//PeakPositivity Privacy Policy 1/6/2024 --- _Last Updated: 1/6/2024 **1. Introduction** Welcome to PeakPositivity, a Chrome extension dedicated to enhancing your online experience with positive content. This Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to your privacy, especially concerning the handling of your personal information. **2. Information Collection and Use** PeakPositivity does not collect or store any personal information from its users. Our extension is designed to function without the need for user data collection, ensuring complete privacy and security. **3. Data Security** Since we do not collect any personal information, there is no risk of your data being compromised, lost, or misused by our extension. **4. Third-Party Services** Our extension does not interact with third-party services that collect or process personal information on our behalf. **5. User Consent** By using PeakPositivity, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. No action is required from your end to signify acceptance. **6. Changes to This Privacy Policy** We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. All changes will be effective immediately upon posting and we will notify you of any significant changes to our policy. **7. Contact Information** For any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact me by email at tomphoenixsnyder@gmail.com.