# Contribute Contributions are made by forking this repository, making the changes, and opening a pull request. ## Update Guide [README](./README.md) is the first place where people are looking for help. Please remember to add or update the corresponding part in README, especially the hidden piece which is not told by code. ## Create A New Docker Image For Different Purpose The [primary Docker image](./android-sdk/Dockerfile) was created in barebone, for the sake of providing Android environment only. If you have other needs, please build a dedicated Docker image: * Create a specific directory under [android-sdk](./android-sdk) directory and a `Dockerfile` inside it. * A `version_inspector.sh` file is necessary to print out tools' version information. * Update corresponding CI workflow: [GitHub Action](https://github.com/thyrlian/AndroidSDK/blob/master/.github/workflows/docker-image.yml). * Add corresponding Docker image building and publishing steps to [`image_publisher.sh`](./image_publisher.sh) script. ## Accept New SDK Licenses Update the script [`android-sdk/license_acceptor.sh`](./android-sdk/license_accepter.sh) with the new agreement checksums. Do not remove pre-existing license agreement acceptances. If a new agreement is accepted, a file should be created in the directory [`EULA`](./EULA). If there is an update, ensure the agreements contain a suffix with the timestamp in the format `-YYYYMMDD`. ## Pass All Checks Make sure that all [tests](https://github.com/thyrlian/AndroidSDK/actions/workflows/docker-image.yml) pass on the CI.