#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; no warnings "exiting"; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; use File::Glob ':glob'; use File::HomeDir; use Path::Class; use Path::Tiny; use String::Escape qw(unbackslash); use Term::Choose; use Term::Form::ReadLine; use Text::SimpleTable; use JSON::XS; # Constants my $ORCA_SLICER_VERSION = ''; # Subroutine to print usage instructions and exit sub print_usage_and_exit { my $usage = <<'END_USAGE'; Usage: $0 [options] Options: --input Specifies the input PrusaSlicer or SuperSlicer INI file(s). Use this option to bypass the interactive profile selector. You can use wildcards to specify multiple files. You may also pass multiple space-separated arguments to this option to specify multiple filenames. Any file path(s) containing a space must be enclosed in quotes. (Optional) --outdir Specifies the ROOT OrcaSlicer settings directory. (Optional) If this is not specified, the script will default to the typical location, which is: in Windows: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\OrcaSlicer in MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/OrcaSlicer in Linux: ~/.config/OrcaSlicer --nozzle-size For print profiles, specifies the diameter (in mm) of the nozzle the print profile is intended to be used with (e.g. --nozzle-size 0.4). If this is not specified, the script will prompt you to enter a nozzle size when converting print profiles. (Optional) --physical-printer Specifies the INI file for the corresponding "physical printer" when converting printer config files. If this option is not used, the script will give you a choice among detected "physical printer" profiles. (Optional) --on-existing Forces the behavior when an output file already exists. Valid choices are: "skip" to leave all existing files alone, "overwrite" to overwrite all existing output files, and "merge" to merge new key/value pairs into all existing output files while leaving existing key/value pairs unmodified. (Optional) --force-output Forces the script to output the converted JSON files to the output directory specified with '--outdir'. Use this option if you do not want the new files to be placed in your OrcaSlicer settings folder. (Optional) -h, --help Displays this usage information. END_USAGE print $usage; exit(1); } # Initialize variables to store command-line options my @input_files; # Mapping of system directories by OS and ini type my %system_directories = ( os => { 'linux' => ['.config'], 'MSWin32' => [ 'AppData', 'Roaming' ], 'darwin' => [ 'Library', 'Application Support' ] }, input => { 'Filament' => 'filament', 'Print' => 'print', 'Printer' => 'printer' }, output => { 'filament' => [ 'user', 'default', 'filament' ], 'print' => [ 'user', 'default', 'process' ], 'printer' => [ 'user', 'default', 'machine' ] } ); my %illegal_chars = ( 'MSWin32' => qr/[<>:"\/\\|?*\x00-\x1F]/, 'darwin' => qr/[:]/, 'linux' => qr[/], ); my %status = ( force_out => 0, legacy_overwrite => 0, max_temp => 0, interactive_mode => 0, slicer_flavor => undef, ini_type => undef, profile_name => undef, ironing_type => undef, iterations_left => undef, dirs => { output => undef, data => dir( File::HomeDir->my_home, @{ $system_directories{'os'}{$^O} } ), slicer => undef, temp => undef, }, to_var => { external_perimeters_first => undef, infill_first => undef, ironing => undef, }, reset => { on_existing => 0, physical_printer => 0, nozzle_size => 0, inherits => 0, compatible_printers_condition => 0, compatible_prints_condition => 0 }, value => { on_existing => undef, physical_printer => undef, nozzle_size => undef, inherits => undef, compatible_printers_condition => undef, compatible_prints_condition => undef } ); # Parse command-line options GetOptions( "input:s{1,}" => \@input_files, "outdir:s" => \$status{dirs}{output}, "overwrite" => \$status{legacy_overwrite}, "on-existing:s" => \$status{value}{on_existing}, "nozzle-size" => \$status{value}{nozzle_size}, "physical-printer:s" => \$status{value}{physical_printer}, "force-output" => \$status{force_out}, "h|help" => sub { print_usage_and_exit(); }, ) or die("Error in command-line arguments.\n"); # Make sure --on-existing was given a valid choice my %on_existing_opts = ( skip => 'LEAVE IT ALONE', merge => 'MERGE NEW PARAMETERS', overwrite => 'OVERWRITE' ); if ( defined $status{value}{on_existing} ) { if ( exists $on_existing_opts{ $status{value}{on_existing} } ) { $status{value}{on_existing} = $on_existing_opts{ $status{value}{on_existing} }; } else { die( "Invalid value for --on-existing: $status{value}{on_existing}." . " Valid values are 'skip', 'merge', and 'overwrite'.\n" ); } } # Handle deprecated --overwrite option to maintain compatibility $status{value}{on_existing} = $on_existing_opts{overwrite} if $status{legacy_overwrite}; # Set default output directory if not specified $status{dirs}{output} //= dir( $status{dirs}{data}, 'OrcaSlicer' ); # Subroutine to verify output directory before writing sub check_output_directory { my ($directory) = @_; my $die_msg = "\nOutput directory $directory cannot be found.\n"; unless ($status{force_out}) { $die_msg = $die_msg . "Are you sure that " . $status{dirs}{output} . " is the correct " . "ROOT directory of your OrcaSlicer installation?\n(Run this " . "script with the -h flag for more info.\n"; } # Check if the output directory exists... unless ( -d $directory ) { die($die_msg); } # ...and is writable unless ( -w $directory ) { die("Output directory $directory is not writable.\n"); } } # Initialize tracking variables and a hash to store translated data my %new_hash = (); my %converted_files = (); # Helper subroutine to check if a value is a decimal sub is_decimal { my $value = shift; return defined $value && $value =~ /^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/; } # Helper subroutine to check if a value is a percentage sub is_percent { my $value = shift; return defined $value && $value =~ /^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?%$/; } # Helper subroutine to remove percent symbol and convert to numeric value sub remove_percent { my $value = shift; $value =~ s/%$// if defined $value; return $value; } # Helper subroutine to convert comma-separated strings to array of values sub multivalue_to_array { my ($input_string) = @_; return () unless defined $input_string; my $delimiter = $input_string =~ /,/ ? ',' : ';'; return split( /$delimiter/, $input_string ); } # Subroutine to check if input file is a config bundle sub is_config_bundle { my ($file_path) = @_; my $file = file($file_path); my $bundle_detected = $file->slurp() =~ /\[\w+:[\w\s\+\-]+\]/ ? 1 : 0; if ($bundle_detected) { $status{dirs}{temp} = dir( Path::Tiny->tempdir ); $status{dirs}{slicer} = $status{dirs}{temp}; $status{dirs}{slicer}->subdir('physical_printer')->mkpath; } return $bundle_detected; } # Subroutine to process a config bundle and split it up into temporary # individual .ini files for conversion sub process_config_bundle { my $file = file(@_)->slurp(); my ($header_line) = $file =~ /^(# generated[^\n]*)/m; my @file_objects; # Find line in the form [profile_type:profile_name], and treat everything # between that and the next such line as profile_content while ( $file =~ /\[([\w\s\+\-]+):([^\]]+)\]\n(.*?)\n(?