5.8.24 Added Hindi translations 5.8.23 Translation changes 5.8.22 Fix handling of log file for Android 12 5.8.21 Several small fixies 5.8.20 Fix text color in dark mode for notifications, added theme option by-system 5.8.19 Optimize memory usage 5.8.18 Fixed update of forecast weather widget 5.8.17 Fix day labels in combined graph in widget 5.8.16 Fix update of widgets 5.8.15 Fix update of forecast, fix update when permission to location is approximate or none 5.8.14 Fix temperature unit calculation 5.8.13 Fix notifiation icon for foreground services 5.8.12 Fix permission check for location update v5.8.11 Rewritten update of visual components v5.8.9 Fix update of weather to avoid ANR v5.8.9 Fix alarms v5.8.8 Added permision for alarms v5.8.7 Fix getting network info when network is not available, translations v5.8.6 Fix logging, fix getting network info v5.8.5 Rework the rest of services to intent based v5.8.4 Fix bluetooth permission check, calling of services rewritten v5.8.3 Get faster notification to avoid errors on some Androids v5.8.2 Fix starting location update in foregraund, fix custom notification for dark theme v5.8.1 Updated graphs v5.8.0 Rain in combined graph has independent axis now v5.7.7 Added languages, several fixies v5.7.5 Updated translations v5.7.4 Added translations, added an option to set text color in widgets, fixis regarding Android 11 v5.7.3 Fix update of forecast, several small fixies, added logging v5.7.1 Updated DB versions v5.7.1 Set the new API key v5.7.0 Get the location in foreground, translations v5.6.4 Fix permission checking on Android 9 v5.6.3 Added Kelvin and kPa units, fix to avoid multiple notifications v5.6.2 Several small fixies to avoid ANRs and NPEs v5.6.1 Fixed main screen weather icon presence, fixed color in weather forecast in the dark theme, updated permissions for Andoroid 10, several small fixies v5.6.0 Start graphs from zero for wind and rain,color the highest and lowes temperature in forecast view,translations, several small fixies v5.5.1 Fixis handling of exceptions when updated weather v5.5.0 Remove getting of location from Mozilla Location Service, weather downloader rewritten, fix voice output, many small fixies, translations v5.1.2 Fixed calculation of the max temperature when all values are negative, fixed days calculation when a year ends v5.1.1 Added better handling of initialization of TTS service, added indonesian language into list of available languages, added checks for service unbinding v5.1.0 Added voice output with one day forecast; fixed sharing a location when no address is present v5.0.0 Added voice output for current weather, several small fixies v4.7.9 Added dew point, added possibility to set values visible in widget, Fixed location switch button in the main app, fix city name when sharing the weather, add check for notification settings, translations v4.7.8 Added fix when sensor driven check is switched off. Translation fixies. v4.7.7 Several small fixies regarding the update of location, fix accelerometer on Android PIE, added translations v4.7.6 Added PSI unit for the pressure v4.7.5 Fix Add location button for Android 4.x v4.7.4 Remove old limit vertical lines on graphs; rewritten temerature notification icon; enhanced update of weather from server v4.7.3 Fix of missing days on axis X v4.7.2 Fixed displaying days on axis X in all graphs v4.7.1 Added big widget with forecast and graph v4.6.13 Fixed storing of location in widget when no location available v4.6.12 Fixed manual update when there are more than one location; add update weather action on update time; fixed storing of updated location v4.6.11 Enable one more location when location 0 is disabled; added snackbar notifification when maximum number of allowed locations is reached v4.6.10 Several small fixies on location update and notification v4.6.9 Fix widget update when graph in widget is too big v4.6.8 Fix update of widgets v4.6.7 Combined graph improved, settings for combined graph improved, added option to disable graph legend and show location label for some widgets v4.6.6 Added location indicator/selector into weather forecast and graphs menus. v4.6.5 Added 3-hours based forecast in widgets v4.6.4 Added widget actions setting v4.6.3 Fixed negative temperature in notifications v4.6.2 Added per-widget location setting v4.6.1 Added per-widget settings for graphs and weather forecast v4.6.0 Added combined graph; added widgets with combined graph; fix weather forecast in widget v4.5.3 added vertical lines for days in graphs; take all changes into effect when the permanent notification is selected; fixed workflow when network connection is off and timer is running; fixed days in graphs v4.5.2 Notifications improved v4.5.1 Battery optimization. Added weather icon into notification. v4.5.0 Scheduler for notifications and regular updates rewritten v4.4.12 Optimization of widgets for tables v4.4.11 Fix manual update of the second location. Fix vibration on newer versions of Android v4.4.10 Fix crash when location has not been changed v4.4.9 Translation changes v4.4.8 Switch access to openstreetmap to https v4.4.7 Added translations for weather conditions. Fixed change of language in the settings screen. v4.4.6 Fix dark theme in the weather forecast screen v4.4.5 Added check when unbinding services v4.4.4 Fix update of weather when weather is queried for the