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@andrewminer Absolutely, this is a high-end model for commuting! I got started on a Torker LX 24" (@1636) and it was a great fit plus a steal. I’m 6'1" and the 24" was a good fit. Generally, bigger wheel is faster but (a bit) harder to learn. 20" is what they use in the circus – not what I wanna do ;)
@huy Freut mi, dass es dir gfallt! Viele Dank für’s Feedback. Du hesch absolut Recht: Duplikat und richtig Kategorisierig isch definitiv e Heruusforderig und öppis wo mir aktiv werded dra schaffe.
It’s fun and believe me, if I can do it, anyone can. It just takes some disciplined practice.
Mädels, ich bin übrigens für die nächsten paar Wochen in der Schweiz! Wo mach’n wir party? :)
@missteree Ich glaub was @dynamity damit sagen wollte ist: ‘du hast eine grosse nase!’ ;)
Wasn’ das?
Hallo, Jessy :)
Willkommen, Diana! :)
Nie! 1–3 bylo OK, ale 4 jest sch&#$* ;)
@aseemk @2890 LOL!
Yes! P.S. Thanks for the signed copy :)
Welcome, Karim. Yeah, the gear is awesome, it’s just… eh… the wrong brand, see gasi/photography ;)
Welcome to The Thingdom, Gary! It’s an honor to have you here. /cc @aseemk