=\[|$)/sg ) { my ( $profile_type, $profile_name, $profile_content ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); my $physical_printer_profile = ( $profile_type eq "physical_printer" ); my $illegal_regex = $illegal_chars{$^O} // qr/[\x00-\x1F]/; my $temp_filename = $profile_name; $temp_filename =~ s/$illegal_regex//g; if ( path( $status{dirs}{temp}, "$temp_filename.ini" )->exists ) { $temp_filename = $profile_type . "_" . $temp_filename; } my $temp_file = ($physical_printer_profile) ? file( $status{dirs}{slicer}->subdir('physical_printer'), "$temp_filename.ini" ) : file( $status{dirs}{temp}, "$temp_filename.ini" ); $temp_file->spew( "$header_line\n\n" . "ini_type = $profile_type\n" . "profile_name = $profile_name\n" . "$profile_content" ); push @file_objects, $temp_file unless $physical_printer_profile; } return @file_objects; } # Subroutine to translate the feature print sequence settings sub evaluate_print_order { my ( $external_perimeters_first, $infill_first ) = @_; if ( !$external_perimeters_first && !$infill_first ) { return "inner wall/outer wall/infill"; } if ( $external_perimeters_first && !$infill_first ) { return "outer wall/inner wall/infill"; } if ( !$external_perimeters_first && $infill_first ) { return "infill/inner wall/outer wall"; } if ( $external_perimeters_first && $infill_first ) { return "infill/outer wall/inner wall"; } # Default if we somehow fall through to this point return "inner wall/outer wall/infill"; } # Subroutine to translate the ironing type settings sub evaluate_ironing_type { my ( $ironing, $ironing_type ) = @_; if ( defined $ironing && $ironing ) { return defined $ironing_type ? $ironing_type : "no ironing"; } return "no ironing"; } sub percent_to_float { my ($subject_value) = @_; return $subject_value if ( !is_percent($subject_value) ); my $new_float = remove_percent($subject_value) / 100; return ( $new_float > 2 ) ? '2' : "" . $new_float; } # Subroutine to convert percentage value to millimeters sub percent_to_mm { my ( $mm_comparator, $percent_param ) = @_; return undef unless ( defined $mm_comparator && defined $percent_param ); return undef if $mm_comparator eq '' || $percent_param eq ''; return $percent_param if !is_percent($percent_param); return undef if is_percent($mm_comparator); return "" . ( $mm_comparator * ( remove_percent($percent_param) / 100 ) ); } # Subroutine to convert millimeter values to percentage sub mm_to_percent { my ( $mm_comparator, $mm_param ) = @_; return $mm_param if is_percent($mm_param); return undef if is_percent($mm_comparator); return ( ( $mm_param / $mm_comparator ) * 100 ) . "%"; } # Define parameter mappings for translating the source INI settings # to OrcaSlicer JSON keys my %parameter_map = ( 'print' => { arc_fitting => 'enable_arc_fitting', bottom_solid_layers => 'bottom_shell_layers', bottom_solid_min_thickness => 'bottom_shell_thickness', bridge_acceleration => 'bridge_acceleration', bridge_angle => 'bridge_angle', bridge_overlap_min => 'bridge_density', dont_support_bridges => 'bridge_no_support', bridge_speed_internal => 'internal_bridge_speed', brim_ears => 'brim_ears', brim_ears_detection_length => 'brim_ears_detection_length', brim_ears_max_angle => 'brim_ears_max_angle', brim_separation => 'brim_object_gap', brim_width => 'brim_width', brim_speed => 'skirt_speed', compatible_printers_condition => 'compatible_printers_condition', compatible_printers => 'compatible_printers', default_acceleration => 'default_acceleration', overhangs => 'detect_overhang_wall', thin_walls => 'detect_thin_wall', draft_shield => 'draft_shield', first_layer_size_compensation => 'elefant_foot_compensation', elefant_foot_compensation => 'elefant_foot_compensation', enable_dynamic_overhang_speeds => 'enable_overhang_speed', extra_perimeters_on_overhangs => 'extra_perimeters_on_overhangs', extra_perimeters_odd_layers => 'alternate_extra_wall', wipe_tower => 'enable_prime_tower', wipe_speed => 'wipe_speed', ensure_vertical_shell_thickness => 'ensure_vertical_shell_thickness', gap_fill_min_length => 'filter_out_gap_fill', gcode_comments => 'gcode_comments', gcode_label_objects => 'gcode_label_objects', machine_limits_usage => 'emit_machine_limits_to_gcode', infill_anchor_max => 'infill_anchor_max', infill_anchor => 'infill_anchor', fill_angle => 'infill_direction', infill_overlap => 'infill_wall_overlap', infill_first => 'is_infill_first', inherits => 'inherits', extrusion_width => 'line_width', extrusion_multiplier => 'print_flow_ratio', first_layer_acceleration => 'initial_layer_acceleration', first_layer_extrusion_width => 'initial_layer_line_width', first_layer_height => 'initial_layer_print_height', interface_shells => 'interface_shells', perimeter_extrusion_width => 'inner_wall_line_width', seam_gap => 'seam_gap', solid_infill_acceleration => 'internal_solid_infill_acceleration', solid_infill_extrusion_width => 'internal_solid_infill_line_width', ironing_flowrate => 'ironing_flow', ironing_spacing => 'ironing_spacing', ironing_speed => 'ironing_speed', layer_height => 'layer_height', init_z_rotate => 'preferred_orientation', spiral_vase => 'spiral_mode', solid_infill_extruder => 'solid_infill_filament', support_material_extruder => 'support_filament', infill_extruder => 'sparse_infill_filament', perimeter_extruder => 'wall_filament', first_layer_extruder => 'first_layer_filament', support_material_interface_extruder => 'support_interface_filament', avoid_crossing_perimeters_max_detour => 'max_travel_detour_distance', min_bead_width => 'min_bead_width', min_feature_size => 'min_feature_size', solid_infill_below_area => 'minimum_sparse_infill_area', only_one_perimeter_first_layer => 'only_one_wall_first_layer', only_one_perimeter_top => 'only_one_wall_top', ooze_prevention => 'ooze_prevention', extra_perimeters_overhangs => 'extra_perimeters_on_overhangs', overhangs_reverse => 'overhang_reverse', overhangs_reverse_threshold => 'overhang_reverse_threshold', perimeter_acceleration => 'inner_wall_acceleration', external_perimeter_acceleration => 'outer_wall_acceleration', external_perimeter_extrusion_width => 'outer_wall_line_width', post_process => 'post_process', wipe_tower_brim_width => 'prime_tower_brim_width', wipe_tower_width => 'prime_tower_width', raft_contact_distance => 'raft_contact_distance', raft_expansion => 'raft_expansion', raft_first_layer_density => 'raft_first_layer_density', raft_first_layer_expansion => 'raft_first_layer_expansion', raft_layers => 'raft_layers', avoid_crossing_perimeters => 'reduce_crossing_wall', only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters => 'reduce_infill_retraction', resolution => 'resolution', seam_position => 'seam_position', skirt_distance => 'skirt_distance', skirt_height => 'skirt_height', skirts => 'skirt_loops', slice_closing_radius => 'slice_closing_radius', slicing_mode => 'slicing_mode', small_perimeter_min_length => 'small_perimeter_threshold', infill_acceleration => 'sparse_infill_acceleration', fill_density => 'sparse_infill_density', infill_extrusion_width => 'sparse_infill_line_width', staggered_inner_seams => 'staggered_inner_seams', standby_temperature_delta => 'standby_temperature_delta', hole_to_polyhole => 'hole_to_polyhole', hole_to_polyhole_threshold => 'hole_to_polyhole_threshold', hole_to_polyhole_twisted => 'hole_to_polyhole_twisted', support_material => 'enable_support', support_material_angle => 'support_angle', support_material_enforce_layers => 'enforce_support_layers', support_material_spacing => 'support_base_pattern_spacing', support_material_contact_distance => 'support_top_z_distance', first_layer_size_compensation_layers => 'elefant_foot_compensation_layers', support_material_bottom_contact_distance => 'support_bottom_z_distance', support_material_bottom_interface_layers => 'support_interface_bottom_layers', support_material_interface_contact_loops => 'support_interface_loop_pattern', support_material_interface_spacing => 'support_interface_spacing', support_material_interface_layers => 'support_interface_top_layers', support_material_extrusion_width => 'support_line_width', support_material_buildplate_only => 'support_on_build_plate_only', support_material_threshold => 'support_threshold_angle', thick_bridges => 'thick_bridges', top_solid_layers => 'top_shell_layers', top_solid_min_thickness => 'top_shell_thickness', top_solid_infill_acceleration => 'top_surface_acceleration', top_infill_extrusion_width => 'top_surface_line_width', min_width_top_surface => 'min_width_top_surface', travel_acceleration => 'travel_acceleration', travel_speed_z => 'travel_speed_z', travel_speed => 'travel_speed', support_tree_angle => 'tree_support_branch_angle', support_tree_angle_slow => 'tree_support_angle_slow', support_tree_branch_diameter => 'tree_support_branch_diameter', support_tree_branch_diameter_angle => 'tree_support_branch_diameter_angle', support_tree_branch_diameter_double_wall => 'tree_support_branch_diameter_double_wall', support_tree_tip_diameter => 'tree_support_tip_diameter', support_tree_top_rate => 'tree_support_top_rate', wall_distribution_count => 'wall_distribution_count', perimeter_generator => 'wall_generator', perimeters => 'wall_loops', wall_transition_angle => 'wall_transition_angle', wall_transition_filter_deviation => 'wall_transition_filter_deviation', wall_transition_length => 'wall_transition_length', wipe_tower_no_sparse_layers => 'wipe_tower_no_sparse_layers', xy_size_compensation => 'xy_contour_compensation', z_offset => 'z_offset', xy_inner_size_compensation => 'xy_hole_compensation', support_material_layer_height => 'independent_support_layer_height', fill_pattern => 'sparse_infill_pattern', solid_fill_pattern => 'internal_solid_infill_pattern', output_filename_format => 'filename_format', support_material_pattern => 'support_base_pattern', support_material_interface_pattern => 'support_interface_pattern', top_fill_pattern => 'top_surface_pattern', support_material_xy_spacing => 'support_object_xy_distance', fuzzy_skin_point_dist => 'fuzzy_skin_point_distance', fuzzy_skin_thickness => 'fuzzy_skin_thickness', fuzzy_skin => 'fuzzy_skin', bottom_fill_pattern => 'bottom_surface_pattern', bridge_flow_ratio => 'bridge_flow', fill_top_flow_ratio => 'top_solid_infill_flow_ratio', first_layer_flow_ratio => 'bottom_solid_infill_flow_ratio', infill_every_layers => 'infill_combination', complete_objects => 'print_sequence', brim_type => 'brim_type', notes => 'notes', support_material_style => 'support_style', ironing => 'ironing', ironing_type => 'ironing_type', ironing_angle => 'ironing_angle', external_perimeters_first => 'external_perimeters_first', infill_first => 'infill_first', remaining_times => 'disable_m73' }, 'filament' => { bed_temperature => [ 'hot_plate_temp', 'cool_plate_temp', 'eng_plate_temp', 'textured_plate_temp' ], bridge_fan_speed => 'overhang_fan_speed', chamber_temperature => 'chamber_temperature', disable_fan_first_layers => 'close_fan_the_first_x_layers', end_filament_gcode => 'filament_end_gcode', external_perimeter_fan_speed => 'overhang_fan_threshold', extrusion_multiplier => 'filament_flow_ratio', fan_always_on => 'reduce_fan_stop_start_freq', fan_below_layer_time => 'fan_cooling_layer_time', fan_speedup_time => 'fan_speedup_time', fan_speedup_overhangs => 'fan_speedup_overhangs', fan_kickstart => 'fan_kickstart', filament_colour => 'default_filament_colour', filament_cost => 'filament_cost', filament_density => 'filament_density', filament_deretract_speed => 'filament_deretraction_speed', filament_diameter => 'filament_diameter', filament_max_volumetric_speed => 'filament_max_volumetric_speed', filament_notes => 'filament_notes', filament_retract_before_travel => 'filament_retraction_minimum_travel', filament_retract_before_wipe => 'filament_retract_before_wipe', filament_retract_layer_change => 'filament_retract_when_changing_layer', filament_retract_length => 'filament_retraction_length', filament_retract_lift => 'filament_z_hop', filament_retract_lift_above => 'filament_retract_lift_above', filament_retract_lift_below => 'filament_retract_lift_below', filament_retract_restart_extra => 'filament_retract_restart_extra', filament_retract_speed => 'filament_retraction_speed', filament_shrink => 'filament_shrink', filament_soluble => 'filament_soluble', filament_type => 'filament_type', filament_wipe => 'filament_wipe', first_layer_bed_temperature => [ 'hot_plate_temp_initial_layer', 'cool_plate_temp_initial_layer', 'eng_plate_temp_initial_layer', 'textured_plate_temp_initial_layer' ], first_layer_temperature => 'nozzle_temperature_initial_layer', full_fan_speed_layer => 'full_fan_speed_layer', inherits => 'inherits', max_fan_speed => 'fan_max_speed', min_fan_speed => 'fan_min_speed', min_print_speed => 'slow_down_min_speed', slowdown_below_layer_time => 'slow_down_layer_time', start_filament_gcode => 'filament_start_gcode', support_material_interface_fan_speed => 'support_material_interface_fan_speed', temperature => 'nozzle_temperature', compatible_printers_condition => 'compatible_printers_condition', compatible_printers => 'compatible_printers', compatible_prints_condition => 'compatible_prints_condition', compatible_prints => 'compatible_prints', filament_vendor => 'filament_vendor', filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower => 'filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower' }, 'printer' => { bed_custom_model => 'bed_custom_model', bed_custom_texture => 'bed_custom_texture', before_layer_gcode => 'before_layer_change_gcode', toolchange_gcode => 'change_filament_gcode', default_filament_profile => 'default_filament_profile', default_print_profile => 'default_print_profile', deretract_speed => 'deretraction_speed', gcode_flavor => 'gcode_flavor', inherits => 'inherits', layer_gcode => 'layer_change_gcode', feature_gcode => 'change_extrusion_role_gcode', end_gcode => 'machine_end_gcode', machine_max_acceleration_e => 'machine_max_acceleration_e', machine_max_acceleration_extruding => 'machine_max_acceleration_extruding', machine_max_acceleration_retracting => 'machine_max_acceleration_retracting', machine_max_acceleration_travel => 'machine_max_acceleration_travel', machine_max_acceleration_x => 'machine_max_acceleration_x', machine_max_acceleration_y => 'machine_max_acceleration_y', machine_max_acceleration_z => 'machine_max_acceleration_z', machine_max_feedrate_e => 'machine_max_speed_e', machine_max_feedrate_x => 'machine_max_speed_x', machine_max_feedrate_y => 'machine_max_speed_y', machine_max_feedrate_z => 'machine_max_speed_z', machine_max_jerk_e => 'machine_max_jerk_e', machine_max_jerk_x => 'machine_max_jerk_x', machine_max_jerk_y => 'machine_max_jerk_y', machine_max_jerk_z => 'machine_max_jerk_z', machine_min_extruding_rate => 'machine_min_extruding_rate', machine_min_travel_rate => 'machine_min_travel_rate', pause_print_gcode => 'machine_pause_gcode', start_gcode => 'machine_start_gcode', max_layer_height => 'max_layer_height', min_layer_height => 'min_layer_height', nozzle_diameter => 'nozzle_diameter', print_host => 'print_host', printer_notes => 'printer_notes', bed_shape => 'printable_area', max_print_height => 'printable_height', printer_technology => 'printer_technology', printer_variant => 'printer_variant', retract_before_wipe => 'retract_before_wipe', retract_length_toolchange => 'retract_length_toolchange', retract_restart_extra_toolchange => 'retract_restart_extra_toolchange', retract_restart_extra => 'retract_restart_extra', retract_layer_change => 