{ "ui": { "back": "Back", "email": "Email", "password": "Password", "cancel": "Cancel", "file": "File", "directory": "Directory", "new": "New", "save_changes": "Save changes" }, "error": { "missing_required_data": "Missing required info", "connection": "Error with TidyCMS PHP. Please download and reinstall tidycms.zip from <a href=\"http://tidycms.com\">http://tidycms.com</a>", "testing": "test", "env": { "php_ver_less_53": "Error with PHP: Your PHP version is too old. Minimum required PHP version is 5.3 and recommended is 5.5. <a href=\"http://tidycms.com/docs/#h-installation\">Read more</a>", "php_phar": "Error with PHP: Your PHP installation is missing Phar-module. Please contact your webserver admin to fix this.", "php_dom": "Error with PHP: Your PHP installation is missing Dom-module. Please contact your webserver admin to fix this.", "php_json": "Error with PHP: Your PHP installation is missing JSON-module. Please contact your webserver admin to fix this.", "php_suhosin_phar": "Error with PHP: Your PHP installation includes the Suhosin protection system which prevents the use of Phar-packages. Php.ini configuration must whitelist the phar module. Contact your webhost and <a href=\"http://tidycms.com/docs/#suhosin\">read more</a>", "php_connection": "Unable to connect with PHP-script. Please check your webserver PHP installation. <a href=\"http://tidycms.com/docs/#installation\">Read more</a>", "win_not_supported": "TidyCMS does not support Windows-environment (yet). Please run this CMS in Linux webhost." }, "user": { "email_invalid": "Something wrong in the email address.", "weak_password": "Your password is too weak, use different characters.", "password_mismatch": "Passwords do not match.", "alreadyexists": "A account with this email already exists! Try login instead of creating a new account.", "accountnotfound": "This account does not exist. Please contact site administrator to create an account for you.", "wrongpassword": "Wrong password, try again or reset your password by clicking \"Forgot password\" link.", "no_invite": "Your invite key is not valid for this site. Please contact the site admin to invite you again.", "confirm_fail": "Confirm failed. Please try again" }, "authentication": { "api": "Authentication failed, please login again", "client": "Authentication failed, please login again" }, "timediff_60s_more": "Your server clock differs more than 60s from universal time. Please contact your hosting admin.", "timediff_60m_more": "Your server clock differs more than 1 hour from universal time. Please contact your hosting admin.", "technical": "Technical error, please contact support.", "file": { "not_exists": "File does not exist", "not_writable": "File is not writable and can not be edited", "upload": "Upload failed", "upload_permission": "Upload failed. Check permissions", "create_failed": "Unable to create file. Check permissions", "filename_slashend": "Error: Remove slash from end of filename", "filename_htmlend": "Error: Remove .html from end of filename", "unable_to_remove": "Error: Could not remove file.", "no_html_files_found": "Error: No .html files found. Tidy requires at least HTML-file to work with." }, "update": { "failed": "Error in updating TidyCMS. Please download and reinstall tidycms.zip from <a href=\"http://tidycms.com\">http://tidycms.com</a>" }, "element_not_found": "Element not found with this query" }, "user": { "login": { "title": "Login with your account", "forgot_password": "Forgot password", "send_new_pw": "Send new password", "confirm_new_pw": "Confirm you want a new password by typing the next numbers:", "new_password_sent": "We have sent a new password to your email address", "label": { "email": "Email", "password": "Password" } }, "account": { "create_title": "Create your account", "login_title": "Login with your TidyCMS account", "label": { "name": "Name", "first": "Firstname", "last": "Lastname", "email": "Your email address", "new_password": "Change password", "confirm": "Confirm password", "date_added": "Added", "language": "Language" }, "tab": { "account": "Your account", "siteusers": "Site users" }, "button": { "create": "Create account", "login": "Login", "update": "Update account" }, "updated": "Your account updated successfully", "lang_changed": "Your language has changed. Load new language?" }, "invite": { "label": "Invite users", "placeholder": "firstemail@adr.com, secondadr@somebox.com...", "button": "Invite", "already_invited": "__email__ already invited to this site", "invite_yourself": "You