import csv from pathlib import Path from typing import Tuple from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, Literal, Namespace from rdflib.namespace import RDF, OWL, RDFS ''' Creates the dfgfo.ttl ontology by parsing the DFG classification system in csv/Fachsystematik_2020-2024_EN_20210621.csv Each Subject is a owl:Class with: * DFG Subject number as URI * labels in EN and DE. * class subpeclass accordinng to DFG Classification hierarchy ''' dfg_onto_metadata_fn = Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'metadata.ttl' dfg_onto_fn = Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'dfgfo.ttl' dfg_csv_en = Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'csv' / 'Fachsystematik_2020-2024.csv' print(dfg_csv_en) g_metadata = Graph() g_metadata.parse(str(dfg_onto_metadata_fn.absolute())) g_classes = Graph() ns_str = '' namespace = Namespace(ns_str) g_classes.namespace_manager.bind('owl', '', override=False) g_classes.namespace_manager.bind('dfgfo', ns_str, override=False) def split_id_label(id_n_label:str) -> Tuple[str, str]: id, label = id_n_label.split('\n') id = id.replace(' ', '') # remove spaces return id, label def create_class(graph, ns, node_name, labels, parent): uri_str = f'{ns_str}{node_name}' node = URIRef(uri_str) print(f'Class: {uri_str} labels: {labels}') # type graph.add((node, RDF.type, OWL.Class)) # class if parent is None: graph.add((node, RDFS.subClassOf, OWL.Thing)) else: parent_uri_str = f'{ns_str}{parent}' parent_node = URIRef(parent_uri_str) graph.add((node, RDFS.subClassOf, parent_node)) # labels graph.add((node, RDFS.label, Literal(f'{labels[0]}', lang='en'))) graph.add((node, RDFS.label, Literal(f'{labels[1]}', lang='de'))) # obo:IAO_0000111 # editor preferred term ns.node_name # print(f'GRAPH NODE: {node} ------') tree_hierarchy = ['Scientific Discipline', 'Subject Area', 'Review Board', 'Subject'] header_en_de_mapping = { 'Scientific Discipline': 'Wissenschaftsbereich', 'Subject Area': 'Fachgebiet', 'Review Board': 'Fachkollegium', 'Subject':'Fach'} # de_tree_hierarchy = [ # top to bottom # DFG Tree hierarchy: # * Scientific Discipline # * Subject Area # * Review Board # * Subject # * Subject Number with open(dfg_csv_en, newline='') as csvfile: csvfile = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in csvfile: for index, collumn in enumerate(tree_hierarchy): en_key = (tree_hierarchy)[index] de_key = header_en_de_mapping[en_key] cell=row[en_key] cell_de=row[de_key] # print(f'EN: {cell}\nDE:{cell_de}') print(f'\nSECTION: {index} {collumn}') print(f'INDEX: {index} COL:{collumn} CELL: {cell}') # current if index == 3: cell_id = row['Subject Number'] cell_label = cell cell_label_de = cell_de else: cell_id, cell_label = split_id_label(id_n_label=row[tree_hierarchy[index]]) cell_label_de = 'DE' cell_id_de, cell_label_de = split_id_label(id_n_label=cell_de) current = f'{cell_id} - {cell_label}' print(f'CEL ID: <<<<{cell_id}>>>') # parent if index == 0: parent_id = None else: parent_id, parent_label = split_id_label(id_n_label=row[(tree_hierarchy)[index - 1]]) print(f'CURRENT: {current}') print(f'PARENT: <<<{parent_id}>>>') create_class(graph=g_classes, ns=namespace, node_name=cell_id, labels=[cell_label, cell_label_de], parent=parent_id) # join g_metadata + g_classes graphs into g_joint g_joint = Graph() # after the g_classes g_joint = g_metadata + g_classes print('\n\nSERIALIZE\n\n') print(g_joint.serialize()) with open(dfg_onto_fn, 'w') as dfg_onto: dfg_onto.write(g_joint.serialize())