# RTagsComplete Sublime Text 3 C/C++ and Objective C code completion, navigation and validation plugin based on [RTags](https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags). ![Symbol Info Example](images/symbol_info.gif) ![Fixits Example](images/fixits.gif) ![Completion Example](images/completion.gif) # Features - Symbol navigation (Goto definition/declaration) - Find usages (Find symbol references, Find virtual function re-implementations, Find unused / dead functions) - Symbol information - Rename symbol - Code completion - Expand auto - Code validation - shows errors and warnings inline - Get include file for symbol # Installation ### Install RTags - *macOS*: `brew install rtags` - *Linux*: [Installing RTags](https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags#installing-rtags) - *Windows*: [RTags is currently broken on Windows](https://github.com/Gei0r/rtags/blob/win/src/windows-todo.org) - please help getting it fixed ### Install this Plugin - CTRL+Shift+P and install `RTagsComplete` # Usage - [Make sure `rdm` is active](https://github.com/tillt/RTagsComplete/wiki/Make-sure-rdm-is-active). - [Obtain compile_commands.json from the build chain of your project/s](https://github.com/tillt/RTagsComplete/wiki/Obtaining-compile_commands.json). - [Supply rdm with compile_commands.json of your project/s](https://github.com/tillt/RTagsComplete/wiki/Supply-rdm-with-compile_commands.json). - That's it - ready to code with ease.