# bashrc.local of Thomas Witt # # Add to /etc/bashrc: # test -e "/etc/bashrc.local" && . /etc/bashrc.local # # And/or: # ln -s /etc/bashrc.local /etc/bashrc_ # ln -s /etc/bashrc.local /etc/bashrc_iTerm.app # Messages export LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8 # Case-insensitive globbing (used in pathname expansion) shopt -s nocaseglob # Append to the Bash history file, rather than overwriting it shopt -s histappend export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T ' export HISTCONTROL=erasedups export HISTSIZE=1000000 export HISTFILESIZE=1000000000 # Autocorrect typos in path names when using `cd` shopt -s cdspell # Enable some Bash 4 features when possible: # * `autocd`, e.g. `**/qux` will enter `./foo/bar/baz/qux` # * Recursive globbing, e.g. `echo **/*.txt` for option in autocd globstar; do shopt -s "$option" 2> /dev/null done # General export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:${PATH}:/usr/X11R6/bin export MANPATH=${MANPATH}:/usr/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/X11R6/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/local/share/man export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} # Prompt parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/' } if [ ${UID} -eq 0 ]; then PS1="\[\033[1;31m\]\h:\w #\[\033[0m\] " else PS1="\[\033[1;30m\]\u@\h:\[\033[1;34m\]\w\$(parse_git_branch) \$\[\033[0m\] " PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -n -e "\033k\033\\"' fi # vi alias vi='vim' alias vip='VIM_PRIVATE=1 vim' export EDITOR=vim export VISUAL=vim # Aliases that are making life easier alias l='ls -lahoFG' alias ll='ls -laOFG' alias lll='ls -laOFGe@' alias h='history' alias hg='history | grep' alias c='clear' alias ..='cd ..' alias ...='cd ../..' alias -- -="cd -" alias root='sudo -iH' function psg { ps auxww | egrep -i $1 | grep -v 'egrep -i' } alias df='df -h' alias findi='find . -iname' alias finds="find . -not -path '*.git*' -and -not -name '*.swp'" alias ag="ag -i" alias grep='grep --colour' alias mkdir='mkdir -p' alias mdcat="mdless -P" alias randomnumber="(head /dev/random & ps axl & ps -el & netstat -na & netstat -s & ls -lRt /dev 2>/dev/null & w) | md5sum" # npm alias npmls="npm -g ls --depth=0" alias npmi="npm install -g" # Git alias gst='git status' alias gci='git commit -a' alias gcip='git commit -a && git push' alias gco='git checkout' alias gbr='git branch -a' alias greset='git reset HEAD' alias gadd='git add -A' alias ggc='git gc' alias gsubinit='git submodule update --init --recursive' alias git-update-recursive='find . -name .git -type d -exec bash -c '"'"'echo $(dirname {}) && cd $(dirname {}); git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u} >/dev/null 2>&1; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then git pull --rebase; fi; echo'"'"' \;' # Networking alias sshnk="ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o VerifyHostKeyDNS=no" function openssl-expiry { openssl s_client -servername $1 -connect $1:443 | openssl x509 -noout -dates } checkdns () { dig @$(dig @ $1 ns +short | head -n1) $1 ANY +noall +answer ; } # rsync export RSYNC_RSH='ssh' export RSYNC_OPTS='-CPavz' # Rails alias tl='tail -f log/*' alias tld='tail -f log/development.log' alias ss='if [ -x bin/rails -o -x script/rails ]; then rm log/development.log; bundle exec rake tmp:clear; bundle exec rails server $*; else echo "No rails app found"; fi' alias sc='if [ -x bin/rails -o -x script/rails ]; then bundle exec rails console; else echo "No rails app found"; fi' alias gi='gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc' alias b='bundle exec' alias gu='gem update --no-ri --no-rdoc' # dc DC_ENV_ARGS="-e 2k" # Any additional aliases? test -e "${HOME}/.alias" && . ${HOME}/.alias if [[ $(uname) = "Darwin" ]]; then test -e "/etc/bashrc.local.mac" && . /etc/bashrc.local.mac fi # vim:filetype=bash: