rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { // By default, all permissions are locked. match /{document=**} { allow read: if false; allow write: if false; } // Test purpose // `readonlytest` is only for security rule unit testing. match /readonlytest/{docId} { allow read: if true; allow write: if (request.auth.uid == docId); } // Test purpose // `publictest` is only for security rule unit testing. match /publictest/{docId} { allow read: if ( == "public" || ( == request.auth.uid )); allow write: if false; } // Purchase history // Verification and delivery of purchase should be done in backend. match /purchase/{document=**} { allow read: if == request.auth.uid || admin(); allow create: if == request.auth.uid; } /// Chat match /chat { match /my-room-list/{uid}/{roomId} { // User can read his own chat room list. allow read: if request.auth.uid == uid; // Only chat room users can update the room info(last message) of (room list of) users who are in the same room. allow create, update: if request.auth.uid == uid || request.auth.uid in get(/databases/$(database)/documents/chat/global/room-list/$(roomId)).data.users; allow delete: if request.auth.uid == uid; } match /global/room-list/{roomId} { // Only room users can read the room information. allow read: if request.auth.uid in; // Anyone can create room. allow create: if true; // Room users can add another users and none of them must not be in `blockedUsers` // User cannot remove other user but himself. and cannot update other fields. // Moderators can remove a user and can update any fields. allow update: if ( ( request.auth.uid in && onlyUpdating(['users']) &&[request.auth.uid])) // remove my self or add users. ) || // Moderators can edit all the fields. This includes // - removing users by updating users: [] // - blocking users by updating blockedUsers: [] // - adding another user to moderator by updating moderators: [] // - and all the work. ( 'moderators' in && request.auth.uid in ) ) && ( !('blockedUsers' in || == null || !( ) // ! ('blockedUsers' in && // stop adding users who are in block list. ; } match /messages/{roomId}/{message} { // Room users can read room messages. allow read: if request.auth.uid in get(/databases/$(database)/documents/chat/global/room-list/$(roomId)).data.users; // Room users can write his own message. allow write: if request.auth.uid in get(/databases/$(database)/documents/chat/global/room-list/$(roomId)).data.users && == request.auth.uid; } } // Users // Security Rules for Users Colection match /users/{uid} { // If user logged in, he can create his own document. allow create: if login() && request.auth.uid == uid; // Read if it's login user's document. // Admin can read, too. allow read: if request.auth.uid == uid || admin(); // Update login user's document. // Admin cannot update. // No body can update `isAdmin` which tells who's admin. allow update: if request.auth.uid == uid && notUpdating('isAdmin'); // Nobody can delete. allow delete: if false; } // User public information documents // match /meta/user/public/{uid} { allow read: if true; allow write: if request.auth.uid == uid; } // User tokens document. // It's open to public. match /meta/user/token/{uid} { allow read: if true; allow write: if request.auth.uid == uid; } // Category rules // // Read: by anyone. // Create, Update, Delete: admin only. // Category document id must be same of the `id` field. // Admin cannot update `id`. match /categories/{category} { allow read: if true; allow create: if admin() && category == req('id') && hasAll(['id', 'title', 'description']); allow delete: if admin(); allow update: if admin() && notUpdating('id'); } // Posts match /posts/{postId} { // Anybody can read and list. // TODO: [group]( allow read: if true; // Create a post // // // input data // uid: my uid. the user must login. // category: category id. And the category must exist. // createdAt: This is FieldValue.serverTimestamp(). required. // updatedAt: This is FieldValue.serverTimestamp(). required. // All other fields are optional. You can input title, content, and more. allow create: if login() && toBeMyDocument() && categoryExist() && hasAll(['uid', 'category', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt']); // Update a post // // Condition 1. User can update his post not other's post. // Input params of [Condition 1] // category: **required**. The category must be exit and may be changed. // uid: **optinonal** The user uid. This value must be same with the value that is already saved in the document. Meaning it cannot be changed. // updatedAt: **required** This is FieldValue.serverTimestamp(), and must have bigger value from the value in the document. // All other fields are optinal. allow update: if admin() || ( myDocument() && notUpdating('uid') && notUpdating('likes') && req('updatedAt') > res('updatedAt') && categoryExist() ) || ( // only updating 'likes' debug(onlyUpdating(['likes'])) && ( ( ( // if 'likes' not exist, then, succeeds. !('likes' in || // if 'likes' exists but empty, then succeeds, == 0 ) && [request.auth.uid].toSet() =={}).affectedKeys() ) || // if updates only my uid. add my uid or remove my uid. [request.auth.uid].toSet() == ) ) ; // Delete // // User can delete his post. // Admin can delete, too. allow delete: if myDocument() || admin(); // Comment. // Comments are saved under post document. match /comments/{commentId} { allow read: if true; // Comment create rules // // Required: input params. // uid // depth // order // createdAt // updatedAt // All others are options. Even comment content is optional. allow create: if login() && toBeMyDocument() // Must be my comment && exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/posts/$(postId)) // post must exist && is string // order must be string && == 50 // order must be 50 length && is number // depth must be number && >= 0 && < 12 // depth from 0 to 11. && hasAll(['uid', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'order', 'depth']) ; // Comment edit rules // - My comment, // - Must not update `uid`, `order`, `likes` // - Vote can be done by any one allow update: if ( login() && toBeMyDocument() && notUpdating('uid') && notUpdating('order') && notUpdating('likes') ) || ( // only updating 'likes' debug(onlyUpdating(['likes'])) && ( ( ( // if 'likes' not exist, then, succeeds. !('likes' in || // if 'likes' exists but empty, then succeeds, == 0 ) && [request.auth.uid].toSet() =={}).affectedKeys() ) || // if updates only my uid. add my uid or remove my uid. [request.auth.uid].toSet() == ) ) ; // User can delete his own comemnt allow delete: if login() && myDocument(); } // comments } // Settings can be read by anyone but only admin can update. match /settings/{document=**} { allow read: if true; allow write: if admin(); } match /translations/{document=**} { allow read: if true; allow write: if admin(); } // Check if user logged in. // // Anonymous is considered as not logged in. function login() { return request.auth.uid != null && ( request.auth.token.firebase.sign_in_provider != 'anonymous' ); } // Returns the data of the `field` is in the function req(field) { return[field]; } // Returns the data of the `field` is in the function res(field) { return[field]; } // Check if the field is not updated. function notUpdating(field) { return !(field in ||[field] ==[field]; } // Check if the input document property has a field // function requestHas(field) { // return field in; // } // Check if the exists document is the login user's document. function myDocument() { return == request.auth.uid; } // Check if the document will be my document after writing. function toBeMyDocument() { return == request.auth.uid; } // See if the login user is admin. function admin() { return login() && get(/databases/$(database)/documents/users/$(request.auth.uid)).data.isAdmin == true; } // See if the category exists. // It check the incoming `category` from client. function categoryExist() { return exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/categories/$(; } // Check if only the specified fields are updated. // // Example) onlyUpdating(['like', 'dislike']); function onlyUpdating(fields) { return; } // Check if all the fields are exist in request. // // If request does not contain any of the fields, it fails. function hasAll(fields) { return (; } } }