{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-} module Main where import Data.Char (ord, chr) import Data.Map (Map, empty, insertWith, member, (!)) import qualified Data.Map as DM import Data.List (elemIndex) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Control.Applicative (liftA2) import Control.Monad ((<=<)) import Control.Exception currentVersion :: String currentVersion = "" -- ┌───────────────────────────┐ -- │ GENERAL-PURPOSE FUNCTIONS │ -- └───────────────────────────┘ factorial :: Integer -> Integer factorial 0 = 1 factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1) factorial' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer factorial' _ 0 = 1 factorial' n m = (n - (m - 1)) * factorial' n (m - 1) cnk :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer cnk n k = div (factorial' n k) (factorial k) length' :: [a] -> Integer length' = toInteger . length take' :: Integer -> [a] -> [a] take' 0 _ = [] take' _ [] = [] take' n (a:as) = a : take' (n-1) as insertAt :: a -> Integer -> [a] -> [a] insertAt a 0 lst = a:lst insertAt a n (l:lst) = l : insertAt a (n-1) lst insertAt _ _ _ = [] break' :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) break' _ [] = ([],[]) break' a (a':rest) | a == a' = ([], rest) | otherwise = let (res1, res2) = break' a rest in (a' : res1, res2) dropElementInfo :: ([a], Integer) -> (Integer, Integer) dropElementInfo (src, m) = (length' src, m) class Shifting a where shift :: a -> Integer instance (Shifting a) => Shifting [a] where shift = sum . map shift instance Shifting Char where shift = toInteger . ord combineHashing :: (a -> Integer -> b) -> (b -> Integer -> c) -> (a -> Integer -> Integer -> c) combineHashing f g a = g . f a mapHashing :: (Shifting b) => (a -> Integer -> b) -> (a -> Integer) -> ([a] -> Integer -> [b]) mapHashing _ _ [] _ = [] mapHashing f spr (a : as) key = b : mapHashing f spr as nextKey where (keyDiv, keyMod) = divMod key $ spr a b = f a keyMod nextKey = keyDiv + shift b composeHashing :: (Shifting b) => (a -> Integer -> b) -> (a -> Integer) -> (b -> Integer -> c) -> (a -> Integer -> c) composeHashing f spr g a key = g b nextKey where (keyDiv, keyMod) = divMod key $ spr a b = f a keyMod nextKey = keyDiv + shift b -- ┌───────────────────────────┐ -- │ HASH GENERATING FUNCTIONS │ -- └───────────────────────────┘ chooseOrdered :: (Eq a, Shifting a) => ([a], Integer) -> Integer -> [a] chooseOrdered (_, 0) _ = [] chooseOrdered ([], _) _ = [] chooseOrdered (src, m) key = curElt : chooseOrdered (filter (/= curElt) src, m - 1) nextKey where (keyDiv, keyMod) = divMod key $ length' src curElt = src !! fromIntegral keyMod nextKey = keyDiv + shift curElt shuffleList :: (Eq a, Shifting a) => [a] -> Integer -> [a] shuffleList src = chooseOrdered (src, length' src) chooseOrderedSpread :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer chooseOrderedSpread (n, m) = factorial' n m chooseOrderedSpread' :: ([a], Integer) -> Integer chooseOrderedSpread' = chooseOrderedSpread . dropElementInfo mergeTwoLists :: (Shifting a) => ([a], [a]) -> Integer -> [a] mergeTwoLists ([], lst2) _ = lst2 mergeTwoLists (lst1, []) _ = lst1 mergeTwoLists (elt1:rest1, elt2:rest2) key | curKey < spr1 = elt1 : mergeTwoLists (rest1, elt2:rest2) (curKey + shift elt1) | otherwise = elt2 : mergeTwoLists (elt1:rest1, rest2) (curKey - spr1 + shift elt2) where spr1 = mergeTwoListsSpread (length' rest1, length' rest2 + 1) spr2 = mergeTwoListsSpread (length' rest1 + 1, length' rest2) curKey = mod key (spr1 + spr2) mergeTwoListsSpread :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer mergeTwoListsSpread (m1, m2) = div (factorial (m1 + m2)) (factorial m1 * factorial m2) mergeTwoListsSpread' :: ([a], [a]) -> Integer mergeTwoListsSpread' (lst1, lst2) = mergeTwoListsSpread (length' lst1, length' lst2) mergeLists :: (Shifting a) => [[a]] -> Integer -> [a] mergeLists [] _ = [] mergeLists [l] _ = l mergeLists [l1, l2] key = mergeTwoLists (l1, l2) key mergeLists (l:ls) key = mergeTwoLists (l, mergeLists ls keyMod) nextKey where (keyDiv, keyMod) = divMod key $ mergeListsSpread $ map length' ls nextKey = keyDiv + shift l mergeListsSpread :: [Integer] -> Integer mergeListsSpread amts = div (factorial $ sum amts) (product $ map factorial amts) mergeListsSpread' :: [[a]] -> Integer mergeListsSpread' = mergeListsSpread . map length' chooseAndMerge :: (Eq a, Shifting a) => [([a], Integer)] -> Integer -> [a] chooseAndMerge = composeHashing (mapHashing chooseOrdered chooseOrderedSpread') (product . map chooseOrderedSpread') mergeLists chooseAndMergeSpread :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> Integer chooseAndMergeSpread amts = (product . map chooseOrderedSpread) amts * (mergeListsSpread . map snd) amts chooseAndMergeSpread' :: [([a], Integer)] -> Integer chooseAndMergeSpread' = chooseAndMergeSpread . map dropElementInfo getHash :: (Eq a, Shifting a) => [([a], Integer)] -> Integer -> Integer -> [a] getHash = combineHashing chooseAndMerge shuffleList -- ┌────────────────┐ -- │ ERROR HANDLING │ -- └────────────────┘ data Trace = String :=> [Trace] deriving (Read, Show) data Handle a = Content a | Error Trace deriving (Read, Show) errColor :: String errColor = "\ESC[31m" -- ] hlColor :: String hlColor = "\ESC[33m" -- ] dfColor :: String dfColor = "\ESC[0m" -- ] newError :: String -> Handle a newError = Error . (:=> []) . (++ dfColor) . (errColor ++) hlError :: String -> String -> String -> Handle a hlError pref hl post = Error $ (errColor ++ pref ++ hlColor ++ hl ++ errColor ++ post ++ dfColor) :=> [] liftH2 :: String -> String -> (a -> b -> c) -> (Handle a -> Handle b -> Handle c) liftH2 _ _ f (Content a) (Content b) = Content (f a b) liftH2 msg1 msg2 _ (Error tr1) (Error tr2) = Error $ "Double trace:" :=> [ msg1 :=> [tr1], msg2 :=> [tr2] ] liftH2 msg1 _ _ (Error tr) _ = Error (msg1 :=> [tr]) liftH2 _ msg2 _ _ (Error tr) = Error (msg2 :=> [tr]) raiseH' :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Handle b)) -> (Handle a -> m (Handle b)) raiseH' f (Content a) = f a raiseH' _ (Error tr) = return (Error tr) instance Functor Handle where fmap f ma = case ma of Error tr -> Error tr Content a -> Content (f a) instance Applicative Handle where pure = Content mf <*> ma = case mf of Error tr -> case ma of Error tr' -> Error ("Double trace:" :=> [tr, tr']) _ -> Error tr Content f -> fmap f ma instance Monad Handle where return = pure mval >>= f = case mval of Error tr -> Error tr Content a -> f a fmap2 :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> c) -> (m a -> b -> m c) fmap2 f ma b = fmap (`f` b) ma fmap2' :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> (m a -> b -> m c) fmap2' f ma b = ma >>= (`f` b) raise :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> (m a -> m b) raise f ma = ma >>= f raise2 :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> (a -> m b -> m c) raise2 f a mb = mb >>= f a readHandle :: (Read a) => String -> String -> Handle a readHandle msg str = case readMaybe str of Nothing -> Error $ (errColor ++ "Failed to read " ++ hlColor ++ str ++ errColor ++ " as " ++ hlColor ++ msg ++ errColor ++ "." ++ dfColor) :=> [] Just a -> Content a addTrace :: String -> Handle a -> Handle a addTrace _ (Content a) = Content a addTrace msg (Error tr) = Error (msg :=> [tr]) -- ┌───────────────────┐ -- │ INVERSE FUNCTIONS │ -- └───────────────────┘ mapHashingI :: (Shifting b) => (a -> b -> Handle Integer) -> (a -> Integer) -> ([a] -> [b] -> Handle Integer) mapHashingI _ _ [] [] = Content 0 mapHashingI _ _ _ [] = newError "A bug in the Matrix, calling `mapHashingI`." mapHashingI _ _ [] _ = newError "A bug in the Matrix, calling `mapHashingI`." mapHashingI fI spr (a:as) (b:bs) = let curSpr = spr a restSpr = product $ map spr as curKeyH = fI a b restPreKeyH = mapHashingI fI spr as bs -- - shift b in case (curKeyH, restPreKeyH) of (Error tr1, Error (msg :=> [])) -> Error ("Double trace in call of `mapHashingI`:" :=> [tr1, msg :=> []]) (Error tr1, Error (_ :=> trss)) -> Error ("Branching trace in call of `mapHashingI`:" :=> (tr1 : trss)) (Error tr, _) -> Error ("Trace in call of `mapHashingI`:" :=> [tr]) (_, Error tr) -> Error tr (Content curKey, Content nextPreKey) -> Content $ curKey + curSpr * mod (nextPreKey - shift b) restSpr combineHashingI :: (a -> Integer -> b) -> (b -> c -> Handle Integer) -> (a -> c -> Integer -> Handle Integer) combineHashingI f gI a c key1 = gI (f a key1) c combineHashingI' :: (a -> b -> Handle Integer) -> (c -> Integer -> b) -> (a -> c -> Integer -> Handle Integer) combineHashingI' fI gI' a c key2 = fI a (gI' c key2) composeHashingI :: (Shifting b) => (a -> b -> Handle Integer) -> (a -> Integer) -> (b -> c -> Handle Integer) -> (b -> Integer) -> (a -> c -> b) -> (a -> c -> Handle Integer) composeHashingI fI sprF gI sprG getB a c = let b = getB a c keyModH = fI a b nextKeyH = gI b c in case (keyModH, nextKeyH) of (Error tr1, Error tr2) -> Error ("Double trace in call of `composeHashingI`:" :=> [tr1, tr2]) (Error tr, _) -> Error ("Trace in call of `composeHashingI`, in first function:" :=> [tr]) (_, Error tr) -> Error ("Trace in call of `composeHashingI`, in second function:" :=> [tr]) (Content keyMod, Content nextKey) -> Content $ keyMod + sprF a * mod (nextKey - shift b) (sprG b) chooseOrderedI :: (Shifting a, Eq a, Show a) => ([a], Integer) -> [a] -> Handle Integer chooseOrderedI (_,0) [] = Content 0 chooseOrderedI (src,num) hash | num /= length' hash = Error $ (errColor ++ "Invalid hash: length should match source configuration." ++ dfColor) :=> [ ("Reversing hash: " ++ hlColor ++ show hash ++ dfColor ++ " with length " ++ hlColor ++ show (length hash) ++ dfColor) :=> [], ("With source: " ++ hlColor ++ show (src,num) ++ dfColor) :=> [] ] chooseOrderedI (src, num) (a:as) = let srcLen = length' src keyModM = toInteger <$> elemIndex a src prevSpread = chooseOrderedSpread (srcLen-1, length' as) keyDivH = chooseOrderedI (filter (/= a) src, num-1) as in case keyModM of Nothing -> Error $ (errColor ++ ("Invalid hash: element " ++ hlColor ++ show a ++ errColor ++ " could not