` | Find adjacent duplicated word | | `SPACE` `t` `t` | Convert every 4 Spaces to a tab | | `SPACE` `o` | Fold | | `SPACE` `-` | Previous quick-fix position | | `SPACE` `+` | Next quick-fix position | | `\` `p` | Show the path of the current file | | `SPACE` `/` | Create a new terminal below the current window | #### 1.6 Remapped Commands in Visual Mode | Shortcut | Action | |-----------------|----------------------------------------| | `Y` | Copy selected text to system clipboard | ### 2 Window Management #### 2.1 Creating Window Through Split Screen | Shortcut | Action | |-------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `s` `u` | Create a new horizontal split screen and place it above the current window | | `s` `e` | Create a new horizontal split screen and place it below the current window | | `s` `n` | Create a new vertical split screen and place it left to the current window | | `s` `i` | Create a new vertical split screen and place it right to the current window | | `s` `v` | Set the two splits to be vertical | | `s` `h` | Set the two splits to be horizontal | | `s` `r` `v` | Rotate splits and arrange splits vertically | | `s` `r` `h` | Rotate splits and arrange splits horizontally | #### 2.2 Moving the Cursor Between Different Windows | Shortcut | Action | |---------------|--------------------------------| | `SPACE` + `w` | Move cursor to the next window | | `SPACE` + `n` | Move cursor one window left | | `SPACE` + `i` | Move cursor one window right | | `SPACE` + `u` | Move cursor one window up | | `SPACE` + `e` | Move cursor one window down | #### 2.3 Resizing Different Windows Use the arrow keys to resize the current window. #### 2.4 Closing Windows | Shortcut | Action | |-------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `Q` | Close the current window | | `SPACE` `q` | Close the window below the current window. (The current window will be closed if there is no window below) | ### 3 Tab Management | Shortcut | Action | |-------------|------------------| | `t` `u` | Create a new tab | | `t` `n` | Go one tab left | | `t` `i` | Go One tab right | | `t` `m` `n` | Move tab left | | `t` `m` `i` | Move tab right | ### 4 Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts | Shortcut | Action | |-------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| | `Ctrl` `n` | Escape from terminal input mode | ## Plugins Keybindings (Screenshots/GIF provided!) ### AutoCompletion #### [COC (AutoCompletion)](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim) | Shortcut | Action | |-----------------|---------------------------| | `Space` `y` | **Get yank history list** | | `gd` | Go to definition | | `gr` | List references | | `gi` | List implementation | | `gy` | Go to type definition | | `Space` `r` `n` | Rename a variable | Gif #### [coc-snippets](https://github.com/neoclide/coc-snippets) | Shortcut | Action | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | `Ctrl` `e` | Expand a snippet | | `Ctrl` `n` | (in snippet) Previous Cursor position in snippet | | `Ctrl` `e` | (in snippet) Next Cursor position in snippet | ![GIF Demo](https://raw.github.com/SirVer/ultisnips/master/doc/demo.gif) ### File Navigation #### [coc-explorer (file browser)](https://github.com/weirongxu/coc-explorer) | Shortcut | Action | |----------|-------------------------| | `tt` | **Open file browser** | | `?` | show help (in explorer) | Png #### [rnvimr - file browser](https://github.com/kevinhwang91/rnvimr) - [ ] Make sure you have ranger installed Press `R` to open Ranger (file selector) And Within rnvimr (ranger), you can: | Shortcut | Action | |------------|------------------------------------| | `Ctrl` `t` | Open the file in a new tab | | `Ctrl` `x` | Split up and down with the file | | `Ctrl` `v` | Split left and right with the file | Gif #### [FZF - the fuzzy file finder](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim) | Shortcut | Action | |------------|--------------------| | `Ctrl` `p` | **FZF Files** | | `Ctrl` `u` | Move up 1 item | | `Ctrl` `e` | Move down 1 item | | `Ctrl` `w` | FZF Buffers | | `Ctrl` `f` | FZF Files' Content | | `Ctrl` `h` | FZF Recent Files | | `Ctrl` `t` | FZF Tags | Gif #### [xtabline (the fancy tab line)](https://github.com/mg979/vim-xtabline) | Shortcut | What it creates | |----------|-------------------| | `to` | Cycle tab mode | | `\p` | Show current path | Gif ### Text Editing Plugins #### [vim-table-mode](https://github.com/dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode) | Shortcut | Action | |-----------------|-------------------| | `SPACE` `t` `m` | Toggle table mode | | `SPACE` `t` `r` | Realign