--- layout: post title: Testing Jekyll --- Hello. This is me exploring Jekyll as a blog platform. I like that everything is a text file. I like that it picks up files in the _posts folder automatically. I like that when hosting on Github there is nothing to run - it just all works magically. I like that you can write posts as either .md files or .html. Or embed bits of html in the markdown, as I'm doing here. I like that you can include javascript canvas elements: Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag. I like that it knows about code syntax highlighting: {% highlight c++ %} #include int main() { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } {% endhighlight %} See the [source for this post here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/timhutton/timhutton.github.io/gh-pages/_posts/2017-04-14-testing-jekyll.md)