'retract_when_changing_layer', retract_length => 'retraction_length', retract_lift => 'z_hop', retract_lift_top => 'retract_lift_enforce', retract_before_travel => 'retraction_minimum_travel', retract_speed => 'retraction_speed', silent_mode => 'silent_mode', single_extruder_multi_material => 'single_extruder_multi_material', thumbnails => 'thumbnails', thumbnails_format => 'thumbnails_format', template_custom_gcode => 'template_custom_gcode', use_firmware_retraction => 'use_firmware_retraction', use_relative_e_distances => 'use_relative_e_distances', wipe => 'wipe' }, 'physical_printer' => { host_type => 1, print_host => 1, printer_technology => 1, printhost_apikey => 1, printhost_authorization_type => 1, printhost_cafile => 1, printhost_password => 1, printhost_port => 1, printhost_ssl_ignore_revoke => 1, printhost_user => 1, } ); # Printer parameters that may be comma-separated lists my %multivalue_params = ( max_layer_height => 'single', min_layer_height => 'single', deretract_speed => 'single', default_filament_profile => 'single', machine_max_acceleration_e => 'array', machine_max_acceleration_extruding => 'array', machine_max_acceleration_extruding => 'array', machine_max_acceleration_retracting => 'array', machine_max_acceleration_travel => 'array', machine_max_acceleration_x => 'array', machine_max_acceleration_y => 'array', machine_max_acceleration_z => 'array', machine_max_feedrate_e => 'array', machine_max_feedrate_x => 'array', machine_max_feedrate_y => 'array', machine_max_feedrate_z => 'array', machine_max_jerk_e => 'array', machine_max_jerk_x => 'array', machine_max_jerk_y => 'array', machine_max_jerk_z => 'array', machine_min_extruding_rate => 'array', machine_min_travel_rate => 'array', nozzle_diameter => 'single', bed_shape => 'array', retract_before_wipe => 'single', retract_length_toolchange => 'single', retract_restart_extra_toolchange => 'single', retract_restart_extra => 'single', retract_layer_change => 'single', retract_length => 'single', retract_lift => 'single', retract_before_travel => 'single', retract_speed => 'single', thumbnails => 'array', extruder_offset => 'single', retract_lift_above => 'single', retract_lift_below => 'single', wipe => 'single', ); # Mapping of SuperSlicer filament types to their Orca Slicer equivalents my %filament_types = ( PET => 'PETG', FLEX => 'TPU', NYLON => 'PA' ); # Define default max volumetric speeds since this can't be zero in Orca Slicer my %default_MVS = ( PLA => '15', PET => '10', ABS => '12', ASA => '12', FLEX => '3.2', NYLON => '12', PVA => '12', PC => '12', PSU => '8', HIPS => '8', EDGE => '8', NGEN => '8', PP => '8', PEI => '8', PEEK => '8', PEKK => '8', POM => '8', PVDF => '8', SCAFF => '8' ); my @speed_sequence = ( 'perimeter_speed', 'external_perimeter_speed', 'solid_infill_speed', 'infill_speed', 'small_perimeter_speed', 'top_solid_infill_speed', 'gap_fill_speed', 'support_material_speed', 'support_material_interface_speed', 'bridge_speed', 'first_layer_speed', 'first_layer_infill_speed' ); my %speed_params = ( perimeter_speed => 'inner_wall_speed', external_perimeter_speed => 'outer_wall_speed', small_perimeter_speed => 'small_perimeter_speed', solid_infill_speed => 'internal_solid_infill_speed', infill_speed => 'sparse_infill_speed', top_solid_infill_speed => 'top_surface_speed', gap_fill_speed => 'gap_infill_speed', support_material_speed => 'support_speed', support_material_interface_speed => 'support_interface_speed', bridge_speed => 'bridge_speed', first_layer_speed => 'initial_layer_speed', first_layer_infill_speed => 'initial_layer_infill_speed' ); my %seam_positions = ( cost => 'nearest', random => 'random', allrandom => 'random', aligned => 'aligned', contiguous => 'aligned', rear => 'back', nearest => 'nearest' ); # Mapping of infill types my %infill_types = ( '3dhoneycomb' => '3dhoneycomb', adaptivecubic => 'adaptivecubic', alignedrectilinear => 'alignedrectilinear', archimedeanchords => 'archimedeanchords', concentric => 'concentric', concentricgapfill => 'concentric', cubic => 'cubic', grid => 'grid', gyroid => 'gyroid', hilbertcurve => 'hilbertcurve', honeycomb => 'honeycomb', lightning => 'lightning', line => 'line', monotonic => 'monotonic', monotonicgapfill => 'monotonic', monotoniclines => 'monotonicline', octagramspiral => 'octagramspiral', rectilinear => 'zig-zag', rectilineargapfill => 'zig-zag', rectiwithperimeter => 'zig-zag', sawtooth => 'zig-zag', scatteredrectilinear => 'zig-zag', smooth => 'monotonic', smoothhilbert => 'hilbertcurve', smoothtriple => 'triangles', stars => 'tri-hexagon', supportcubic => 'supportcubic', triangles => 'triangles' ); # Mapping of support types my %support_styles = ( grid => [ 'normal', 'grid' ], snug => [ 'normal', 'snug' ], tree => [ 'tree', 'default' ], organic => [ 'tree', 'organic' ] ); # Recognized support pattern types my %support_patterns = ( rectilinear => 1, 'rectilinear-grid' => 1, honeycomb => 1, lightning => 1, default => 1, hollow => 1 ); # Recognized support interface pattern types my %interface_patterns = ( auto => 1, rectilinear => 1, concentric => 1, rectilinear_interlaced => 1, grid => 1 ); # Recognized gcode flavors my %gcode_flavors = ( klipper => 'klipper', mach3 => 'reprapfirmware', machinekit => 'reprapfirmware', makerware => 'reprapfirmware', marlin => 'marlin', marlin2 => 'marlin2', 'no-extrusion' => 'reprapfirmware', repetier => 'reprapfirmware', reprap => 'reprapfirmware', reprapfirmware => 'reprapfirmware', sailfish => 'reprapfirmware', smoothie => 'reprapfirmware', teacup => 'reprapfirmware', sprinter => 'reprapfirmware', ); # Recognized printer host types my %host_types = ( repetier => 'repetier', prusalink => 'prusalink', prusaconnect => 'prusaconnect', octoprint => 'octoprint', moonraker => 'octoprint', mks => 'mks', klipper => 'octoprint', flashair => 'flashair', duet => 'duet', astrobox => 'astrobox', ); # Mapping of Z-hop enforcement schemes my %zhop_enforcement = ( 'All surfaces' => 'All Surfaces', 'Not on top' => 'Bottom Only', 'Only on top' => 'Top Only', ); # Mapping of thumbnail formats my %thumbnail_format = ( PNG => 'PNG', JPG => 'JPG', QOI => 'QOI', BIQU => 'BTT_TFT', ); # Subroutine to detect what type of ini file it's being fed sub detect_ini_type { my %source_ini = @_; return $source_ini{ini_type} if exists $source_ini{ini_type}; # Iterate over the keys of %parameter_map and count parameter occurrences my %type_counts; foreach my $type ( keys %parameter_map ) { $type_counts{$type} = 0; foreach my $parameter ( keys %source_ini ) { $type_counts{$type}++ if exists $parameter_map{$type}{$parameter}; } } # Return undef Check if all counts are less than 10 my $invalid_ini = 1; foreach my $count ( values %type_counts ) { if ( $count >= 10 ) { $invalid_ini = 0; last; } } return undef if $invalid_ini; # Return the key (type) with the highest value (count) return ( sort { $type_counts{$b} <=> $type_counts{$a} } keys %type_counts ) [0]; } sub convert_params { my ( $parameter, $file, %source_ini ) = @_; # Get the value of the current parameter from the INI file my $new_value = $source_ini{$parameter} // undef; return undef if (!defined $new_value); # If the SuperSlicer value is 'nil,' skip this parameter and let # Orca Slicer use its own default return undef if defined $new_value && $new_value eq 'nil'; # Some printer parameters need to be converted to arrays if ( exists $multivalue_params{$parameter} ) { $new_value = [ multivalue_to_array($new_value) ]; $new_value = $new_value->[0] if ( $multivalue_params{$parameter} eq 'single' ); } # SuperSlicer has a "default_speed" parameter that PrusaSlicer doesn't, # and a lot of percentages are based on that default my $default_speed = $source_ini{'default_speed'} if ( $status{slicer_flavor} eq 'SuperSlicer' ); # Check if the parameter maps to multiple keys in the JSON data if ( ref( $parameter_map{ $status{ini_type} }{$parameter} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) { # If yes, set the same value for each key in the JSON data $new_hash{$_} = $new_value for @{ $parameter_map{ $status{ini_type} }{$parameter} }; return; } # Track state of combination settings if ( exists $status{to_var}{$parameter} ) { $status{to_var}{$parameter} = $new_value ? 