--[[ Ez Renekton by timo62 Features: - Combo - Harass - Furrymanager(soon) - & more. ]] --Updater local LocalVersion = "0.2" local AutoUpdate = false local serveradress = "raw.githubusercontent.com" local scriptadress = "/timo62/GetChallengerEz/master" local scriptname = "EZ Renekton" local scriptmsg = "[Ez Renekton]" function FindUpdates() if not AutoUpdate then return end local ServerVersionDATA = GetWebResult(serveradress , scriptadress.."/"..scriptname..".version") if ServerVersionDATA then local ServerVersion = tonumber(ServerVersionDATA) if ServerVersion then if ServerVersion > tonumber(LocalVersion) then PrintChat(scriptmsg.." Updating, don't press F9.") Update() else PrintChat(scriptmsg.." You have the latest version.") end else PrintChat(scriptmsg.." An error occured, while updating, please reload.") end else PrintChat(scriptmsg.." Could not connect to update Server.") end end function Update() DownloadFile("http://"..serveradress , scriptadress.."/"..scriptname..".lua",SCRIPT_PATH..scriptname..".lua", function() PrintChat(scriptmsg.." Updated, press 2x F9.") end) end -- Updater --Orbwalkers Start function OrbWalkers() if _G.Reborn_Initialised then elseif _G.Reborn_Loaded then DelayAction(function() SAC = true SX = false Menu:addSubMenu("OrbWalk", "OrbWalkMenu") Menu.OrbWalkMenu:addParam("Info", "Sac Detected", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, " ") end, 16) else if FileExist(LIB_PATH .. "/SxOrbWalk.lua") then require("SxOrbWalk") Menu:addSubMenu("OrbWalk", "OrbWalkMenu") SxOrb:LoadToMenu(Menu.OrbWalkMenu) SAC = false SX = true else local ToUpdate = {} ToUpdate.Version = 1 ToUpdate.UseHttps = true ToUpdate.Host = "raw.githubusercontent.com" ToUpdate.VersionPath = "/Superx321/BoL/master/common/SxOrbWalk.Version" ToUpdate.ScriptPath = "/Superx321/BoL/master/common/SxOrbWalk.lua" ToUpdate.SavePath = LIB_PATH.."/SxOrbWalk.lua" ToUpdate.CallbackUpdate = function(NewVersion,OldVersion) print("SxOrbWalk: Updated to "..NewVersion..". ") end ToUpdate.CallbackNoUpdate = function(OldVersion) print("SxOrbWalk: No Updates Found") end ToUpdate.CallbackNewVersion = function(NewVersion) print("SxOrbWalk: New Version found ("..NewVersion.."). Please wait until its downloaded") end ToUpdate.CallbackError = function(NewVersion) print("SxOrbWalk: Error while Downloading. Please try again.") end ScriptUpdate(ToUpdate.Version,ToUpdate.UseHttps, ToUpdate.Host, ToUpdate.VersionPath, ToUpdate.ScriptPath, ToUpdate.SavePath, ToUpdate.CallbackUpdate,ToUpdate.CallbackNoUpdate, ToUpdate.CallbackNewVersion,ToUpdate.CallbackError) end end end -- Orbwalkers End if myHero.charName ~= "Renekton" then return end local ts if not _G.UPLloaded then if FileExist(LIB_PATH .. "/UPL.lua") then require("UPL") _G.UPL = UPL() else print("Downloading UPL, please don't press F9") DelayAction(function() DownloadFile("https://raw.github.com/nebelwolfi/BoL/master/Common/UPL.lua".."?rand="..math.random(1,10000), LIB_PATH.."UPL.lua", function () print("Successfully downloaded UPL. Press F9 twice.") end) end, 3) return end end function SayHello() PrintChat("[Ez Renekton] ".."Loaded! Good Luck!") PrintChat("[Ez Renekton] ".."By: timo62") end function OnLoad() -- Finde Updates FindUpdates() -- Orbwalks if not G.Reborn_Loaded or not G.MMA_IsLoaded then require 'SxOrbWalk' end -- Minions EnemyMinions = minionManager(MINION_ENEMY, 600, player, MINION_SORT_HEALTH_ASC) allyMinions = minionManager(MINION_ALLY, 300, player, MINION_SORT_HEALTH_DES) jungleMinions = minionManager(MINION_JUNGLE, 700, myHero, MINION_SORT_MAXHEALTH_DEC) spells = { E = { speed = 1225, delay = 0.25, range = 450, width = 150, collision = false, aoe = false, type = "linear" }, } UPL:AddSpell(_E, spells.E) SayHello() -- Menü Menu = scriptConfig("| { EZ Renekton } ", "ez renek") Menu:addSubMenu("|->Key Setting", "Key") Menu.Key:addParam("combo", "Combo