can not invite yourself", "mail_already_added": "This mail address is already in the list", "success": "__invitecount__ new users invited to this site", "remove": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from your site?", "user_removed": "__adr__ removed from this site" }, "status": { "invited": "Invited" }, "role": "Role", "role_designer": "Designer", "role_user": "User" }, "site": { "notfound": "Site not found with this adress.", "start": { "title": "Welcome to TidyCMS! Setup your site:", "new_user_btn": "I am a new user", "login_with_account": "Login with my TidyCMS account" }, "perms": { "tab": "File permissions", "title": "Setup your site permissions", "permissions": "Permissions", "status": { "current": "Current status", "writable": "Writable", "html": "HTML files", "dirs": "Directories", "tidy": "TidyCMS files" }, "fix_title": "Fix permissions", "label": { "method": "Connection method", "server": "Server", "port": "Port", "user": "Username" }, "button": { "setperms": "Set permissions", "checkperms": "Check permissions" }, "cmd_title": "Command line (advanced)", "step1": "Connect to your site with terminal (SSH)", "step2": "Go to your tidycms installation folder", "step3": "Run command:" }, "validate": { "failed": "Validation failed, please contact your site admin", "email_success": "Address __email__ validated successfully!", "already_validated": "Address __email__ already validated" }, "goto": { "site": "Go to your site", "login": "Login to your CMS" } }, "editor": { "loading_cms": "Loading TidyCMS resources... please wait a while", "confirm_logout": "Are you sure you want to log out?", "label": { "editable": "edit", "move": "move", "editmove": "edit & move", "imgup": "edit image" }, "tool": { "savechanges": "Save changes", "newpage": { "toolbarbtn": "New page", "title": "Create new page", "label": { "template": "Select template", "pagetitle": "Page title", "filename": "New filename", "addtomenu": "Add to menu", "menuname": "Menu title" }, "createbtn": "Create new page", "error": { "tpl_notfound": "Template not found", "no_tpls": "This has site no templates and you can not create new pages." }, "page_created": "New page __filename__ created" }, "newmenulink": { "title": "Add new link", "name": { "label": "Name", "placeholder": "My new page" }, "page_label": "Select page", "href": { "label": "Link", "placeholder": "/path/to/my/page.html" }, "target": { "label": "Target", "sametab": "Same tab", "newtab": "New tab (_blank)" }, "createbtn": "Create new link" }, "pageinfo": { "toolbarbtn": "Page info", "tab": { "pageinfo": "Page info", "analytics": "Analytics" }, "label": { "title": "Title", "desc": "Description" }, "removebtn": "Remove page", "remove_confirm": "Are you sure you wan't to delete this page? If you are, then type the following numbers and confirm :", "remove_success": "Page __name__ removed successfully!" }, "pages": { "label": "Pages", "title": "Pages", "unwritable_file": "This file is not writable. <a href=\"#\" class=\"fix unwritable\">Fix it</a>", "unwritable_dir": "This directory is not writable. <a href=\"#\" class=\"fix unwritable\">Fix it</a>" }, "source": { "label": "Source editor", "title": "Page source editor", "update": "Save source", "test": "Test", "run": "Run", "update_success": "Page __name__ source updated", "confirm_close": "Are you sure you want to close the source without saving your changes? Your changes will be lost.", "confirm_open": "Are you sure you want to open the source before saving your changes? Your changes will be lost.", "error": { "empty": "Can not remove everything. Delete page if you want to remove everything." } }, "undo": { "label": "Undo", "title": "Undo changes", "revert": "Restore selected version", "guide": "Restoring old version replaces the current published page with selected old version and makes a backup from current version.", "confirm": "Are you sure you want to replace the current published page with an old version? If so, then type the following numbers:", "title_left": "Backup time", "title_right": "Before operation", "premium_notification": "This \"Undo\"-tool is a premium feature that is free to use (for now)", "type": { "current": "Current page", "revert": "Restore old version", "picker": "Changed editables", "content": "Content change", "sitewide": "Sitewide update", "source": "Source change", "prepare": "CMS additions", "console": "jQuery console" } }, "picker": { "label": "Make editable", "pageinpickermode": "Picker mode: Select elements to make them editable. (page