1 : 0; return; } my $unbackslash_gcode = sub { return "" if (!defined $new_value); $new_value =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; $new_value = [ unbackslash($new_value) ]; return $new_value; }; my $handle_compatible_condition = sub { $new_value = '' if ( ( defined $status{value}{$parameter} ) && ( $status{value}{$parameter} eq 'DISCARD' ) ); return $new_value if ( ( $new_value eq '' ) || ( $status{value}{$parameter} eq 'KEEP' ) ); my $affected_profile = ( split( '_', $parameter ) )[1]; chop $affected_profile; $status{value}{$parameter} = display_menu( "The \e[1m$file\e[0m " . $status{ini_type} . " profile has the " . "following \e[1m$parameter\e[0m value:\n\n\t\e[40m\e[0;93m" . "$new_value\e[0m\n\nIf you keep this value, this " . "$status{ini_type} profile will not be visible in " . "OrcaSlicer unless you have selected a $affected_profile that " . "satisfies all the conditions specified above. If you discard " . "this value, this $status{ini_type} profile will be " . "visible regardless of which $affected_profile you have " . "selected.\n\nDo you want to KEEP this value or DISCARD it?\n\n", 1, ( 'KEEP', 'DISCARD' ) ); ask_yes_to_all( $parameter, $file ); }; # Dispatch table for handling special cases my %special_cases = ( # The custom gcode blocks need to be unquoted and unbackslashed # before JSON encoding 'start_filament_gcode' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'end_filament_gcode' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'post_process' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'before_layer_gcode' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'toolchange_gcode' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'layer_gcode' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'feature_gcode' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'end_gcode' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'pause_print_gcode' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'start_gcode' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'template_custom_gcode' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'notes' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'filament_notes' => $unbackslash_gcode, 'printer_notes' => $unbackslash_gcode, # Translate filament type to a specific value if it exists in # the mapping, otherwise keep the original value 'filament_type' => sub { return $filament_types{$new_value} // $new_value; }, # Max volumetric speed can't be zero so use a reasonable default # if necessary 'filament_max_volumetric_speed' => sub { return "" . ( $new_value > 0 ) ? $new_value : $default_MVS{ $source_ini{'filament_type'} }; }, 'draft_shield' => sub { return $new_value eq 'disabled' ? "0" : $new_value eq 'enabled' ? "1" : $new_value; }, # 'external_perimeter_fan_speed' in SS is the closest equivalent to # 'overhang_fan_threshold' in Orca, so convert to percentage 'external_perimeter_fan_speed' => sub { return ( $new_value < 0 ) ? '0%' : "$new_value%"; }, # Catch ironing_type and update tracking variable 'ironing_type' => sub { $status{ironing_type} = $new_value }, 'default_filament_profile' => sub { my $new_array = [ multivalue_to_array($new_value) ]; $new_value = $new_array->[0]; $unbackslash_gcode->(); return $new_value->[0]; }, 'retract_lift_top' => sub { my $new_array = [ multivalue_to_array($new_value) ]; $new_value = $new_array->[0]; $unbackslash_gcode->(); return $zhop_enforcement{$new_value->[0]}; }, # Give user a choice about "compatible" condition strings 'compatible_printers_condition' => $handle_compatible_condition, 'compatible_prints_condition' => $handle_compatible_condition, # Some values may need to be converted from percent of nozzle width to # absolute value in mm 'max_layer_height' => sub { return percent_to_mm( $status{value}{nozzle_size}, $new_value ); }, 'min_layer_height' => sub { return percent_to_mm( $status{value}{nozzle_size}, $new_value ); }, 'fuzzy_skin_point_dist' => sub { return percent_to_mm( $status{value}{nozzle_size}, $new_value ); }, 'fuzzy_skin_thickness' => sub { return percent_to_mm( $status{value}{nozzle_size}, $new_value ); }, 'small_perimeter_min_length' => sub { return percent_to_mm( $status{value}{nozzle_size}, $new_value ); }, # Convert percents to float, capping at 2 as OrcaSlicer expects 'bridge_flow_ratio' => sub { return percent_to_float($new_value) }, 'fill_top_flow_ratio' => sub { return percent_to_float($new_value) }, 'first_layer_flow_ratio' => sub { return percent_to_float($new_value) }, 'wall_transition_length' => sub { return mm_to_percent( $status{value}{nozzle_size}, $new_value ); }, # Emit machine limits to gcode-text to bool 'machine_limits_usage' => sub { return ( $new_value eq 'emit_to_gcode' ) ? '1' : '0'; }, # Disable M73 if remaining times disabled 'remaining_times' => sub { return ( $new_value eq '0' ) ? '1' : '0'; }, # Option "0" means "same as top," so set that manually 'support_material_bottom_contact_distance' => sub { return ( $new_value eq '0' ) ? $source_ini{'support_material_contact_distance'} : $new_value; }, # OrcaSlicer consolidates three support-material options to two 'support_material_style' => sub { my ( $support_type, $support_style ) = @{ $support_styles{$new_value} }; my $genstyle = ( !!$source_ini{'support_material_auto'} ) ? 'auto' : 'manual'; $new_hash{'support_type'} = "${support_type}(${genstyle})"; $new_hash{'support_style'} = $support_style; next; }, # Translate infill types 'fill_pattern' => sub { return $infill_types{$new_value} }, 'top_fill_pattern' => sub { return $infill_types{$new_value} }, 'bottom_fill_pattern' => sub { return $infill_types{$new_value} }, 'solid_fill_pattern' => sub { return $infill_types{$new_value} }, 'gcode_flavor' => sub { return $gcode_flavors{$new_value} // undef; }, 'host_type' => sub { return $host_types{$new_value} }, 'thumbnails_format' => sub { return $thumbnail_format{$new_value} }, # Set support pattern to default if we can't match the original pattern 'support_material_pattern' => sub { return ( exists $support_patterns{$new_value} ) ? $new_value : 'default'; }, # Set support interface pattern to auto if we can't match it 'support_material_interface_pattern' => sub { return ( exists $interface_patterns{$new_value} ) ? $new_value : 'auto'; }, # Translate seam position 'seam_position' => sub { return $seam_positions{$new_value} }, # Assume that if support material layer height was specified, we want # independent support layer heights (true/false in OrcaSlicer) 'support_material_layer_height' => sub { return ( $new_value > 0 ) ? '1' : '0'; }, # OrcaSlicer uses angle brackets instead of square here 'output_filename_format' => sub { return $new_value =~ s/\[|\]/ { $& eq '[' ? '{' : '}' } /egr; }, # If this is a percent, try to calculate based on external extrusion # width. If that's also a percent, use nozzle size. 