import { decodeBase64Url, encodeBase64Url } from "./deps.ts"; import { create as createSignature, verify as verifySignature, } from "./signature.ts"; import { type Algorithm, verify as verifyAlgorithm } from "./algorithm.ts"; import { decoder, encoder, isArray, isDefined, isNotNumber, isNotString, isNotTrue, isNumber, isObject, isString, isUndefined, } from "./util.ts"; /** * JWT §1: JWTs encode claims to be transmitted as a JSON [RFC7159] object [...]. * JWT §4.1: The following Claim Names are registered in the IANA * "JSON Web Token Claims" registry established by Section 10.1. None of the * claims defined below are intended to be mandatory to use or implement in all * cases, but rather they provide a starting point for a set of useful, * interoperable claims. * Applications using JWTs should define which specific claims they use and when * they are required or optional. */ export interface Payload { iss?: string; sub?: string; aud?: string[] | string; exp?: number; nbf?: number; iat?: number; jti?: string; [key: string]: unknown; } /** * JWS §4.1.1: The "alg" value is a case-sensitive ASCII string containing a * StringOrURI value. This Header Parameter MUST be present and MUST be * understood and processed by implementations. */ export interface Header { alg: Algorithm; [key: string]: unknown; } /** * With `expLeeway` and `nbfLeeway` implementers may provide for some small * leeway to account for clock skew (JWT §4.1.4). The default is 1 second. * By passing the option `audience`, this application tries to identify the * recipient with a value in the `aud` claim. If the values don't match, an * `Error` is thrown. */ export type VerifyOptions = { expLeeway?: number; nbfLeeway?: number; ignoreExp?: boolean; ignoreNbf?: boolean; audience?: string | string[] | RegExp; predicates?: (

(payload: P) => boolean)[]; }; function isExpired(exp: number, leeway: number): boolean { return exp + leeway < / 1000; } function isTooEarly(nbf: number, leeway: number): boolean { return nbf - leeway > / 1000; } function is3Tuple(arr: unknown[]): arr is [unknown, unknown, Uint8Array] { return arr.length === 3; } function hasInvalidTimingClaims(...claimValues: unknown[]): boolean { return claimValues.some((claimValue) => isDefined(claimValue) && isNotNumber(claimValue) ); } export function validateTimingClaims( payload: Payload, { expLeeway = 1, nbfLeeway = 1, ignoreExp, ignoreNbf }: VerifyOptions = {}, ): void { if (hasInvalidTimingClaims(payload.exp, payload.nbf)) { throw new Error(`The jwt has an invalid 'exp' or 'nbf' claim.`); } if ( isNumber(payload.exp) && isNotTrue(ignoreExp) && isExpired(payload.exp, expLeeway) ) { throw RangeError("The jwt is expired."); } if ( isNumber(payload.nbf) && isNotTrue(ignoreNbf) && isTooEarly(payload.nbf, nbfLeeway) ) { throw RangeError("The jwt is used too early."); } } function hasValidAudClaim(claimValue: unknown): claimValue is Payload["aud"] { if (isUndefined(claimValue) || isString(claimValue)) return true; else return isArray(claimValue) && claimValue.every(isString); } export function validateAudClaim( aud: unknown, audience: Required["audience"], ): void { if (hasValidAudClaim(aud)) { if (isUndefined(aud)) { throw new Error("The jwt has no 'aud' claim."); } const audArray = isString(aud) ? [aud] : aud; const audienceArrayOrRegex = isString(audience) ? [audience] : audience; if ( !audArray.some((audString) => isArray(audienceArrayOrRegex) ? audienceArrayOrRegex.includes(audString) : audienceArrayOrRegex.test(audString) ) ) { throw new Error( "The identification with the value in the 'aud' claim has failed.", ); } } else { throw new Error(`The jwt has an invalid 'aud' claim.`); } } /** * Takes a `jwt` and returns a 3-tuple `[unknown, unknown, Uint8Array]` if the * jwt has a valid _serialization_. Otherwise it throws an `Error`. This function * does **not** verify the digital signature. */ export function decode( jwt: string, ): [unknown, PayloadType, Uint8Array] { try { const arr = jwt .split(".") .map(decodeBase64Url) .map((uint8Array, index) => index === 0 || index === 1 ? JSON.parse(decoder.decode(uint8Array)) : uint8Array ); if (is3Tuple(arr)) return arr as [unknown, PayloadType, Uint8Array]; else throw new Error(); } catch { throw Error("The serialization of the jwt is invalid."); } } /** It does **not** verify the digital signature. */ export function validate( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any [header, payload, signature]: [any, any, Uint8Array], options?: VerifyOptions, ): { header: Header; payload: Payload; signature: Uint8Array; } { if (isNotString(header?.alg)) { throw new Error(`The jwt's 'alg' header parameter value must be a string.`); } /* * JWT §7.2: Verify that the resulting octet sequence is a UTF-8-encoded * representation of a completely valid JSON object conforming to RFC 7159; * let the JWT Claims Set be this JSON object. */ if (isObject(payload)) { validateTimingClaims(payload, options); if (isDefined(options?.audience)) { validateAudClaim(payload.aud, options!.audience); } return { header, payload, signature, }; } else { throw new Error(`The jwt claims set is not a JSON object.`); } } /** * Takes jwt, `CryptoKey` and `VerifyOptions` and returns the `Payload` of the * jwt if the jwt is valid. Otherwise it throws an `Error`. */ export async function verify( jwt: string, key: CryptoKey | null, options?: VerifyOptions, ): Promise { const { header, payload, signature } = validate(decode(jwt), options); if (verifyAlgorithm(header.alg, key)) { if ( !(await verifySignature( signature, key, header.alg, jwt.slice(0, jwt.lastIndexOf(".")), )) ) { throw new Error( "The jwt's signature does not match the verification signature.", ); } if (!(options?.predicates || []).every((predicate) => predicate(payload))) { throw new Error("The payload does not satisfy all passed predicates."); } return payload as PayloadType; } else { throw new Error( `The jwt's alg '${header.alg}' does not match the key's algorithm.`, ); } } /** * JWT §3: JWTs represent a set of claims as a JSON object that is encoded in * a JWS and/or JWE structure. This JSON object is the JWT Claims Set. * JSW §7.1: The JWS Compact Serialization represents digitally signed or MACed * content as a compact, URL-safe string. This string is: * BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header)) || '.' || * BASE64URL(JWS Payload) || '.' || * BASE64URL(JWS Signature) */ function createSigningInput(header: Header, payload: Payload): string { return `${encodeBase64Url(encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(header)))}.${ encodeBase64Url(encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(payload))) }`; } /** * Takes `Header`, `Payload` and `CryptoKey` and returns the url-safe encoded * jwt. */ export async function create( header: Header, payload: Payload, key: CryptoKey | null, ): Promise { if (isObject(payload)) { if (verifyAlgorithm(header.alg, key)) { const signingInput = createSigningInput(header, payload); const signature = await createSignature(header.alg, key, signingInput); return `${signingInput}.${signature}`; } else { throw new Error( `The jwt's alg '${header.alg}' does not match the key's algorithm.`, ); } } else { throw new Error(`The jwt claims set is not a JSON object.`); } } /** * This helper function simplifies setting a `NumericDate`. It takes either a * `Date` object or a `number` (in seconds) and returns the `number` of seconds * from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC until the specified UTC date/time. */ export function getNumericDate(exp: number | Date): number { return Math.round( (exp instanceof Date ? exp.getTime() : + exp * 1000) / 1000, ); }