#!/usr/bin/env bash # Error codes + association: # 1 - Running as root # 2 - Unsupported platform # 3 - Dependency issue # 4 - Unsupported shell # 5 - Setting $THEOS failed # 6 - Theos clone failed # 7 - Toolchain install failed # 8 - SDK install failed # 9 - Checkra1n '/opt' setup failed # 10 - WSL1 fakeroot->fakeroot-tcp failed # 11 - Enabling Linux binary compat on FreeBSD failed set -e # Pretty print special() { printf "\e[0;34m==> \e[1;34mTheos Installer:\e[m %s\n" "$1" } update() { printf "\n\e[0;36m==> \e[1;36m%s\e[m\n" "$1" } common() { printf "\n\e[0;37m==> \e[1;37m%s\e[m\n" "$1" } error() { printf "\e[0;31m==> \e[1;31m%s\e[m\n" "$1" } # Root is no bueno if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then error "Theos should NOT be installed with or run as root (su/sudo)!" error " - Please re-run the installer as a non-root user." exit 1 fi # Common vars PLATFORM=$(uname) CSHELL="${SHELL##*/}" SHELL_ENV="unknown" if [[ $CSHELL == sh || $CSHELL == bash || $CSHELL == dash ]]; then # Bash prioritizes bashrc > bash_profile > profile if [[ -f $HOME/.bashrc ]]; then SHELL_ENV="$HOME/.bashrc" elif [[ -f $HOME/.bash_profile ]]; then SHELL_ENV="$HOME/.bash_profile" else SHELL_ENV="$HOME/.profile" fi elif [[ $CSHELL == zsh ]]; then # Zsh prioritizes zshenv > zprofile > zshrc if [[ -f $HOME/.zshenv ]]; then SHELL_ENV="$HOME/.zshenv" elif [[ -f $HOME/.zprofile ]]; then SHELL_ENV="$HOME/.zprofile" else SHELL_ENV="$HOME/.zshrc" fi # TODO # elif [[ $CSHELL == csh ]]; then # SHELL_ENV="$HOME/.cshrc" fi # The work theos_bool() { AFFIRMATIVE=(Y y YES yes TRUE true) if [[ ${AFFIRMATIVE[*]} =~ $1 ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } set_theos() { # Check for $THEOS env var update "Checking for \$THEOS environment variable..." if ! [[ -z $THEOS ]]; then update "\$THEOS is already set to '$THEOS'. Nothing to do here." else update "\$THEOS has not been set. Setting now..." if [[ $SHELL_ENV == unknown ]]; then error "Current shell ($CSHELL) is unsupported by this installer. Please set the THEOS environment variable to '~/theos' manually before proceeding." exit 4 fi # Set $THEOS if [[ $PLATFORM == Darwin && ! -x $(command -v xcode-select) && -f /.bootstrapped ]]; then # checkra1n has no exec in var, so need to set # up '/opt' for use with Theos as mobile user echo "export THEOS=/opt/theos" >> "$SHELL_ENV" export THEOS=/opt/theos if [[ -d /opt ]]; then update "'/opt' already exists. Checking its ownership..." # Check that '/opt' isn't owned by root OWNER="$(stat -c '%U' /opt)" if [[ $OWNER == root ]]; then update "Owner of '/opt' is root. Attempting to switch owner to mobile..." sudo chown mobile /opt \ && update "Owner of '/opt' successfully transfered to mobile from root!" \ || (error "Failed to transfer ownership of '/opt' to mobile from root. Please see the log above."; exit 9) else update "Owner of '/opt' is not root. We should be good to go!" fi else update "Creating a special directory to house Theos..." sudo install -d -o mobile -g mobile /opt \ && update "Special directory for Theos created successfully!" \ || (error "Special directory create command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 9) fi else echo "export THEOS=~/theos" >> "$SHELL_ENV" export THEOS=~/theos fi fi } get_theos() { # Get Theos update "Checking for Theos install..." if [[ -d $THEOS && $(ls -A "$THEOS") ]]; then update "Theos appears to already be installed. Checking for updates..." $THEOS/bin/update-theos else update "Theos does not appear to be installed. Cloning now..." git clone --recursive https://github.com/theos/theos.git $THEOS \ && update "Git clone of Theos was successful!" \ || (error "Theos git clone command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 6) fi } get_sdks() { # Get patched sdks update "Checking for patched SDKs..." if [[ -d $THEOS/sdks/ && $(ls -A "$THEOS/sdks/" | grep sdk) ]]; then update "SDKs appear to already be installed." else update "SDKs do not appear to be installed. Installing now..." # Grab latest for provided platforms urls=$(curl https://api.github.com/repos/theos/sdks/releases/latest | grep download_url | sed 's/.