'support_material_xy_spacing' => sub { my $calculated_value = percent_to_mm( $source_ini{'external_perimeter_extrusion_width'}, $new_value ); if ( !defined $calculated_value ) { $calculated_value = percent_to_mm( $status{value}{nozzle_size}, $new_value ); } return defined $calculated_value ? "" . $calculated_value : undef; }, # Interpret empty extrusion_width as zero 'extrusion_width' => sub { return ( $new_value eq "" ) ? '0' : $new_value }, # Convert numerical input to boolean 'infill_every_layers' => sub { return ( $new_value > 0 ) ? '1' : '0' }, # Super/PrusaSlicer have this as boolean where OrcaSlicer offers # choices in a dropdown 'complete_objects' => sub { return ( !!$new_value ) ? 'by object' : 'by layer' }, 'external_perimeter_speed' => sub { return percent_to_mm( $source_ini{'perimeter_speed'}, $new_value ); }, 'first_layer_speed' => sub { return percent_to_mm( $source_ini{'perimeter_speed'}, $new_value ); }, 'top_solid_infill_speed' => sub { return percent_to_mm( $new_hash{'internal_solid_infill_speed'}, $new_value ); }, 'support_material_interface_speed' => sub { return percent_to_mm( $source_ini{'support_material_speed'}, $new_value ); }, 'first_layer_infill_speed' => sub { return percent_to_mm( $source_ini{'infill_speed'}, ( $status{slicer_flavor} eq 'PrusaSlicer' ) ? $source_ini{'first_layer_speed'} : $new_value ); }, # PrusaSlicer calculates solid infill speed as a percentage of sparse 'solid_infill_speed' => sub { return percent_to_mm( ( $status{slicer_flavor} eq 'PrusaSlicer' ) ? $source_ini{'infill_speed'} : $default_speed, $new_value ); }, 'perimeter_speed' => sub { return ( $status{slicer_flavor} eq 'SuperSlicer' ) ? percent_to_mm( $default_speed, $new_value ) : $new_value; }, 'support_material_speed' => sub { return ( $status{slicer_flavor} eq 'SuperSlicer' ) ? percent_to_mm( $default_speed, $new_value ) : $new_value; }, 'bridge_speed' => sub { return ( $status{slicer_flavor} eq 'SuperSlicer' ) ? percent_to_mm( $default_speed, $new_value ) : $new_value; }, 'infill_speed' => sub { return ( $status{slicer_flavor} eq 'SuperSlicer' ) ? percent_to_mm( $new_hash{'internal_solid_infill_speed'}, $new_value ) : $new_value; }, 'small_perimeter_speed' => sub { return ( $status{slicer_flavor} eq 'SuperSlicer' ) ? percent_to_mm( $new_hash{'sparse_infill_speed'}, $new_value ) : $new_value; }, 'gap_fill_speed' => sub { return ( $status{slicer_flavor} eq 'SuperSlicer' ) ? percent_to_mm( $new_hash{'sparse_infill_speed'}, $new_value ) : $new_value; }, ); if ( exists $special_cases{$parameter} ) { $new_value = $special_cases{$parameter}->(); } return $new_value; } sub calculate_print_params { my %source_ini = @_; # Translate and convert speed settings because Super/PrusaSlicer allow # percent-based speeds where OrcaSlicer requires absolute values foreach my $parameter (@speed_sequence) { next if ( !exists $source_ini{$parameter} ); my $new_value = convert_params( $parameter, undef, %source_ini ); next if ( !defined $new_value ); # Limit mm/s values to one decimal place so OrcaSlicer doesn't choke if ( is_decimal($new_value) ) { $new_value = sprintf( "%.1f", $new_value ); } $new_value =~ s/\.?0+$//; # Chop trailing zeroes $new_hash{ $speed_params{$parameter} } = "" . $new_value; } # Translate the Dynamic Overhangs thresholds my $enable_dynamic_overhang_speeds = !!$source_ini{'enable_dynamic_overhang_speeds'}; $new_hash{'enable_overhang_speed'} = $enable_dynamic_overhang_speeds ? '1' : '0'; if ($enable_dynamic_overhang_speeds) { my @speeds; if ( $status{slicer_flavor} eq 'SuperSlicer' ) { @speeds = split( ',', $source_ini{'dynamic_overhang_speeds'} ); } else { @speeds = ( $source_ini{'overhang_speed_0'}, $source_ini{'overhang_speed_1'}, $source_ini{'overhang_speed_2'}, $source_ini{'overhang_speed_3'} ); } my @overhang_speed_keys = ( 'overhang_1_4_speed', 'overhang_2_4_speed', 'overhang_3_4_speed', 'overhang_4_4_speed' ); @new_hash{@overhang_speed_keys} = @speeds[ 3, 2, 1, 0 ]; } # Set the wall infill order string based on the tracked sequence options $new_hash{'wall_infill_order'} = evaluate_print_order( $status{to_var}{external_perimeters_first}, $status{to_var}{infill_first} ); # Set the ironing type based on the tracked options $new_hash{'ironing_type'} = evaluate_ironing_type( $status{to_var}{ironing}, $status{ironing_type} ); return %new_hash; } # Subroutine to parse physical printer config if specified sub handle_physical_printer { my ($input_file) = @_; my %printer_hash = (); my $file = basename( $input_file->basename, ".ini" ); if ( !defined $status{value}{physical_printer} ) { if ( defined $status{dirs}{slicer} && -d $status{dirs}{slicer}->subdir('physical_printer') ) { my $item_dir = $status{dirs}{slicer}->subdir('physical_printer'); my @items = $item_dir->children(qr/\.ini$/); my @item_names = map { basename( $_, '.ini' ) } @items; push @item_names, ''; $status{value}{physical_printer} = display_menu( 'In SuperSlicer and some versions of PrusaSlicer, most network-' . 'configuration settings are stored in a separate "physical ' . 'printer" .ini file. Choose one of the detected physical ' . 'printers below if you want to include its network settings ' . "in $file\n\n", 1, @item_names ); unless ( $status{value}{physical_printer} eq '' ) { $status{value}{physical_printer} = file( $item_dir, $status{value}{physical_printer} . '.ini' ); } ask_yes_to_all( 'physical_printer', $file ); } else { $status{value}{physical_printer} = $input_file; } } return if $status{value}{physical_printer} eq ''; my %printer_ini = ini_reader( file($status{value}{physical_printer}) ) or die "Error reading " . $status{value}{physical_printer} . ": $!"; foreach my $parameter ( keys %printer_ini ) { # Ignore parameters that Orca Slicer doesn't support next unless exists $parameter_map{'physical_printer'}{$parameter}; my $new_value = convert_params( $parameter, $file, %printer_ini ); next if $new_value eq ""; # Set the translated value in the JSON data $printer_hash{$parameter} = $new_value // ""; } return %printer_hash; } # Subroutine to link converted "machine" profile to system printer sub link_system_printer { if (defined $status{value}{inherits} ) { return ( 'inherits' => $status{value}{inherits} ) } my ($input_file) = @_; my $sys_dir = dir( $status{dirs}{output}, 'system' ); my %unique_names; if (-d $sys_dir) { foreach my $file ($sys_dir->children) { next unless -f $file && $file->basename =~ /\.json$/; my $decoded_data = decode_json($file->slurp); if (exists $decoded_data->{machine_list}) { for my $machine (@{$decoded_data->{machine_list}}) { my $name = $machine->{name}; $unique_names{$name} = 1 if $name !~ /common/i; } } } } my @sorted_names = sort keys %unique_names; push @sorted_names, ''; $status{value}{inherits} = display_menu( 'In OrcaSlicer, a "machine" profile must be associated with a ' . 'printer selected and configured from the available system presets. ' . 'Below is a list of the configured printers that ' . 'have been detected in your OrcaSlicer installation.' . "\n\n" . 'If you do not see the printer you wish to associate with this ' . "profile, choose \e[1;31m\e[0m to exit this script, then configure " . 'your desired printer in OrcaSlicer and run this script again. ' . "Alternatively, you may select \e[1m\e[0m to proceed without " . 'associating this "machine" profile with a configured printer, but ' . "network configuration and g-code upload will not be available.\n\n" . 