import json from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable import audiomentations import librosa import numpy as np import pandas as pd import soundfile as sf import torch from scipy.signal import resample from torch.nn import functional as F from import Dataset ## TODO: listen to examples which are constantly misclassified to check if I ## could tell them apart myself AUGMENTATIONS = [ audiomentations.AddGaussianNoise(p=1), audiomentations.AirAbsorption(p=1), audiomentations.SevenBandParametricEQ( min_gain_db=-10, max_gain_db=10, p=1 ), # audiomentations.Gain(p=1), audiomentations.TanhDistortion( min_distortion=0.005, max_distortion=0.1, p=1 ), ] def read_json(file: Path) -> dict: """Read JSON file and return its dictionary. :param file: path to json file """ with open(file, "r") as f: return json.load(f) def parse_hits(d: dict) -> pd.DataFrame: """Parse hits dictionary into dataframe. Mainly unwraps the conditions list such that we can call pd.DataFrame(d). :param d: dictionary output of json.load() """ d = d.copy() if "conditions" in d: for cond in d["conditions"]: d[cond] = d["conditions"][cond] del d["conditions"] return pd.DataFrame(d) class FrameExtractor: """ Given a 1- or 2-dimensional audio array and corresponding onsets of interest, select a frame for each onset. Use if you have multiple, possibly big or unknown, files to extract from. For single small datasets, use FastFrameExtractor. """ def __init__( self, frame_length: int, pre_samples: int, max_shift: int = 0, add_pre_samples: bool = False, use_min_onset: bool = True, ): """ :param frame_length: The length of the frame to extract after the onset :param pre_samples: The number of samples to include before the onset :param max_shift: if > 0, randomly shift each frame by at most this many samples left or right :param add_pre_samples: if True, extract frames of length frame_length + pre_samples :param use_min_onset: if False, for 2D arrays extract frames for each onset individually. If True (default) it extracts the same window for each channel, starting at the first onset per group """ self.frame_length = frame_length self.pre_samples = pre_samples if add_pre_samples: self.frame_length += self.pre_samples self.max_shift = max_shift self.use_min_onset = use_min_onset def __call__(self, audio: np.ndarray, onsets: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Extract frames from the audio at given onsets. :param audio: 2D audio data array of shape (NxC) :param onsets: 2D array of onset indices of shape (OxC) """ offset = self.pre_samples if self.max_shift: shifts = np.random.randint( -self.max_shift, self.max_shift + 1, len(onsets) ) offset -= shifts if (audio.ndim == 2) and not self.use_min_onset: offset = offset[:, None] view = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view( audio, window_shape=self.frame_length, axis=0 ) if audio.ndim == 2: if self.use_min_onset: return view[onsets.min(axis=1) - offset] else: return np.stack( [ view[onsets[:, i] - offset, i, :] for i in range(audio.shape[1]) ], axis=1, ) else: return view[onsets - offset] class FastFrameExtractor: """ Given a 1- or 2-dimensional audio array and corresponding onsets of interest, select a frame for each onset and return its tensor. Precomputes as much as possible by holding the data, and always takes the minimum of each group of onsets as the start in indexing (if onset input is 2D). Use if you have small, known datasets which should be loaded as quickly as possible as tensors. """ def __init__( self, audio: np.ndarray, onsets: np.ndarray, frame_length: int, pre_samples: int, max_shift: int = 0, add_pre_samples: bool = False, device=None, ): """ :param audio: 1/2D audio data array of shape N(xC) :param onsets: 1/2D array of onset indices of shape O(xC) :param frame_length: The length of the frame to extract after the onset :param pre_samples: The number of samples to include before the onset :param max_shift: if > 0, randomly shift each frame by at most this many samples left or right :param add_pre_samples: if True, extract frames of length frame_length + pre_samples :param device: load onto the specified device. Use to load small (!) datasets into GPU memory to speed up data delivery. Make sure everything fits! """ self.device = device self.frame_length = frame_length self.pre_samples = pre_samples if add_pre_samples: self.frame_length += self.pre_samples self.max_shift = max_shift if onsets.ndim == 2: onsets = torch.tensor(onsets.min(1), device=device) else: onsets = torch.tensor(onsets, device=device) audio = torch.tensor(audio, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) audio_view = audio.unfold(0, self.frame_length, 1) if self.max_shift > 0: self.audio_view = audio_view self.onsets = onsets else: self.frames = audio_view[onsets - self.pre_samples] def __call__(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Extract frames. """ if self.max_shift: offset = self.pre_samples shifts = torch.randint( -self.max_shift, self.max_shift + 1, (len(self.onsets),), device=self.device, ) offset -= shifts return self.audio_view[self.onsets - offset] else: return self.frames class StretchFrameExtractor(FrameExtractor): def __init__( self, frame_length: int, pre_samples: int, max_stretch: float = 0.03, use_min_onset=True, ): super().