# Sublime Text package for to do lists Available on Package Control – [ToDone](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/ToDone) ## About This package is a simple tool for creating to do lists with the following features: * Hierarchically organized tasks * 5 levels of importance for tasks * Notes of any length for any task * Set a task to either _completed_ or _cancelled_ * Set a task to an _emergency state_ ![](https://raw.github.com/tiffon/sublime-to-done/master/img/example.png) To do lists are just plain text files with syntax highlighting applied. The intent is for this to make them easy to manage. The language syntax is **ToDone**, and files with the extension `todo` are automatically set to the this language syntax. ## Content ### Tasks The format for a task item is generally a hyphen then a hard-tab then the task title: ![](https://raw.github.com/tiffon/sublime-to-done/master/img/basic-task.png) ``` - Some title ``` The number of hyphens indicates the importance of the task: 5 hyphens for the most important, 1 hyphen for the least important. ![](https://raw.github.com/tiffon/sublime-to-done/master/img/task-importance.png) ``` - Not that important ----- Very important ``` ### Sub tasks Sub tasks are the same as any other task, they are just indented. ![](https://raw.github.com/tiffon/sublime-to-done/master/img/sub-tasks.png) ``` - A top level task - First sub task - Second sub task ``` ### Notes A task can have notes associated with it. There are three formats for notes: **Same line** - All text after a colon `:` ![](https://raw.github.com/tiffon/sublime-to-done/master/img/note-same-line.png) ``` - Some title: This is a note ``` **New line** - Lines of text with a greater indentation than the task's first hyphen ![](https://raw.github.com/tiffon/sublime-to-done/master/img/note-new-line.png) ``` - Some title This is a note ``` **Note block** - Blocks of text starting and ending with three forward slashes `///` ![](https://raw.github.com/tiffon/sublime-to-done/master/img/note-block.png) ``` - Some title /// This is a note - this is still the note - and so is this /// ``` Text within a note can be emphasized by wrapping it with back quotes: `` ` `` ![](https://raw.github.com/tiffon/sublime-to-done/master/img/note-emphasis.png) ``` - Some title: This has a `special` note ``` ## Task states ### Completed tasks Completed tasks have a plus sign `+` in front of the first hyphen. The completed state can be toggled using the _"Toggle Comment"_ shortcut (`super+/` for Mac or `ctrl+/` for Linux and Windows). Any sub-tasks are automatically considered completed, as well. ![](https://raw.github.com/tiffon/sublime-to-done/master/img/task-state-completed.png) ``` +- This is completed - This sub task is considered completed, too ``` ### Emergency tasks Tasks can be emphasized by putting an exclamation mark `!` in front of the tasks first hyphen. This state is applied to any sub tasks. ![](https://raw.github.com/tiffon/sublime-to-done/master/img/task-state-emergency.png) ``` !- This task is now considered dire - So is this one, by association ``` ### Cancelled tasks Tasks can be dimmed to make them easier to ignore by putting a period `.` in front of the tasks first hyphen. A note about the cancellation can be defined by enclosing text in parentheses at the beginning of the title of the task. This state is applied to any sub tasks. ![](https://raw.github.com/tiffon/sublime-to-done/master/img/task-state-cancelled.png) ``` .- (reason cancelled) Some title - This is cancelled, too ``` ## Goto The goto menu (`super+r` on Mac) is set up to show only current tasks. Completed tasks and cancelled tasks are filtered out. ![](https://raw.github.com/tiffon/sublime-to-done/master/img/example-goto.png) ## Discussion Group https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/to-done