'Please choose an OrcaSlicer printer to associate with ' . "\e[1m$input_file\e[0m:\n", 1, @sorted_names ); ask_yes_to_all('inherits', $input_file); $status{value}{inherits} = '' if ($status{value}{inherits} eq ''); return ( 'inherits' => $status{value}{inherits} ); } # Subroutine to parse an .ini file and return a hash with all key/value pairs sub ini_reader { my ($file) = @_; my %config; foreach my $line ( $file->slurp() ) { # Detect which slicer we're importing from $status{slicer_flavor} = $1 if ( $line =~ /^#\s*generated\s+by\s+(\S+)/i ); next if $line =~ /^\s*(?:#|$)/; # Skip empty and comment lines my ( $key, $value ) = map { s/^\s+|\s+$//gr } split /\s* = \s*/, $line, 2; $config{$key} = $value; } if ( defined $status{slicer_flavor} ) { $status{dirs}{slicer} = $status{dirs}{data}->subdir( $status{slicer_flavor} ); } return %config; } # Subroutine to parse a .json file and return a hash with all key/value pairs sub merge_new_parameters { my ($existing_file) = @_; my $existing_json = decode_json( $existing_file->slurp ); foreach my $key ( keys %$existing_json ) { $new_hash{$key} = $existing_json->{$key}; } } # Subroutine to reset the tracked data to prepare for the next input file sub reset_loop { %new_hash = (); $status{max_temp} = 0; $status{ini_type} //= undef; $status{profile_name} //= undef; $status{to_var}{external_perimeters_first} //= undef; $status{to_var}{infill_first} //= undef; $status{to_var}{ironing} //= undef; $status{ironing_type} //= undef; for my $param ( keys %{ $status{reset} } ) { if ( $status{reset}{$param} ) { $status{value}{$param} = undef; $status{reset}{$param} = 0; } } unless ( $status{'interactive_mode'} ) { $status{ini_type} = undef; } } sub log_file_status { my ( $input_file, $output_file, $slicer_flavor, $success, $error ) = @_; my %completed_file = ( input_file => $input_file->basename, input_dir => $input_file->dir, slicer_flavor => $slicer_flavor, output_file => ( defined $output_file ) ? $output_file->basename : "", output_dir => ( defined $output_file ) ? $output_file->dir : "", success => $success, error => $error // "" ); if ( $status{ini_type} eq 'printer' ) { $completed_file{'physical_printer_file'} = ( -f $status{value}{physical_printer} ) ? $status{value}{physical_printer}->basename : "None"; $completed_file{'physical_printer_dir'} = ( -f $status{value}{physical_printer} ) ? $status{value}{physical_printer}->dir : ""; } push @{ $converted_files{ ucfirst( $status{ini_type} ) } }, \%completed_file; reset_loop(); } sub display_menu { my ( $prompt, $is_single_option, @options ) = @_; my $quit = "\e[1;31m\e[0m"; my %menu_options = ( prompt => $prompt, clear_screen => 1, layout => 2, codepage_mapping => 1, color => 2 ); if ($is_single_option) { push @options, $quit; my $choice = Term::Choose::choose( \@options, \%menu_options ); exit_with_conversion_summary() if $choice eq $quit; return $choice; } else { $menu_options{'layout'} = 1; $menu_options{'include_highlighted'} = 1; my @menu_items = ( '', @options, $quit ); my @choices = Term::Choose::choose( \@menu_items, \%menu_options ); exit_with_conversion_summary() if grep { $_ eq $quit } @choices; return @options if grep { $_ eq '' } @choices; return @choices; } } sub ask_yes_to_all { my ( $param, $file ) = @_; return if !$status{iterations_left}; my $choice = display_menu( "You have chosen \e[1m$status{value}{$param}\e[0m. Would you like to " . "apply this choice to ALL remaining profiles you are importing in " . "this session? Or just to \e[1m$file\e[0m?\n", 1, ( 'ALL REMAINING PROFILES', "JUST $file" ) ); $status{reset}{$param} = 1 if ( $choice ne 'ALL REMAINING PROFILES' ); } ################### # # # MAIN LOOP # # # ################### # Determine what to convert if not specified if ( !@input_files ) { $status{'interactive_mode'} = 1; my @source_slicers = map { $_->basename } grep { /PrusaSlicer|SuperSlicer/ } $status{dirs}{data}->children; if ( !@source_slicers ) { die( "No PrusaSlicer or SuperSlicer directories detected in " . "$status{dirs}{data}.\n\n Please verify the location of " . 'the files you wish to convert and specify them with the ' . "--input option if necessary." ); } my $slicer_choice = display_menu( "Which slicer do you want to import from?\n", 1, @source_slicers ); $status{dirs}{slicer} = $status{dirs}{data}->subdir($slicer_choice); my @config_types = map { ucfirst($_) } grep { -d dir( $status{dirs}{slicer}->subdir($_) ) } qw(filament print printer); my $config_choice = display_menu( "What kind of profile would you like to import?\n", 1, @config_types ); $status{ini_type} = lc($config_choice); my $item_dir = $status{dirs}{slicer}->subdir( lc($config_choice) ); my @items = $item_dir->children(qr/\.ini$/); my @item_names = map { basename( $_, '.ini' ) } @items; my @choices = display_menu( "Which profile(s) would you like to import?\n\n" . "(Toggle multiple selections with . Press when finished.)\n", 0, @item_names ); push @input_files, map { file( $item_dir, $_ . '.ini' ) } @choices; } # Expand wildcards and process each input file my @expanded_input_files; foreach my $pattern (@input_files) { my @iterator = ( -d $pattern ) ? dir($pattern)->children : bsd_glob($pattern); foreach my $file (@iterator) { if (!-f $file) { print "Cannot find $file\n"; next; } if (!(file($file)->basename =~ qr/\.ini$/)){ print "$file is not a .ini file!\n"; next; }; push @expanded_input_files, is_config_bundle($file) ? process_config_bundle($file) : file($file); } } my $total_input_files = scalar @expanded_input_files; foreach my $index ( 0 .. $#expanded_input_files ) { my $iteration = $index + 1; $status{iterations_left} = $total_input_files - $iteration; # Extract filename and directory from the input file my $input_file = $expanded_input_files[$index]; my $dir = $input_file->dir; my $file = basename( $input_file->basename, ".ini" ); # Read the input INI file and set source slicer flavor my %source_ini = ini_reader($input_file); if ( !defined $status{slicer_flavor} ) { log_file_status( $input_file, undef, "Unknown", "NO", "Unsupported slicer" ); next; } $status{ini_type} = $status{ini_type} // detect_ini_type(%source_ini); if ( !defined $status{ini_type} ) { $status{ini_type} = "unsupported"; log_file_status( $input_file, undef, $status{slicer_flavor}, "NO", "Unsupported file" ); next; } # Make sure output directory is correct my $subdir = $status{force_out} ? dir( $status{dirs}{output} ) : dir( $status{dirs}{output}, @{ $system_directories{'output'}{ $status{ini_type} } } ); check_output_directory($subdir); my $output_file = file( $subdir, "$file.json" ); # If nozzle size isn't specified or detected, use 2x layer size as a proxy if ( exists $source_ini{'nozzle_diameter'} ) { my @nozzle_diameters = multivalue_to_array( $source_ini{'nozzle_diameter'} ); $status{value}{nozzle_size} = $nozzle_diameters[0]; } if ( ( !defined $status{value}{nozzle_size} ) && ( $status{ini_type} eq 'print' ) ) { $status{value}{nozzle_size} = Term::Form::ReadLine->new->readline( 'Nozzle size: ', { color => 1, codepage_mapping => 1, info => 'Enter the nozzle size (in mm) of the nozzle ' . "intended to be used with the \e[1m$file\e[0m profile " . "(e.g. 0.4). Press when done.\n", default => '' } ); $status{value}{nozzle_size} =~ s/[^\d.]//g if $status{value}{nozzle_size}; ask_yes_to_all( 'nozzle_size', $file ); if ( !defined $status{value}{nozzle_size} ) { my $layer_height = $source_ini{'layer_height'}; if ( !