__init__(frame_length, pre_samples) if not use_min_onset: raise NotImplementedError("use_min_onset=False not supported yet!") self.max_shift = int(self.frame_length * max_stretch) def __call__(self, audio, onsets): shifts = np.random.randint(1, self.max_shift, len(onsets)) shifts *= np.random.choice((-1, 1), size=len(shifts)) shape = onsets.shape + (self.frame_length,) out = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.float32) if audio.ndim == 2: onsets = onsets.min(axis=1) for i, (onset, shift) in enumerate( zip(onsets - self.pre_samples, shifts) ): out[i] = resample( audio[onset : onset + self.frame_length + shift], self.frame_length, axis=0, ).T return out def batch_cc(a: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor): n, length = a.shape a = a[:, :].reshape(1, n, length) b = b[:, None, :] return F.conv1d(a, b, padding=length - 1, groups=n)[0] class MCPOSD(Dataset): """Works only with batch_size=None - meant for tiny datasets.""" # The alternative would be to pre-compute a large number of augmentations, # keep those in RAM, and deliver standard batches to GPU memory. This is # simpler for now. def __init__( self, data, onsets, sound_positions: np.ndarray, frame_length: int = 256, pre_samples: int = 0, max_shift: int = 0, n_extractions: int = 1, device=None, ): = data self.frame_extractor = FastFrameExtractor( data, onsets, frame_length, pre_samples, max_shift, device=device ) if (n_extractions == 1) and (max_shift == 0): self.y = torch.tensor( sound_positions, dtype=torch.float32, device=device ) self.x = self.frame_extractor() self.straight = True else: y = [sound_positions for i in range(n_extractions)] self.y = torch.tensor( np.concatenate(y), dtype=torch.float32, device=device ) self.straight = False self.n_extractions = n_extractions def __getitem__(self, index): if self.straight: return self.x, self.y else: x = [self.frame_extractor() for i in range(self.n_extractions)] ) return x, self.y def __len__(self): return 1 @classmethod def from_xy(cls, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor): ds = cls.__new__(cls) ds.x = x ds.y = y ds.straight = True return ds def split(self, r: float = 0.8): n = len(self.y) idx = torch.randperm(n) split = int(n * r) ds1 = self.from_xy(self.x[idx[:split]], self.y[idx[:split]]) ds2 = self.from_xy(self.x[idx[split:]], self.y[idx[split:]]) return ds1, ds2 class POSD(Dataset): """PyTorch onset audio classification dataset.""" def __init__( self, path: str | Path, frame_length: int, channel: str, # e.g. lambda x, posd: cspec_to_mfcc(stft(x, posd.pre_samples), sr=sr) transform: Callable | None = None, pre_samples: int = 0, extra_extractors: list = [], augmentations: list = AUGMENTATIONS, n_rounds_aug: int = 5, pytorch: bool = False, ): """Initialize POSD. Future args? - recompute velocity - improve onsets The transformation will need to be composable on individual examples I guess. Idea: extract slightly larger window than frame around each onset to use in transformations. This way we don't need to keep the entire audio file, but can still use the neighborhood of the onset to do data audiomentations. Alternatively, pre-compute a sane number of augmentations beforehand using aug_transform - these will be done while loading the original file to keep memory use to a minimum. The reasoning here is that computing full audiomentations and transformation for single 256 sample bits is going to be the bottleneck in training. With this approach, we don't add randomness at every epoch, but just increase the dataset size usable. :param path: path to folder containing the dataset :param frame_length: desired frame length of final audio snippets :param channel: name of channel to load :param transform: function which takes as input an array of audio and a sequence of onset start indexes, and returns an array of transformed data :param pre_samples: take this many samples from before the onset :param extra_extractors: list of