be found in source.") ++ dfColor) :=> [ ("Maybe the element " ++ hlColor ++ show a ++ dfColor ++ " is " ++ hlColor ++ "repeated" ++ dfColor ++ " in the hash,") :=> [], ("Or the hash " ++ hlColor ++ "is incompatible" ++ dfColor ++ " with the choice key?") :=> [] ] Just keyMod -> case keyDivH of Error tr -> Error tr Content keyDiv -> Content $ keyMod + srcLen * mod (keyDiv - shift a) prevSpread chooseOrderedI (_,_) _ = newError "A bug in the Matrix, calling `chooseOrderedI`." shuffleListI :: (Shifting a, Eq a, Show a) => [a] -> [a] -> Handle Integer shuffleListI lst = chooseOrderedI (lst, length' lst) shuffleListI' :: (Shifting a, Eq a) => [a] -> Integer -> [a] shuffleListI' [] _ = [] shuffleListI' (r:rest) key = let nextLen = length' rest (keyDiv, keyMod) = divMod key (nextLen + 1) nextKey = keyDiv + shift r in insertAt r keyMod (shuffleListI' rest nextKey) mergeTwoListsI :: (Shifting a, Eq a, Show a) => ([a], [a]) -> [a] -> Handle Integer mergeTwoListsI ([], src) hash | src == hash = Content 0 | otherwise = Error $ (errColor ++ "Invald hash: element mismatch." ++ dfColor) :=> [ ("Reversing hash: " ++ hlColor ++ show hash ++ dfColor) :=> [], ("Using source: " ++ hlColor ++ show src ++ dfColor) :=> [] ] mergeTwoListsI (src, []) hash | src == hash = Content 0 | otherwise = Error $ (errColor ++ "Invald hash: elament mismatch." ++ dfColor) :=> [ ("Reversing hash: " ++ hlColor ++ show hash ++ dfColor) :=> [], ("Using source: " ++ hlColor ++ show src ++ dfColor) :=> [] ] mergeTwoListsI (e1:rest1, e2:rest2) (m:ms) | m == e1 = case mergeTwoListsI (rest1, e2:rest2) ms of Error tr -> Error tr Content prevKey -> Content $ mod (prevKey - shift m) spr1 | m == e2 = case mergeTwoListsI (e1:rest1, rest2) ms of Error tr -> Error tr Content prevKey -> Content $ spr1 + mod (prevKey - shift m) spr2 | otherwise = Error $ (errColor ++ "Invalid hash: element " ++ hlColor ++ show m ++ errColor ++ " does not match either source." ++ dfColor) :=> [ ("Reversing hash: " ++ hlColor ++ show (m:ms) ++ dfColor) :=> [], ("First source list: " ++ hlColor ++ show (e1:rest1) ++ dfColor) :=> [], ("Second source list: " ++ hlColor ++ show (e2:rest2) ++ dfColor) :=> [], ("The head of the hash should be either " ++ hlColor ++ show e1 ++ dfColor ++ " or " ++ hlColor ++ show e2 ++ dfColor) :=> [] ] where spr1 = mergeTwoListsSpread (length' rest1, 1 + length' rest2) spr2 = mergeTwoListsSpread (1 + length' rest1, length' rest2) mergeTwoListsI (_, _) [] = newError "Invalid hash: too few elements." mergeListsI :: (Shifting a, Eq a, Show a) => [[a]] -> [a] -> Handle Integer mergeListsI [] [] = Content 0 mergeListsI [] _ = newError "A bug in the Matrix, calling `mergeListsI`." mergeListsI [src] lst | lst == src = Content 0 | otherwise = Error $ (errColor ++ "Invalid hash: element mismatch." ++ dfColor) :=> [ ("Reversing hash: " ++ hlColor ++ show lst ++ dfColor) :=> [], ("Current source: " ++ hlColor ++ show src ++ dfColor) :=> [] ] mergeListsI [l1, l2] res = mergeTwoListsI (l1,l2) res mergeListsI (l:ls) res = let curSpr = mergeListsSpread' ls nextSpr = mergeTwoListsSpread (length' l, sum $ map length' ls) resWithoutL = filter (`notElem` l) res keyModH = mergeListsI ls resWithoutL nextKeyH = mergeTwoListsI (l, resWithoutL) res in case (keyModH, nextKeyH) of (Error tr1, Error tr2) -> Error ("Double trace in call of `mergeListsI`:" :=> [tr1, tr2]) (_, Error tr) -> Error ("Trace in call of `mergeListsI`:" :=> [tr]) (Error tr, _) -> Error ("Trace in call of `mergeListsI`:" :=> [tr]) (Content keyMod, Content nextKey) -> Content $ keyMod + curSpr * mod (nextKey - shift l) nextSpr distribute :: (Eq a) => [[a]] -> [[a]] -> a -> [[a]] distribute [] _ _ = [] distribute _ [] _ = [] distribute (src:srcRest) (res:resRest) a | a `elem` src = (a:res) : resRest | otherwise = res : distribute srcRest resRest a invertMergeLists :: (Eq a) => [[a]] -> [a] -> [[a]] invertMergeLists srcs [] = [[] | _ <- srcs] invertMergeLists srcs (a:as) = distribute srcs (invertMergeLists srcs as) a chooseAndMergeI :: (Shifting a, Eq a, Show a) => [([a], Integer)] -> [a] -> Handle Integer chooseAndMergeI = composeHashingI (mapHashingI chooseOrderedI chooseOrderedSpread') (product . map chooseOrderedSpread') mergeListsI mergeListsSpread' (invertMergeLists . map fst) getHashI :: (Shifting a, Eq a, Show a) => [([a], Integer)] -> [a] -> Integer -> Handle Integer getHashI = combineHashingI chooseAndMerge shuffleListI getHashI' :: (Shifting a, Eq a, Show a) => [([a], Integer)] -> [a] -> Integer -> Handle Integer getHashI' = combineHashingI' chooseAndMergeI shuffleListI' -- ┌────────────────────┐ -- │ INVERSE VALIDATION │ -- └────────────────────┘ isInverseOnRange :: (a -> Integer -> b) -> (a -> b -> Integer) -> a -> [Integer] -> Integer -> IO () isInverseOnRange _ _ _ [] _ = putStrLn "| All tests passed. |" isInverseOnRange f fI a (key:rest) lim = if key == fI a (f a key) then putStrLn (show key ++ ": Passed. " ++ show (lim - 1) ++ " left.") >> isInverseOnRange f fI a rest (lim - 1) else do putStrLn ("| Failed on number " ++ show key ++ " with:") putStrLn ("| key = " ++ show key) putStrLn ("| output = " ++ show (fI a (f a key))) isInverseOnRange2 :: (a -> Integer -> Integer -> b) -> (a -> b -> Integer -> Integer) -> a -> Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer -> IO () isInverseOnRange2 f2 f2I a key1 key2s lim = let f a' = f2 a' key1 fI a' b = f2I a' b key1 in isInverseOnRange f fI a key2s lim isInverseOnRange2' :: (a -> Integer -> Integer -> b) -> (a -> b -> Integer -> Integer) -> a -> Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer -> IO () isInverseOnRange2' f2 f2I a key2 key1s lim = let f a' key1 = f2 a' key1 key2 fI a' b = f2I a' b key2 in isInverseOnRange f fI a key1s lim isInverse :: (a -> Integer -> b) -> (a -> Integer) -> (a -> b -> Integer) -> a -> IO () isInverse f sprF fI a = isInverseOnRange f fI a [0 .. sprF a - 1] (sprF a) isInverse2 :: (a -> Integer -> Integer -> b) -> (a -> Integer) -> (a -> b -> Integer -> Integer) -> a -> Integer -> IO () isInverse2 f2 sprF f2I a key1 = isInverseOnRange2 f2 f2I a key1 [0 .. sprF a - 1] (sprF a) isInverse2' :: (a -> Integer -> Integer -> b) -> (a -> Integer) -> (a -> b -> Integer -> Integer) -> a -> Integer -> IO () isInverse2' f2 sprF f2I a key2 = isInverseOnRange2' f2 f2I a key2 [0 .. sprF a - 1] (sprF a) -- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ -- │ PRE-DEFINED STRINGS FROM WHICH HASHES WILL BE DRAWN │ -- └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ sourceLower :: [Char] sourceLower = "ckapzfitqdxnwehrolmbyvsujg" sourceUpper :: [Char] sourceUpper = "RQLIANBKJYVWPTEMCZSFDOGUHX" sourceSpecial :: [Char] sourceSpecial = "=!*@?$%#&-+^" sourceNumbers :: [Char] sourceNumbers = "1952074386" defaultConfiguration :: [([Char], Integer)] defaultConfiguration = [(sourceLower, 8), (sourceUpper, 8), (sourceSpecial, 5), (sourceNumbers, 4)] mediumConfiguration :: [([Char], Integer)] mediumConfiguration = [(sourceLower, 5), (sourceUpper, 5), (sourceSpecial, 5), (sourceNumbers, 5)] shortConfiguration :: [([Char], Integer)] shortConfiguration = [(sourceLower, 4), (sourceUpper, 4), (sourceSpecial, 4), (sourceNumbers, 4)] anlongConfiguration :: [([Char], Integer)] anlongConfiguration = [(sourceLower, 7), (sourceUpper, 7), (sourceNumbers, 7)] anshortConfiguration :: [([Char], Integer)] anshortConfiguration = [(sourceLower, 4), (sourceUpper, 4), (sourceNumbers, 4)] pinCodeConfiguration :: [([Char], Integer)] pinCodeConfiguration = [(sourceNumbers, 4)] mediumPinCodeConfiguration :: [([Char], Integer)] mediumPinCodeConfiguration = [(sourceNumbers, 6)] longPinCodeConfiguration :: [([Char], Integer)] longPinCodeConfiguration = [(sourceNumbers, 8)] defaultConfigFiles :: [String] defaultConfigFiles = [ "./pshash.conf", "~/.config/pshash/pshash.conf", "~/.pshash.conf", "/etc/pshash/pshash.conf" ] -- ┌──────────────────┐ -- │ COUNTING NUMBERS │ -- └──────────────────┘ numberOfHashes :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> Integer numberOfHashes amts = product (zipWith cnk fsts snds) * factorial (sum snds) where fsts = map fst amts snds = map snd amts numberOfHashes' :: [([Char], Integer)] -> Integer numberOfHashes' = numberOfHashes . map dropElementInfo numberOfChoiceKeys :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> Integer numberOfChoiceKeys = chooseAndMergeSpread numberOfChoiceKeys' :: [([a], Integer)] -> Integer numberOfChoiceKeys' = chooseAndMergeSpread' numberOfShuffleKeys :: [Integer] -> Integer numberOfShuffleKeys = factorial . sum numberOfShuffleKeys' :: [([a], Integer)] -> Integer numberOfShuffleKeys' = numberOfShuffleKeys . map snd numberOfRepetitions :: [Integer] -> Integer numberOfRepetitions = numberOfShuffleKeys numberOfPublicKeys :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> Integer numberOfPublicKeys = numberOfChoiceKeys numberOfPublicKeys' :: [([a], Integer)] -> Integer numberOfPublicKeys' = numberOfChoiceKeys' maxLengthOfPublicKey :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> Integer maxLengthOfPublicKey amts = getBiggestPower 0 $ (length' . show) (numberOfPublicKeys amts) where get128PowerLength :: Integer -> Integer get128PowerLength p = 2 * p + 3 * pDiv + npMod where (pDiv, pMod) = divMod p 28 npMod | pMod < 10 = 1 | pMod < 19 = 2 | otherwise = 3 getBiggestPower :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer getBiggestPower guess bound | get128PowerLength (guess + 1) < bound = getBiggestPower (guess + 1) bound | otherwise = guess + 1 timeToChechPicos :: Double timeToChechPicos = 100.0 psInYear :: Double psInYear = 3.15576E19 ageOfUniverseYears :: Double ageOfUniverseYears = 13.787E9 timeToCrack :: Integer -> (Double, Double) timeToCrack num = (inYears, inAgesOfUniverse) where inYears = (timeToChechPicos / psInYear) * fromIntegral num inAgesOfUniverse = inYears / ageOfUniverseYears formatInteger :: String -> String formatInteger num = reverse $ formatReversed (reverse num) where formatReversed :: String -> String formatReversed (a : b : c : d : str) = a : b : c : ',' : formatReversed (d : str) formatReversed