table | See `:help table-mode.txt` for more. #### [Undotree](https://github.com/mbbill/undotree) | Shortcut | Action | |---------------|---------------| | `Shift` + `L` | Open Undotree | | `u` | Newer Version | | `e` | Older Version | Png #### [vim-visual-multi](https://github.com/mg979/vim-visual-multi) | Shortcut | Action | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | `Ctrl`+`k` | **Select next key (multiple cursors)** | | `q` | **Deselect the current keys (multiple cursors)** | | `-` | Select the previous key | | `=` | Select the next key | | `Esc` | Quit mutiple cursors | Gif Gif Gif Gif #### [vim-surround](https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround) To add surround (`string` -> `"string"`): ``` string ``` press: `yskw'`: ``` 'string' ``` To change surround ``` 'string' ``` press: `cs'"`: ``` "string" ``` Gif #### [vim-subversive](https://github.com/svermeulen/vim-subversive) New operator: `s`: You can execute `s` to substitute the text object provided by the motion with the contents of the default register (or an explicit register if provided). For example, you could execute `skw` to replace the current word under the cursor with the current yank, or `skp` to replace the paragraph, etc. #### [vim-easy-align](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-easy-align) Press `ga` + **symbol** in normal or visual mode to align text based on **symbol** Gif #### [AutoFormat](https://github.com/Chiel92/vim-autoformat) Press `\` `f` to format code #### [vim-markdown-toc (generate table of contents for markdown files)](https://github.com/mzlogin/vim-markdown-toc) In `markdown` files, type `:Gen` then tab, you'll see your options. Gif ### Navigation Within Buffer #### [Vista.vim](https://github.com/liuchengxu/vista.vim) Press `T` to toggle function and variable list Gif ### Find and Replace #### [Far.vim - find and replace](https://github.com/brooth/far.vim) Press `SPACE` `f` `r` to search in cwd. Gif ### Git Related #### [vim-gitgutter](https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter) | Shortcut | Action | |-----------------|-----------------------------------| | `H` | **Show git hunk at current line** | | `SPACE` `g` `-` | Go to previous git hunk | | `SPACE` `g` `+` | Go to next git hunk | | `SPACE` `g` `f` | Fold everything except hunks | #### [fzf-gitignore](https://github.com/fszymanski/fzf-gitignore) Press `Space` `g` `i` to create a `.gitignore` file Png Png ### Others #### [vim-calendar](https://github.com/itchyny/calendar.vim) | Shortcut | Action | |----------|---------------| | `\` `\` | Show clock | | `\` `c` | Show calendar | Png #### [Goyo - Work without distraction](https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim) Press `g` `y` to toggle Goyo Png #### [suda.vim](https://github.com/lambdalisue/suda.vim) Forgot to `sudo vim ...`? Just do `:sudowrite` or `:sw` #### [coc-translator](https://github.com/voldikss/coc-translator) Press `ts` to **translate word under cursor**. Png ## Custom Snippets ### Markdown | Shortcut | What it creates | |----------|---------------------| | `,n` | --- | | `,b` | **Bold** text | | `,s` | ~~sliced~~ text | | `,i` | *italic* text | | `,d` | `code block` | | `,c` | big `block of code` | | `,m` | - [ ] check mark | | `,p` | picture | | `,a` | [link]() | | `,1` | # H1 | | `,2` | ## H2 | | `,3` | ### H3 | | `,4` | #### H4 | | `,l` | -------- | `,f` to go to the next `<++>` (placeholder) `,w` to go to the next `<++>` (placeholder) and then press `Enter` for you ## Some Weird Stuff ### Press `tx` and enter your text `tx Hello` ``` _ _ _ _ | | | | ___| | | ___ | |_| |/ _ \ | |/ _ \ | _ | __/ | | (_) | |_| |_|\___|_|_|\___/ ``` ### Customized Vertical Cursor Movement This NeoVim configuration includes a customized vertical cursor movement tailored for Colemak users. It can be located in `cursor.vim`, and it serves as an alternative to the "number + up/down" key combination. In order to move the cursor up `x` lines, press the `[` key, and treat the middle row of the Colemak keyboard layout ("arstdhneio") as number 1 to 0. Press the numbers that you'd like your cursor to move (`x`) and press the space bar. To move the cursor down, press the `'` key instead of the `[` key, and the rest would be the same. Example: | Shortcut | Action | |-------------------------|--------------------------------| | `[` `a` `o` `o` `SPACE` | Move the cursor up 100 lines | | `'` `a` `r` `s` `SPACE` | Move the cursor down 123 lines | | `[` `d` `o` `SPACE` | Move the cursor up 50 lines | **Note: As of now, you may only move vertically up to 199 lines with this key configuration!**