Key", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, string.byte(" ")) Menu.Key:addParam("laneclear", "Lane Clear Key", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, string.byte("K")) --Menu.Key:addParam("jungleclear", "Jungle Clear Key", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, string.byte("V")) Menu.Key:addParam("harass", "Harass Key", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, string.byte("C")) --Menu.Key:addParam("lasthit", "Last Hit Key", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, string.byte("X")) Menu.Key:addParam("flee", "Fast E", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, string.byte("T")) Menu:addSubMenu("|->Combo", "c") Menu.c:addParam("x1", "-[ Renekton ]-", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "Ver 1.0") Menu.c:addParam("comboMode", "Set Combo Mode", SCRIPT_PARAM_LIST, 1, {"E W Q E"--[["W E Q E"]]}) Menu.c:addParam("useQ", "Use Q", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Menu.c:addParam("useW", "Use W", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Menu.c:addParam("useE", "Use E", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false) Menu:addSubMenu("|->Harass", "h") Menu.h:addParam("x1", "-[ Renekton ]-", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "Ver 1.0") Menu.h:addParam("harassOn", "Harass Mode On/Off", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false) Menu.h:addParam("harassMode", "Set Harass Mode", SCRIPT_PARAM_LIST, 1, {"E W Q E"}) Menu.h:addParam("x2", "Harass will Auto E back after combo", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, " ") Menu:addSubMenu("|->Lane Clear", "l") Menu.l:addParam("useQ", "Use Q", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Menu.l:addParam("useW", "Use W", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Menu.l:addParam("useE", "Use E", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Menu.l:addParam("useItems", "Use Items", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) --[[ Menu:addSubMenu("|->Last Hit", "lh") Menu.lh:addParam ("useQ", "Use Q", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Menu.lh:addParam ("useW", "Use W", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Menu.lh:addParam ("useE", "Use E", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)]] Menu:addSubMenu("|->Auto R","r") Menu.r:addParam ("autoR", "Auto R at % life", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 20, 0, 100) Menu:addSubMenu("|->Prediction", "pred") Menu.pred:addParam("ehs", "E Hit Chance", SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 1,1,3) UPL:AddToMenu2(Menu.pred) Menu:addSubMenu("|->Drawing", "draw") Menu.draw:addParam ("qd", "Draw Q Range", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Menu.draw:addParam ("ed", "Draw E Range", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Menu.draw:addParam ("aad", "Draw AA Range", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Menu:addSubMenu("|->Target Selector", "TargetSelector") Menu.TargetSelector:addParam ("drawtext", "Draw Target Select Text", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Menu.TargetSelector:addParam ("hitbox", "Target-Selector", SCRIPT_PARAM_LIST, 1, {"Hitbox", "3D Circle"}) ts = TargetSelector(TARGET_LOW_HP_PRIORITY, 650) ts.name = "Renekton" Menu:addTS(ts) end function OnTick() if SelectedTarget ~= nil then Target = SelectedTarget else Target = ts.target end --function OnDraw() -- DrawTextA(myHero:getItem(ITEM_1).id) --end print(SelectedTarget) if SelectedTarget ~= nil then if _G.Reborn_Loaded then _G.AutoCarry.MyHero:Attack(SelectedTarget) elseif _G.MMA_IsLoaded then _G.MMA_ForceTarget(SelectedTarget) elseif not G.Reborn_Loaded or not G.MMA_IsLoaded then SxOrb:ForceTarget(SelectedTarget) end end if myHero.health <= (myHero.maxHealth*Menu.r.autoR/100) then if myHero.health <= (myHero.maxHealth*Menu.r.autoR/100) and Rready then CastSpell(_R) end checks() if