*: "\(.*\)"/\1/') ios_url=$(echo "$urls" | grep 'iPhoneOS' | sort -V | tail -n1) tvos_url=$(echo "$urls" | grep 'AppleTVOS' | sort -V | tail -n1) curl -L "$ios_url" | tar -xJv -C "$THEOS/sdks" curl -L "$tvos_url" | tar -xJv -C "$THEOS/sdks" if [[ -d $THEOS/sdks/ && $(ls -A "$THEOS/sdks/" | grep sdk) ]]; then update "SDKs successfully installed!" else error "Something appears to have gone wrong. Please try again." exit 8 fi fi } darwin() { # Check for Xcode XCODE="$(xcode-select -p)" if [[ $XCODE == /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools && ! -d /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/ ]]; then error "Xcode, not just the Command Line Tools, is required for Theos to function properly. Please install Xcode before continuing with the installation." common "We recommend that you install Xcode from https://developer.apple.com/download/applications/ instead of from the Mac App Store as it's much faster." exit 3 elif [[ $XCODE == /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools && -d /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/ ]]; then common "Xcode developer directory is currently $XCODE; switching to /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/..." sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/ elif [[ $XCODE != *.app/Contents/Developer ]]; then error "Xcode is required for Theos to function properly. Please install Xcode before continuing with the installation." common "We recommend that you install Xcode from https://developer.apple.com/download/applications/ instead of from the Mac App Store as it's much faster." common "If you already have Xcode installed, check the output of 'xcode-select -p'; you may need to change your developer directory via 'sudo xcode-select -s '." exit 3 fi # Dependencies update "Preparing to install dependencies..." if [[ -x $(command -v apt) && -f /opt/procursus/.procursus_strapped ]]; then sudo apt update || true sudo apt install -y ldid xz-utils \ && update "Dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) elif [[ -x $(command -v port) ]]; then sudo port selfupdate || true yes | sudo port install ldid xz \ && update "Dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) elif [[ -x $(command -v brew) ]]; then brew update || true brew install ldid xz \ && update "Dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) else read -p "Homebrew, which provides tools Theos depends on, is not installed. Would you like to have it installed for you? [y/n]" hbrew if theos_bool $hbrew; then bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" \ && update "Homebrew has been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Homebrew install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) brew install ldid xz \ && update "Dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) else error "Homebrew provides tools Theos depends on and thus is mandatory. Please install Homebrew before proceeding with the installation." exit 3 fi fi set_theos get_theos get_sdks } darwin_mobile() { # Categorize iOS version # Earlier than iOS 12 is old! # https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Kernel LEGACY=0 KERNEL_VER=$(sysctl kern.osrelease | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g') if [[ $KERNEL_VER < 1800 ]]; then LEGACY=1 fi # Check for sudo (not installed by default on some jbs) if ! [[ -x $(command -v sudo) ]]; then error "Please install 'sudo' in your package manager before proceeding with the installation." exit 3 fi # Compatbility check APTVER="$(apt-get --version | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f2)" if dpkg --compare-versions $APTVER ge 1.1; then uFLAGS=(--allow-insecure-repositories) iFLAGS=(--allow-unauthenticated --allow-downgrades) elif dpkg --compare-versions $APTVER ge 0.6.8; then uFLAGS=() iFLAGS=(--allow-unauthenticated) else uFLAGS=() iFLAGS=() fi # Dependencies update "Preparing to install dependencies. Please enter your password if prompted:" if [[ $LEGACY -eq 1 ]]; then read -p "Do you have 'https://coolstar.org/publicrepo/', 'https://repo.bingner.com/', and 'http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/' installed in the sources of your jailbreak's primary package manager? [y/n]" ready if theos_bool $ready; then sudo apt-get update "${uFLAGS[@]}" || true sudo apt-get install -y "${iFLAGS[@]}" org.theos.dependencies \ && update "Dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) else error "Please install the repos mentioned above before proceeding." exit 3 fi else # Up-to-date dependencies pkg is exclusive to Procursus, so need to cater install accordingly if [[ -f /.procursus_strapped || -f /var/jb/.procursus_strapped ]]; then read -p "Do you have 'https://apt.procurs.us' installed in the sources of your jailbreak's primary package manager? [y/n]" ready if theos_bool $ready; then sudo apt update "${uFLAGS[@]}" || true sudo apt install -y "${iFLAGS[@]}" theos-dependencies \ && update "Dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) else error "Please install the repo mentioned above before proceeding." exit 3 fi else read -p "Do you have 'https://apt.bingner.com' installed in the sources of your jailbreak's primary package manager? [y/n]" ready if theos_bool $ready; then sudo apt update "${uFLAGS[@]}" || true sudo apt install -y "${iFLAGS[@]}" ca-certificates clang coreutils curl dpkg git grep ldid make odcctools perl com.bingner.plutil rsync xz \ && update "Dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) else error "Please install the repo mentioned above before proceeding." exit 3 fi fi fi # Check desire for Swift support update "Checking desire for Swift support..." read -p "Would you like to be able to work with Swift? If so, an additional package will need to be installed. [y/n]" confirm if theos_bool $confirm; then if [[ -f /.procursus_strapped || -f /var/jb/.procursus_strapped ]]; then sudo apt install -y "${iFLAGS[@]}" swift \ && update "Additional Swift package installation successful!" \ || (error "Additional Swift package install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) else sudo apt install -y "${iFLAGS[@]}" com.kabiroberai.swift-toolchain \ && update "Additional Swift package installation successful!" \ || (error "Additional Swift package install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) fi else update "Skipping Swift support." common "Note: if you end up wanting to use Swift in the future, just install the 'swift' (Procursus ONLY) or 'swift-toolchain' (all other bootstraps) packages from within your package manager." fi set_theos get_theos get_sdks } linux() { # Determine distro DISTRO="unknown" if [[ -x $(command -v apt) ]]; then DISTRO="debian" elif [[ -x $(command -v pacman) ]]; then DISTRO="arch" elif [[ -x $(command -v dnf) ]]; then DISTRO="redhat" elif [[ -x $(command -v zypper) ]]; then DISTRO="suse" fi # Check for sudo (not installed by default on some distros) if ! [[ -x $(command -v sudo) ]]; then error "Please install 'sudo' before proceeding with the installation." exit 3 fi # Dependencies update "Preparing to install dependencies. Please enter your password if prompted:" case $DISTRO in debian) sudo apt update || true sudo apt install -y build-essential fakeroot rsync curl perl zip git libxml2 \ && update "Dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) ;; arch) sudo pacman -Syu || true sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm base-devel libbsd fakeroot openssl rsync curl perl zip git libxml2 \ && update "Dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) ;; redhat) sudo dnf --refresh || true sudo dnf group install -y "C Development Tools and Libraries" \ && update "Dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) sudo dnf install -y fakeroot lzma libbsd rsync curl perl zip git libxml2 \ && update "Other dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Other dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) ;; suse) sudo zypper refresh || true sudo zypper install -y -t pattern devel_basis \ && update "Dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) sudo