const admin = require("firebase-admin"); const { defineString } = require("firebase-functions/params"); const { setGlobalOptions } = require("firebase-functions/v2"); const { onDocumentCreated } = require("firebase-functions/v2/firestore"); // Get the region from the user and set it as a global option setGlobalOptions({ region: defineString("REGION"), }); if (admin.apps.length === 0) { admin.initializeApp(); } /** * This function mirrors the fcm tokens in the /users/{uid}/fcm_tokens collection to the /mirrored-fcm-tokens collection. */ exports.mirrorFcmTokens = onDocumentCreated("/users/{uid}/fcm_tokens/{documentId}", async (event) => { const snapshot =; if (!snapshot) { console.log("No data associated with the event"); return; } const data =; await admin.database().ref("/mirrored-fcm-tokens").child(data.fcm_token).set(event.params.uid); }, );