prov:asInBundle is used to specify which bundle the general entity of a prov:mentionOf property is described. When :x prov:mentionOf :y and :y is described in Bundle :b, the triple :x prov:asInBundle :b is also asserted to cite the Bundle in which :y was described. asInBundle contextOf prov:mentionOf is used to specialize an entity as described in another bundle. It is to be used in conjuction with prov:asInBundle. prov:asInBundle is used to cite the Bundle in which the generalization was mentioned. mentionOf hadMention This document is published by the Provenance Working Group ( If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to (subscribe, archives ). All feedback is welcome. W3C PROV Linking Across Provenance Bundles Ontology (PROV-LINKS) Working Group Note version 2013-04-30