str = str formatDouble :: String -> Int -> String formatDouble "" _ = "" formatDouble ('e':'-':rest) _ = " * 10^(-" ++ rest ++ ")" formatDouble ('e':rest) _ = " * 10^" ++ rest formatDouble (digit:rest) places | places == 0 = formatDouble rest places | otherwise = digit : formatDouble rest (places-1) numberOfPlaces :: Int numberOfPlaces = 4 -- ┌──────────────┐ -- │ READING KEYS │ -- └──────────────┘ getPublicKey' :: String -> Integer getPublicKey' "" = 0 getPublicKey' (c:cs) = toInteger (ord c) + 128 * getPublicKey' cs getPublicKey :: String -> Integer getPublicKey = getPublicKey' . reverse getPublicStr' :: Integer -> String getPublicStr' 0 = "" getPublicStr' key = chr (fromInteger (mod key 128)) : getPublicStr' (div key 128) getPublicStr :: Integer -> String getPublicStr = reverse . getPublicStr' getPrivateKey :: String -> Handle Integer getPrivateKey s = liftA2 (^) base pow where (baseStr, powStr) = break' '-' s base :: Handle Integer base = readHandle "base in private key" baseStr pow :: Handle Integer pow = if null powStr then Content 1 else case readHandle "exponent in private key" powStr of Error tr -> Error tr Content n -> if n < 0 then hlError "Cannot have negative exponent in private key: " powStr "." else Content n -- ┌─────────────────────┐ -- │ FINAL HASH FUNCTION │ -- └─────────────────────┘ getFinalHash :: [([Char], Integer)] -> String -> String -> String -> Handle [Char] getFinalHash config publicStr choiceStr shuffleStr = liftH2 ("Trace in `getFinalHash`, getting the " ++ hlColor ++ "choice" ++ dfColor ++ " key:") ("Trace in `getFinalHash`, getting the " ++ hlColor ++ "shuffle" ++ dfColor ++ " key:") (getHash config) choiceKey shuffleKey where publicKey = getPublicKey publicStr choiceKey = liftA2 mod ((+publicKey) <$> getPrivateKey choiceStr) $ return (chooseAndMergeSpread' config) shuffleKey = getPrivateKey shuffleStr -- ┌─────────────────┐ -- │ QUERY FUNCTIONS │ -- └─────────────────┘ checkConfigValidity :: [([Char], Integer)] -> Handle [([Char], Integer)] checkConfigValidity [] = newError "Cannot have empty configuration." checkConfigValidity [(lst, num)] | num < 0 = hlError "Invalid configuration: number " (show num) " must be non-negative." | num > length' lst = Error $ (errColor ++ "Invalid configuration: too many elements drawn." ++ dfColor) :=> [ ("Using source: " ++ hlColor ++ show lst ++ dfColor) :=> [], ("Available amount: " ++ hlColor ++ show (length lst) ++ dfColor) :=> [], ("Demanded: " ++ hlColor ++ show num ++ dfColor) :=> [] ] | otherwise = Content [(lst, num)] checkConfigValidity (src : rest) = case checkConfigValidity [src] of Error tr -> Error tr Content src' -> (src' ++) <$> checkConfigValidity rest getConfigFromSpec :: (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) -> [([Char], Integer)] getConfigFromSpec (a,b,c,d) = [(sourceLower, a), (sourceUpper, b), (sourceSpecial, c), (sourceNumbers, d)] retrievePublicKey :: [([Char], Integer)] -> String -> String -> [Char] -> Handle String retrievePublicKey config choiceStr shuffleStr hashStr = let shuffleKey = getPrivateKey shuffleStr preChoiceKey = getPrivateKey choiceStr choiceKey = shuffleKey >>= getHashI' config hashStr in addTrace "Trace in call of `retrievePublicKey`:" $ getPublicStr <$> fmap2 mod (liftA2 (-) choiceKey preChoiceKey) (numberOfPublicKeys' config) retrieveChoiceKey :: [([Char], Integer)] -> String -> String -> [Char] -> Handle Integer retrieveChoiceKey config publicStr shuffleStr hashStr = let publicKey = getPublicKey publicStr shuffleKey = getPrivateKey shuffleStr preChoiceKey = shuffleKey >>= getHashI' config hashStr choiceMergeSpr = chooseAndMergeSpread' config in addTrace "Trace in call of `retrieveChoiceKey`:" $ fmap2 mod (fmap2 (-) preChoiceKey publicKey) choiceMergeSpr retrieveShuffleKey :: [([Char], Integer)] -> String -> String -> [Char] -> Handle Integer retrieveShuffleKey config publicStr choiceStr hashStr = let publicKey = getPublicKey publicStr preChoiceKey = getPrivateKey choiceStr choiceKey = fmap2 mod (fmap (+ publicKey) preChoiceKey) (numberOfChoiceKeys' config) preHash = fmap (chooseAndMerge config) choiceKey in addTrace "Trace in call of `retrieveShuffleKey`:" $ fmap2' shuffleListI preHash hashStr -- ┌────────────────┐ -- │ USER INTERFACE │ -- └────────────────┘ handleWith :: (a -> IO ()) -> Handle a -> IO (Handle ()) handleWith f ma = case ma of Error tr -> return (Error tr) Content a -> f a >> return (Content ()) infoAction :: [([Char], Integer)] -> String -> IO (Handle ()) infoAction config "help" = do putStrLn "usage: pshash [ --help | --version | --list | --pure ]" putStrLn " [ -d|n|c|i|q|f|p ARGUMENT ]" putStrLn " [ PUBLIC CHOICE SHUFFLE ]" putStrLn "" putStrLn "options:" putStrLn " --help show this help message and exit" putStrLn "" putStrLn " --version print the current version of pshash" putStrLn "" putStrLn " --list print the list of (choice,shuffle) pairs that would" putStrLn " produce the given hash. accepts three arguments:" putStrLn " - the PUBLIC key," putStrLn " - the NUMBER of pairs to