import json import pytest import rdflib from urllib.parse import urlsplit @pytest.mark.dumb def test_test(): assert 1 == 1 @pytest.mark.ontology def test_maps_to_property(): # open a graph graph = rdflib.Graph() # load some data graph.parse('aeon.ttl', format="ttl") assert graph, 'Error: aeon.ttl graph failed to parse' qres = graph.query(""" PREFIX aeon: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX owl: SELECT DISTINCT ?aeon_property ?maps_to ?aeon_property_domain ?rdfs_label WHERE { ?aeon_property aeon:AEON_0000026 ?maps_to. {?aeon_property rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty.} UNION {?aeon_property rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty.} OPTIONAL {?aeon_property rdfs:domain ?aeon_property_domain.} OPTIONAL {?aeon_property rdfs:label ?rdfs_label.} } """) assert len(qres) > 0 , 'Error: No triples returned.' for printout in qres: printout_dict = printout.asdict() print(printout_dict["aeon_property"]) # only prints in error assert printout_dict.get('maps_to'), 'Error: maps_to key not found. ' maps_to = json.loads(str(printout_dict.get('maps_to'))) # print mapping dictionary assert isinstance(maps_to, dict), 'Error: maps_to value did not ' \ 'convert correctly to Dict.' ''' the following block was used, before switching back to the OBO namespace/prefix standard to test the availability of the obo ontologies @pytest.mark.ontology def test_obo_ontos_resolution(): # open a graph graph = rdflib.Graph() # load some data graph.parse('aeon.ttl', format="ttl") assert graph, 'Error: aeon.ttl graph failed to parse' qres = graph.query(""" PREFIX bfo: PREFIX iao: PREFIX ro: PREFIX ico: PREFIX obi: PREFIX ncbitaxon: PREFIX gaz: PREFIX cro: SELECT DISTINCT ?term WHERE{ ?term ?p ?v . FILTER (STRSTARTS(str(?term), "")) } ORDER BY ?term """) assert len(qres) > 0, 'Error: No triples returned.' uris_cache = [] too_large_ontos = ['gaz.owl', 'ncbitaxon.owl'] for printout in qres: uri = str(printout.get('term')) split_uri = urlsplit(uri) uri_base = uri.replace(f'#{split_uri.fragment}', '') # before hash in_too_large_ontos = any(onto in uri for onto in too_large_ontos) if uri_base not in uris_cache and in_too_large_ontos is False: print(uri_base) uris_cache.append(uri_base) graph_external_onto = rdflib.Graph() graph_external_onto.parse(uri_base, format="application/rdf+xml") external_onto_query = graph_external_onto.query(""" SELECT DISTINCT ?term WHERE{ ?term ?p ?v .} """) print(f'{len(external_onto_query)} triples found in {uri_base}') assert len(external_onto_query) > 10, 'Error: less than 10 ' \ 'triples returned...Fishy!' '''