Menu.Key.combo and (Target ~= nil) then if Menu.c.comboMode == 1 then Combo1() -- else -- Combo2() end elseif Menu.Key.laneclear then Clear() elseif Menu.Key.lasthit then lasthit() elseif Menu.Key.harass then Harass1() elseif Menu.Key.flee then flee() end end function OnWndMsg(msg, key) if msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN then local minD = 200 for i, unit in ipairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if ValidTarget(unit) and not unit.dead then if GetDistance(unit, mousePos) <= minD or target == nil then minD = GetDistance(unit, mousePos) target = unit end end end if target and minD < 200 then if SelectedTarget and target.charName == SelectedTarget.charName then SelectedTarget = nil if Menu.TargetSelector.drawtext then print("Target unselected") end else SelectedTarget = target if Menu.TargetSelector.drawtext then print("Target Selected: "..SelectedTarget.charName) end end end end end function checks() ts:update() Qready = (myHero:CanUseSpell(_Q) == READY) Wready = (myHero:CanUseSpell(_W) == READY) Eready = (myHero:CanUseSpell(_E) == READY) Rready = (myHero:CanUseSpell(_R) == READY) Target = ts.target end -- Combo EWQE function Combo1() -- Funktionert alles nicht, WEIL if Menu.Key.combo dann führt er das erste aus & die anderen nicht mehr. --if ValidTarget(unit) and unit ~= nil and unit.type == myHero.type and Menu.Key.combo then if Menu.Key.combo then checks() if Menu.c.useW and GetDistance(Target) <= 205 then CastSpell(_W, ts.target) end if Eready then --CastE(SelectedTarget) - Changed this to \/ CastSpell(_E, SelectedTarget.x, SelectedTarget.z) --CastItem(3074) end if Qready and GetDistance(ts.target) <= 260 then CastSpell(_Q) -- Removed Target if Menu.c.useE and GetDistance(Target) <= 550 then CastSpell(_E, mousePos.x, mousePos.z) end if Menu.c.useQ then CastQ() end end end function CastQ() if GetDistance(Target) <= 260 then CastSpell(_Q, Target) end end function CastE() if GetDistance(Target) <= 550 then CastSpell(_E, Target.x, Target.z) end end -- E Q E function Harass1() checks() if Menu.Key.harass and Eready and GetDistance(Target) <= 450 then CastSpell(_E, Target.x, Target.z) CastSpell(_Q) CastSpell(_E, Target.x, Target.y) end --elseif Menu.Key.harass and Qready then --CastSpell(_Q) --elseif Menu.Key.harass and Eready then --CastE(Target) end function flee() checks() myHero:MoveTo(mousePos.x, mousePos.z) if Menu.Key.flee and Eready then CastSpell(_E, mousePos.x, mousePos.z) CastSpell(_E, mousePos.x, mousePos.z) end end --function FWQ() -- if Menu.Key.FWQ and Eready and Qready and -- end function Clear() EnemyMinions:update() if Menu.l.useE then for i, minion in pairs(EnemyMinions.objects) do local qDmg = getDmg("Q", minion, myHero) if Menu.l.useQ and Qready and GetDistance(myHero,minion) <= 225 and qDmg >= minion.health then CastSpell(_Q,minion) elseif GetDistance (myHero,minion) <= 225 then CastSpell(_Q, minion) end --end vllt. local wDmg = getDmg("W", minion,myHero) if Menu.l.useW and Wready and GetDistance(myHero,minion) <= 200 and wDmg >= minion.health then CastSpell(_W,minion) else CastSpell(_W,minion) end local eDmg = getDmg("E", minion, myHero) if Menu.l.useE and Eready and eDmg >= minion.health then CastE(minion) else CastE(minion) end end end end function CastE1(target, minion) if not target and minion then return end CastPosition, HitChance, HeroPosition = UPL:Predict(_E, myHero, Target, minion) if Eready and HitChance >= Menu.pred.ehs and spell.name == "RenektonSliceAndDice" then DelayAction(function () CastSpell(_E, CastPosition.x,CastPosition.z) end,0.2) end end function DrawCircle3D(x, y, z, radius, width, color, quality) radius = radius or 325 quality = quality and 2 * math.pi / quality or 2 * math.pi / (radius / 5) local points = {} for theta = 0, 2 * math.pi + quality, quality do local c = WorldToScreen(D3DXVECTOR3(x + radius * math.cos(theta), y, z - radius * math.sin(theta))) points[#points + 1] = D3DXVECTOR2(c.x, c.y) end DrawLines2(points, width or 1, color or 2294967295) end function DrawCircle3D2(x, y, z, radius, width, color, quality) radius = radius or 450 quality = quality and 2 * math.pi / quality or 2 * math.pi / (radius / 5) local points = {} for theta = 0, 2 * math.pi + quality, quality do local c = WorldToScreen(D3DXVECTOR3(x + radius * math.cos(theta), y, z - radius * math.sin(theta))) points[#points + 1] = D3DXVECTOR2(c.x, c.y) end DrawLines2(points, width or 1, color or 4294967295) end function DrawCircle3D3(x, y, z, radius, width, color, quality) radius = radius or 205 quality = quality and 2 * math.pi / quality or 2 * math.pi / (radius / 5) local points = {} for theta = 0, 2 * math.pi + quality, quality do local c = WorldToScreen(D3DXVECTOR3(x + radius * math.cos(theta), y, z - radius * math.sin(theta))) points[#points + 1] = D3DXVECTOR2(c.x, c.y) end DrawLines2(points, width or 1, color or 6294967295) end function DrawCircle3D4(x, y, z, radius, width, color, quality) radius = radius or 100 quality = quality and 2 * math.pi / quality or 2 * math.pi / (radius / 5) local points = {} for theta = 0, 2 * math.pi + quality, quality do local c = WorldToScreen(D3DXVECTOR3(x + radius * math.cos(theta), y, z - radius * math.sin(theta))) points[#points + 1] = D3DXVECTOR2(c.x, c.y) end DrawLines2(points, width or 1, color or 8294967295) end function DrawHitBox(object, linesize, linecolor) if object and object.valid and object.minBBox then DrawLine3D(object.minBBox.x, object.minBBox.y, object.minBBox.z, object.minBBox.x, object.minBBox.y, object.maxBBox.z, linesize, linecolor) DrawLine3D(object.minBBox.x, object.minBBox.y, object.maxBBox.z, object.maxBBox.x, object.minBBox.y, object.maxBBox.z, linesize, linecolor) DrawLine3D(object.maxBBox.x, object.minBBox.y, object.maxBBox.z, object.maxBBox.x, object.minBBox.y, object.minBBox.z, linesize, linecolor) DrawLine3D(object.maxBBox.x, object.minBBox.y, object.minBBox.z, object.minBBox.x, object.minBBox.y, object.minBBox.z, linesize, linecolor) DrawLine3D(object.minBBox.x, object.minBBox.y, object.minBBox.z, object.minBBox.x, object.maxBBox.y, object.minBBox.z, linesize, linecolor) DrawLine3D(object.minBBox.x, object.minBBox.y, object.maxBBox.z, object.minBBox.x, object.maxBBox.y, object.maxBBox.z, linesize, linecolor) DrawLine3D(object.maxBBox.x, object.minBBox.y, object.maxBBox.z, object.maxBBox.x, object.maxBBox.y, object.maxBBox.z, linesize, linecolor) DrawLine3D(object.maxBBox.x, object.minBBox.y, object.minBBox.z, object.maxBBox.x, object.maxBBox.y, object.minBBox.z, linesize, linecolor) DrawLine3D(object.minBBox.x, object.maxBBox.y, object.minBBox.z, object.minBBox.x, object.maxBBox.y, object.maxBBox.z, linesize, linecolor) DrawLine3D(object.minBBox.x, object.maxBBox.y, object.maxBBox.z, object.maxBBox.x, object.maxBBox.y, object.maxBBox.z, linesize, linecolor) DrawLine3D(object.maxBBox.x, object.maxBBox.y, object.maxBBox.z, object.maxBBox.x, object.maxBBox.y, object.minBBox.z, linesize, linecolor) DrawLine3D(object.maxBBox.x, object.maxBBox.y, object.minBBox.z, object.minBBox.x, object.maxBBox.y, object.minBBox.z, linesize, linecolor) end end function OnDraw() if myHero.health <= (myHero.maxHealth*Menu.r.autoR/100) and Rready then DrawText("You're life is under"..Menu.r.autoR.."%, Auto R Activated", 18, 100, 100, 0xFFFFFF00) end if (Menu.draw.qd) then -- Q Range DrawCircle3D(myHero.x, myHero.y, myHero.z) end if (Menu.draw.ed) then -- E Range DrawCircle3D2(myHero.x, myHero.y, myHero.z) end end if (Menu.draw.aad) then -- AA Range DrawCircle3D3(myHero.x, myHero.y, myHero.z) end if SelectedTarget ~= nil and Menu.TargetSelector.hitbox == 1 then DrawHitBox(SelectedTarget) end if SelectedTarget ~= nil and Menu.TargetSelector.hitbox == 2 then DrawCircle3D4(SelectedTarget.x, SelectedTarget.y, SelectedTarget.z) end end