compute, and" putStrLn " - the final HASH." putStrLn "" putStrLn " --pure ignore all configuration files." putStrLn "" putStrLn " -d KEYWORD specify the source configuration. KEYWORD can be" putStrLn " one of the following (default is long):" putStrLn " - long (8 upper, 8 lower, 5 special, 4 digits)" putStrLn " - medium (5 symbols of each type)" putStrLn " - short (4 symbols of each type)" putStrLn " - anlong (7 upper case, 7 lower case, 7 digits)" putStrLn " - anshort (4 upper case, 4 lower case, 4 digits)" putStrLn " - pin (4-digit pin code)" putStrLn " - mediumpin (6-digit pin code)" putStrLn " - longpin (8-digit pin code)" putStrLn "" putStrLn " -n \"(L, U, S, D)\" specify how many Lower case, Upper case," putStrLn " Special characters, and Digits should be used" putStrLn "" putStrLn " -c CONFIGURATION specify the source configuration manually," putStrLn " as Haskell [([Char], Integer)] type" putStrLn "" putStrLn " -i KEYWORD show meta information. KEYWORD can be one of:" putStrLn " - help (same as `--help`)" putStrLn " - version (same as `--version`)" putStrLn " - numbers (show the total amounts of hashes/keys)" putStrLn " - times (show times needed to crack your passwords)" putStrLn "" putStrLn " -q KEYWORD retrieve one of the keys from a final hash and" putStrLn " two remaining keys. KEYWORD can be one of:" putStrLn " - public (followed by CHOICE SHUFFLE HASH as keys)" putStrLn " - choice (followed by PUBLIC SHUFFLE HASH as keys)" putStrLn " - shuffle (followed by PUBLIC CHOICE HASH as keys)" putStrLn "" putStrLn " -f PATH read the configuration file from PATH. If neither" putStrLn " this nor the `--pure` option is used, the program" putStrLn " will try to read from the following files:" mapM_ (putStrLn . (" - " ++)) defaultConfigFiles putStrLn " each line of the file should follow the format" putStrLn " PUBLIC: ARGS" putStrLn " (other lines will be ignored)" putStrLn " when using configuration files, the PUBLIC key needs" putStrLn " to be specified inline as a command line argument." putStrLn " the program will match it with one of the entries in" putStrLn " the file and use the corresponding ARGS." putStrLn "" putStrLn " -p SHIFT shift all characters in the public key by the" putStrLn " specified amount. This option is generally discouraged," putStrLn " but sometimes necessary to create multiple passwords" putStrLn " with one set of keys" putStrLn "" putStrLn "main arguments:" putStrLn " PUBLIC stands for public key, a memorable string indicative" putStrLn " of the password destination (e.g. \"google\", \"steam\")" putStrLn "" putStrLn " CHOICE stands for choice private key, a large number" putStrLn $ let numChoiceDouble = fromIntegral (numberOfChoiceKeys' config) :: Double in " between 0 and " ++ formatDouble (show numChoiceDouble) numberOfPlaces putStrLn "" putStrLn " SHUFFLE stands for shuffle private key, a number" putStrLn $ let numShuffleDouble = fromIntegral (numberOfShuffleKeys $ map snd config) :: Double in " between 0 and " ++ formatDouble (show numShuffleDouble) numberOfPlaces putStrLn "" putStrLn "using source configuration:" putStrLn $ " " ++ show config return (Content ()) infoAction _ "version" = putStrLn currentVersion >> return (Content ()) infoAction config "numbers" = let amts = map dropElementInfo config numHashes = numberOfHashes amts numHashesDouble = fromIntegral numHashes :: Double numChoice = numberOfChoiceKeys amts numChoiceDouble = fromIntegral numChoice :: Double numShuffle = numberOfShuffleKeys $ map snd amts numShuffleDouble = fromIntegral numShuffle :: Double numRepetitions = numberOfRepetitions $ map snd amts numRepetitionsDouble = fromIntegral numRepetitions :: Double in do putStrLn $ "using the following configuration distribution: " ++ show amts putStrLn "" putStrLn $ "total theoretical number of hashes: " ++ formatInteger (show numHashes) ++ " (" ++ formatDouble (show numHashesDouble) numberOfPlaces ++ ")" putStrLn $ "number of choice keys: " ++ formatInteger (show numChoice) ++ " (" ++ formatDouble (show numChoiceDouble) numberOfPlaces ++ ")" putStrLn $ "number of shuffle keys: " ++ formatInteger (show numShuffle) ++ " (" ++ formatDouble (show numShuffleDouble) numberOfPlaces ++ ")" putStrLn $ "number of key pairs with the same hash: " ++ formatInteger (show numRepetitions) ++ " (" ++ formatDouble (show numRepetitionsDouble) numberOfPlaces ++ ")" putStrLn $ "total hash length: " ++ show ((sum . map snd) amts) ++ " symbols" putStrLn $ "maximum relevant length of the public key: " ++ show (maxLengthOfPublicKey amts) ++ " symbols" return (Content ()) infoAction config "times" = let amts = map dropElementInfo config in do putStrLn $ "using the following configuration distribution: " ++ show amts putStrLn $ "assumed number of password checks per second: " ++ "10 billion = 10^10" putStrLn $ "time to check one password: " ++ "10^(-10) s = 0.1 nanosecond" putStrLn "" putStrLn $ let (inY, inAoU) = timeToCrack $ numberOfHashes amts inAoUInteger = floor inAoU :: Integer inYInteger = floor inY :: Integer in "time