different FrameExtractors which will act as further audio augmentations :param augmentations: audio augmentations (from audiomentations) to apply :param n_rounds_aug: how many times to duplicate training data under a different set of augmentations. This is done for each frame extractor :param pytorch: flag whether to convert to torch.Tensor objects (use for training pytorch models vs scikit-learn) """ # go into path, recursively load all matching files path = Path(path) session_files = list(path.rglob("*.json")) # sessions will include instrument meta and potentially other jsons sessions = [read_json(x) for x in session_files] session_files = [ f for x, f in zip(sessions, session_files) if "meta" in x ] sessions = list(filter(lambda x: "meta" in x, sessions)) self.sessions = [x["meta"] for x in sessions] self.hits = [parse_hits(x["hits"]) for x in sessions] assert all(channel in x["channels"] for x in self.sessions) self.files = [ x.with_name(x.stem + f"_{channel}.wav") for x in session_files ] self.frame_length = frame_length self.pre_samples = pre_samples # Data augmentation self.frame_extractor = FrameExtractor(frame_length, pre_samples) self.extra_extractors = [self.frame_extractor] + extra_extractors self.aug = audiomentations.SomeOf((0, 3), augmentations, p=1) self.n_rounds_aug = n_rounds_aug self.load_audio() if transform is not None: = transform(, self) if pytorch: = torch.tensor( def load_audio(self): n_per_sess = 1 + len(self.extra_extractors) * self.n_rounds_aug = np.empty( ( n_per_sess * sum(len(h) for h in self.hits), self.frame_length + self.pre_samples, ), dtype=np.float32, ) # instead of labels, repeat session/hits metadata according to number # of augmentation rounds self.labels = [] i = 0 for file, session, hits in zip(self.files, self.sessions, self.hits): i = sum([len(x) for x in self.labels]) self.labels.append(hits) audio, sr =, dtype=np.float32) # This is the raw data[i : i + len(hits)] = self.frame_extractor( audio, hits.onset_start ) self.augment(audio, hits, sr) self.labels = pd.concat(self.labels, ignore_index=True) def augment(self, audio, hits, sr): """Run data augmentation for a session. :param audio: session audio array to augment :param hits: hit metadata of this session :param sr: sampling rate :param i: current index into """ i = sum([len(x) for x in self.labels]) for extractor in self.extra_extractors: aug_audio = extractor(audio, hits.onset_start) for _ in range(self.n_rounds_aug): self.labels.append(hits) #[i : i + len(hits)] = self.aug(aug_audio.T, sr).T for j in range(aug_audio.shape[0]):[i + j] = self.aug(aug_audio[j], sr) i += len(hits) @classmethod def from_audio_onsets( cls, audios: list[np.array], onsets: list[list[int]], sr: int, frame_length: int, # e.g. lambda x, posd: cspec_to_mfcc(stft(x, posd.pre_samples), sr=sr) transform: Callable | None = None, pre_samples: int = 0, extra_extractors: list = [], augmentations: list = AUGMENTATIONS, n_rounds_aug: int = 5, zone_names: list | None = None, pytorch: bool = False, ): """ Create POSD from audio and onset indices in memory. :param audios: list of arrays, each containing audio data for a specific class :param onsets: list of lists, each containing the onset indices for a specific class :param sr: sampling rate :param frame_length: desired frame length of final audio snippets :param sr: sampling rate :param pre_samples: take this many samples from before the onset :param extra_extractors: list of different FrameExtractors which will act as further audio augmentations :param augmentations: audio augmentations (from audiomentations) to apply :param n_rounds_aug: how many times to duplicate training data under a different set of augmentations. This is done for each frame extractor :param pytorch: flag whether to convert to torch.Tensor objects (use for training pytorch models vs scikit-learn) """ assert len(audios) == len( onsets ), "Mismatch between audio data and onset indices." posd = cls.__new__(cls) posd.frame_length = frame_length posd.pre_samples = pre_samples posd.frame_extractor = FrameExtractor(frame_length, pre_samples) posd.extra_extractors = [posd.frame_extractor] + extra_extractors posd.aug = audiomentations.SomeOf((0, 3), augmentations, p=1) posd.n_rounds_aug = n_rounds_aug if zone_names is None: zone_names = list(range(len(audios))) else: assert len(zone_names) == len(audios) n_per_sess = 1 + len(posd.extra_extractors) * posd.n_rounds_aug total_onsets = sum([len(onset) for onset in onsets]) = np.empty( ( n_per_sess * total_onsets, posd.frame_length + posd.pre_samples, ), dtype=np.float32, ) posd.labels = [] for audio, onset, zone in zip(audios, onsets, zone_names): i = sum([len(x) for x in posd.labels])[i : i + len(onset)] = posd.frame_extractor(audio, onset) hits = pd.DataFrame({"onset_start": onset, "zone": zone}) posd.labels.append(hits) posd.augment(audio, hits, sr) if transform is not None: = transform(, posd) posd.labels = pd.concat(posd.labels, ignore_index=True) return posd @classmethod def from_subset(cls, audio, labels): posd = cls.