var app = (function(cellautomaton) { "use strict"; var App = function(grid_width, grid_height, canvas, cell_width) { this.grid_width = grid_width; this.grid_height = grid_height; this.cell_width = cell_width; this.canvas = canvas; this.canvas.width = grid_width * cell_width; this.canvas.height = grid_height * cell_width; this.automaton = new cellautomaton.CellularAutomaton(grid_width, grid_height); this.automaton_interval = 0; } /** * Clear the canvas */ App.prototype.clear = function() { var ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); } /** * Start the automaton * * We will also clear any previously running automaton */ = function() { clearInterval(this.automaton_interval); this.clear(); this.automaton.init(); this.automaton_interval = setInterval(function(app) { app.automaton.drawOn(app.canvas, app.cell_width); app.automaton.nextStep(); if (app.automaton.isFinished()) { app.automaton.init(); } }, 50, this); } return { App: App } })(cellautomaton);