zypper install -y fakeroot libbsd0 rsync curl perl zip git libxml2 \ && update "Other dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ || (error "Other dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) ;; *) error "The dependencies for your distro are unknown to this installer. Note that they will need to be determined before Theos can be installed and/or function properly." common "On Debian-based distros, the necessary dependencies are: build-essential fakeroot rsync curl perl git libxml2 and libtinfo5 (non-swift toolchain) or libz3-dev (swift toolchain)." common "Additional dependencies may also be required depending on what your distro provides." ;; esac # Check for WSL update "Checking for WSL..." if [[ $(uname -r | sed -n 's/.*\( *Microsoft *\).*/\L\1/ip') == microsoft ]]; then VERSION=$(uname -r | sed 's/.*\([[:digit:]]\)[[:space:]]*/\1/') if [[ $VERSION -eq 1 ]]; then update "WSL1! Need to fix fakeroot..." sudo update-alternatives --set fakeroot /usr/bin/fakeroot-tcp \ && update "fakeroot fixed!" \ || (error "fakeroot fix seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 10) else update "WSL2! Nothing to do here." fi else update "Seems you're not using WSL. Moving on..." fi set_theos get_theos # Get a toolchain update "Checking for iOS toolchain..." if [[ -d $THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone/ && $(ls -A "$THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone") ]]; then update "A toolchain appears to already be installed." else update "A toolchain does not appear to be installed." stoolchain="n" if [[ -z $CI ]]; then read -p "Would you like your toolchain to support Swift (larger toolchain size) or not (smaller toolchain size)? [y/n]" stoolchain fi if theos_bool $stoolchain; then case $DISTRO in debian) sudo apt install -y libz3-dev zstd ;; arch) sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm libedit z3 zstd # libz3-dev equivalent is z3 and we need to create lib version queried LATEST_LIBZ3="$(ls -v /usr/lib/ | grep libz3 | tail -n 1)" sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/$LATEST_LIBZ3 /usr/lib/libz3.so.4 # toolchain looks for a specific libedit LATEST_LIBEDIT="$(ls -v /usr/lib/ | grep libedit | tail -n 1)" sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/$LATEST_LIBEDIT /usr/lib/libedit.so.2 ;; redhat) sudo dnf install -y z3-libs zstd # libz3-dev equivalent is z3-libs and ... LATEST_LIBZ3="$(ls -v /usr/lib64/ | grep libz3 | tail -n 1)" sudo ln -sf /usr/lib64/$LATEST_LIBZ3 /usr/lib64/libz3.so.4 # toolchain looks for a specific libedit LATEST_LIBEDIT="$(ls -v /usr/lib64/ | grep libedit | tail -n 1)" sudo ln -sf /usr/lib64/$LATEST_LIBEDIT /usr/lib64/libedit.so.2 ;; suse) sudo zypper install -y $(zypper search libz3 | tail -n 1 | cut -d "|" -f2) zstd # libz3-dev equivalent is libz3-* and ... LATEST_LIBZ3="$(ls -v /usr/lib64/ | grep libz3 | tail -n 1)" sudo ln -sf /usr/lib64/$LATEST_LIBZ3 /usr/lib64/libz3.so.4 # toolchain looks for a specific libedit LATEST_LIBEDIT="$(ls -v /usr/lib64/ | grep libedit | tail -n 1)" sudo ln -sf /usr/lib64/$LATEST_LIBEDIT /usr/lib64/libedit.so.2 ;; esac curl -LO https://github.com/CRKatri/llvm-project/releases/download/swift-5.3.2-RELEASE/swift-5.3.2-RELEASE-ubuntu20.04.tar.zst TMP=$(mktemp -d) tar -xvf swift-5.3.2-RELEASE-ubuntu20.04.tar.zst -C $TMP mkdir -p $THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone $THEOS/toolchain/swift mv $TMP/swift-5.3.2-RELEASE-ubuntu20.04/* $THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone/ ln -s $THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone $THEOS/toolchain/swift rm -r swift-5.3.2-RELEASE-ubuntu20.04.tar.zst $TMP curl -L https://github.com/ProcursusTeam/ldid/releases/latest/download/ldid_linux_x86_64 -o $THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone/bin/ldid else case $DISTRO in debian) sudo apt install -y libtinfo5 ;; arch) # get source for libtinfo5 equivalent from AUR and build if ! pacman -Qs ncurses5-compat-libs > /dev/null; then git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/ncurses5-compat-libs.git cd ncurses5-compat-libs gpg --recv-keys "$(cat PKGBUILD | grep validpgp | grep -oP "(?