__new__(cls) = audio posd.labels = labels return posd def query(self, query): # Use conditioning on labels to return a sub-dataset containing only # parts # Should we reset index and use .loc for indexing? new_labels = self.labels.query(query) # Should we copy this? new_audio =[[new_labels.index]] return POSD.from_subset(new_audio, new_labels) def __getitem__(self, index): return[index], self.labels.iloc[index] def __len__(self): return[0] def window_contribution_weights( window: np.ndarray, hop_length: int, hop_edge_padding: bool = False ): """Create an array of stft frame weights which corresponds to the amount of the signal of interest which contributed to the frame due to windowing. :param window: window multiplied with audio frames in the STFT :param hop_length: hop_length of the stft :param hop_edge_padding: whether hop_edge padding was used in stft """ w = [] start_idx = len(window) // 2 if not hop_edge_padding else hop_length for i in range(start_idx, len(window) + hop_length, hop_length): w.append(np.trapz(window[:i])) w += w[-2::-1] return np.array(w) / max(w) def stft_frame(x: np.ndarray, n_fft: int, window: np.ndarray): """Compute single STFT frame using the fft. :param x: audio to transform, border-padded but not for oversampling :param n_fft: size of the fft :param window: fft windowing function array of size n_fft """ if n_fft > x.shape[-1]: x = librosa.util.pad_center(x, size=n_fft) return np.fft.rfft(window * x) def stft( audio: np.ndarray, onset: int, frame_length: int = 256, hop_length: int = 64, n_fft: int = 512, hop_edge_padding: bool = False, method="zerozero", ): """Compute mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) around a given onset inside an audio array. :param onset: index into audio at which the onset begins :param audio: mono audio array containing onsets :param frame_length: frame length for the STFT :param hop_length: hop length for the STFT :param n_fft: size of the FFT, can be larger than frame_length in case oversampling is desired :param hop_edge_padding: whether to use additional padding such that the first and last stft frames use hop_length audio samples respectively. This is the approach used in FluCoMa. If this is not used, the STFT will reflect how a usual (say librosa) centered STFT would work, with the first frame containing at least half of the signal. :param method: zerozero: pad front and back of audio with zeros, prezero: pad front with preceding audio, back with zeros, pre: pad front with preceding audio, don't pad back """ y = audio[..., onset : onset + frame_length] pad_length = ( frame_length - hop_length if hop_edge_padding else frame_length // 2 ) dim0 = 1 if y.ndim == 1 else y.shape[0] pad = np.zeros((dim0, pad_length), dtype=np.float32).squeeze() pre = audio[..., onset - pad_length : onset] window = librosa.filters.get_window("hann", frame_length, fftbins=True) if n_fft > frame_length: window = librosa.util.pad_center(window, size=n_fft) if method == "zerozero": # 1: start at onset, zero both ends y = np.concatenate((pad, y, pad), axis=-1) elif method == "prezero": # 2: start at onset, zero end, take audio before y = np.concatenate((pre, y, pad), axis=-1) elif method == "pre": # 3: take frames from ongoing STFT, hard end on last frame y = np.concatenate((pre, y), axis=-1) n_frames = 1 + (y.shape[-1] - frame_length) // hop_length S = np.empty( (dim0, n_fft // 2 + 1, n_frames), dtype=np.complex64 ).squeeze() for i in range(n_frames): S[..., i] = stft_frame( y[..., hop_length * i : hop_length * i + frame_length], n_fft, window, ) return S def cspec_to_mfcc( S: np.ndarray, sr: int, fmin: int = 0, fmax: None | int = None, n_mels: int = 40, n_mfcc: int = 14, ): """Compute MFCCs from a complex spectrogram. :param S: spectrogram output of stft, complex :param sr: sample rate :param fmin: lowest frequency :param fmax: highest frequency :param n_mels: number of mel bands to use :param n_mfccs: number of mfccs to compute """ mels = librosa.feature.melspectrogram( S=np.abs(S) ** 2, sr=sr, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, n_mels=n_mels ) mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc( S=librosa.power_to_db(mels), sr=sr, n_mfcc=n_mfcc ) return mfcc