# This line affects the new naming of spawners, to DISABLE this, change the message back to Monster Spawner spawnerName: '&e%creature% &fSpawner' addedEgg: '&2Successfully added &e%amount% %creature% spawn egg(s) &2to your inventory.' addedEggOtherPlayer: '&2Added &e%amount% %creature% spawn egg(s) &2to &e%player%&2''s inventory.' addedSpawner: '&2Added &e%amount% %creature% spawner(s) &2to your inventory.' addedSpawnerOtherPlayer: '&2Added &e%amount% %creature% spawner(s) &2to &e%player%&2''s inventory.' noFreeSlot: '&4There is no free slot in the inventory!' noFreeSlotDroppedGround: '&4There is no free slot in the inventory. &eDropping items on the ground instead!' noPermission: '&4You do not have the permission to use this command!' noPermissionChangingEgg: '&4You do not have permission to change spawn eggs!' noPermissionChangingSpawner: '&4You do not have permission to change spawners!' noPermissionFreeEgg: '&4You do not have permission to spawn free eggs!' noPermissionFreeSpawner: '&4You do not have the permission to spawn free spawners!' noPermissionViewType: '&4You do not have the permission to view the type of this spawner!' noPermissionChangingWithEggs: '&4You do not have permission to change spawners with spawn eggs!' noPermissionCraft: '&4You do not have the permission to craft a(n) &e%creature% &4spawner!' noPermissionPlace: '&4You do not have the permission to place a(n) &e%creature% &4spawner!' changedEgg: '&2Successfully changed the spawning egg to a(n) &e%creature% spawn egg.' changedSpawner: '&2Successfully changed the spawner to a(n) &e%creature% spawner.' playerOffline: '&4Sorry this player is offline or has not played before!' changingDeniedFactions: '&4You are not allowed to change or place spawners in other peoples territory!' changingDeniedWorldGuard: '&4Changing spawner type denied by WorldGuard protection.' getSpawnerType: '&2This is a(n) &e%creature% spawner&2.' unknownArgument: '&4Unrecognized argument. See &e/silkspawners help' unknownCreature: '&4Unrecognized creature &e%creature%&4.' useNumbers: '&4Please use a numeric number between 1 and 64!' noConsole: '&4The console can not use this command!' configsReloaded: '&2Successfully reloaded the configs!' spawnerBroken: '&2%creature% &espawner broken.' spawnerPlaced: '&2%creature% &espawner placed.' placingDefault: '&ePlacing default spawner (either this spawner is invalid or disabled)' informationOfSpawner1: '-- Monster Spawner --' informationOfSpawner2: '-- Type: %creature% --' informationOfSpawnerBar: 'Monster Spawner, Type: &e%creature%&f' spawningDenied: '&4Spawning of &e%creature% &4denied!' spawning: '&2Spawning &e%creature%' noSpawnerHere: '&4A spawner can not be placed here, because the block above is blocked!' lookAtSpawner: '&4You must be looking directly at a spawner.' spawnerNotDeterminable: '&4You either have no spawner or egg in your hand or a spawner or egg in both hands. Please make one empty!' help: |- &7------&6SilkSpawners v%version% Help Menu&7------ &e/ss help &7- &2Displays the help menu. &e/ss list|all &7- &2Displays all available creatures. &e/ss view|info &7- &2Displays information about the viewed spawner. &e/ss reload|rl &7- &2Reloads the configuration files. &e/ss change &7- &2Changes the spawner you are currently holding or viewing at. &e/ss give|add [amount] &7- &2Gives a spawner or egg to the player. Amount is optional. &e/ss selfget|i [amount] &7- &2Gives a spawner or egg to you. Amount is optional.