to brute-force your password: " ++ formatInteger (show inYInteger) ++ " (" ++ formatDouble (show inY) numberOfPlaces ++ ") years\n" ++ " or " ++ formatInteger (show inAoUInteger) ++ " (" ++ formatDouble (show inAoU) numberOfPlaces ++ ") ages of the Universe" putStrLn "" putStrLn $ let (inY, inAoU) = timeToCrack $ numberOfRepetitions $ map snd amts inAoUInteger = floor inAoU :: Integer inYInteger = floor inY :: Integer in "time to retrieve the keys based on a hash: " ++ formatInteger (show inYInteger) ++ " (" ++ formatDouble (show inY) numberOfPlaces ++ ") years\n" ++ " or " ++ formatInteger (show inAoUInteger) ++ " (" ++ formatDouble (show inAoU) numberOfPlaces ++ ") ages of the Universe" return (Content ()) infoAction _ cmd = return $ newError ("Info command not recognized: " ++ cmd ++ ".") queryAction :: [([Char], Integer)] -> String -> [Char] -> String -> String -> IO (Handle ()) queryAction config "public" choiceStr shuffleStr hashStr = handleWith print $ retrievePublicKey config choiceStr shuffleStr hashStr queryAction config "choice" publicStr shuffleStr hashStr = handleWith print $ retrieveChoiceKey config publicStr shuffleStr hashStr queryAction config "shuffle" publicStr choiceStr hashStr = handleWith print $ retrieveShuffleKey config publicStr choiceStr hashStr queryAction _ kw _ _ _ = return $ hlError "Query keyword not recognized: " kw "." listPairsAction :: [([Char], Integer)] -> String -> String -> [Char] -> IO (Handle ()) listPairsAction config publicStr limitStr hashStr = let publicKey = getPublicKey publicStr mlimit = readHandle "integer" limitStr :: Handle Integer format :: Integer -> Integer -> String format shuffleKey preChoiceKey = show (mod (preChoiceKey - publicKey) (numberOfChoiceKeys' config)) ++ " " ++ show shuffleKey getPair :: Integer -> Handle String getPair shuffleKey = fmap (format shuffleKey) (getHashI' config hashStr shuffleKey) sequence' :: [IO (Handle ())] -> IO (Handle ()) sequence' [] = return (Content ()) sequence' (io : rest) = do res <- io case res of Error tr -> return (Error tr) Content () -> sequence' rest in case mlimit of Error tr -> return (Error $ "Trace in `listPairsAction`:" :=> [tr]) Content limit -> sequence' $ take' limit $ map (handleWith putStrLn . getPair) [0 .. numberOfShuffleKeys' config - 1] hashAction :: [([Char], Integer)] -> String -> String -> String -> IO (Handle ()) hashAction config publicStr choiceStr shuffleStr = handleWith putStrLn $ getFinalHash config publicStr choiceStr shuffleStr safeReadWithHandler :: (Monad m) => (IOException -> IO (m String)) -> FilePath -> IO (m String) safeReadWithHandler handler path = (return <$> readFile path) `catch` handler readFileMaybe :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe String) readFileMaybe = safeReadWithHandler (const $ return Nothing) readFileHandle :: FilePath -> IO (Handle String) readFileHandle = safeReadWithHandler handler where handler e = return . Error $ (errColor ++ "Error reading configuration file:" ++ dfColor) :=> [ show e :=> [] ] getConfigFromContents :: Maybe String -> String -> IO (Handle [([Char], Integer)]) getConfigFromContents publicStrM contents = process specs where specLines = filter (elem ':') (lines contents) specs = map (break' ':') specLines process :: [(String, String)] -> IO (Handle [([Char], Integer)]) process [] = return (Content defaultConfiguration) process ((publicStr', argStr) : rest) = case publicStrM of Nothing -> return . Error $ (errColor ++ "Cannot use configuration file: public key was not pre-supplied. Either:" ++ dfColor) :=> [ ("Disable configuration files by passing the " ++ hlColor ++ "--pure" ++ dfColor ++ " option, or") :=> [], (hlColor ++ "Pass the public key inline" ++ dfColor ++ " as one of the arguments, or") :=> [], (hlColor ++ "Remove" ++ dfColor ++ " the configuration files.") :=> [] ] Just publicStr -> if publicStr == publicStr' then case parseArgs' (True, True, True) (words argStr) of Error tr -> return . Error $ "Trace while reading options from configuration file:" :=> [tr] Content args -> getConfig (insertWith const "pure" "" args) else process rest getConfig :: Map String String -> IO (Handle [([Char], Integer)]) getConfig args | member "keyword" args = return $ case args ! "keyword" of "long" -> Content defaultConfiguration "medium" -> Content mediumConfiguration "short" -> Content shortConfiguration "anlong" -> Content anlongConfiguration "anshort" -> Content anshortConfiguration "pin" -> Content pinCodeConfiguration "mediumpin" -> Content mediumPinCodeConfiguration "longpin" -> Content longPinCodeConfiguration str -> hlError "Unrecognized configuration keyword: " str "." | member "select" args = return $ readHandle "(Int,Int,Int,Int)" (args ! "select") >>= (checkConfigValidity . getConfigFromSpec) | member "config" args = return $ readHandle "source configuration" (args ! "config") >>= checkConfigValidity | any (`member` args) ["pure", "info", "query", "list"] = return (Content defaultConfiguration) | member "config-file" args = do fileContentsH <- readFileHandle (args ! "config-file") case fileContentsH of Error tr -> return (Error $ "Trace in `getConfig`:" :=> [tr]) Content contents -> getConfigFromContents (DM.lookup "first" args) contents | otherwise = do let replaceChar :: Char -> String -> String -> String replaceChar _ _ "" = "" replaceChar old new (ch : rest) | ch == old = new ++ replaceChar old new rest | otherwise = ch : replaceChar old new rest homeDir <- getHomeDirectory fileContentsM <- mapM (readFileMaybe . replaceChar '~' homeDir) defaultConfigFiles let findContents :: [Maybe String] -> IO (Handle [([Char], Integer)]) findContents [] = return (Content defaultConfiguration) findContents (Nothing : rest) = findContents rest findContents (Just contents : _) = getConfigFromContents (DM.lookup "first" args) contents findContents fileContentsM insert' :: (Ord k) => k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a insert' = insertWith (const id) parseArgs :: (Bool, Bool, Bool) -> [String] -> Handle (Map String String) parseArgs _ [] = Content empty parseArgs trp (['-', opt] : s : rest) = case opt of 'd' -> insert' "keyword" s <$> parseArgs trp rest 'n' -> insert' "select" s <$> parseArgs trp rest 'c' -> insert' "config" s <$> parseArgs trp rest 'i' -> insert' "info" s <$> parseArgs trp rest 'q' -> insert' "query" s <$> parseArgs trp rest 'f' -> insert' "config-file" s <$> parseArgs trp rest 'p' -> insert' "patch" s <$> parseArgs trp rest ch -> hlError "Unsupported option: " ['-',ch] "." parseArgs _ [['-', _]] = hlError "All short options require arguments. Use " "--help" " for details." parseArgs trp (('-':'-':opt) : rest) = case opt of "pure" -> insert' "pure" "" <$> parseArgs trp rest "list" -> insert' "list" "" <$> parseArgs trp rest "help" -> insert' "info" "help" <$> parseArgs trp rest "version" -> insert' "info" "version" <$> parseArgs trp rest str -> hlError "Unsupported option: -" str "." parseArgs _ (['-'] : _) = newError "All dashes should be followed by command line options." parseArgs _ (('-':ch:opt) : _) = Error $ (errColor ++ "Violation of command line option format. Try:" ++ dfColor) :=> [ (hlColor ++ ('-':'-':ch:opt) ++ dfColor ++ " for long option, or") :=> [], (hlColor ++ ['-',ch] ++ dfColor ++ " for short option.") :=> [] ] parseArgs (b1, b2, b3) (s : rest) | b3 = hlError "Excessive argument: " s ". All three keys were already provided." | b2 = insert' "third" s <$> parseArgs (True, True, True) rest | b1 = insert' "second" s <$> parseArgs (True, True, False) rest | otherwise = insert' "first" s <$> parseArgs (True, False, False) rest parseArgs' :: (Bool, Bool, Bool) -> [String] -> Handle (Map String String) parseArgs' trp = addTrace "Trace in call of `parseArgs`:" . raise patchFirstArg . parseArgs trp patchFirstArg :: Map String String -> Handle (Map String String) patchFirstArg args | member "patch" args = if member "first" args then do patchAmount <- (readHandle "integer" (args ! "patch") :: Handle Integer) Content $ insertWith const "first" (map (chr . fromInteger . (`mod` 128) . (+ patchAmount) . toInteger . ord) (args ! "first")) args else Error $ (errColor ++ "Cannot patch public key that was not pre-supplied. Either:" ++ dfColor) :=> [ (hlColor ++ "Pass the public key inline" ++ dfColor ++ " as one of the arguments, or") :=> [], (hlColor ++ "Remove" ++ dfColor ++ " the " ++ hlColor ++ "-p" ++ dfColor ++ " option.") :=> [] ] | otherwise = Content args getKeyStr :: Map String String -> String -> IO String getKeyStr args str = if member str args then return $ args ! str else getLine passKeysToAction :: Map String String -> (String -> String -> String -> IO (Handle ())) -> IO (Handle ()) passKeysToAction args act = do first <- getKeyStr args "first" second <- getKeyStr args "second" third <- getKeyStr args "third" act first second third printTraceList :: [Bool] -> [Trace] -> IO () printTraceList _ [] = return () printTraceList places [tr] = printTrace places [False,False] tr printTraceList places (tr:rest) = printTrace places [True, False] tr >> printTraceList places rest printTrace :: [Bool] -> [Bool] -> Trace -> IO () printTrace places pass (msg :=> lst) = do let prefix = map (\b -> if b then '|' else ' ') places ++ "|_" putStrLn $ prefix ++ msg printTraceList (places ++ pass) lst toIO :: IO (Handle ()) -> IO () toIO action = do res <- action case res of Error tr -> do putStrLn "\ESC[1;31mError:\ESC[0m" -- ]] printTrace [] [False,False] tr Content () -> return () performAction :: Map String String -> Handle [([Char], Integer)] -> IO (Handle ()) performAction _ (Error tr) = return (Error $ "Trace in `performAction`:" :=> [tr]) performAction args (Content config) | member "info" args = infoAction config (args ! "info") | member "query" args = passKeysToAction args (queryAction config (args ! "query")) | member "list" args = passKeysToAction args (listPairsAction config) | otherwise = passKeysToAction args (hashAction config) main :: IO () main = getArgs >>= toIO . raiseH' (raise2 performAction <*> getConfig) . parseArgs' (False, False, False)