javascripts disabled)", "wintitle": "Edit element settings", "options": { "title": "Element", "element": "This element", "siblings": "Same type siblings of this element", "sitewide": "This element on all pages of this site" }, "cls": { "groupname": "Edit settings", "editable": "Make this content editable", "imgup": "Allow upload of image", "repeatable": "Allow reordering and modifying of child elements" }, "attr": { "groupname": "Options", "sitewide": "Make this element content same on all pages" }, "changesdone_onefile": "Element changed successfully in __file__", "changesdone_multiple": "Element changed successfully __file__ files" }, "importer": { "label": "Import pages", "title": "Import pages from web", "button": { "test": "Test", "start": "Start", "stop": "Stop" } }, "copypaste": { "title": "Import content from web", "guide": "Write url to page" }, "styles": { "label": "Style editor", "title": "Colors & styles", "confirm_close": "You have unsaved changes, are you sure you want to close and cancel?", "updated": "Styles updated successfully", "not_updated": "No styles updated. Syntax problem with less file perhaps?" }, "forms": { "tab": "Forms", "handler": "Form handler", "hid": "Handler id", "new_handler": "New form handler created!", "hand_updated": "Form handler updated!", "hand_removed": "Form handler removed successfully", "example": "Form handling example", "receiver_validated_true": "ok", "receiver_validated_false": "waiting", "methods": { "label": "Form submission method", "select": "Select method", "email": "Send by email", "post": "HTTP POST to server" }, "email": { "placeholder": "receiver@address.com", "subject": "Mail subject", "subject_ph": "Contact from" }, "post": { "placeholder": "your.server.com/path/to/service" }, "capcha": { "enable": "Spam prevention enabled", "question_label": "CAPTCHA question text", "questiontext1": "Type the following numbers (spam prevention)" }, "save": "Save", "grid": { "handler": "Handler", "creator": "Created by", "method": "Method", "receiver": "Receiver", "validated": "Validated", "edit": "Edit", "create": "Create new form handler", "confirm_remove": "Are you sure you want to remove this handler?" } }, "emote": { "title_happy": "You are feeling happy! Great, please tell us why.", "title_confused": "Feeling confused? Please tell us why so that we can fix things", "title_angry": "Feeling of anger! Please tell us what is wrong!", "placeholder": "Write your feelings here...", "send": "Send feedback", "feedback_required": "Please write something. We want to have your feedback!", "received": "Feedback sent! Your feedback fill (hopefully) help make TidyCMS a better CMS" }, "preview": { "desktop": "Desktop mode", "tablet": "Tablet mode", "mobile": "Mobile mode" }, "menu": { "placeholder": "Select menu", "nomenu": "No menu" }, "sourcecode": "Page source", "siteconf": "Settings", "logout": "Logout", "closebar": { "title_open": "Show tool labels", "title_close": "Minmize" }, "edit_content": "Edit content", "import_content": "Import content", "clone": "Clone", "add": "Add new", "remove": "Remove", "move_up": "Move up", "move_down": "Move down" }, "confirm": { "remove_block": "Are you sure you want to remove this block?", "logout": "Are you sure you want to log out?" }, "confirm_unsaved_page": "Are you sure you wan't to navigate away from unsaved page? Your changes will be lost.", "nothing_to_save": "Everything is up to date, nothing saved", "changes_saved": "File __file.name__ updated successfully", "link_click_disabled": "Navigating site from menu is not yet possible. Use Pages-tool from sidebar to navigate." }, "oldbrowser": { "title": "We don't know if TidyCMS (beta) works in your browser", "desc": "We have tested and we know TidyCMS works with the latest versions of following browsers:", "continue": "I know what I'm doing, continue!" }, "localhost": { "mode": "Localhost mode", "toptitle": "Localhost url already exists", "siteinfo": "A site with {{siteurl}} url <br/> has already been created {{created}} by {{creator}}.", "logtitle": "If this is your site, login with your account", "guide": { "otherwise": "Otherwise, create a new localhost website", "create": "Create a unique localhost address", "description": "If you have not created this site, create your own unique address by renaming / moving your installation to a subfolder with a unique name eg:", "freeurl": "{{freeadr}} (available)" } }, "demo": { "welcome": "Welcome to TidyCMS demo. This demo will be available for 1 day and then will be removed." } }