1.1.1 ----- - Update classifiers to indicate older versions are no longer supported - No longer use deprecated pytest constructs - Bump requirements to more accurately indicate what is currently needed 1.1.0 ----- - Drop Python 2 support and dependency on py; from @erikkemperman - Drop support for Python 3.5, 3.6 - Stop testing on Python versions prior to 3.7 - Add a `flake8-max-doc-length` option; from @rodrigomologni - Fix some minor typos; from @kianmeng 1.0.7 ----- - Implement collect() for Flake8Item; from @thomascobb - Document skipping behavior in README; from @jpyams 1.0.6 ----- - Fix compatibility with flake8 >= 3.8, from @marc 1.0.5 ----- - Fix deprecation warning; from @jonasundderwolf 1.0.4 ----- - Support flake8 3.7+ by checking existence of "app.make_notifier"; from jirikuncar@github - More fixes for Travis CI -- properly specify Python versions, in particular for pypy (and fix a typo) 1.0.3 ----- - Don't use long deprecated functions from pytest, broke with pytest 4.1.0 - Fix typo that caused some tests to not run as expected - Run Travis CI tests against Python 3.7, and fix some issues with current tox 1.0.2 ----- - Test on Python 3.7 - Escape a regex string with r"" 1.0.1 ----- - Correct junit XML output for pytest 3.5.x 1.0.0 ----- - Honor ignore settings in default flake8 config section; from brianbruggeman@github - Improve junit XML output; from Struan Judd 0.9.1 ----- - Do continuous integration with Travis; from alex-dr@github - Declare compatibility with Python 3.6 0.9 --- - Extend options already loaded instead of replacing them; from mforbes@github - Correct some issues preventing proper operation with flake8 3.5.0; from jezdez@github - Register pytest marker for flake8; from alex-dr@github 0.8, 0.8.1 ---------- - Allow running with no cacheprovider - Modernize use of fixtures in tests 0.7 --- - Added new options "flake8-max-complexity", "flake8-show-source" and "flake8-statistics" 0.6 --- - Update for flake8 3.x 0.5 --- - Fix rendering of rST; from Ken Dreyer 0.4 --- - Really fix cache usage; had a comparison between tuple and list which always failed 0.3 --- - Use integrated pytest cache instead of separate pytest-cache module (which is now integrated) - Use documented hooks for start and end of a test run 0.2 --- - Added ability to override maximum line length 0.1 --- - initial release