$layer_height ) { log_file_status( $input_file, $output_file, $status{slicer_flavor}, "NO", "Invalid layer height" ); next; } $status{value}{nozzle_size} = 2 * $source_ini{'layer_height'}; } } # Loop through each parameter in the INI file foreach my $parameter ( keys %source_ini ) { # Catch profile name we embedded if this is from a config bundle if ( $parameter eq 'profile_name' ) { $status{profile_name} = $source_ini{$parameter} if exists $source_ini{$parameter}; next; } # Ignore parameters that Orca Slicer doesn't support next unless exists $parameter_map{ $status{ini_type} }{$parameter}; my $new_value = convert_params( $parameter, $file, %source_ini ); # Move on if we didn't get a usable value. Otherwise, set the translated # value in the JSON data next unless defined $new_value; $new_hash{ $parameter_map{ $status{ini_type} }{$parameter} } = $new_value; # Track the maximum commanded nozzle temperature $status{max_temp} = $new_value if $parameter =~ /^(first_layer_temperature|temperature)$/ && $new_value > $status{max_temp}; } my $profile_name = defined $status{profile_name} ? $status{profile_name} : $file; # Add additional general metadata to the JSON data %new_hash = ( %new_hash, $status{ini_type} . "_settings_id" => $profile_name, name => $profile_name, from => 'User', is_custom_defined => '1', version => $ORCA_SLICER_VERSION ); # Add additional profile-specific metadata to the JSON data if ( $status{ini_type} eq 'filament' ) { %new_hash = ( %new_hash, nozzle_temperature_range_low => '0', nozzle_temperature_range_high => "" . $status{max_temp}, ( exists $source_ini{'slowdown_below_layer_time'} ) ? ( slow_down_for_layer_cooling => ( $source_ini{'slowdown_below_layer_time'} > 0 ) ? '1' : '0' ) : () ); } elsif ( $status{ini_type} eq 'print' ) { %new_hash = ( calculate_print_params(%source_ini) ); } elsif ( $status{ini_type} eq 'printer' ) { my %inherits = link_system_printer($file); my %phys_printer_data = handle_physical_printer($input_file); %new_hash = ( %new_hash, %phys_printer_data, %inherits ); } # Check if the output file already exists and handle overwrite option if ( -e $output_file ) { if ( !defined $status{value}{on_existing} ) { my @menu_items = ( $on_existing_opts{skip}, $on_existing_opts{overwrite}, $on_existing_opts{merge} ); my $output_basename = "\e[40m\e[0;93m" . $output_file->basename . "\e[0m"; $status{value}{on_existing} = display_menu( "Output file '$output_file' already exists!\n\n" . "If you \e[1m$on_existing_opts{skip}\e[0m, the existing " . "file will not be modified and this profile will not be " . "converted.\n\nIf you \e[1m$on_existing_opts{overwrite}" . "\e[0m it, $output_basename will be replaced with the " . "contents of this converted profile.\n\nIf you \e[1m" . "$on_existing_opts{merge}\e[0m, $output_basename will be " . "amended to add any new key/value pairs from the source .ini " . "that are not already present. Pre-existing key/value pairs " . "in $output_basename will not be altered.\n\n" . "What would you like to do?\n", 1, @menu_items ); ask_yes_to_all( 'on_existing', $file ); } if ( $status{value}{on_existing} eq $on_existing_opts{skip} ) { log_file_status( $input_file, $output_file, $status{slicer_flavor}, "NO", "Target file exists" ); next; } elsif ( $status{value}{on_existing} eq $on_existing_opts{merge} ) { merge_new_parameters($output_file); } } # Write the JSON data to the output file $output_file->spew( JSON::XS->new->utf8->pretty->canonical->encode( \%new_hash ) ); log_file_status( $input_file, $output_file, $status{slicer_flavor}, ( ( defined $status{value}{on_existing} ) && ( $status{value}{on_existing} eq $on_existing_opts{merge} ) ) ? "MERGED" : "YES", undef ); } exit_with_conversion_summary(); sub exit_with_conversion_summary { exit if (!keys %converted_files); my ($input_dir, $output_dir); my $indent = 0; my $outstring = "CONVERSION SUMMARY"; my %tables; foreach my $file_type ( keys %converted_files ) { my $max_table_width = 100; my @column_order = ( 'slicer_col', 'item_name_col', 'phys_printer_col', 'converted_col', 'error_col' ); our %columns = ( slicer_col => { name => "Source File\nGenerated By", width => 12, content => [] }, item_name_col => { name => "$file_type Profile Name", width => 40, content => [] }, phys_printer_col => { name => "Imported Physical\nPrinter Data", width => 0, content => [] }, converted_col => { name => "Converted?", width => 10, content => [] }, error_col => { name => "Error", width => 0, content => [] } ); sub get_table_width { my $total_columns = scalar grep { $_->{width} > 0 } values %columns; my $column_margins = $total_columns * 2; my $table_borders = 2; my $borders_between_columns = $total_columns - 1; my $additional_width = $column_margins + $table_borders + $borders_between_columns; my $total_table_width = 0; foreach my $col_info ( values %columns ) { $total_table_width += $col_info->{width}; } $total_table_width += $additional_width; return $total_table_width; } $input_dir = $converted_files{$file_type}[0]{input_dir}; foreach my $index ( 0 .. $#{ $converted_files{$file_type} } ) { $output_dir = $converted_files{$file_type}[$index]{output_dir}; last if $output_dir ne ""; } my $item_name_length = 0; my $phys_print_name_length = 0; foreach my $converted_file ( @{ $converted_files{$file_type} } ) { my $item_name = basename( $converted_file->{input_file}, ".ini" ); $item_name_length = length($item_name) if length($item_name) > $item_name_length; $columns{error_col}{width} = length( $converted_file->{error} ) if length( $converted_file->{error} ) > $columns{error_col}{width}; push @{ $columns{slicer_col}{content} }, $converted_file->{slicer_flavor}; push @{ $columns{item_name_col}{content} }, $item_name; push @{ $columns{converted_col}{content} }, $converted_file->{success}; push @{ $columns{error_col}{content} }, $converted_file->{error}; if ( $file_type eq 'Printer' ) { my $phys_print_name = $converted_file->{physical_printer_file}; $phys_print_name_length = length($phys_print_name) if length($phys_print_name) > $phys_print_name_length; push @{ $columns{phys_printer_col}{content} }, $phys_print_name; } } # Optimize heading and width of "Profile Name" column $columns{item_name_col}{width} = ( $columns{item_name_col}{width} > $item_name_length ) ? $item_name_length : $columns{item_name_col}{width}; if ( $item_name_length < length( $columns{item_name_col}{name} ) ) { $columns{item_name_col}{name} = "$file_type Profile\nName"; $columns{item_name_col}{width} = ( length( $file_type . " Profile" ) < $item_name_length ) ? $item_name_length : length( $file_type . " Profile" ); } # Add "Physical Printer" column for printer profile conversions if ( $file_type eq 'Printer' ) { $phys_print_name_length = ( $phys_print_name_length < 17 ) ? 17 : $phys_print_name_length; if ( $phys_print_name_length >= 30 ) { $columns{phys_printer_col}{name} = "Imported Physical Printer Data"; } } my @column_headings = (); my @table_rows = (); my $total_rows = 0; # Build table columns foreach my $col (@column_order) { if ( $columns{$col}{width} > 0 ) { push @column_headings, [ $columns{$col}{width}, $columns{$col}{name} ]; my $content_rows = scalar @{ $columns{$col}{content} }; $total_rows = $content_rows if $content_rows > $total_rows; } } # Build table rows for my $i ( 0 .. $total_rows - 1 ) { my @row = (); foreach my $col (@column_order) { if ( $columns{$col}{width} > 0 ) { my $content_item = $columns{$col}{content}[$i] // ""; # Use empty string if content array is shorter push @row, $content_item; } } push @table_rows, \@row; } my $table = Text::SimpleTable->new(@column_headings); foreach my $row (@table_rows) { $table->row( @{$row} ); } my $new_indent = int( ( get_table_width() - length($outstring) ) / 2 ); $indent = $new_indent if $new_indent > $indent; $tables{$file_type} = $table; } print ' ' x $indent . "\e[1;32m$outstring\e[0m\n"; for my $type ( keys %tables ) { print "\n\e[1m$type Files Converted\e[0m\n"; print $tables{$type}->draw(); } print "\nSource Directory: $input_dir\n"; print "Destination Directory: $output_dir\n"; exit; }