# REVEAL.JS TEMPLATE ## [reveal.js][3] presentation written in [markdown][4] set up with [fabric][5] & [fabsetup][6] created by [theno](https://github.com/theno) | 2017-01-05 | [online][1] | [src][2] [1]: https://theno.github.io/revealjs_template [2]: https://github.com/theno/revealjs_template [3]: http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/ [4]: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet [5]: http://www.fabfile.org/ [6]: https://github.com/theno/fabsetup ---- ---- # 1. reveal.js ---- ## reveal.js > "A framework for easily creating __beautiful presentations__ using HTML." > > -- https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js
* It's basically a static website displayed in a *browser* * Works better with *Chrome* than *Firefox* * __Markdown support__ -> *easy editing*: * Don't bother with HTML syntax * Write slides in a markdown file ---- ## reveal.js supports Markdown Writing slides in Markdown is easy: ```markdown ## reveal.js > "A framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML." > > -- https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js * It's basically a website displayed in a browser * Works better with Chrome than Firefox * Markdown support -> easy editing: * Don't bother with xml syntax * Write slides in a markdown file ``` ---- ## reveal.js: Showroom Some reveal.js presentations: * *"Official"* demo: http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js * http://slid.es/gsklee/functional-programming-in-5-minutes * http://www.adidahiya.com/design.html * http://slides.drublic.de/awesome-code * http://hoebel.net/presentations_archive/saltstack/saltstack.html More demos: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/wiki/Example-Presentations ---- ---- # 2. fabric and fabsetup ---- # fabric > "Fabric is a Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool > for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment > or systems administration tasks." > > -- http://www.fabfile.org/
__`>>shell-deploy-scripts on steroids!<<`__ ---- ## fab and fabfile.py * __`fabfile.py`__ contains the fabric tasks * Bash commands _"written"_ in Python (2.5 - 2.7) * Command __`fab`__ executes a task ---- example __`fabfile.py`__: ```python from fabric.api import env, run, task @task def show_ips(): ips = run('/bin/hostname -I') print('IPs of {}:\n {}'.format(env.host, ips)) ```
__`fab`__ uses the fabfile of the current dir: ```bash > ls fabfile.py ```
```bash > fab show_ips -H user@example_host [example_host] Executing task 'ip_addresses' [example_host] run: hostname -I [example_host] out: IPs of mobi12.uni.cx: Done. Disconnecting from example_host... done. ``` ---- # fabsetup Collection of __fabric tasks__: * set up an [owncloud server][7] * set up an own android app repository (own [F-Droid server][8]) * set up a linux desktop: eg. [configure vim, tmux, solarized colors][9] *(dotfiles on steroids!)* * set up ... * __set up everything you need for a *reveal.js* presentation__: ```sh fab setup.revealjs ``` [7]: https://github.com/theno/fabsetup/blob/master/howtos/owncloud.md [8]: https://github.com/theno/fabsetup/blob/master/howtos/f-droid-repo.md [9]: https://github.com/theno/fabsetup/blob/master/howtos/no-sudo.md ---- ---- # 3. fab setup.revealjs ---- ## A reveal.js Template boilerplate for getting started on a nice reveal.js presentation: * reveal.js code installed (comes with built-in plugins) * Additional reveal.js plugins installed * __`index.html`__ prepared accordingly * All slides are defined in __`slides.md`__ ---- ## Set It Up * install __fabsetup__: ```sh sudo apt-get install git fabric # mkdir -p ~/repos && cd ~/repos git clone https://github.com/theno/fabsetup ``` * run fabric task __`setup.revealjs`__: ```sh cd ~/repos/fabsetup fab setup.revealjs -H localhost ``` ---- ## fab setup.revealjs *Asks for:* * Presentation base directory * Title * Sub-title * Short description ---- ## fab setup.revealjs *Optionally:* * Create github repo * Download npm libs *When running again (also optional):* * Re-install reveal.js codebase ---- [howto](https://github.com/theno/fabsetup/blob/master/howtos/revealjs.md) ---- ## Boilerplate File Structure ```sh ~/repos/my_presi> tree . ├── .git/ ├── .gitignore │ ├── README.md <-- Short description and usage │ ├── slides.md <-- All slides are defined here ├── index.html <-- Configuration ├── img/ │   └── thanks.jpg <-- good place for images │ └── reveal.js/ <--.    ├── css/ `-- reveal.js code "hidden" in a subdir    ├── js/ (keeps the basedir clean)    ├── plugin/    ...    ├── img -> ../img \    ├── reveal.js -> ../reveal.js |_ symbolic links in order    ├── slides.md -> ../slides.md | to run `npm start`    └── index.html -> ../index.html / ``` ---- *template features* ---- ## Plugins Built-In All the built-in plugins are enabled in the __`index.html`__: * __[marked.js, markdown.js][10]__: Markdown support * __[highlight.js][11]__: Code syntax highlighting * __zoom.js__: Zoom in and out with `ALT+click` * __[notes.js][13]__: Speaker notes * __[math.js][14]__: Formatting math expressions [10]: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#markdown [11]: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#code-syntax-highlighting [13]: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#speaker-notes [14]: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#mathjax ---- ## Additional Plugins This additional plugins will be installed and set up, too: * __[menu.js][15]__: Slideout menu (slide index, change theme and transition) * __[toc-progress.js][16]__: *"LaTeX Beamer-like progress indicator"* * __[title-footer.js][17]__: *"Footer showing title of presentation"* [15]: https://github.com/denehyg/reveal.js-menu#revealjs-menu [16]: https://github.com/e-gor/Reveal.js-TOC-Progress [17]: https://github.com/e-gor/Reveal.js-Title-Footer ---- ## Customizations in reveal.js * Don't Capitalize Titles (NO FULL UPPERCASE HEADINGS) * Images are displayed without border ---- ## Special Markdown Slide dividers *Two dividers exist:* * New horizontal slide: `\n---- ----\n` * New vertical slide: `\n----\n` *Win-win:* * ["Raw"][18] `slides.md`: Easy to read and edit * Horizontal lines in [rendered Markdown][19]: Easy to read, too [18]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theno/revealjs_template/master/slides.md [19]: https://github.com/theno/revealjs_template/blob/master/slides.md ---- ## Create PDF *cumbersome.* * With [decktape](https://github.com/astefanutti/decktape) ```sh cd ~/bin/decktape/active && \ # ./phantomjs decktape.js --size 1280x800 URL ~/repos/my_presi/my_presi.pdf ``` * Or just print the `slides.md` rendered by github into a PDF: https://github.com/theno/revealjs_template/blob/master/slides.md --- * [Printing with chromium](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#pdf-export) (or chrome) does not work well: https://theno.github.io/revealjs_template/?print-pdf#/ Note: URL can be of: * localhost:8000 * github.io page ---- ## Shortcut Checkout the template presentation repo: ```sh git clone https://github.com/theno/revealjs_template ~/repos/my_presi ``` Then: * Adjust `reveal.js template` in __`index.html`__ * Edit __`slides.md`__ * Add symbolic link: ```sh cd ~/repos/my_presi && ln -snf ../reveal.js reveal.js/reveal.js ``` ---- ---- # 4. Publishing at github.io ---- ## Publishing as github page A github repo (with `index.html`) can be rendered into a github.io page 1. Add remote repo at github.com
*(automated in fabsetup task setup.revealjs)* 1. [Configure][20] entry point for github.io page
*(manually, select "master branch")* [20]: https://help.github.com/articles/configuring-a-publishing-source-for-github-pages/ [1_]: https://theno.github.io/revealjs_template [2_]: https://github.com/theno/revealjs_template ---- ---- # 5. Conclusion and Outlook ---- ## Conclusion * Presentations with __reveal.js__ are fancy and nice * Writing slides in __Markdown__ is easy * __fabric__ is a framework for powerfull setup scripts * __fabsetup__ is a collection of fabric tasks ---- __`fab setup.revealjs`__ (one of this tasks): Creates the boilerplate of your presentation: * Clean basedir (reveal.js codebase hidden in a subdir) * Slides are written in a __Markdown file__ * Usefull plugins enabled (eg. __footer, toc, menu__) * Versioning with __git__ * Publishing at __github.io__ __`>>just edit the slides.md<<`__ ---- ## Outlook * Publishing with own webserver * Implement restricted access * Custom design * Create themes / corporate design * Explore [more plugins][21] * [Customize][23] fabsetup task `setup.revealjs` --- Alternative: [prez][22] -- *"Opiniated Reveal slideshow generator with nice PDF output and ability to treat notes as first-class content."* [21]: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/wiki/Plugins,-Tools-and-Hardware [22]: https://github.com/byteclubfr/prez [23]: https://github.com/theno/fabsetup/blob/master/howtos/fabsetup_custom.md ---- ## References * reveal.js: [http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js](http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/) * at github: [https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js) --- * markdown: [https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) * cheatsheet: [https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet) --- * fabric: [http://www.fabfile.org](http://www.fabfile.org/) * at github: [https://github.com/fabric/fabric](https://github.com/fabric/fabric) --- * fabsetup: [https://github.com/theno/fabsetup](https://github.com/theno/fabsetup) * revealjs [howto](https://github.com/theno/fabsetup/blob/master/howtos/revealjs.md) ---- ---- ### *Thank You for Your attention!* ![](img/thanks.jpg)