# sublime-find-function-definition Sublime Text 2 plugin to find and open a function's declaration in your project ##Installation ### The easy way... 1. Just use [Package Control](https://github.com/wbond/package_control_channel) to install it ### The slightly less (but still fairly) easy way... 1. Click Preferences -> Browse Packages 2. Download the source code folder and paste into the packages folder ### The slightly geeky way... 1. `git clone` this repo into your sublime packages directory ## Usage Highlight a function and either hit F8 or right click and go to `Find Function Definition`. Plugin will search your project for the function and open a file up to it, or if multiple instances found display a list of files to open. Takes into account `folder_exclude_patterns` and `file_exclude_patterns` settings. ## Settings The following function definition patterns are used by default, but you can add your own by going to `Preferences` -> `Package Settings` -> `Find Function Definition` -> `Settings - User` ``` { "definitions": /* where $NAME$ is the name of the function */ [ "function $NAME$", "$NAME$: function", "$NAME$:function", "$NAME$ = function", "$NAME$= function", "$NAME$=function", "def $NAME$(" ], "file_exclude_patterns": [] /* optional list of files to exclude, falls back to global setting if not set */ } ```