from subprocess import call, check_output, CalledProcessError, Popen, PIPE from datetime import datetime from rgb_cube import RgbCube from time import sleep from colorsys import hls_to_rgb from collections import deque from os import path, access, W_OK from math import cos, pi from sys import stdout from signal import signal, SIGTERM, SIGHUP terminate = False def log(msg): stdout.write(msg + '\n') stdout.flush() def is_system_running(): return call(['/bin/systemctl', 'is-system-running']) == 0 def is_booted(): try: out = check_output(['/sbin/runlevel']) numbers = [int(s) for s in out.split() if s.isdigit()] if len(numbers) > 0: return numbers[0] == 3 except CalledProcessError: pass return False def val_to_rgb(value, mod): h = (1. - value/255.) * 0.6666666667 # 240./360. = 0.6666666667 (r, g, b) = hls_to_rgb(h, mod/2., 1.) return (int(r*255), int(g*255), int(b*255)) def debug_print(data): out ="%H:%M:%S.%f") + ':' for v in data: out = out + str(v) + ',' print(out) def boot(cube): x = 0 g = 3 while g < 10: cube.fill(0, g, 0) cube.update() sleep(0.05) g = g + 3 while not is_booted(): y = (cos(x + pi) + 1.) / 2. g = 10 + int(y*50.) cube.fill(0, g, 0) cube.update() sleep(0.05) x = x + 0.1 while g > 0: cube.fill(0, g, 0) cube.update() sleep(0.05) g = g - 3 cube.fill(0, 0, 0) cube.update() def finalize(cube): x = 0 r = 3 while r < 10: cube.fill(r, 0, 0) cube.update() sleep(0.05) r = r + 3 global terminate while not terminate: y = (cos(x + pi) + 1.) / 2. r = 10 + int(y*50.) cube.fill(r, 0, 0) cube.update() sleep(0.05) x = x + 0.1 while r > 0: cube.fill(r, 0, 0) cube.update() sleep(0.05) r = r - 3 cube.fill(0, 0, 0) cube.update() sleep(0.05) def run (cube): cava_process = Popen(['/usr/local/bin/cava', '-p', path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)) + '/cava.conf'], stdout=PIPE) empty_data = [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]] data_fifo = deque(empty_data, len(empty_data)) global terminate while not terminate: data = #debug_print(data) if len(data) != 8: break if data == data_fifo[0] and data == data_fifo[1] and data == data_fifo[2] and data == data_fifo[3]: continue i_mod = sum(data) / float(len(data)) / 255. data_fifo.appendleft(data) for x in range(4): f_data = data_fifo[x] for y in range(4): l_val = f_data[y] r_val = f_data[7-y] for z in range(4): val = l_val * ((3-z)/3.) + r_val * (z/3.) (r, g, b) = val_to_rgb(val, i_mod) cube.set(x, y, z, r, g, b) cube.update() def sighup(sig, frame): log('SIGHUP detected') # this kills the cava thread def sigterm(sig, frame): log('SIGTERM detected') global terminate terminate = True def main(): signal(SIGHUP, sighup) signal(SIGTERM, sigterm) tty_path = '/dev/ttyUSB0' log('Waiting for tty ' + tty_path) while not (path.exists(tty_path) and access('/dev/ttyUSB0', W_OK)): sleep(0.5) log('Initializing cube') cube = RgbCube(tty_path) log('Waiting for boot') boot(cube) log('Started') run(cube) log('Shutting down') finalize(cube) if __name__ == "__main__": main()