# Notifications Sublime text plugin that uses terminal-notifier or subnotify for event notifications ## Installation ### Mac ###### Install terminal-notifier ```bash gem install terminal-notifier ``` ###### Install one of the following Sublime plugins - [SubNotify](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/SubNotify) - [Terminal Notifier](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Terminal%20Notifier) ### Windows 1. Install the SubNotify plugin for Windows. 2. Install either of the following - [Growl for Windows](http://growlforwindows.com) - Install [Pywin32](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Pywin32) The Pywin32 plugin allows standard windows notifications via the task bar while growl for Windows allows growl style notifications. ### Install this plugin - Download repo directly into Packages folder - Install via Package Control ###### Setup Preferences Make sure Terminal Notifier or SubNotify are setup correctly. Tell Notifications which plugin you want to use to display the notifications ```json { "notifier": "subnotify" } ``` __Note:__ SubNotify is currently the default because it supports multiplatform notifications. ### To Do: - Enable custom message and title Currently only post save notifications are setup. If you would like to see other notifications, please open a github issue and tag it as an enhancement.