<=').*(?=')")" MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc --all)" makepkg -sir --noconfirm \ && cd .. \ && rm -rf ncurses5-compat-libs fi ;; redhat) sudo dnf install -y ncurses-compat-libs ;; suse) sudo zypper install -y libncurses5 ;; esac curl -LO https://github.com/L1ghtmann/llvm-project/releases/latest/download/iOSToolchain.tar.xz tar -xvf iOSToolchain.tar.xz -C $THEOS/toolchain/ rm iOSToolchain.tar.xz fi # Confirm that toolchain is usable if [[ -x $THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone/bin/clang ]]; then update "Successfully installed the toolchain!" else error "Something appears to have gone wrong -- the toolchain is not accessible. Please try again." exit 7 fi fi get_sdks } # TODO # freebsd() { # # Check for sudo (not installed by default) # if ! [[ -x $(command -v sudo) ]]; then # error "Please install 'sudo' before proceeding with the installation." # exit 3 # fi # # Dependencies # update "Preparing to install dependencies. Please enter your password if prompted:" # sudo pkg update || true # sudo pkg install -y bash curl gmake ncurses fakeroot git rsync curl zip \ # && update "Dependencies have been successfully installed!" \ # || (error "Dependency install command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 3) # # Enable linux binary compatibility # update "Enabling Linux binary compatibility..." # sudo sysrc linux_enable=YES # sudo service linux start # sudo pkg install -y linux_base-c7 \ # && update "Linux binary compatibility successfully enabled!" \ # || (error "Linux binary compatibility command seems to have encountered an error. Please see the log above."; exit 11) # # Compatibility with common Theos commands # # TODO: Should we be doing this? # echo "alias make=gmake" >> "$SHELL_ENV" # set_theos # get_theos # # Get a toolchain # update "Checking for iOS toolchain..." # # TODO: FreeBSD unique toolchain path != /linux/ ? # if [[ -d $THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone/ && $(ls -A "$THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone") ]]; then # update "A toolchain appears to already be installed." # else # update "A toolchain does not appear to be installed." # stoolchain="n" # if [[ -z $CI ]]; then # read -p "Would you like your toolchain to support Swift (larger toolchain size) or not (smaller toolchain size)? [y/n]" stoolchain # fi # if theos_bool $stoolchain; then # sudo pkg install -y zstd # curl -LO https://github.com/CRKatri/llvm-project/releases/download/swift-5.3.2-RELEASE/swift-5.3.2-RELEASE-ubuntu20.04.tar.zst # TMP=$(mktemp -d) # tar -xvf swift-5.3.2-RELEASE-ubuntu20.04.tar.zst -C $TMP # mkdir -p $THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone $THEOS/toolchain/swift # mv $TMP/swift-5.3.2-RELEASE-ubuntu20.04/* $THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone/ # ln -s $THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone $THEOS/toolchain/swift # rm -r swift-5.3.2-RELEASE-ubuntu20.04.tar.zst $TMP # else # curl -LO https://github.com/L1ghtmann/llvm-project/releases/latest/download/iOSToolchain.tar.xz # tar -xvf iOSToolchain.tar.xz -C $THEOS/toolchain/ # rm iOSToolchain.tar.xz # fi # # Confirm that toolchain is usable # if [[ -x $THEOS/toolchain/linux/iphone/bin/clang ]]; then # update "Successfully installed the toolchain!" # else # error "Something appears to have gone wrong -- the toolchain is not accessible. Please try again." # exit 7 # fi # fi # get_sdks # } # Determine platform and start work special "Starting install..." common "Platform: $PLATFORM" if [[ $PLATFORM == Darwin ]]; then if [[ -x $(command -v xcode-select) ]]; then darwin else darwin_mobile fi elif [[ ${PLATFORM,,} == linux ]]; then linux # elif [[ ${PLATFORM,,} == freebsd ]]; then # freebsd else error "'$PLATFORM' is currently unsupported by this installer and/or Theos." exit 2 fi special "Theos has been successfully installed! Restart your shell and then run \$THEOS/bin/nic.pl to get started."