### ### Installer for "SERIAL2HTTP" ### :put "** starting " ## MAIN SETTINGS FOR CONTAINER INSTALL :global SERIAL2HTTP :set SERIAL2HTTP do={ :global SERIAL2HTTP :local arg1 $1 :local arg2 $2 :local action 0 :if ([:typeof $arg1]="str") do={ :set action $arg1 } # name of container, used in comment to find - could be multiple so add a "containername1[2,...]" to things :local containernum "" :local containername "serial2http" :local containertag "$(containername)$(containernum)" :local containerethname "veth-$(containertag)" # RouterOS IP config :local containeripbase "172.22.17" :local containerprefix "24" :local containergw "$(containeripbase).254" :local containerip "$(containeripbase).1" :local containerregistry "ghcr.io" :local ocipushuser "tikoci" :local scripthelpername "SERIAL2HTTP" :local scriptdownloadurl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$(ocipushuser)/$(containername)/main/$(scripthelpername).rsc" # "$SERIAL2HTTP build" - removes any existing and install new container :if ($action = "build") do={ ## WARN BEFORE CONTINUE :put "continuing will KILL and RE-SPAWN the $containertag container!" :put "...starting in 5 seconds - hit ctrl-c now to STOP" :delay 5s # RouterOS root to use for # path= option :local rootdisk :if ([:typeof $path]="str") do={ :set rootdisk $path } else={ :set rootdisk "disk1" } :local rootpath "$(rootdisk)/$(containertag)" :put "using disk path prefix of $rootpath" ## SERIAL2HTTP-SPECIFIC CONFIG :local serialnetport :if ([:typeof $containernum]!="num") do={ :set serialnetport "22171" } else={ :set serialnetport "2217$[:tostr $containernum]" } # picks first port with channels, adapt as need to "usb1" or whatnot # unless port= is specified when invoked :local serialport :if ([:typeof $port]="str") do={ :set serialport $port } else={ :local firstserial ([/port print as-value where channels>0]->0->"name") :if ([:typeof $firstserial]="str") do={ :put "using first serial port $firstserial to connect to container" :set serialport $firstserial } else={ :error "no serial port specified in port= and none were found to use a default" } } :put "selected TCP port $serialnetport to connect container to serial port $serialport" # enable TCP access to $serialport via /port/remote-access { # does suport comments remove [find port=$serialport ] :local serialnet [add port="$serialport"] set $serialnet allowed-addresses="" set $serialnet log-file="$(rootpath)-remote-port.log" set $serialnet protocol=rfc2217 set $serialnet tcp-port=[:tonum "$serialnetport"] enable $serialnet } # setup container settings /container/envs { remove [find comment~"#$containertag"] add name="$containertag" key="PORT" value=80 comment="#$containertag" add name="$containertag" key="SERIALURL" comment="#$containertag" value="rfc2217://$(containergw):$(serialnetport)?ign_set_control&logging=debug&timeout=5" add name="$containertag" key="BAUDRATE" value=115200 comment="#$containertag" add name="$containertag" key="TIMEOUT" value=5 comment="#$containertag" } /container/mounts { remove [find comment~"#$containertag"] add name="$containertag" src="$(rootpath)-app" dst=/app comment="#$containertag" } ## START GENERIC CONTAINER CONFIG /interface/veth { remove [find comment~"$containertag"] :local veth [add name="$containerethname" address="$(containerip)/$(containerprefix)" gateway=$containergw comment="#$containertag"] :put "added VETH - $containerethname address=$(containerip)/$(containerprefix) gateway=$containergw " } /ip/address { remove [find comment~"$containertag"] :local ipaddr [add interface="$containerethname" address="$(containergw)/$(containerprefix)" comment="#$containertag"] :put "added IP address=$(containergw)/$(containerprefix) interface=$containerethname" } /interface/list/member { remove [find comment~"$containertag"] :local iflistmem [add interface="$containerethname" list=LAN comment="#$containertag"] } /container { :local containerexisting [find comment~"$containertag"] :foreach containerinstance in=$containerexisting do={ :do { stop $containerinstance } on-error={} :while (!([get $containerinstance status]~"stopped|error")) do={ :delay 10s :put "removing old container $containerinstance, waiting for stop" } remove $containerinstance :put "old container $containerinstance stopped and removed" } :local containerid :if ([:typeof $tarfile]="str") do={ :put "adding new $containertag container on $containerethname using $(rootdisk)/$(containername).tar" :set containerid [add file="$tarfile" interface="$containerethname" env="$containertag" logging=yes root-dir="$(rootpath)-root"] } else={ :local containerver "main" :if ([:typeof $branch]="str") do={ :set containerver $branch } :local lastreg [$SERIAL2HTTP registry github] :local containerpulltag "$(containerregistry)/$(ocipushuser)/$(containername):$(containerver)" :put "pulling new $containertag container on $containerethname using $containerpulltag" :set containerid [add remote-image="$containerpulltag" interface="$containerethname" env="$containertag" logging=yes root-dir="$(rootpath)-root"] [$SERIAL2HTTP registry url=$lastreg] } set $containerid comment="#$containertag" set $containerid start-on-boot=yes set $containerid mounts="$containertag" :local waitstart [:timestamp] :while ([get $containerid status]!="running") do={ :put "$containertag is $[get $containerid status]"; :if ([get $containerid status] = "error") do={ :error "opps! some error importing container" } :if ([get $containerid status] = "stopped") do={ :put "$containertag sending start"; :do { start $containerid } on-error={} } :delay 10s :if ( [:timestamp] > ($waitstart+[:totime 90s]) ) do={ /log print proplist= :put "opps. took too long..." :put "dumping logs..." /log print proplist=message where topics~"container" :error "opps. timeout while waiting for start. check logs above for clues and retry build." } } :if ([get $containerid status] = "running") do={ :put "$containertag started" } else={ :error "$containertag failed to start" } } / { :put "** done" } :return "" } :if ($action = "registry") do={ /container/config { :local curregurl [get registry-url] :if ([:typeof $url]="str") do={ :put "registry set to provided url: $url" set registry-url=$url :return $curregurl } :if ([:typeof $arg2]="str") do={ :if ($arg2~"github|ghcr") do={ set registry-url="https://ghcr.io" :put "registry updated from $curregurl to GitHub Container Store (ghcs.io)" :return $curregurl } :if ($arg2~"docker") do={ set registry-url="https://registry-1.docker.io" :put "registry updated from $curregurl to Docker Hub" :return $curregurl } else={ :error "setting invalid or unknown registry - failing" } } else={ :put "current container registry is: $curregurl" :return $curregurl } } :error "unhandled path in \$SERIAL2HTTP registry - should return something" } :if ($action = "install") do={ /system/script { :local scriptfetch [/tool/fetch url="$scriptdownloadurl" output=user as-value] :local scriptsrc ($scriptfetch->"data") remove [find comment~"#$containertag"] add name=HTTP2SERIAL source=$scriptsrc comment="#$containertag" } /system/scheduler { :local cronprev [find comment~"#$containertag"] remove $cronprev add start-time=startup on-event="HTTP2SERIAL" name="HTTP2SERIAL-load-startup" comment="#$containertag" } /system/script/run HTTP2SERIAL } :if ($action = "clean") do={ :error "not implemented" } :put "Usage: \$$(scripthelpername) build|clean|registry|install port= path= branch=" :error "Bad Command: see docs at https://github.com/$(ocipushuser)/$(containername)" }