second time v4.4.3 Fix update of weather for the first time v4.4.2 Fix finalization of services v4.4.1 Fix unbinding of services in service jobs v4.4.0 Improved update of weather and location, update of weather when connection goes up, update API for Android Pie v4.3.4 Added battery optimization dialog v4.3.3 Fixed unbinding of services v4.3.2 Fixed start of servcies when auto location is OFF v4.3.1 Added wind direction in the current weather and forecast. Added option for time format. v4.3.0 Rewritten background services for faster and smoother updates v4.2.6 Startup procedure redesigned to get it to work on Oreo v4.2.5 Fix start of service on Oreo v4.2.4 Fix forecast widget update when no location is selected v4.2.3 Start services on boot by JobScheduler because of Android O v4.2.2 Start services on boot by JobScheduler because of Android O v4.2.1 Added inHg and mbars units, fixed temperature in the forecast widget v4.2.0 Added inHg and mbars units, fixed temperature in the forecast widget v4.1.6 Fix endless update of location window in main activity v4.1.5 Limit the number of locations to 2 for default API key, 20 for custom one v4.1.4 Implemented custom OWM api key feature v4.1.3 Add handlers for error codes from Openweathermap, added new api key v4.1.2 Fix error when in memory database is created v4.1.1 Fix rotation icon behavior v4.1.0 Process of location update improved to get it work on slow flashes also v4.0.3 Rotation icon redesigned to get more stable behavior v4.0.2 Rotation icon fixed and improved v4.0.1 Check for stored forecast version moved to avoid cyclic weather checking v4.0.0 Added two new widgets with weather forecast v3.2.6 Fix update of weather when update of location is in process v3.2.5 Location update services fixed and improved v3.2.4 Fix update of additional locations v3.2.3 Added new languages into preferences menu; better handling of connection outage v3.2.2 Fix dark theme in the forecast activity v3.2.1 Fix error when forecast is updated for the first time v3.2.0 Added pressure graph in the Graph activity v3.1.13 Show weather forecast even when network not available v3.1.12 Fix notifications, language setting and service management v3.1.11 Enhance starting of services v3.1.10 Makes starting of services more durable v3.1.9 Optimization of service management v3.1.8 Fix update of databases, improved update when screen is on, added logging info v3.1.7 Fixies related to changes for Android Oreo v3.1.6 Fixies related to target Oreo v3.1.5 Added apparent temperature into weather forecast v3.1.4 Fixed calculation of apparent temperature v3.1.3 Add reschedule mechanism to get update when connection is not yet ready v3.1.2 Fix update of weather in the main application v3.1.1 Several small fixies. Improved logging for a rotation icon. v3.1.0 Implemented appearance temperature feature v3.0.17 Make sensor updates less frequent to save battery life v3.0.16 Fix color of values in graphs according the theme v3.0.15 Fix null text as update source v3.0.14 Fix theme in the graph screen v3.0.13 Set default option in the settings for language and other options; fix location selection when entering main screen v3.0.12 Make colors of graphs according theme v3.0.11 Added checks for null values v3.0.10 Fixed displaying of icon for weather according sunrise/sunset v3.0.9 Make posible to update location 0 manually, make column fot time wider in the forecast screen; code optimizations v3.0.8 Set column width for columns in the weather forecast activity according the font size v3.0.7 Fix starting of sensors or regular updates when autolocation is disabled or enabled v3.0.6 Fix several errors; hide update location button when autolocation is not enabled; redesign location rotation when autolocation is disabled v3.0.5 Fix error when no location has been set v3.0.4 Fix error when weather is not fetched v3.0.3 Fix error when no weather fetched v3.0.2 Fixed several issues v3.0.1 Fixed manual update of weather; fixed change of update periods settings v3.0 Added location management, search location screen redesigned, new wind unit - knots v2.5.2 Add languages into menu, several small fixies v2.5.1 Fix update of widget when permissions are not granted, call check permission when initial guide is closed v2.5 Added mph and mmHg units v2.4.2 Fix finding location dialog and value for updated source v2.4.1 Fixed permission checking and layout in the main application v2.4 Added help screen and initial configuration guide v2.3 Redesigned weather forecast page v2.2.2 Fix text messages when permissions are checked v2.2.1 Fix notification service v2.2 Improved durability to a weak network connection v2.1 Better handling of location settings and permissions Fix displaying of temperature v2.0 Added option to specify wind and temperature units more precisely v1.9 Added switching of pages by swiping v1.8 Added option to update location without GPS v1.7.2 Fix update of weather when screen goes on Fix update of widget when screen is rotated v1.7.1 Solving issues with location and weather updates v1.7 Fix permission checking v1.6 Add option to set labels/icons to widget weather properties Make calls to openweathermap.org by SSL v1.5 v1.4 v1.3 v1.2 v1.1 v1.0 - version based on good-weather app v4.4 - Added accelerometer based updates - Added 3rd widget - Added Mozilla location provider - Added Nominatim address resolver