-- -- This file is licensed under the Apache License, see LICENSE-APACHE -- at the top level directory of the TimescaleDB distribution. -- This script will dump relevant meta data from internal TimescaleDB tables -- that can help our engineers trouble shoot. -- -- usage: -- psql [your connect flags] -d your_timescale_db < dump_meta_data.sql > dumpfile.txt \echo 'TimescaleDB meta data dump' \echo '' \echo 'Date, git commit, and extension version can change without it being an error.' \echo 'Adding this tag allows us to run regression tests on this script file.' select now(); \echo 'Postgres version' select version(); \echo 'Build tag' \set ON_ERROR_STOP 0 SELECT * FROM _timescaledb_internal.get_git_commit(); \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1 \dx \echo '' \echo 'List of tables' \dt \echo 'List of hypertables' SELECT * FROM _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable; \echo 'List of chunk indexes' SELECT * FROM _timescaledb_catalog.chunk_index; \echo 'Size of hypertables' SELECT hypertable, table_bytes, index_bytes, toast_bytes, total_bytes FROM ( SELECT *, total_bytes-index_bytes-COALESCE(toast_bytes,0) AS table_bytes FROM ( SELECT pgc.oid::regclass::text as hypertable, sum(pg_total_relation_size('"' || c.schema_name || '"."' || c.table_name || '"'))::bigint as total_bytes, sum(pg_indexes_size('"' || c.schema_name || '"."' || c.table_name || '"'))::bigint AS index_bytes, sum(pg_total_relation_size(reltoastrelid))::bigint AS toast_bytes FROM _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable h, _timescaledb_catalog.chunk c, pg_class pgc, pg_namespace pns WHERE c.hypertable_id = h.id AND pgc.relname = h.table_name AND pns.oid = pgc.relnamespace AND pns.nspname = h.schema_name AND relkind = 'r' AND c.dropped is false GROUP BY pgc.oid ) sub1 ) sub2; \echo 'Chunk sizes:' SELECT chunk_id, chunk_table, partitioning_columns, partitioning_column_types, partitioning_hash_functions, ranges, table_bytes, index_bytes, toast_bytes, total_bytes FROM ( SELECT *, total_bytes-index_bytes-COALESCE(toast_bytes,0) AS table_bytes FROM ( SELECT c.id as chunk_id, '"' || c.schema_name || '"."' || c.table_name || '"' as chunk_table, pg_total_relation_size('"' || c.schema_name || '"."' || c.table_name || '"') AS total_bytes, pg_indexes_size('"' || c.schema_name || '"."' || c.table_name || '"') AS index_bytes, pg_total_relation_size(reltoastrelid) AS toast_bytes, array_agg(d.column_name ORDER BY d.interval_length, d.column_name ASC) as partitioning_columns, array_agg(d.column_type ORDER BY d.interval_length, d.column_name ASC) as partitioning_column_types, array_agg(d.partitioning_func_schema || '.' || d.partitioning_func ORDER BY d.interval_length, d.column_name ASC) as partitioning_hash_functions, array_agg('[' || _timescaledb_functions.range_value_to_pretty(range_start, column_type) || ',' || _timescaledb_functions.range_value_to_pretty(range_end, column_type) || ')' ORDER BY d.interval_length, d.column_name ASC) as ranges FROM _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable h, _timescaledb_catalog.chunk c, _timescaledb_catalog.chunk_constraint cc, _timescaledb_catalog.dimension d, _timescaledb_catalog.dimension_slice ds, pg_class pgc, pg_namespace pns WHERE pgc.relname = h.table_name AND pns.oid = pgc.relnamespace AND pns.nspname = h.schema_name AND relkind = 'r' AND c.hypertable_id = h.id AND c.id = cc.chunk_id AND cc.dimension_slice_id = ds.id AND ds.dimension_id = d.id AND c.dropped is false GROUP BY c.id, pgc.reltoastrelid, pgc.oid ORDER BY c.id ) sub1 ) sub2; \echo 'Hypertable index sizes' SELECT h.schema_name || '.' || h.table_name AS hypertable, h.schema_name || '.' || ci.hypertable_index_name AS index_name, sum(pg_relation_size(c.oid))::bigint AS index_bytes FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n, _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable h, _timescaledb_catalog.chunk ch, _timescaledb_catalog.chunk_index ci WHERE ch.schema_name = n.nspname AND c.relnamespace = n.oid AND c.relname = ci.index_name AND ch.id = ci.chunk_id AND h.id = ci.hypertable_id GROUP BY h.schema_name, h.table_name, ci.hypertable_index_name ORDER BY h.schema_name, h.table_name, ci.hypertable_index_name;