Continuous scale constructor.
continuous_scale(aesthetics, scale_name, palette, name = waiver(), breaks = waiver(), minor_breaks = waiver(), labels = waiver(), limits = NULL, rescaler = rescale, oob = censor, expand = waiver(), na.value = NA_real_, trans = "identity", guide = "legend", position = "left", super = ScaleContinuous)
aesthetics | the names of the aesthetics that this scale works with |
scale_name | the name of the scale |
palette | a palette function that when called with a single integer argument (the number of levels in the scale) returns the values that they should take |
name | The name of the scale. Used as axis or legend title. If
breaks | One of:
minor_breaks | One of:
labels | One of:
limits | A numeric vector of length two providing limits of the scale.
Use |
rescaler | Used by diverging and n colour gradients
(i.e. |
oob | Function that handles limits outside of the scale limits (out of bounds). The default replaces out of bounds values with NA. |
expand | A numeric vector of length two giving multiplicative and
additive expansion constants. These constants ensure that the data is
placed some distance away from the axes. The defaults are
na.value | Missing values will be replaced with this value. |
trans | Either the name of a transformation object, or the object itself. Built-in transformations include "asn", "atanh", "boxcox", "exp", "identity", "log", "log10", "log1p", "log2", "logit", "probability", "probit", "reciprocal", "reverse" and "sqrt". A transformation object bundles together a transform, it's inverse,
and methods for generating breaks and labels. Transformation objects
are defined in the scales package, and are called |
guide | Name of guide object, or object itself. |
position | The position of the axis. "left" or "right" for vertical scales, "top" or "bottom" for horizontal scales |
super | The super class to use for the constructed scale |